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08-16 投稿


petroleum 发音

英:[p??tro?li?m]  美:[p??tr??li?m]

英:  美:

petroleum 中文意思翻译



petroleum 词性/词形变化,petroleum变形

名词: petrographer |形容词: petrographic |副词: petrographically |

petroleum 常用词组

petroleum industry ─── 石油工业

petroleum gas ─── 石油气

liquefied petroleum gas ─── 液化石油气

petroleum 短语词组

1、applied petroleum refining ─── [机] 应用石油精制(法)

2、consumption of petroleum ─── [建] 石油的消耗

3、condensing of petroleum vapours ─── [建] 石油蒸汽的冷凝

4、color shade of petroleum product ─── [建] 石油产品的色泽

5、acidity of petroleum product ─── [机] 石油产品的酸度

6、base of petroleum ─── [化] 石油基

7、American petroleum institute baume ─── [机] A.P.I.波美比重单位

8、acid-base determination of petroleum products ─── [建] 石油产品的酸碱测定法

9、breaking petroleum emulsion ─── [化] 石油破乳

10、American Petroleum Institute (API) ─── [化] 美国石油学会

11、american petroleum institute ─── [经] 美国石油学会

12、asphaltic petroleum ─── [化] 沥青质石油(含大量沥青的石油)

13、activated petroleum coke ─── [机] 活性石油焦

14、artificial petroleum ─── [化] 人造石油

15、american association of petroleum geolcgists ─── [经] 美国石油地质师协会

16、artificial petroleum industry ─── [机] 人造石油工业

17、blown petroleum ─── [机] 吹制沥青

18、composition of petroleum ─── [建] 石油的成份

19、blown petroleum asphalt ─── [机] 吹制沥青

petroleum 相似词语短语

1、petroleur ─── n.用火油纵火的男子

2、petroleuse ─── n.用石油放火的女子

3、petrol pump ─── [机]汽油泵;加油泵

4、petroleuses ─── n.用石油放火的女子

5、petroleurs ─── n.用火油纵火的男子

6、petrolhead ─── n.汽车狂热者

7、petrolatum ─── n.[油气][材]矿脂;石油冻;凡士林油

8、nonpetroleum ─── 非石油

9、petroleous ─── 石油

petroleum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、CNPC Lanzhou Petroleum Chemical Industrial Co. ─── 中国石油兰州石油化工公司。

2、But Petrolia petroleum development takes place worldwide. ─── 但是石油开采也活跃于世界各国。

3、China Nationall Petroleum Pipeline Jingci New Material Co., Ltd. ─── 中油管道京磁新材料有限公司。

4、Venezuela is a petroleum producing country enjoying a long history. ─── 委内瑞拉是一个历史悠久的石油生产国。

5、The soils polluted by petroleum exist in oil and gas fields universally. ─── 土壤石油类污染在油田区域内是一个普遍存在的问题。

6、Naturally occurring rock oil is referred to as crude oil or petroleum. ─── 天然形成之石油,我们称作原油或石油。

7、The petroleum hydrocarbon is called hexane. ─── 己烷是一种石油碳氢化合物。

8、Battelle Laboratories and I joined up in Bellingham, Washington, there were four piles saturated with diesel and other petroleum waste. ─── 巴特尔实验室和我一起在华盛顿贝灵汉,我们有四堆用柴油和其它石油废液浸透的绒布。


10、Special Purpose Couplings for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services. ─── 化工和天然气工业用特殊用途联轴节。

11、Exports: crude oil and petroleum products, lumber, cacao, aluminum. ─── 出口:重油及原油产品,木材,可可,铝.

12、Similar problems are encountered throughout the whole range of petroleum products. ─── 在整个石油产品范围内都遇到类似的问题。

13、State-owned China National Petroleum Corp. was one of the first foreign oil companies to sign a major contract in Iraq. ─── 国有的中国石油天然气集团公司是首批在伊拉克签署重要合约的外国石油公司。

14、Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics ERLING FJAER,RUNE M.HOLT. ─── 周维垣主编.高等岩石力学[M].水利电力出版社.

15、Industry: petroleum, petroleum refining, liquefied natural gas, construction. ─── 工业:原油,原油精炼,液化气,建筑.

