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08-16 投稿


cardiac 发音

英:[?kɑ?rdi?k]  美:[?kɑ?di?k]

英:  美:

cardiac 中文意思翻译




cardiac 常用词组

cardiac function ─── 心功能,心脏功能

cardiac arrest ─── [医]心搏停止

cardiac surgery ─── 心脏外科,心外科;心脏手术

cardiac 词性/词形变化,cardiac变形

名词复数: cardiae |

cardiac 短语词组

1、cardiac asthma syndrome ─── [医] 心病性气喘综合征, 里德利氏综合征

2、cardiac apnea ─── [医] 心性呼吸暂停

3、cardiac accentuated ─── [医] 心杂音

4、cardiac area ─── [医] 心区

5、cardiac asthma ─── [医] 心病性气喘

6、cardiac axis ─── [医] 心轴

7、cardiac atrophy ─── [医] 心 ─── [脏]萎缩

8、cardiac albuminuria ─── [医] 心病性蛋白尿

9、arterio-cardiac aneurysm ─── [医] 动脉心瘤

10、area of cardiac dullness ─── [医]心浊音区

11、cardiac aglycone ─── [医] 强心甙配基

12、cardiac bronchus ─── [医] 肺底心段支气管

13、cardiac aorta ─── [医] 心主动脉(胚), 动脉球囊

14、cardiac accident ─── [医] 心脏意外

15、cardiac bistiocyte ─── [医] 心肌组织细胞, 阿尼奇科夫氏细胞

16、cardiac arrest ─── [医] 心搏停止, 心动停止

17、anterior cardiac vein ─── [医] 心前静脉

18、cardiac arrhythmia ─── [医]心律失常

19、cardiac aneurysm ─── [医] 心动脉瘤

cardiac 相似词语短语

1、acardia ─── n.无心畸形

2、cardigan ─── n.羊毛衫,开襟羊毛衫(等于cardigansweater)

3、cardias ─── n.胃贲门;n.(Cardia)(意)卡尔迪亚(人名)

4、carditic ─── 心脏病

5、cardiacs ─── adj.心脏的,心脏病的;(与)贲门(有关)的;n.(非正式)心脏病患者;强心剂

6、cardinal ─── n.红衣主教;枢机主教;鲜红色;【鸟类】(北美)主红雀;adj.主要的,基本的;深红色的

7、cardia ─── n.胃贲门;n.(Cardia)(意)卡尔迪亚(人名)

8、acardiac ─── adj.无心畸形的(来源于希腊语)

9、cardiacal ─── 贲门

cardiac 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It has been found that CBMs located at LAD often lead to cardiac ischemia. ─── 大多数研究均表明,发生于左前降支的心肌桥容易引起缺血改变。

2、Contrast Study of Chronic Hemodynamics During Different Site Pacing in the Right Cardiac Chambers. ─── 右心腔不同部位起搏的慢性血流动力学对比研究

3、Left-downward enlargement of cardiac dullness, “en sabot”. ─── 心浊音界向左下扩大,呈靴形。

4、There were apparent baldness in FAM group,and 2 patients hnd cardiac events. ─── FAM组有明显的脱发 ,2例出现心脏毒性反应。

5、In addition, the placement of pulmonary artery catheter is crucial for assessing the cardiac function and fluid status. ─── 另外,置放肺动脉导管来评估心?功能与体液多寡变不容轻忽。

6、But the size of those cardiac patches has been limited. ─── 但是那些心脏修补的大小是受限制的。

7、Multifocal atrial tachycardia is a cardiac arrhythmia, specifically a type of supraventricular tachycardia. ─── 什麽是'多房性心动过速-正常心律起源于上商会的心'?

8、These patients did not hae known cardiac disease. ─── 他说:“这些病人并不知道自己有心脏病。

9、Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology: an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing. ─── 介入心脏电生理学杂志:国际心律失常和起搏杂志。

10、RWMA during DSE can provide predictive information of cardiac events in the patients with CAD. ─── DSE中RWMA可以提供CAD患者发生心脏事件的预测信息 ,对CAD患者的预后评价有指导作用

11、An Apparatus for Studying Cardiac Electric Activities in Isolated Heart of Small Animals. ─── 介绍一套小动物离体灌流心脏心电信号研究设备。

12、In AMI group, the accidence of cardiac events in abnormal HRT subgroup was higher than that in normal HRT subgroup. ─── 在AMI组中,HRT异常亚组的复合心脏事件发生率明显高于HRT正常亚组。

13、What methods of temporary cardiac pacing are available? ─── 4可利用的临时心脏起博的方法有哪些?

