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08-16 投稿


plaited 发音

英:[?ple?t?d; ?pl?t?d]  美:[?pl?t?d]

英:  美:

plaited 中文意思翻译


v.把…编成辫绳( plait的过去式和过去分词 )


plaited 短语词组

1、plaited straw used in hats ─── 帽子用编结的稻草

2、plaited hair ─── 编结的头发

3、plaited paper filter ─── [医] 折纸滤器

4、plaited bread ─── 编织面包

5、plaited loaf ─── 编条

6、plaited definition ─── 编织定义

7、plaited whip ─── 编鞭

8、plaited meaning ─── 编结的意思

9、plaited hut ─── 编结小屋

10、plaited mean ─── 编结的平均数

plaited 词性/词形变化,plaited变形

动词现在分词: plaiting |名词: plaiter |动词第三人称单数: plaits |动词过去式: plaited |动词过去分词: plaited |

plaited 相似词语短语

1、placated ─── vt.抚慰;怀柔;使和解

2、plaister ─── n.石膏;膏药;灰泥(等于plaster)

3、plained ─── v.哀悼;抱怨;悲叹(plain的过去式及过去分词形式)

4、plaiter ─── n.折叠机;折布机

5、plaided ─── adj.格子花呢的;有格子图案的;披彩格披肩的

6、platted ─── 制…的地图;绘…地区图;计划;安排:(plat的过去式和过去分词)

7、unplaited ─── v.解辫子;使(编织物)散开

8、plated ─── adj.镀金的,电镀的;装甲的;双面绣的;v.电镀;给……装甲;摆盘;跑垒得分;制作显微片(plate的过去式和过去分词)

9、planted ─── vbl.种植

plaited 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、plait a queue ─── 打辫子

2、Pright (China) Co., Ltd commits itself in the domain of international trade focusing on plaited products, and plays a leading role in the field of fence with main market of Europe and North America. ─── 北京普润天经贸有限公司是一家专营花园园艺产品出口的私营外贸企业,草柳苇竹篱笆产品,在欧美市场上占主导地位。

3、goat embroidered and plaited leather upper ─── 山羊皮绣花穿织鞋面

4、Doublet helped him do up his buttons, and, producing a little wooden comb, tithed his hair for him and plaited his pigtail. ─── 双儿帮着他扣衣钮,又取出一只小木梳,替他梳了头发,编结辫子。

5、Mrs Tymoshenko played a key role in the "Orange Revolution", her plait hairdo making her a distinctive figure. ─── 季莫申科在“橙色革命”中发挥了关键性作用,而她盘着辫子的迷人发型使她显得与众不同。

6、Xiaoluo looks very be intelligent without seeming so, plunge into high horsetail plait, there is glasses on bridge of the nose, looking is a scholar. ─── 小罗看起来很内秀,扎高高的马尾辫, 鼻梁上架着眼镜,一看就是个读书人。

7、I am learning the calculator plait distance! ─── 我在学计算机编程!

8、plait rules ─── 创编规律

9、A plait or braid of hair ─── 发辫头发梳成的辫子或发辫

10、Look from the front fold break conjoint curved surface, lady having a place the imply of 100 plait skirt. ─── 从正面看折折相连的曲面,有点女士百褶裙的意味。

11、wear one's hair in plaits/a plait ─── 把头发编成辫子.

12、Twisted Plait Olive ─── n. 南美小榧螺(骨螺超科,榧螺科)

13、In their plaited hut there is nothing but health and love. ─── 于是,他们那简陋的小屋充满爱与健康。

14、Arrive clear and pure, "with the colourful rope wear money plait for dragon form, call of New Year's Money. ─── 到了明清,“以彩绳穿钱编为龙形,谓之压岁钱。尊长之赐小儿者,亦谓压岁钱”。

15、Her aba is Manchu style, some parts procrastinate from neck extend to the ground, button of a halcyon buckles the plait edge of aba all the time from right shoulder. ─── 她的长袍是满族样式的,有些部分从脖颈拖延及地,一排翡翠钮扣从右肩一直扣到长袍的褶边。

