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bowsprit 发音

英:[?bo?spr?t]  美:[?b??spr?t]

英:  美:

bowsprit 中文意思翻译



bowsprit 网络释义

n. 船首斜桅

bowsprit 短语词组

1、bowsprit llc bowsprit ─── 有限责任公司

2、bowsprit ship ─── 船首斜桅 ─── 船

3、bowsprit st ─── 船首斜桅

4、bowsprit head ─── 船首斜桅

5、Bowsprit tortoise ─── 龟

6、bowsprit song ─── 弓箭曲

7、bowsprit stay ─── 船首斜撑

8、bobstay bowsprit bobstay ─── 船首斜桅

9、bowsprit sail ─── 船首斜桅帆

bowsprit 词性/词形变化,bowsprit变形


bowsprit 相似词语短语

1、bowser ─── n.加油车;水槽车;n.(Bowser)人名;(英)鲍泽

2、to sprint ─── 冲刺

3、bowstring ─── n.(尤指用三根麻线制成的)弓弦;(乐器上的)马毛弓弦

4、bowpot ─── 瓶饰

5、newsprint ─── n.新闻用纸(等于newspaper)

6、to spritz ─── 两个注射器

7、to spirit ─── 精神

8、bowsprits ─── n.船首斜桅

9、bows out ─── 退出,辞职

bowsprit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bowsprit Gammoning: Shows the bowsprit cleats, gammon cleats, gammoning knee, gammoning, wooldings, and bowsprit fairlead saddle. ─── 船首斜桁猪腿:斜桅夹板,猪腿夹板,猪腿膝关节,猪腿,绞扎绳索,及鞍状的导索器。

2、Mounted on the rubber bow of Hurricane was a metal bowsprit, the "pulpit," custom-made for this work. ─── “飓风”的橡胶船头上装有一个金属护栏平台,是专门为这项工作定制的。

3、bowsprit manrope ─── 艏斜桁扶索

4、The bowsprit was undamaged, but loose at the heel. ─── 在船首斜桅被损坏,但松散的致命弱点。

5、one of two spars or booms projecting from the side of a bowsprit for spreading the jib or flying-jib guys ─── 左右撑杆;从船首斜桁侧边支出的两根圆杆或桅桁下的一根,用于展开三角帆或伸开三角帆的绳索

6、The martingale guy was snapped at the base near the bowsprit cap. ─── 鞅家伙是结束在基地附近的船首斜桅帽。

7、a spar that extends the bowsprit. ─── 伸向船首斜桅的圆材。

8、But the voyage was not ended. They turned the bowsprit towards Sardinia, where they intended to take in a cargo, which was to replace what had been discharged. ─── 但这次航行并未结束,他们又调转船头驶向了撒丁岛,预备在那儿把已御空的船再装满。

9、Any of several parts of standing rigging strengthening the bowsprit and jib boom against the force of the head stays. ─── 艏斜桁撑杆,艏斜桁撑杆支索一种直立索具,用以加固船首斜桁和船斜帆桁,以抵御船头支索力量

10、small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit. ─── 桅帆船有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桁的单桅小帆船。

11、martingale guy was snapped at the base near the bowsprit cap. ─── 鞅家伙是结束在基地附近的船首斜桅帽。

12、The part of a bowsprit that is inside the hull. ─── 船首斜桅部分位于船壳内部的船首斜桅部分。

13、The Hispaniola rolled steadily, dipping her bowsprit nod and then with a whiff of spray. ─── 西斯潘尼奥拉号稳稳地向前驶去,船首的斜桅杆不时被一阵飞溅的浪花打湿。

14、He was eventually killed by a British naval force, and his head, with its great black beard, was affixed to the end of his bowsprit. ─── 后来被英国海军杀死,他的带有大黑胡子头也被砍下挂在船首斜桅顶部示众。

15、bottom side girder bottom side tank bottom transverse boundary layer bow line bow wave bowsprit bow-thruster box girder bracket floor brake ─── 吊杆螺旋桨轴榖旁底桁底边舱底列板边界层艏波艏斜桅艏侧推器箱桁框架肋板制动带制动曲柄刹车卷筒制动液压缸刹车液压管最大宽,计算宽度型宽制动装置

16、Bowsprit Topsail Yard: Shows the top of the bowsprit, shrouds, foot ropes, lift blocks, sheave hole. ─── 首斜桅上桅帆桁:显示了船首斜桅,上下连接索,脚绳,升降滑轮,滑轮洞。