16、China Petroleum Group Engineering Design Co. Ltd. ─── 中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司。

17、Environmentalists fret about the petroleum needed to make it. ─── 环保人士对生产所需的石油感到担忧。

18、The *automation junior at Northeast *Petroleum University has worked as a part-time tour guide for her university for three years. ─── 这位东北石油大学自动化专业的大三学生做校内兼职导游已有三年时间了。

19、Pursuing by thousands of petroleum corp. ─── 上千家石油公司的追捧!

20、Petroleum by-products for use on the farms also show an increase. ─── 农用石油副产品也有了增长。

21、Petroleum Geology of China II. ─── 中国石油地质志2。

22、North Europe Petroleum, the key leads to success! ─── 北欧石油,成功之道!

23、Two schools of thought regarding the origin of petroleum exist. ─── 关于石油的成因有两大学派。

24、Exports: petroleum and petroleum products, aluminum, textiles. ─── 出口:原油及原油产品,铝,纺织.

25、We ought to and can produce more petroleum. ─── 我们应该并且能够生产更多的石油。

26、The Woodside petroleum company stock price falls 4%. ─── 伍德赛德石油公司股价下跌4%。

27、The major pollution indicators are dissolved oxygen, potassium permanganate, BOD, volatile phenol and petroleum. ─── 主要污染指标为溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、生化需氧量、挥发酚和石油类。

28、Wax makers use petroleum distillates to make it soft. ─── 制作蜡的人使用汽油精华来软化。

29、Her family was a famous petroleum magnate in Texas. ─── 她的家族是德州有名的石油大亨,拥有庞大的牧场。

30、Shell China Petroleum Development B.V. ─── 壳牌中国石油开发公司。

31、China Petroleum's exhibit included an oil derrick mock-up. ─── 中国石油公司的钻油模型也搬到会场来了。

32、Industry: mining, smelting, petroleum, food and beverages. ─── 工业:矿业,冶炼,原油,食品与饮料

33、It's a rust-inhibiting coating with petroleum resin. ─── 一种由石油树脂组成的防锈涂料。

34、Industry: sugar, petroleum, tobacco, chemicals. ─── 工业:糖,原油,烟草,化工

35、The Government of Iran advanced the price of petroleum last week. ─── 上星期伊朗政府提高了石油价格。

36、He has Masters degrees in Petroleum Engineering and Computer Science. ─── 他拥有石油工程和计算机科学硕士学位。

37、Ningxia produces coal, petroleum, mica, asbestos , lime and Chinese wolfberry. ─── 宁夏出产煤、石油、云母、石棉、石灰和枸杞子。

38、Taiwan seems to contain no petroleum. ─── 台湾恐怕没有蕴藏石油吧!

39、They refined crude oil into various petroleum products. ─── 他们将原油提炼成各种石油产品。

40、Bandi petroleum has become a leader in lubricant industry. ─── 历经62年发展,邦迪石油已俨然成为润滑油行业的领先者。

41、Exports: petroleum, bananas, shrimp, coffee, cacao. ─── 出口:原油,香蕉,虾,咖啡,可可。

42、Exploration and development petroleum geologists and geophysicists. ─── 勘探开发地质师和地球物理学者。

43、Hence, the protection of petroleum geology archives must be strengthened. ─── 因此,必须加强对石油地质档案的保护。

44、Kind of him not to call it "British Petroleum" , a superseded name that is back in somewhat chauvinistic usage (see chart 2). ─── 他稍微有点儿不称它为“不列颠石油”,这是一个代替的名称,带些早先沙文主义的用法(见表2)。

45、We take coal and petroleum up from under the ground. ─── 我们从地下开采煤和石油。

46、The chemical power released from petroleum and coal is of great economic value . ─── 从石油和煤中释放出来的化学能有重大的经济价值。

47、China petroleum engineering construction corporation. ─── 中国石油工程建设公司。

48、Petroleum is not normally used today in the crude state. ─── 原油通常不被直接使用。

49、Their country is rich in petroleum, while we have nothing. ─── 他们国家盛产石油,我们国家却一点也没有。

50、To reduce(petroleum) to simpler compounds by cracking. ─── 分馏,裂解通过挤压使(石油)变成更简单的化合物

51、The petroleum all over the world will be exhausted. ─── 地球上的石油会用枯竭。

52、Chine is abundant in petroleum deposits . ─── 中国石油蕴藏量丰富。

53、China Petroleum Pipeline Natural Gas Compress Technology Limited Co. ─── 中油管道天然气压缩技术有限公司。