16、We again be not the profession measure colourful and plait distance of superior, have to free step by step. ─── 咱们又不是专业测彩和编程的高手,只好有空一步步来。

17、Plaited samples of sliver are agitated mechanically between two intersecting toothed rollers through a reference-detergent solution maintained at constant temperature with variations in speed, temperature and time. ─── 折叠的条子样品被机械地在两对交叉齿形的罗拉之间搅动,以变化的速度、温度和时间,在保持恒温的基准洗涤剂溶液中通过。

18、Because when they found me scavenging they made trouble, pulling my plait or throwing insects at me, so that the sight of them frightened me away. ─── 他们看见女孩拾煤核就捣乱,揪我的小辫,向我身上扔虫子,吓得我看见他们就躲。

19、Additionally one kind of meshy furrow resembles gauze same, plait mark is petty but apparent. ─── 另外一种网状皱纹像纱布一样,褶痕细小但明显。

20、plaited stitch ─── Z字形绣花针迹

21、Like big arc, cent segment angle, continuous change angle's etc. all ability pass plait distance to realization. ─── 如大圆弧、分段角度、连续变角度等均能通过编程来实现。

22、On a sign from the presiding judge the clerk of the court brought three fans of plaited straw, which the three judges promptly put in action. ─── 庭长示意,执达吏送来三把草蒲扇,三位推事马上使用起来。

23、The UG CAM medium-sized chamber milling、curved face outline milling ...etc. process an automatic plait distance method of type;The UG CAM postposes a processing method; ─── 两个具体步骤造型设计和自动编程,详细内容请参看前一期杂志。

24、a wreath or festoon,especially one of plaited flowers or leaves,worn on the body or draped as a decoration ─── 一种花冠或花圈,尤其是一种由花或树叶编成的,戴在身上或挂着的装饰品

25、He has kept watch over my sins;by his hand they have been plaited: They have settled about my neck, he has brought my strength to its knees; ─── 上主亲手把我罪过的轭,紧缚在我的颈上,使我筋疲力竭;

26、Oui,sil VOHS plait! ─── 好的,请吧!

27、Comfortable and fluent small stand get outside having plait farming deserving to be able to say with clipping cultured knickers is new one season most the outline that grabs an eye. ─── 安闲流畅的小立领无褶外农配以剪裁讲究的短裤可以说是新一季最抢眼的廓型。

28、I ain't an artist, only firm small plait son. ─── 我不是艺术家,只不过扎着小辫儿。

29、and his baskets of plaited osier were empty. ─── 他的柳条篮子空空如也。

30、Her hair was coiled up in a thick plait at the top of her head. ─── 她的头发编成了厚厚的辫子,盘在头顶上。

31、The Engineering Drills to Explore The Item That The Geology Plait Records a Familiar Problem and Shoulds Notice ─── 工程钻探地质编录常见问题及应注意的事项

32、tie up one's plaits; plait one's hair; wear one's hair in plaits ─── 扎小辫儿

33、In like manner women also in decent apparel: adorning themselves with modesty and sobriety, not with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly attire, ─── 又愿意女人们服装端正,以廉耻和庄重装饰自己,不要用鬈发和金饰,或珍珠和极奢华的服装,

34、The tall girl's back was towards him as she chatted with Ming-feng, and he could only see her long plait, not her face. ─── 他只看见这个长身材的少女脑后的大辫子,她在和鸣凤讲话,脸朝着另一面。

35、Looking back and paying attention to the 20th art history of China, we can find that long plait has been replaced by pilgarlic. ─── 回首中国二十世纪艺术,只需稍加注意,就可以注意到,艺术作品中的形象不知何时起,便由“优雅”的长辫转变为“突兀”的光头。

36、His spear lay by his side unused, and his baskets of plaited osier were empty. ─── 他的鱼叉默默地摆在他的身边,没有用武之地,他的柳条鱼篓亦是空的。

37、hand plaited work ─── 手编织物

38、In the recent mayoral election in Kiev, her candidate lost to the incumbent, despite her insistence that “he is me without the plait”. ─── 在最近的基辅市长选举中,季莫申科联盟的候选人输给了现任市长,尽管季莫申科一直强调“他就是没有辫子的我。”