17、a adjustable stay from the foremast to the deck or bowsprit; ─── 一条能在前桅到甲板或船首斜桅之间调整的支索;

18、8. A small boat used for fishing, sailing, or coasting and having two or three masts, each with a lugsail, and two or three jibs set on the bowsprit. ─── 小帆船用于捕鱼,航海或沿海贸易的小船,它有两三个桅杆,每个桅杆都有斜桁四角帆,在船看斜桁有两三个三角帆收藏指正

19、"bowsprit:a spar, extending forward from the stem of a ship, to which the stays of the foremast are fastened." ─── 船首斜桅:从船头柱上伸出来的帆桅,其上用于系前桅的支索。

20、I had lain on deck between the mast and the bowsprit and a wave had burst over me and I had seen green water over my head. ─── 我躺在主桅和斜桅之间的甲板上,一个大浪袭来,碧绿的海水扑向我的头顶。

21、This first break was just at the level of the bowsprit cap, where the boom was just over 1/16" in diameter. ─── 这是第一个打破只是一级的船首斜桅帽,那里的热潮刚刚超过1/16“的直径。

22、a sloop with a simplified rig and no bowsprit. ─── 有一个桅杆并且没有船首斜桅的单桅帆船。

23、A rope or chain used to steady the bowsprit of a ship. ─── 船头斜桅支索使船头平稳的绳索或链子

24、a triangular sail stretching from the foretopmast head to the jib boom and in small craft to the bowsprit or the bow ─── 一面从前桅的中段展开至下桁的三角形帆,在小艇上则展开至第一斜桅或艇首

25、A small boat used for fishing,sailing,or coasting and having two or three masts,each with a lugsail,and two or three jibs set on the bowsprit. ─── 小帆船用于捕鱼,航海或沿海贸易的小船,它有两三个桅杆,每个桅杆都有斜桁四角帆,在船看斜桁有两三个三角帆。

26、and now I lost no time, crawled back along the bowsprit, and tumbled head foremost on the deck. ─── 我赶紧顺着帆杠往下爬,最后头朝下滚到了甲板上。

27、Under the Bowsprit Top: Shows the under side of the bowsprit top, the trestle-trees, and the cross-trees. ─── 船首斜桅桅楼:船首斜桅桅楼的下侧,树状支架,树状十字。

28、One of two spars or booms projecting from the side of a bowsprit for spreading the jib or flying-jib guys. ─── 左右撑杆从船首斜桁侧边支出的两根圆杆或桅桁下的一根,用于展开三角帆或伸开三角帆的绳索

29、A sailor stands on the "widow-maker" -- or bowsprit of his yacht. ─── 一个航海者站在“寡妇制造者”上-或叫船桅。

30、Bowsprit Topsail: The topsail is bent to the bowsprit topsail yard. ─── 船首斜桅上桅帆:在船首斜桅上桅帆桁上弧形的上桅帆。

31、bowsprit shroud plate ─── 船首斜桁张索固定板

32、Spritsail Yard top view of the bowsprit and spritsail yard blocks, almost ready to be rigged. ─── 船首斜桅的顶视图和斜桁帆桁滑轮,方便装配帆和索具。

33、along the wharf the great smooth chips flew as the carpenters plied their adzes on the new bowsprit, cap and jibboom; ─── 木匠们在新牙樯、新桅顶和第二斜桅上勤勉地挥动着手斧,大块大块光滑的木片飞舞在码头四周;

34、A sailor stands on the 'widow-maker' -- or bowsprit of his yacht. ─── 一个航海者站在“寡妇制造者”上-或叫船桅。

35、A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit. ─── 单桅帆船有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桁的单桅小帆船

36、A stay extending from the head of the foremast to the bowsprit of a ship. ─── 前桅支索从前桅顶部拉到轮船的第一斜桅的绳索或钢丝

37、The bowsprit was undamaged, but loose at the heel. ─── 在船首斜桅被损坏,但松散的致命弱点。

38、a small sloop with a mainsail,jib,and keel but no bowsprit ─── 有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桅的单桅小帆船

39、either of a pair of lifelines running alongside the bowsprit of a ship. ─── 沿着船首斜桅的一对救生索。

40、HAD scarce gained a position on the bowsprit, when the flying jib flapped and filled upon the other tack, with a report like a gun. ─── 我还没有在斜桁上站稳脚,就听到三角帆像放炮一样啪的一声鼓满了风,转向了另一边。