14、This paper introduces a fully computerized cardiac programmable stimulator. ─── 介绍了一种全微机化的程控心脏刺激仪系统。

15、Cardiac muscle is the muscle out of which the heart is made. ─── 心肌是构成心脏的肌肉。

16、Can the perinatal scheduled time cardiac muscle disease recrudesce? ─── 围产期心肌病会不会复发啊?

17、Central cyanosis makes a congenital cardiac disorder highly likely. ─── 中心型发绀提示先天性心脏病的可能性极高。

18、He was also receiving diltiazem for cardiac arrhythmia. ─── 他还接受了地尔硫卓治疗心律不齐。

19、Echocardiography demonstrates that CAC is associated with cardiac structure, function and carotid atherosclerosis. ─── CAC与心脏结构、功能的变化及颈动脉粥样硬化相关。

20、The man was suffering from cardiac weakness. ─── 这人当时正患心脏衰弱。

21、The LVAD outflow appeared to be pulsatile that matched with the cardiac cycle. ─── 从犬只实验中,可知叶轮帮浦的输出血流,会受心脏搏动周期的影响而呈现脉动流场。

22、A cardiac glycoside, C41H64O14, obtained from the leaves of a foxglove, Digitalis lanata, with pharmacological effects similar to digitalis. ─── 地高辛一种强心葡糖苷,C41H64O14,从熟地的叶子上得到,洋地黄马缨丹,与毛地黄有相同的药理作用

23、The diagnosis was confirmed by systolic murmur,thrill, chest X-ray,UCG,ECG and cardiac catheterization. ─── 全部病例经发现心脏杂音、震颤、X 线片,超声心动图、心电图和心导管检查作出诊断。

24、A resting adult has a cardiac output of about three quarts a minute. ─── 一个处于睡眠状态的成年人的心输出量大约是每分钟3夸脱。

25、Don't massage or rub the person. Handle people with hypothermia gently because they're at risk of cardiac arrest. ─── 不要按摩或摩擦患者。在移动患者时一定要轻,因为他们正处于心脏停搏的危险边缘。

26、Almost immediately her heart rate slowed and she went into cardiac arrest. ─── 她的心率几乎立即变慢,人进入了心脏停搏状态。

27、Molecular regulation of adult stem cells differentiate into cardiac phenotype by microenvironment. ─── 心肌局部微环境下成年干细胞分化为心肌表型的分子调节机制。

28、Laser Cardiac Valvoplasty:an in vitro Study[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王韧,翁国星.

29、On opening the pericardium half of a liter blood was evacuated and a bimanual cardiac massage commenced. ─── 切开心包时,又排出半升凝血,同时开始进行双手按摩。

30、Both ACEI and ARB improve in postinfarcted cardiac function. ─── ACEI、ARB均有改善MI后受损心功能的作用。

31、The term cardiac arrest may be defined as an unexplained and unanticipated cessation of cardiac activity. ─── 心博骤停一词可以下定义为原因不明,没有先兆的心脏活动停止。

32、The largest increase (39%) was in donation after cardiac death (DCD) from non-ECD donors. ─── 增加最多(39%)的是来自非扩展标准供体心死亡供者的捐献。

33、Myocardial FAS expression was found in cardiac myocytes. ─── 再灌注24小时后免疫组化染色,可见FAS蛋白阳性表达主要在心肌细胞。

34、Risk of Hematoma After Epidural Anesthesia and Analgesia for Cardiac Surgery. ─── 心脏手术时实施硬膜外麻醉和镇痛出血的风险。

35、The two kidneys with a combined weight of some 300g in man, receive 25% of the cardiac output. ─── 人的两肾重约300克,而血供量却为心输出量的四分之一。

36、Human cardiac isoform of Tropnin T,cTnT El... ─── 人心肌特异性肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)试剂盒;

37、The Clinical Study of Biventricular Pacing Reversing Cardiac Remodeling in Heart Failure. ─── 双心室起搏逆转心脏结构重塑的临床观察。

38、It is well established that the cardiac contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma. ─── 已经确证,心肌收缩始于动作电位使肌膜去极化。

39、In vitro Study of Laser Cardiac Valvoplasty and Endothelialization of Valve[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王韧,翁国星,陈英玉,王淑芳.