39、She plaited three strips of leather to make a Belt ─── 她将三股皮条编成一根皮带。

40、Keywords DMF(N;N-dimethyl formamidc);Benzene;N-heptane;Correlation liquid -liquid edquilibrium;Plait point;Binodal line; ─── 二甲基甲酰胺);苯;正庚烷;关联;液液平衡;褶点;结线;

41、The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together. ─── 最简单的碎布地毯是由碎布条编在一起制成的。

42、"Generations of skill flow through nimble fingers as Chipaya women plait another's hair. ─── 当支帕亚的妇女把别人的头发编成辫子的时候,世代的手艺就通过灵巧的手指流传下来。

43、Some built little houses of clods of the ploughed field, or plaited straws of stubble. ─── 有些人用犁过的地里的土块搭小屋,或者用麦秸编东西。

44、S'il vous plait, Capitaine, keep down your voice. The first section of the tunnel emerges In the German Storage Compound, In what used to be our shower area. ─── 小声点,上校。隧道的第一部份出现在德军储藏区那边,那边本来是我们的淋浴区。

45、The overlock sewing machine can overlock all kinds of seams, including joining seam, serged seam, overedge seam, plaited seam, toe seam, elastie seam, slot seam, etc. ─── 具有接头包缝、包边包缝、折边包缝、袜尖包缝、松紧带包缝、缩折嵌筋包缝等用途。

46、Keywords the gcology guarantees system;brack the laycr;plait song;skyllght; ─── 地质保障系统;断层;褶曲;天窗;

47、But no matter how change, horsetail plait should make sure good hair feels character the most importantly first namely, ability will be beautiful. ─── 但无论怎么变,马尾辫最重要的就是先要保证良好的头发质感,才会漂亮。

48、To shave and plait a queue ─── 剃头辫发

49、The Cultivation of Ability about Normal School Students Plait Setting-up Exercises ─── 师范学生徒手体操创编能力的培养方法与途径研究

50、She described him as a quiet man who was a bit of an oddity looking like a kind of bushy beatnik Santa Claus with long hair worn in a plaited topknot. ─── 她所描述的卡拉季奇是一个平静的人,有一点古怪,像一个服装奇特的圣诞老人,长长的头发上编着发髻。

51、Her thin, long, practised fingers rapidly and deftly divided, plaited, and tied up her hair. ─── 她那细长熟练的指头迅速地打散发辫,重新编好,然后扎起来。

52、Isabel wore a jersey and her hair in a plait. ─── 伊莎贝尔穿着一件毛衣、头发扎成了一根辫子。

53、Her plait has been clipped last week. ─── 她的辫子在上周被剪掉了。

54、headgear, plaited or made from plaited strips of any material ─── 帽子,由任何材料的编条或其他条不定期编成或制成

55、After women picked the new cotton, they rolled out the seeds with thin and long iron spindles, weaved cotton yarn and then dyed and plaited. ─── 妇女们采摘新棉后,就能用细长铁轴轧出棉籽,纺织棉纱,又染色织布。

56、If the written invitation bears the initials RSVP (Repondez s'il vous plait), it must be answered ─── 如请贴上印有RSVP(请赐复)字样,则非答复不可。

57、Regarde ma coiffure, ca te plait? ─── 3.丑女模头题 . 选C.

58、Cloth cover chimney normally the simple sense get victory with concise elegance, use plait, roll change of manner of edge, engraved designs. ─── 布面灯罩通常以简洁典雅的质感取胜,并用打褶、滚边、刻花方式变化。

59、A plaited fabric made from this straw. ─── 意大利麦杆草帽缏由这种麦杆制成的帽缏编织物

60、The next plait contents makes to the clear current of thought in night first the synopsis delineates, analyzing the culture background of the businessman image creation. ─── 下编内容首先对晚明的思潮作简要的勾勒,分析商人形象产生的文化背景。

61、Wicker plaiting series: Plaited with choiced special wicker twig, more unlock to the full potentials of the products have been made on the basis of traditional technology. ─── 以上湖北非凡工艺品有限公司信息是用户自行发布,品牌黄页不担保该信息的准确性,完整性和及时性。