41、any of several parts of standing rigging strengthening the bowsprit and jib boom against the force of the head stays ─── 一种直立索具,用以加固船首斜桁和船斜帆桁,以抵御船头支索力量

42、The vessel is a full rigged three masted steel hull 82.4 m long, with an overall length of 101 m (331 ft) including the bowsprit and a maximum width of 15.5 m (51 ft). ─── 该船是一个全操纵的三桅船,钢船体长82.4米,总长度为101米(331英尺),包括船艏斜桅,最宽处为15.5米(51英尺)。

43、I was on the summit of one swell when the schooner came stooping over the next. The bowsprit was over my head. ─── 就在我处于一个大浪的顶峰时,大船也正好俯身越过另一个大浪,船首的第一根斜桅恰好在我的正上方。

44、Jones closed on his enemy and lashed the Richard's bowsprit to the mizzenmast of the Serapis. ─── 琼斯开船靠近敌舰,把船头斜桅和塞拉皮斯号尾桅绑在一起,两艘战船互相轰击。

45、A small sloop with a mainsail , jib , and keel but no bowsprit . ─── 单桅帆船有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桁的单桅小帆船。

46、spar under the bowsprit of a sailboat. ─── 帆船船首斜桅底下的圆材。

47、A small boat used for fishing, sailing, or coasting and having two or three masts, each with a lugsail , and two or three jibs set on the bowsprit. ─── 小帆船用于捕鱼,航海或沿海贸易的小船,它有两三个桅杆,每个桅杆都有斜桁四角帆,在船看斜桁有两三个三角帆

48、A single-masted, fore-and-aft-rigged sailing boat with a short standing bowsprit or none at all and a single headsail set from the forestay. ─── 单桅纵帆船:一种只有一根桅杆,纵向帆索的帆船,船首斜桅很短或根本没有,前索只有一面首帆

49、Bowsprit Blocks Side view of the bowsprit: Shows the Fore Mast stay block, and the bobstay blocks. ─── 船首斜桅的滑轮侧视图:显示了前桅系留滑轮和斜桅支索滑轮。

50、A triangular sail stretching from the foretopmast head to the jib boom and in small craft to the bowsprit or the bow. ─── 船首三角帆一面从前桅的中段展开至下桁的三角形帆,在小艇上则展开至第一斜桅或艇首

51、Bowsprit Blocks: Shows the heart block, where the Fore-main stay will connect. ─── 船首斜桅滑轮:心状滑轮,连接前主系留。

52、Bowsprit Blocks: This shows some of the blocks that are put over the Bowsprit and spritsail yard. ─── 船首斜桅滑轮:显示了放置在船首斜桅和斜桁帆桁上的一些滑轮。

53、Bowsprit Top: Close-up of the bowsprit top, this is where the bowsprit shrouds will be attached to the dead-eyes. ─── 船首斜桅桅楼:船首斜桅桅楼的近摄,船首斜桅索将附着在“死眼”。

54、Bowsprit Blocks: This shows some of the blocks that are put over the Bowsprit and spritsail yard. ─── 船首斜桅滑轮:显示了放置在船首斜桅和斜桁帆桁上的一些滑轮。

55、a rope or chain used to steady the bowsprit of a ship ─── 使船头平稳的绳索或链子

56、Bowsprit Side view of the bowsprit in work progress, not finished. ─── 制作中的船首斜桅侧视图,尚未完成。

57、a sloop with a simplified rig and no bowsprit ─── 有一个桅杆并且没有船首斜桅的单桅帆船

58、a adjustable stay from the foremast to the deck or bowsprit; controls the bending of the mast. ─── 一条能在前桅到甲板或船首斜桅之间调整的支索;控制着桅杆的弯曲度。

59、1.Any of several parts of standing rigging strengthening the bowsprit and jib boom against the force of the head stays. ─── 这些功能表显示了在主悬臂顶端安装飞臂情况下将负载操作离开主悬臂头滑轮时的数据。

60、Spritsail Yard Blocks: This photo shows under the spritsail yard and the blocks stropped over the yard and bowsprit. ─── 斜桁帆桁滑轮:照片显示斜桁帆桁的下方,环绕其上的滑轮和船首斜桅。

61、Bowsprit Topsail Yard: Shows the top of the bowsprit, shrouds, foot ropes, lift blocks, sheave hole. ─── 首斜桅上桅帆桁:显示了船首斜桅,上下连接索,脚绳,升降滑轮,滑轮洞。

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