40、These changes were also related to the seventy of cardiac damage, heed failure and their prognosis. ─── 其中心电图改变与心脏损伤程度、心衰和预后都有明显关系。

41、The laboratory and clinical research on cardiac arrest and resuscitation. ─── 心搏骤停与复苏的实验和临床研究.

42、How much time may elapse following cardiac arrest for patient surial to occur? ─── 对病人存活影响的心跳停止时间为多长?

43、A patient whose heart has stopped beating, as in cardiac arrest. ─── 心脏已停止跳动的病人心脏已停止跳动的病人,如患心脏病

44、Title: Changes of Cardiac Kinetics during Various Stages of Space Flight. ─── 关键词:航天;心脏动力学;立位耐力;心血管调节

45、An embolus from a cardiac valvular vegetation from the left side of the heart can travel out the systemic circulation. ─── 主动脉瓣的赘生物脱落形成栓子进入血液循环。

46、Lim W, Qushmaq I, Devereaux PJ et al. Elevated cardiac troponin measurements in critically ill patients. ─── 危重患者心肌肌钙蛋白升高的临床意义。

47、"We have been waiting for weeks for permission to leave Gaza for the cardiac surgery she needs, " says the child's father, Fayez Al-Tabsh. ─── “我们已经等了好几个星期了,需要拿到离开加沙的许可,才能给孩子做心脏手术,”孩子的父亲FayezAl-Tabsh说。

48、Generally, cardiac function will recover if the tachyarrhythmia is successfully treated. ─── 一般而官这种心肌症在成功治疗后心脏功能会恢复。

49、He died of cardiac arrest after snorting cocaine at a party. ─── 在一次聚会上鼻吸了可卡因之后,他死于心脏停搏。

50、They arrived to find Jackson's personal doctor trying to resuscitate his patient, who had stopped breathing and was in full cardiac arrest. ─── 他们到达时,发现私人医生正在试图恢复杰克逊的知觉。杰克逊此时已经停止呼吸并进入了完全的心脏停搏状态。

51、No significant changes for cardiac selenium content and superoxide dismutase activity wereobserved. ─── 心肌硒含量和超氧物歧化酶活性均无改变。

52、As a generic ECG acquisition collector, the system can be applied to a variety of cardiac devices. ─── 作为一个通用的心电信号采集器,它可以应用于多种心电设备中。

53、Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in clinical cardiac diseases. ─── 心房颤动是临床上最为常见的心律失常。

54、Marco Ricci, the hospital's director of pediatric cardiac surgery. ─── 在那段时间,她可以活动但一直住院观察。

55、They managed to revive the injured driver with cardiac massage. ─── 他们通过心脏按压使受伤的司机苏醒了过来。

56、Mycardial perfusion imaging: is there a role for cardiac CT? ─── 心肌灌注显像,心血管CT是否有地位?

57、If the heart stops beating - a cardiac arrest - brain damage can start after just a few minutes. ─── 心脏停止跳动(心博停止)后几分钟后脑部将受到损害。

58、Effects of Low and High Plasma Concentrations of Dexmedetomidine on Myocardial Perfusion and Cardiac Function in Healthy Male Subjects. ─── 在健康男性受试者中,高血浆浓度和低血浆浓度美托咪定对于心肌灌注和心功能的影响。

59、This has been an unusual season for the cardiac health of marathoners. ─── 对于心脏健康的马拉松运动员来说,这段日子不同寻常。

60、It also may improve cardiac function in those with congestive heart failure. ─── 它还可以改善充血心力衰竭患者的心脏功能。

61、Fluid responsiveness was defined as an increase in cardiac index of 15% or greater. ─── 心脏指数增加15%或以上定义为液体反应。

62、Pretreatment with HOE-642 can improve cardiac preservation markedly. ─── HOE-642预处理能明显改善心肌保护液对供体心肌的保护。

