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quadratic 发音

英:[kwɑ??dr?t?k]  美:[kw??dr?t?k]

英:  美:

quadratic 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 二次的



quadratic 网络释义

adj. [数] 二次的n. 二次方程式

quadratic 常用词组

quadratic programming ─── 二次规划

quadratic form ─── 二次型

quadratic polynomial ─── 二次多项式

quadratic 词性/词形变化,quadratic变形

副词: quadratically |

quadratic 短语词组

1、Brown's quadratic forecast ─── [计] 布朗二次预报

2、quadratic interpolation ─── [计] 二次插值法

3、quadratic crystal ─── [医] 四方晶体

4、quadratic phase mismatch ─── [电] 二次相位失配

5、quadratic dual problem ─── [计] 二次对偶问题

6、quadratic curve ─── [计] 二次曲线

7、characteristic quadratic form ─── [计] 特征二次型

8、quadratic approximation ─── [计] 二次近似

9、quadratic field ─── [计] 二次域

10、quadratic form ─── [计] 二次型, 二次形式

11、quadratic discriminator ─── [计] 二次判别器

12、quadratic convergence ─── [计] 二次收敛

13、quadratic formula ─── [计] 二次公式

14、quadratic equation ─── [计] 二次方程

15、explicit quadratic function ─── [计] 二次显函数

16、quadratic assignment problem ─── [计] 二次分配问题

17、quadratic performance index ─── [计] 二次性能指标

18、quadratic minimization problem ─── [计] 二次极小化问题

19、quadratic function ─── [计] 二次函数

quadratic 相似词语短语

1、quadrated ─── n.立方体,正方形;方骨;adj.正方形的,近似方形的;v.使成正方形;使适合,使一致

2、quadratical ─── adj.二次的(quadratic的变形)

3、quadratrix ─── n.割圆曲线,圆积线

4、quadrat ─── n.[生物]样方(生态调查的方形地);嵌块(填空的铅块);n.(Quadrat)人名;(法)卡德拉;(捷)夸德拉特

5、quadratics ─── n.二次方程式论(quadratic的复数形式)

6、quadrating ─── n.立方体,正方形;方骨;adj.正方形的,近似方形的;v.使成正方形;使适合,使一致

7、quadrate ─── n.立方体,正方形;方骨;adj.正方形的,近似方形的;v.使成正方形;使适合,使一致

8、biquadratic ─── adj.四次的;四乘幂的;n.四次方程式;四乘幂

9、quadrates ─── n.立方体,正方形;方骨;adj.正方形的,近似方形的;v.使成正方形;使适合,使一致

quadratic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The simulation equation was obtained by applying quadratic equation to the relation of decomposition surplus and time of the organ of D. borbcsus. ─── 应用二次方程对小叶龙竹各器官分解剩余量与分解时间的关系进行拟合得出模拟方程。

2、When A is a nonnegative definite matrix with finite maximum eigenvalue, the strong convergence of random quadratic forms is established under finite fourth moment. ─── 当A为非负定矩阵且其最大特征根有限,随机变量存在有限的四阶矩情形下,获得了二次型的强收敛。

3、X2+3X+2=12 is a quadratic equation. ─── X2+3X+2=12是一个二次方程式。

4、Based an unstructured quadratic separator, a less conservative condition for the existence of a reliable tracking control is derived. ─── 基于无结构二次型分离算子,可获得保守性更低的可靠跟踪控制器的存在条件。

5、The concavity and convexity of the pluralistic quadratic function is discussed with quadratic form and simple methods are given to recognize concavity and convexity. ─── 利用二次型理论讨论了多元二次函数的凹凸性,并给出了判别凹凸性的简便方法。

6、Of or relating to geometric surfaces that are defined by quadratic equations. ─── 二次曲面的由二次方程式所定义的几何平面的,或与其有关的

7、An approximate quadratic curve has been found to suit the relationship between the tolerances of roundness and their logarithmic fatigue lives with given survivability. ─── 在相同存活率下,孔的圆度公差与孔的对数疲劳寿命呈二次曲线关系。

