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08-16 投稿


splendent 发音

英:[?splend?nt]  美:[?splend?nt]

英:  美:

splendent 中文意思翻译



splendent 短语词组

1、splendent synonym ─── 华丽同义词

2、splendent meaning ─── 辉煌的意义

3、splendent implant ─── 华丽的植入物

4、splendent definition ─── 华丽的定义

5、splendent dental ─── 华丽牙科

6、splendent luster ─── 光彩

7、splendent hotel ─── 金碧辉煌酒店

8、splendent yasmina ─── 闪亮的雅斯米娜

9、splendent def ─── 华丽的定义

splendent 相似词语短语

1、pendent ─── adj.悬而未决的;下垂的;未定的;向外伸出的

2、resplendent ─── adj.光辉的;华丽的

3、resplendently ─── adv.耀眼地;灿烂地

4、pendents ─── adj.悬而未决的;下垂的;未定的;向外伸出的

5、spleeniest ─── 脾

6、impendent ─── adj.即将发生的;迫近的

7、appendent ─── adj.附属的;添加的;n.附属物(等于appendant)

8、ascendent ─── adj.上升的;占优势的;n.优势;支配力;运道(等于ascendant)

9、dependent ─── adj.依靠的;从属的;取决于…的;n.依赖他人者;受赡养者

splendent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Europe was proud of its splendent achievement in science and technology. ─── 欧洲曾为它辉煌的科技成就而骄傲;

2、All over fat merchant pace is on splendent rank brick, the businessman of catchpenny contact. ─── 浑身油腻的店主踱步在发亮的阶砖上,招徕着来往的商人。

3、We are very appreciated to developing and creating of splendent tomorrow together with all the friends. ─── 鸿兴人竭诚欢迎各界朋友携手并进,同谋发展,共创辉煌的明天。

4、Next to the marble hall, it was a splendent and magnificent hall. It looked much more nicer than the marble one. ─── 大理石厅的旁边,是间富丽堂皇的大厅,看上去豪华多了。

5、We sincerely welcome people with same ambition to join in us to develop the intemational and domestic market,to create a splendent page for the tracery industry,and to make the top-ranking brand. ─── 公司诚意与有识之士共同开发国际、国内市场,协力打造窗饰行业的辉煌成果,创造一流品牌!

6、The splendent awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. ─── 汉语行文讲究声律对仗,用字凝炼含蓄,追求工整匀称,音韵和美。

7、your support, our future will become more and more splendent. ─── 多一份你们的支持,将使我们未来更辉煌。

8、Combinative the both merit, so I could design a canty, splendent and noble dress. ─── 整合二者的优点就会设计出简约、大气、高贵的时装。

9、Every day my father puts his car in it.In the second story there is a splendent hall. ─── 小班教学、美术展示活动中,小天使们天真可爱的表现赢得了家长的好评。

10、Although the Five Dynasties saw no extra-ordinarily famous writer or works, parallel prose with its splendent achievements in history, had not been fade away in this dynasty. ─── 摘要骈文在五代十国时期,虽然未出现大家名作,但作为一种积年发展,并曾经有过辉煌历史的文体在此时期并未消逝。

11、Let's step into the splendent future hand in hand! ─── 让我们携手合作,共创辉煌的明天。

12、We are able to supply all wool and a yard wide products and good service, and we sincerely cooperate with you to create splendent future. ─── 同时,公司的各系列产品销往全国各地及海外北美、欧洲、中东等地,并建立了相应的信息网,而且具有优良的售后服务。

13、All of great nations called should be the nations that have created splendent culture. ─── 一切称为伟大民族,一定是那些创造了辉煌文化的民族。

14、find hopes in desperation, go beyond yourself, and your life will finally become splendent. ─── 新东方校训:"在绝望中寻找希望,超越自我,人生终将辉煌".

15、It has a splendent appearance and fairshaped design. ─── 它具有出色的外观和流线型的设计。

16、Tomorrow, Bosch Rexroth will be more splendent by the excellent team administration, proper staff training, reasonable developing system and your active participation. ─── 我们相信优秀的人才队伍、良好的培训机制以及您的积极参与,博世力士乐的明天将更加辉煌。

17、A Party member is one side banner, the soul of banner is it sparkles splendent thought. ─── 一个党员就是一面旗帜,旗帜的灵魂是它闪闪发亮的思想。

18、" TAIFAN" will bring you to surf in the business world, to make splendent future together! ─── 让“台帆”带着你冲浪商海,共创辉煌的明天!

19、Securities Business have Passed the Splendent Decade ─── 证券市场辉煌的十年

20、So people of Onuoda are so hardworking effort untiring that we will be created doing splendent and surprised matters more for society. ─── 欧诺达公司热忱欢迎国内外朋友加盟,携手共创未来!

21、All of great nations called should be the nations that have created splendent culture. ─── 一切称为伟大民族,一定是那些创造了辉煌文化的民族。

22、Combinative the both merit, so I could design a canty, splendent and noble dress. ─── 整合二者的优点就会设计出简约、大气、高贵的时装。

23、Just for you are no longer beautiful in my dream?Just because the life of yours no longer splendent in my dream?Or just because that the dream getting quiet in your heart? ─── 哭在梦里的你不再美丽的容颜?哭你不再辉煌的生平?哭你心中沉寂下来的梦想?

