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sepulchral 发音

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sepulchral 中文意思翻译



sepulchral 网络释义

adj. 阴森森的;坟墓的,丧葬的

sepulchral 短语词组

1、sepulchral chapel ─── 坟墓礼拜堂

2、sepulchral synonyms ─── 坟墓同义词

3、sepulchral definition ─── 坟墓的定义

4、sepulchral define ─── 坟墓

5、sepulchral architecture ─── 坟墓建筑

6、sepulchral chest ─── 墓室

7、sepulchral city ─── 陵城

8、sepulchral effigy ─── 萼片

9、sepulchral band ─── 坟墓带

10、sepulchral aura ─── 坟墓光环

sepulchral 词性/词形变化,sepulchral变形

副词: sepulchrally |

sepulchral 相似词语短语

1、sepulchred ─── n.坟墓;圣体安置所(等于Eastersepulchre);vt.埋葬;以…为坟墓

2、sepultural ─── 分离的

3、sepulchrally ─── 阴沉地

4、sepulchres ─── n.坟墓;圣体安置所(等于Eastersepulchre);vt.埋葬;以…为坟墓

5、sepulchrous ─── %s(%s)坟墓

6、sepulcher ─── n.坟墓;圣物置放处;vt.埋葬

7、sepulchre ─── n.坟墓;圣体安置所(等于Eastersepulchre);vt.埋葬;以…为坟墓

8、sepulchring ─── n.坟墓;圣体安置所(等于Eastersepulchre);vt.埋葬;以…为坟墓

9、sepulchered ─── n.坟墓;圣物置放处;vt.埋葬

sepulchral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the washroom by the entrance, Levchenko remarked that a kind of sepulchral quiet seemed to pervade the Residency. ─── 在大门旁边的盥洗室里,列夫钦科说情报站里安静得似乎有点阴森森。

2、The bell has been raised from it's watery grave...do you hear it's sepulchral tone? ─── 钟声已从潮湿的墓地响起,你是否听到阴森森的声响?

3、Sepulchral rumors floated about the village and it was said that the landlord's son returned in the middle of the night and talked with agents whom he had bribed. ─── 村子里一时流言四起,人心浮动,说什么王常盈的儿子有一天半夜里溜回了村,与几个被他收买的人进行密谈。

4、by the entrance, Levchenko remarked that a kind of sepulchral quiet seemed to pervade the Residency. ─── 在大门旁边的盥洗室里,列夫钦科说情报站里安静得似乎有点阴森森。

5、There was a rather sepulchral atmosphere in the room. ─── 房间里有一种颇为阴沈的气氛。

6、The darkness was complete. It was the sepulchral moment which follows midnight. ─── 黑暗幽深,这是午夜后象坟墓般阴森的时刻,一层乌云遮住了星星。

7、He looks quite sepulchral ─── 他看上去阴沉沉的。

8、a sepulchral face ─── 阴沉的脸色

9、"The pyramids of ancient Egypt were royal tombs. Each contained an inner sepulchral chamber that housed the deceased (usually mummified) ruler, members of his entourage, and artifacts." ─── 古埃及金字塔是帝王陵墓,每个金字塔内部都有一间内室,存放去世的国王(通常制成木乃伊)、陪葬者和手工艺品等。

10、I lift my heavy heart up solemnly,/As once Electra her sepulchral urn, ─── 我肃穆地端起了我沉重的心,/象当年希腊女儿捧着那坛尸灰;

11、said a voice that seemed to come from beneath the earth, and, deadened by the distance, sounded hollow and sepulchral in the young man's ears. ─── 一个象是来自地下的声音说道,这个因隔了一层而被压低了声音传到那青年人的耳朵里,阴森森的,象是从坟墓里发出来的。

12、" Except, it may be, by raising a few sepulchral mounds, such as those which still, here and there, break the flowing contours of the downs, man's hands had made no mark upon it; ─── 也许除了若干突起的坟墓已在几处破坏了连绵的丘陵的轮廓以外,此地未经人工修葺整治。

13、Caves have also long been used for the dead, as in the case of the ancient Hebrews or the thousands of sepulchral caves (rock temples) of western India and Sri Lanka. ─── 长久以来也有采用洞穴为坟,如古希伯来人或印度西部、斯里兰卡成千上万的穴坟。

14、sepulchral architecture ─── 坟墓建筑

15、Spirits whispered in the rustling leaves, ghosts lurked in the murky nooks, the deep baying of a hound floated up out of the distance, an owl answered with his sepulchral note. ─── 沙沙作响的树叶像是鬼怪们在窃窃私语,暗影里不知有多少魂灵埋伏着,远处不时传来沉沉的狗吠,一只猫头鹰阴森地厉叫着。