8、Curvature monotony condition Tor the quadratic rational B spline curves. ─── 二次有理B样条曲线曲率单调条件

9、Every function whose derivative is linear is a quadratic function. ─── 任意一个导数为线性函数的函数都是二次函数。

10、Based on approximative model of main steam pressure and linear quadratic optimal control theory, the LQ sub-optimal regulation strategy is presented too. ─── 基于主蒸汽压力降阶近似模型和二次型最优控制原理,文中还给出了主蒸汽压力的LQ次优调节策略。

11、Thus, the quadratic indirect utility function is less attractive because the uncompensated demand functions are non-linear in the parameters. ─── 因此,二次间接效用函数是那么有吸引力,因为无偿需求函数非直线在参数。

12、The FE parametric quadratic programming (PQR),which is linked with the multi-level and multi-branch substructure algorithm has been used to solve this nonlinear problem. ─── 同时指出了这套理论和方法对于解决这类机械工程问题所具有的优点和广泛的适用性。

13、The selection of weight matrices in linear quadratic optimal control needs a lot of experience and skills. ─── 二次型最优的权矩阵选择是一个包含大量经验与技巧的问题。

14、Analogous to the quadratic B-spline curves,each trigonometric polynomial curve segment is generated by three consecutive control points. ─── 与二次B样条曲线类似,曲线的每一段由相继的三个控制顶点生成;

15、Any odd prime number P has (p-1)/2 quadratic residue. This is the quadratic residue theorem. ─── 任何奇素数p有(p-1)/2个二次剩余,此就是二次剩余定理。

16、We completely solve the divisibility problem of class numbers for a class of imaginary quadratic fields. ─── 完整地解决了一类虚二次域类数的可除性问题.

17、The quadratic monotone interpolation characteristic difference method is proposed to overcome these defects. ─── 为克服其不足,建立和研究了二次单调插值特征差分方法。

18、The absolute stability of a class of indirect control systems by applying the theory of Hermitian quadratic form and Jordan normal form was studied. ─── 利用厄米特二次型和若当标准形理论研究了一般间接控制系统的绝对稳定性问题,给出了绝对稳定性的代数形式的判别准则。

19、It is different from the linear reward-penalty model (LRP), the update function of action selection probability of the presented algorithm is quadratic. ─── 与线性的奖罚模型(LRP)不同,新模型的行动选择概率的更新函数为二次的。

20、Uses the quantile estimates calculated by the extended algorithm to compute intermediate quantile estimates by means of quadratic interpolation. ─── 使用扩展算法进行分位数的估算,以二次插值法的均值计算中间分位数。

21、This paper presents the establishment of two weighted quadratic inequalities involving one point inside of triangle and deduces some new conclusions. ─── 建立了涉及三角形内部一点的两个二次型加权不等式,并推导出若干新结论.

22、Generally, this problem is reduced to quadratic residue problem of modulo a big prime number. But this reduction is not applicable to Optimal Extension Fields (OEF) . ─── 一般而言,该问题归结为模大素数的二次剩余问题,但这种归结不能用于最优扩域OEF。

23、A sufficient condition of quadratic stability for the impulsive and switched systems is given with a switching law by way of convex combination and single Lyapunov function. ─── 在有限个备选状态反馈控制器的条件下,利用凸组合技术和李雅普诺夫函数等方法,给出脉冲切换线性广义系统二次稳定的充分条件及切换律的设计。

24、They enjoy a good philosophical debate, parse sentences for fun and conquered quadratic equations when most children were reading Ladybird books. ─── 当大多数孩子们正阅读瓢虫类的书籍时,他们却喜欢哲学辩论,乐于句法分析,善解二次方程。

25、When the frist grade flexible mode and the rigid mode are intercepted the flexible manipulator is transformed into a quadratic system. ─── 基于柔性臂简化的二阶线系统模型,指出前馈延时控制在本质上是一种零极点对消技术,得到了零极点对消应满足的条件。

26、The quadratic equation may have instilled horror in many of us. ─── 对很多人来说,二次方程是很恐怖的。