63、A computer compiles the data into a map which shows where to apply ablation to eliminate cardiac tissue in and near the scars. ─── 电脑整合这些数据做成一张图谱,在图上,会显示出瘢痕内及疤痕附近需要消融的位置。

64、She was given artificial respiration and cardiac massage. ─── 她接受了人工呼吸和心脏按摩。

65、"Your son just went into cardiac arrest, and they are trying to shock him back. " It was a miracle that they brought me back. ─── “你的儿子刚刚心脏骤停,医生正在对他实施电击抢救。”他们最终将我救了回来,这简直就是奇迹。

66、But cardiac experts warned alcohol was not a panacea for good heart health. ─── 但是心脏专家警告:对于心脏健康来说,酒精并不是灵丹妙药。

67、Their effect on cardiac contractility has not been assessed directly. ─── 它们对心肌收缩性的作用未被直接评价过。

68、The influences of exogenic BNP on ventricular remodeling and cardiac function in post acute myocardial infarction rats. ─── 主要研究外源性BNP对大鼠急性心肌梗死后心室重塑及心功能的影响。

69、Average cardiac cyclic variation of IB, ACVI. ─── 心动周期平均变动量。

70、ACEI could improve cardiac damage caused by sepsis. ─── ACEI可明显改善脓毒症时的心肌损伤。

71、A correlation study on cardiac reserve index and ejection fraction for quantifying heart function classification. ─── 心脏储备指数和射血分数量化心功能分级的相关性研究。

72、It is known that the ICD reduces mortality and improes surial in cardiac patients with adanced heart disease. ─── 众所周知,ICD可降低死亡率,提高晚期心脏病患者的生存率。

73、Catheters are thin, flexible tubes used in cardiac catheterization. ─── 在心导管手术中通常要用到有弹性的细导管。

74、Here are some images and videos showing some typical findings in a cardiac anomaly. ─── 下列图像和视频显示的是某一心脏畸形的典型表现。

75、The use of powerful cardiac pacemaker patients saves lives. ─── 使用威力强大的心脏起搏器能救活病人。

76、DTI is a sensitive method to detect the cardiac function after MI and PCI. ─── DTI技术观测AMI患者的心功能较常规超声心动图技术敏感性及特异性均高,可作为常规超声心动图的有力补充。

77、Cardiac Function was measured with Simpson method. ─── Simpson 法测定心功能。

78、During the past decade, several views have been suggested to show various cardiac anomalies. ─── 在过去的十年里有数个切面曾被建议用来显示各种心脏畸形。

79、The combination of increased SVR and cardiac output augment arterial blood pressure, producing hypertension. ─── 全身血管阻力的增大和心输出量的增加导致动脉血压增高,从而产生高血压。

80、The major factors causing death are electrolyte imbalance and dehydration, leading to cardiac arrest. ─── 引起死亡的主要原因是电解质的不平衡和脱水,导致心脏停搏。

81、All had cardiac murmur and seven had leukocytosis. ─── 他们的心脏都有杂音,七位患者血中白血球上升。

82、Alteration of cardiac alpha1-adrenergic receptor subtypes in cardiac insufficient rat. ─── 心功能不全大鼠心脏1肾上腺素受体亚型的改变。

83、Why is the person's cranial nerve incontrollable cardiac muscle activity? ─── 为什么人的脑神经不能控制心肌活动?

84、Cardiac ischemia is an important trigger for the rel ea se of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). ─── 心肌缺血损伤是血浆脑钠素 (BNP)释放的重要触发因素之一。

85、Case Reports Delayed Presentation of Gastric Perforation after Transesophageal Echocardiography for Cardiac Surgery. ─── 心脏手术期间采用经食道超声心动图后发生的延迟胃穿孔。

86、Does this patient with a pericardial effusion have cardiac tamponade? ─── 心包积液患者存在心脏压塞吗?

87、He died after suffering a cardiac arrest (= when his heart suddenly stopped). ─── 他死于心搏停止。

88、Two of the five patients had cardiac tamponade,and 3 were in profound shock. ─── 心脏压塞型2例,失血休克型3例。

89、Reference: Lunar phases are not related to the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. ─── 在7年间发生的1,240件心肌梗塞或猝死病例和满月无关。

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