24、Several years later, will these splendent architecture and culture still exist along the Niger River? ─── 若干年后,这些辉煌的建筑和文化是否还会在尼日尔河畔留存?

25、It has splendent apperance, fairshaped design as well as thick and durable steel rind. ─── 豪华的外观,流线型的设计,外壳采用加厚钢板,不变形,坚固耐用。

26、The rise of splendent Maya civilization, which had swept Central America, started from the arrival of a warlord from central Mexico, whose intrusion made the Maya great. ─── 曾经席卷中美洲、辉煌的玛雅文化,始于一位来自中墨西哥的军阀。

27、Otherwise, compared with his achivement in television, his accomplishment in singing cause and film cause are much more splendent . ─── 然而比起电视方面,他的歌唱事业和电影事业则更加辉煌!

28、Yeah, wish every one have a beatuiful future, to welcome a more splendent next 2 years. ─── 好了,希望大家都要有个美好的未来,去迎接下一个更灿烂的2年。

29、Otherwise,compared with his achivement in television,his accomplishment in singing cause and film cause are much more splendent. ─── 然而比起电视方面,他的歌唱事业和电影事业则更加辉煌!

30、The great Kaiyuan Period is the most splendent time in China history, and , it is the climax history of China. ─── 开元盛世是中国历史上最为辉煌的时期,开元盛世是中国的巅峰时期。

31、Wish you reach following milestones and harvest personal splendent achivement with our CRH3 project, and all the best. ─── 于是打开第一个,长长的英文,一眼望不到边,顿时心中一种翻腾,草草一览前后,不敢再看;

32、From Roma Colosseothe of 2th Century to Temple Site, it is easy to find the splendent foretime of Carthage capital. ─── 从二世纪的罗马圆形竞技场和古罗马神殿遗址,不难看出这一古代的迦太基首都仍然保留着它辉煌的过去。

33、In the next place,he took a introduction of the contest backgrounds and awards,so that we could see our splendent past and excellent future. ─── 其次,他就比赛背景知识和重庆大学的获奖情况进行了介绍,让大家看到了重庆大学微软俱乐部以前的光辉战绩和未来的美好前景。

34、We also hope we can service for more cable operators in the coming year, work together and get more splendent future. ─── 我们更希望在新的一年里,可以为更多的广电运营商服务,共同携手,把我们的数字电视事业推向更辉煌的明天!

35、We hope to create a splendent future with you by our first-class products and pure-hearted services. ─── 中澳制冷设备有限公司将以一流的产品和服务与您携手共创新的辉煌!

36、with the encouragement of many friends, Dalian Sky finally adhered to today.We have reason to believe that tomorrow will be even more splendent for Dalian Sky! ─── 在众多朋友的鼓励下,大连同天终于坚持到了今天,我们有理由相信大连同天的明天会更加辉煌!

37、The splendent glass door clip and lock with double sides of " JINTU BRAND" we promoted recently are designed with two locks.... ─── 广东省高要市金兔五金制品厂是广东高要经营玻璃门锁,浴室夹,玻璃门...

38、You can use your talents, your dreams and your ambition greatly in our company.And ADVANCED Group will be more splendent with your joiness. ─── 您的才华、理想和报负在这里可以得到尽情施展,爱德华也因您的加盟而走向辉煌。。。

39、Lu Xun China contemporary print painting achieves splendent fruition. ─── 中国的现代创作版画经约百年发展,特别是在鲁迅先生倡导“新兴木刻运动”以来,中国现当代版画取得了辉煌的成就。

40、find hopes in desperation, go beyond yourself, and your life will finally become splendent . ─── 新东方校训:“在绝望中寻找希望,超越自我,人生终将辉煌”。

41、My space is nothing but dark, only they are splendent. ─── 我的空间全黑,只有他们在熠熠生辉。

42、Let us give up one-off plastic bag and take up skep for placing vegetable;so that we can make for green tomorrow and splendent future. ─── 让我们放下方便袋,拿起菜篮子,让我们共同走向美好的绿色的明天,走向辉煌、灿烂的未来!

43、Superb but not extravagant, simple but not stuffy, exquisite but not decadent, splendent but not arrogant. ─── 华而不奢,简而不乏,精而不靡,大气而不张狂。

44、Let's step into the splendent future hand in hand! ─── 让我们携手合作,共创辉煌的明天。

45、The splendent awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal.Is this a fairyland or a mere dream?Looking above, you can see the beautiful doves flying about. ─── 英文表达重形式、重写实、重理性,句子结构严整,表达思维缜密,行文注重逻辑性,用词强调简洁自然、描写突出直观可感。

46、Solitary life-trip-maken, Lu Yao, in his short but splendent life, walking solitary and sturdy on the borderline territory of literary trend . ─── 路遥是一位孤独的旅人,在其短暂而辉煌的生命之旅中,他一直在文学潮流的边缘域孤立而倔强的行走;

47、i hope we can maintain this realistic ralationship and make use of teamwork spirit so that we can chase the more splendent performance. ─── 我希望我们能够继续保持这种务实的合作关系,充分发挥团队精神,去争取更加辉煌的业绩。

48、Abstract: It's been a long time since Chinese Animation industry commenced, which has created a splendent achievement. ─── 摘要:中国动画起步很早,也取得过辉煌的成绩。

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