27、LPSVR decreased computational complexity of time and space by replacing quadratic programming with linear programming. ─── LPSVR采用线性规划取代二次规划,使得计算的时间和空间复杂度大为降低。

28、The effect of prior knowledge on convergence of engine model and the Bayesian updating of a quadratic linear model are also analyzed. ─── 分析了发动机先验知识对模型收敛的影响及二阶线性模型的贝叶斯更新。

29、A rational quadratic interpolation function with quadratic denominators has been constructed. ─── 同时可以通过对参数的控制实现连续的插值。

30、Some conclusions about the homogenous quadratic linear estimators could be found in [20][21]. ─── 关于齐次二次型线性估计,文献[20],[21]已有了一些结论。

31、A high-order correction direction can be obtained by solving another quadratic subproblem with only equality constraints. ─── 同时,高阶修正方向通过解一个仅含等式约束二次子规划来获得。

32、The acquisition of the power of solving a quadratic equation is part of the process of sharpening the mind. ─── 学习解二次方程就是塑造头脑这个工具的一部分。

33、Extensive curve fitting options include linear, cubic, quadratic, 4-p, log-logit, cubicspline, and point-to-point. ─── 多种曲线拟合模式可供选择,如:线性曲线模式、三次曲线模式,二次曲线模式、4点逐点曲线模式、二点对数曲线模式、 三次函数曲线模式、及点对点模式。

34、You will get two solutions; it's a quadratic equation. ─── 得到两个解,这是二次方程。

35、Regression estimates: including intercept and coefficients for linear, quadratic and correlation coefficient. ─── 2?归参数:含截距、一次、二次?归参数与相关系数。

36、The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations. ─── 二次方程式论处理二次方程式的代数学的分支

37、It analyses quadratic phase stainless and its metal compound generated from weld seam and HAZ,which affect welded pipe usage property. ─── 分析了双相不锈钢及其焊缝和热影响区中产生的金属间化合物等二次相对焊管使用性能的影响。

38、The results showed that the near infrared spectrum of guava sugar content was best measured with quadratic differential spectrometer. ─── 实验结果显示有关番石榴糖度之近红外线光谱以二次微分光谱分析结果较佳。

39、Therefore, the optimum FLANN construction could be uniquely obtained by SVM through solving a quadratic programming. ─── 因此,可通过SVM求解二次规划问题来实现FLANN结构的唯一优化。

40、Quadratic approximations in two dimensions. ─── 二维中的二次逼近法。

41、With the restriction of water demand and supply, the objective function optimal value was calculated by sequential quadratic programming. ─── 以需水量和可供水量为约束条件,采用序列二次规划法求解函数最优值。

42、This paper is a report of a teaching experiment on word problems on quadratic equations with one unknown based on the theory of schemas a. ─── 基于当代认知心理学有关应用题解答的研究成果,笔者选择了样例学习理论和图式理论作为研究依据,就一元二次方程应用题进行了一项教学实验。

43、Position relationship problem between two quadratic curves is usually discussed in collision detection problem between two coplanar objects. ─── 平面实体间的碰撞检测中,经常需要讨论二次曲线间的位置关系。

44、And based on these results the expressions for some binary indefinite quadratic equations integer solutions are obtained. ─── 并且利用其结果得到了几类二元二次不定方程的整数解表达式。

45、However, most shapes require more points to describe with quadratic curves than cubics. ─── 尽管如此,对于多数形状,二次要比三次贝塞尔曲线需要更多的点来描述。

46、A quadratic rotatable design with 3 factors and 5 levels for each factor was used to optimize the parameters of the dimpled surfaces. ─── 利用3因素5水平的二次旋转设计,对排列在旋成体后部的仿生凹坑表面参数进行优化。

47、The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of admissible nonnegative definite quadratic estimates,biased and unbiased,are given. ─── 在可容许估计的完全类中,还讨论了非负参数函数的非负估计问题,给出了可容许的非负定估计存在的充要条件.