54、Crude oil can be refined into various petroleum products. ─── 原油可炼制成各种石油产品。

55、China National Mineral Petroleum Gas Corp. ─── 中国石油天然气集团公司。

56、Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. ─── 埃及石油总公司

57、But it was actually the automobile that made petroleum so very useful. ─── 实际上使石油变成那么有用的是汽车。

58、Industry: petroleum extraction, cement, lumber, brewing, sugar, palm oil, soap. ─── 工业:原油提炼,水泥,木材,酿造,糖,棕榈油,肥皂.


60、Features of petroleum systems of China and their evaluation methodology II. ─── 中国含油气系统基本特征与评价方法2。

61、The white oil is one of the important petroleum products, and is applied to the foodstuff industry, the materia medica production etc. ─── 白油是重要的石油加工产品,应用于食品、药品生产等诸多行业,关乎人民生命财产安全。

62、Nikolay holds Masters degrees in Computer Science and Petroleum Engineering. ─── Nikolay拥有计算机科学和石油工程的硕士学位。

63、Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Reduced Pressures (05. ─── 减压下对石油产品蒸馏的试验方法(05。

64、EXP: petroleum, lumber, plywood, sugar, cacao. ─── 出口:原油,木材,人造板,糖,可可豆.

65、Petroleum geology and exploration in turpan-hami basin II. ─── 吐哈盆地油气地质与勘探实践2。

66、Tianmou Petroleum Equip Development Co., Ltd. ─── 天谋石油设备技术开发有限责任公司。

67、Indonesia is abundant in petroleum deposits. ─── 印尼的石油蕴藏量丰富。

68、They exchanged petroleum for food. ─── 他们以石油换食品。

69、By the end of 1962, we had met the demand for petroleum. ─── 到1962年底,我们已满足了对石油的需要。

70、The petroleum price will be unfrozen next month. ─── 对石油价格的限制将于下月取消。

71、A trademark used for a brand of petroleum jelly. ─── 凡士林用来作为石油脂的商标

72、Throw away those smelly, petroleum based balms and glosses! ─── 成分天然。。。不过不好使。。。出水口设计得不太好用。。。

73、Humans contribute CO2 to the atmosphere by burning wood, coal, and petroleum. ─── 人们燃烧木材、煤和石油的时候也会将CO2释放到大气中。

74、They'll sink a well in search of petroleum. ─── 他们将钻井找石油。

75、Without electricity, there would not be modern petroleum industry. ─── 如果没有电,便不会有现代化的石油工业。

76、By the end of 1962,we had met the demand for petroleum. ─── 到1962年底我们已满足了对石油的需要。

77、Petroleum engineers plan and manage the extraction of oil. ─── 石油工程师们规划并管理石油的提炼。

78、Petroleum is usually in the form of a liquid, sometimes it is s mixture of liquid and the natural gas. ─── 石油一般是液体,有时是液气混合物。

79、Exports: crude oil, diamonds, refined petroleum products, gas. ─── 出口:重油.钻石,原油提炼,燃气.

80、Applicable to use in ship or petroleum platform. ─── 可使用于船舶或采油平台。

81、Can Agricultural Mechanization be Realized Without Petroleum? ─── 农业机械化能离开石油吗?

82、International Petroleum Exchange of London Ltd. ─── 伦敦国际石油交易所

83、Adulteration with petroleum is permitted in certain circumstances. ─── 在某种场合下,允许与石油掺合起来使用。

84、British Petroleum Development Company of South Africa, Ltd. ─── 南非英国石油开采有限公司;

85、A liquefied petroleum gas station for annealing line. ─── 供退火线使用的石油液化气站。

86、Crude oil is refined into various petroleum products. ─── 原油被炼制成多种石油产品。

87、If the organic material decays or is oxidized, it will not form petroleum. ─── 如果有机物腐烂或氧化,它不会形成石油。

88、Amon-g of them, YNN-1 and YNN-3 were obtained from the petroleum ether extract. ─── 其中化合物HX-3、LFM-7由石油醚部分获得;

89、Yangzhou City Caltex Petroleum Chemical Co.Ltd. ─── 公司简介 扬州市加德士石油化工有限公司 ...













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