16、Each citizen arrives from the cradle sepulchral, the contrail that plans a statement by administration completely moves. ─── 曾几何时,我们还生活在单调乏味、千人一面的计划经济时代。每一个公民从摇篮到坟墓,统统按行政计划指令的轨迹运行。

17、49.Seeking to liberate their creation from the sepulchral atmosphere of the plague-ridden medieval era, the Notre Dame architects conceived of a design more spacious than that of their predecessors. ─── 寻求把他们的创作从世纪黑死病蔓延的死寂气氛中摆脱出来,圣母院的建筑师们构思出比他们的前人更宽阔的设计。

18、1. He spoke in sepulchral tones. ─── 他用低沉的语调说话。

19、a charnel smell came from the chest filled with dead men's bones; ghastly shrieks; the sepulchral darkness of the catacombs. ─── 一股阴森的气味从装满死人尸骨的柜子中透出;恐怖的尖叫;坟墓里阴森的黑暗。

20、a sepulchral voice ─── 阴[低]沉的声音

21、The shop-keepers speak in slow, measured tones, and the buyers, overwhelmed by the sepulchral atmosphere, follow suit . ─── 店主操着一口舒缓悠闲的音调,而买东西的人们被这种有点阴森森的气氛所感染,说话也变得小声了。

22、The shop-keepers speak in slow, measured tones, and the buyers, overwhelmed by the sepulchral atmosphere, follow suit. ─── 店主带着商量的口吻低沉地交谈着,而顾客们,被这阴沉的气氛所感染,也不敢放声高谈。

23、Sepulchral moment which follows midnight. ─── 午夜后象坟墓般阴森的时刻

24、This group of victim and executioner was illuminated by the sepulchral light which he bore in his own soul. ─── 他心里燃烧着的阴森火光,照亮了受刑人和刽子手这一对形象。

25、He spoke in sepulchral tones. ─── 他说话语气阴沉。

26、However, this almost sepulchral parlor, of which we have sought to convey an idea, is a purely local trait which is not reproduced with the same severity in other convents. ─── 此外,我们刚才指出来的那间近似坟墓的会客室,那也只是种个别情况,在其他修院里不至于严厉到那种程度。

27、She smoothed her hair with the palm of her hand, and smiled into the mirror, humming with her cracked and sepulchral voice ─── 她用手掌抹平自己的头发,一面对着镜子装笑脸,一面用她那破裂阴惨的嗓子轻轻地哼着

28、Inside his QQ space, it is the picture of a few sepulchral and so on. ─── 他的QQ空间里面,都是一些坟墓之类的图片。”

29、Inside his QQ space, it is the picture of a few sepulchral and so on. ─── 他的QQ空间里面,都是一些坟墓之类的图片。

30、And you would wait there thinking you were in the company of a desperate revolutionist.But it would all end up with a sepulchral laugh. ─── 你等着他再往下说,以为在他面前的是个敢说敢干的革命志士,不想后来他却只是冷冷地一笑了事。

31、He made his way along the sepulchral corridors. ─── 他沿着阴森森的走廊走了。

32、6.funereal gloom; hollow sepulchral tones. ─── 葬礼上的阴郁气氛;坟墓的清冷。

33、sepulchral voice ─── 阴沉可怕的嗓音

34、Gossip, therefore, died and a sepulchral silence descended on the shop except for the customers' self-obsessed questions and the barber's answers. ─── 于是,闲聊也没有了,取而代之的是降临到店里那阴森森的寂静,偶尔顾客会问一些臭美的问题,理发师就回答一下。

35、It is daylight, but the darkness inside the headquarters of the world's biggest privately owned electricity company is sepulchral. ─── 外面天光大亮,但在世界最大的私有电力公司内是一片黑暗、死气沉沉。

36、As soon as Enjolras folded his arms and accepted his end, the din of strife ceased in the room, and this chaos suddenly stilled into a sort of sepulchral solemnity. ─── 一旦安灼拉叉起双臂,接受死刑,震耳的厮杀声在屋中顿时寂静下来,混乱状态立刻平息,变为坟场般的肃穆。安灼拉手无寸铁,一动不动,凛然不可犯。

37、the sepulchral darkness of the catacombs. ─── 坟墓里阴森的黑暗。

38、sepulchral effigy ─── 墓像

39、Do you hear it's sepulchral tone? ─── 你是否听出了死亡之音?

40、He's gone," Rory whispered in sepulchral tones. ─── 他已经走了,”罗里阴沉地小声说道。

41、Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man. ─── 这时一种阴森森的变态使这个百岁老人象年轻人一样竖直了身子。

42、As once Electra her sepulchral urn, ─── 象当年希腊女儿捧着那坛尸灰;

43、a sepulchral monument ─── 墓碑

44、Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man."Sir," said he, "you are the doctor. ─── 这时一种阴森森的变态使这个百岁老人象年轻人一样竖直了身子。

45、sepulchral chapel ─── 坟堂

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