48、And the vibration power flow transmiss ion optimum control effect is simulated,using the Linear quadratic Regular(LQR)t heory. ─── 利用线性二次调节器理论,对耦合系统的振动功率流传递进行了最优控制。

49、The Circle Interpolator based on the algebra figuring, if we change only a few preset constants in the register, we can directly Interpolate a quadratic curves. ─── 基于代数演算法的圆弧插补器,只要改变相应的几个寄存器的予置常数,就可直接插补非圆二次曲线。

50、For nonlinear model order reductions, three new algorithms based on quadratic method and Arnoldi process are proposed. ─── 对于非线性系统的模型降阶算法,本文将提出一类新的基于Taylor展开的二次化方法与Arnoldi过程相结合的算法。

51、The subsystem levels were optimized by SQP (sequential quadratic programming), and the system level by the hybrid search algorithm. ─── 同时各学科级采用序列二次规划法,系统级采用混合算法寻优。

52、Adaptive and Iterative Least Squares Support Vector Regression Based on Quadratic Renyi Entropy. ─── Jingqing Jiang(姜静清) , Chuyi Song , Haiyan Zhao , Chunguo Wu and Yanchun Liang.

53、The relationship between the dielectric constant and density of the material may be described by quadratic equations. ─── 密度与介电常量的关系可用二次方程序表示。

54、A quadratic equation usually has two different solutions. ─── 二次方程式通常都有两个不同的解.

55、The coma aberation and astigmation are rec t ified through carefully selecting the position of aperture stop and the paramete rs of the quadratic surface. ─── 仔细选取系统的光阑位置,选取二次曲面的系数及二次曲面的位置,可以校正系统的参差及像散。

56、Ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts such as exponents, logarithms, quadratic equations, and permutations. ─── 在工作中能运用高等数学概念,如指数,对数,二次方程式和排列。

57、By 1545, Gerolamo Cardano compiled the works related to the quadratic equations. ─── 到1545年,卡达诺编写了有关二次方程的著作。

58、Quadratic splines need at least 3 points. ─── 二次曲线样条至少需要3个点。

59、The integrated system controller and the uncoupled subsystem controllers are developed by using linear quadratic regulator theory. ─── 利用线性二次型最优调节器理论和方 法分别为各子系统和综合系统设计了调节器。

60、It was concluded that the impact velocity and peak dynamic stress under the coplanar impact is quadratic relationship. ─── 从结果可以看出:在共面冲击下,其动态峰应力和冲击速度之间是二次线性关系。

61、We can write polynomials with exponents, such as: y = ax2 + bx + c (You may recall from math class that this is a quadratic equation). ─── 多项式 从最简单的数学表达是开始,我们都记得几何课上我们可以用这样的一个等式描述一条直线(平面) y=2x。

62、This paper uses an immune evolution strategy to solve quadratic assignment problems. ─── 利用一种免疫进化策略算法来求解二次布局问题。

63、The Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to use a quadratic loss function to compute the cost of a given process. ─── 西格玛黑带应能使用二次品质损失函数来计算给定过程的成本。

64、Diagonalization of Quadratic Hamiltonian by the Linear Quantum Transformation[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘汉俊,逯怀新.

65、Use quadratic (10-node) tetrahedra if available. ─── 10节点四面体单元?

66、For higher normal pressure,the relationship between tangential resistance and water content is consistent with quadratic parabola. ─── 当正压力较大时,切向阻力与含水量呈抛物线关系。

67、Under a condition, the quadratic inequality condition can also be converted into an LMI condition. ─── 在一定的条件下,该二次不等式可以转化成线性矩阵不等式,从而可以用有效的数值方法求解。

68、Parameters of the WADC are designed with linear quadratic (LQ) method in the identified model. ─── 利用该辨识方法对受控系统进行辨识,在辨识结果的基础上运用线性二次型方法设计WADC的参数。

69、For reducing the influences of wind shear, ground effect and deceleration, we design a linear quadratic optimal regulator with state feedback (LQR). ─── 为克服风切变、地 面效应和减速所带来的作用,本文设计了线性二次型状态反馈最优调 节器。

70、Due to the idea of parameter-dependent Lyapunov stability, the obtained robust stability condition has less conservativeness than the one based on quadratic stability. ─── 因为使用了参数依赖的李亚普诺夫稳定性思想,此鲁棒稳定条件比基于二次稳定概念的稳定条件的保守性更小。