62、plaited synthetic fibre handbag ─── 人造纤维编结手提包

63、“Nonsense, nonsense,” cried the old man, shaking his tail to try whether it were tightly plaited, and taking his son by the hand.“The house is ready for your wife. ─── “胡扯,胡扯,”老头子嚷道,晃动着发辫,想试试发辫编得牢固不牢固,一面抓着儿子的手臂,“你老婆的住房准备好了。

64、Midsummer herbs are plaited in wreaths and included in bouquets. ─── 仲夏草木被编进花冠、摆放到花束里。

65、C: will lead the line to flatten after reason keep again sticky tape, sticky over tape behind tidy up again, keep plait from wrinkly phenomenon occurrence. ─── C:将导线压平理直后再黏胶带,黏完胶带后再次整理,防止褶皱现象发生.

66、Knot craft is one of China's ancient fol arts. Using colorful silk threads, they are beautiful plaited ornaments nade in various kinds of auspicious patterns. ─── 中国结是中国的一种古老的民间艺术,它是以柔软的五彩丝绳为材料,通过灵巧的双手把各种蕴涵吉祥的图案编成美丽的结饰。

67、Using colorful silk threads , beautiful plaited ornaments are made in a variety of auspicious patterns. ─── 色彩斑斓的丝线被编成各式各样的吉祥样式.

68、She plaited her hair, ─── 她把辫子编了起来。

69、The women plait mats in their threshing-fields or courtyards, vast quantities of silvery, snow-white mats. ─── 女人们,在场里院里编着席。 编成了多少席?

70、Shanghai Yuanyi Plait Taenia Co., Ltd. ─── 上海缘谊织带有限公司。

71、stp: s'il te plait lol: rire mdr: mort de rire kwa: quoi slt:... ─── 如题。。。和法国人聊天或者和懂法语的聊天都可以用上哦。。要与时俱进呀。。哈哈。。

72、Still they wore their hair plaited in a queue just like all other Chinese. ─── 但是回回仍然像其他汉人一样留着辫子。

73、The plaits are divided into several smaller plaits, but a concentric plait (1+6) is always formed. ─── 大辨子可分成几股小辨子,但都是(1+6)的编织模式。

74、Her mother helped her to plait her hair ─── 她的母亲帮她编辫子。

75、Made of stainless steel of various kinds, or zinc-plating iron wire plaited into mesh of all shapes as required.It can be applied for assembling lines. ─── 传送带网是由各种不锈钢钢丝或是电镀锌铁丝按要求折叠成不同形状.它能被应用于流水线作业中.

76、double-knitted plaited fabric ─── 双面编结添纱针织物

77、2, comb the below half part of hairstyle horsetail plait next. ─── 2、然后将发型的下半部分梳理成马尾辫。

78、The goatee plait of chin became a small plait. ─── 下巴的山羊胡子编成了小辫。

79、This bailing bucket is a watering device made of plaited bamboo strips.It is round on top and has a bamboo pole. ─── 戽斗是灌溉器具用竹篾编成箕形,头上做成圆形有一竹竿连接成戽斗。

80、tie one's plait with a piece of red yarn ─── 扎一根红头绳

81、In the room that puts new-style and flowing furniture, the curtain does not have plait grain and frilling. ─── 在摆放新式平滑家具的房间里,窗帘不要有褶纹和皱边。

82、Comb after the head a low tress, cent goes out fine two fine make up plait of small fried dough twist, pull the hair of the others orderly bob, twine plait of small fried dough twist again on bob. ─── 在脑后梳一个低低的发辫,分出细细的两股编成小麻花辫,将其余的头发挽成整洁的发髻,再将小麻花辫缠绕在发髻之上。

83、One side of the head seems to be shaved, while the other side remains a long plaited tuft. ─── 住在不同的城市又没什么言语的交流,当然也就不存在冲突和矛盾。

84、He noted the high, white forehead, with its smoothly parted and plaited hair. ─── 他看出了她那白皙的高额头,上面平滑地分披着两支发辫。

85、To plait or braid. ─── 她每天早晨都梳辫子.

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