71、The optimum dosage of antioxidant such as garlic oil and liposoluble tea polyphenols(LTP) in blend oil is ascertained by orthogonal test and quadratic orthogonal test. ─── 再通过正交实验和二次回归正交实验确定了大蒜油、脂溶性茶多酚等作为抗氧化剂在调和油中的最佳添加量。

72、When detecting QRS wave, quadratic differential wavelet is used to detect R wave, and then locate Q wave and R wave. ─── 在QRS波检测时,利用二次微分小波对心电信号进行R波检测,再确定Q波及R波位置。

73、The total input power flow is expressed in an equation of Hermitian quadratic form as the objective function. ─── 将构造结构总的输入功率流为二次型函数作为控制目标函数,利用哈密尔顿二次型最小值理论给出最优控制力前馈控制表达式。

74、We can customize products according to users'requirements: disk, cylinder, quadratic form, ring, sector and some other special shaped magnets. ─── 各种材料制成的圆片、圆柱、方、环、扇、异等形状系列永磁元件。

75、The approach starts from an analysis of spherical harmonics and finds out a quadratic polynomial form of environment mapping. ─── 该方法从分析球面调和函数入手,首先得出环境贴图的二次多项式表达形式;

76、Finally,we measured agronomical parameters and spectrum data at every major quadrat,and established the setting database. ─── 在各类样地上,分别进行农学参数、环境背景参数的观测和波谱特征的测试。最后进行数据整理和背景数据库的建立。

77、A new method for fast image generation of quadratic surfaces based on equi-intensity curves is proposed on the basis of the geometric model and the shading model analysis. ─── 在对二次曲面的空间几何模型和光照模型分析的基础上,提出了基于等灰度线生成二次曲面的快速成象方法。

78、But for strong non-quadratic form and the sharp change in curvature function, the quadratic model seems to unable to solve it. ─── 然而,对于非二次性态强、曲率变化比较剧烈的函数,二次模型信赖域算法显得力不从心。

79、Among them, Peter was still Jianlibao quadratic office when he was arrested, but only with one "senior adviser" to the vacant post. ─── 其中,黎庆元二次被捕时仍在健力宝任职,但只是挂着“高级顾问”的空职。

80、A property of quadratic differential convex functions is proven and applications of it are given as well. ─── 证明了二次可微凸函数的一个性质,并给出了这个性质的一个应用。

81、The quadrat sampling technique is mostly used in plant ecology to study the distribution and abundance of species in plant communities. ─── 其内部的生物体被标记,样方抽样技术多用于植物生态学领域,用来研究某一植物群落中物种的分布及其含量的多少。

82、The solutions of the LMIs provide a parameterized representation of the quadratic stabilizing controllers. ─── 同时它的解提供了二次稳定化控制律的一个参数化表示。

83、Their difference is a quadratic residue of 17. ─── 它们的差是17的平方剩余。

84、Kalman's technique cleverly minimizes an integral function over time that includes a quadratic measure of the states plus a quadratic measure of the control actions. ─── 卡曼的技术巧妙地随时间缩小积分函数,函数中包含状态的二次测量值加上控制动作的二次测量值。

85、Halo: A quadratic progression with the shape of a three-dimensional ball. ─── 三维球体形状的二次渐进。

86、The solution of this set of quadratic equations is a set of orthonormal vectors, which makes the equations more easily solved. ─── 具体使用这个判据时,虽然也要解方程组,但该方程组是一个二次齐次方程组,而且其解有较好对称性,因此该判据对很多态都可方便地使用。

87、Example 1: Solve the following quadratic equations, leave the answers in surd form. ─── 例1:解下列的二次方程,如果需要,以根式表示。

88、A successive approximation algorithm of designing optimal disturbances rejection controllers is developed with respect to quadratic performance indexes. ─── 关于二次型性能指标给出了一种设计最优扰动抑制控制律的逐次逼近方法。

89、Most quadratic equations have two different solutions. ─── 大部分二次方程式都有两个不同的解.

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