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demobilization 发音


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demobilization 中文意思翻译



demobilization 网络释义

n. 复员;遣散(demobilize的名词)

demobilization 反义词


demobilization 词性/词形变化,demobilization变形

动词第三人称单数: demobs |动词过去式: demobbed |动词现在分词: demobbing |动词过去分词: demobbed |

demobilization 同义词

release | disbandment | retirement | discharge | dismissal | demobilisation |demob

demobilization 短语词组

1、demobilization army ─── 复员军

2、demobilization phases ─── 复员阶段

3、demobilization ics ─── 复员ics

4、demobilization ddr ─── 复员方案

5、demobilization 1920 ─── 复员1920

demobilization 相似词语短语

1、remobilization ─── n.重新活动;再活化

2、destabilization ─── n.不稳定;扰动

3、mobilization ─── n.动员;调动

4、immobilization ─── n.使停止流通,固定

5、demobilisation ─── n.出场,遣散

6、delabialization ─── n.唇化消失

7、demoralization ─── n.堕落;道德败坏;士气低落

8、remobilisation ─── 重新激活

9、desocialization ─── 脱离社会

demobilization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If Yahoo staff on business manages control counterpoises to produce change and be papered cutter, will OK obtain more demobilization fee. ─── 假如雅虎员工因公司控制权发生变化而被裁员,将可以获得更多遣散费用。

2、The government established a Commission in 2004 to oversee the demobilization and reintegration of child soldiers into civil society. ─── 布隆迪政府在2004年成立了一个委员会,负责监督少年兵遣散和帮助他们重新融入社会的问题。

3、IIPT; Forum on the Demobilization of Child Soldiers and the Protection of Human Rights; ─── 儿童兵复员与保护人权论坛;

4、demobilization unit leader ─── 动员科长

5、(6) military severance pay and demobilization pay for armymen; ─── 六、 军人的转业费、复员费;

6、But the demobilization will not leave us economically just where we were before it started. ─── 但是,从经济角度来说,军人复员转业并不会让我们停留在与遣散之前的经济状态。

7、IANSA; Joint task force for demobilization of child combatants; ─── 儿童兵复员问题联合工作队;

8、Male. 1.75+m height. Healthy. Nice appearance and good communication ability. Demobilization soldiers have priority. ─── 男性,身高1.75米以上,身体健康,五官端正,口齿清楚,复员军人佳。

9、demobilization plan ─── 复员计划

10、On Socialized Approaches to Bridging Officer Demobilization ─── 军队转业干部社会化衔接若干问题研究

11、Mobilization/ demobilization of personnel and mud testing equipment will be on contractor’s account. ─── 动员人员和泥/测试设备将在承包商的帐户。

12、After demobilization in 1956 in Shanghai, 17 of the cotton factory cadres of the Security Section. ─── 1956年复员后,在上海国棉十七厂担任保卫科干部。

13、The article expounds the work of the Chinese Red Cross during the Demobilization Period from threes parts. ─── 作者拟从三个方面初步考察复员时期中国红十字会的工作;

14、Oversee the development of the DART demobilization plan. Review the plan with USAID/Embassy and OFDA. ─── 监督制定灾难援助反应队的撤离计划。与美国国际开发署/大使馆及美国对外灾难援助办公室讨论计划。

15、demobilization pay ─── 复员费

16、Demobilization and mobilization of drilling rig of overseas project is complex system engineering, involving many departments and persons and information as well as hard organization and coordination. ─── 海外项目钻机遣散和动员是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及的部门、人员和资料多,组织协调难度大。

17、When asked after the end of the swimming career would like to do, the 23-year-old "Flying Fish" replied: "I did not think my swimming career four years after I am prepared to demobilization. ─── 当被问到结束游泳生涯之后想做什么事时,这位23岁的“飞鱼”回答说:“我还没想,我的游泳生涯还有4年,之后我准备解甲归田。

18、de-mining, demobilization, reintegration of ex-combatants. ─── 清除地雷,复员,前战斗人员的重整。

19、demobilization of factories ─── 工厂的复员

20、But the demobilization will not leave us economically just where we were before it started. ─── 但是,从经济角度来说,军人复员转业并不会让我们停留在与遣散之前的经济状态。

21、demobilization n. ─── 遣散(军人);

22、Demobilization decentralized machine tool plant in Chengdu when the workers made me fall from the peak to the cause of the low life. ─── 复员下放到了成都机床厂当工人,使我从事业的最高峰跌落到了人生的低谷。

23、Ensure a complete transfer of knowledge of the operation of the contracting function if replaced prior to the demobilization of the team. Plan enough time for the transition. ─── 如果更换灾难反应援救队人员,请确认完整传递简化部门的操作知识。并制定出足够的时间来进行交接。

24、Tai Feng Yuxiangdun ji have a gnawing regret, because the nation no Zhongbin, demobilization angrily. ─── 冯玉祥抱恨遁迹泰山,仲斌因报国无门,愤然解甲归田。

25、Sending children home via disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs is another favorite method of post-conflict planners. ─── 遣送孩子回家则分三步走,即解除武装,遣散,重新融入社会(简称DDR),是战后重建人员乐于采用的另一种方法。

26、UN Supports Special Constables Demobilization in the Solomon Islands ─── 联合国协助所罗门群岛军警复员

27、He was a cook before his demobilization. ─── 他复员以前是一名炊事员。

28、2, the local shelter for single Army personnel (military means, the demobilization of local personnel), their military units to assist departments in the housing situation and I spouse registration. ─── 二、承租军产住房的地方人员(指转业、复员等地方人员),其所在单位要协助军队有关部门做好本人和配偶的住房情况登记工作。

29、This paper aims at expanding the scope of studies on the history of demobilization of PRC army officers. ─── 本文旨在拓展对中华人民共和国军队干部转业历史的研究。

30、Court investigations were conducted, the results of the governor to support imprisoned Wen Zhan Zhi, Du Yue Long dismissed from office or removal from office, demobilization. ─── 朝廷派员调查,结果巡抚于养志收监问斩,提督岳升龙罢官免职,解甲归田。

31、Demobilization decentralized sub-optical factory in Chengdu when the workers, so that he fell from the peak to the cause of the low life. ─── 复员下放到了成都亚光电工厂当工人,使他从事业的最高峰跌落到了人生的低谷。

32、When Zhang Guofu went to Hegang, he did not take with him his files or his registered permanent residence, let alone his demobilization certificate and certificates of honor. ─── 张国福到鹤岗时,档案、户口什么都没带,更别提复员证、立功证了。

33、In 1983 the corps was disbanded, and he was let go as part of a mass demobilization. ─── 1983年,其所在部队解散,任正非在那次大裁军中被迫复员。

34、I never joined the army after 1970. 1975 demobilization became a leader. ─── 1970年参军后我入了党。

35、the voluntary disarmament and demobilization of nonsignatory armed groups ─── 非签约武装集团自愿解除武装与遣散人员

36、Demobilization of Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone ─── 协助塞拉利昂童兵复员

37、Small Arms and Demobilization Unit; ─── 小武器和复员股;

38、demobilization allowance ─── 退伍补助费

39、Joint Commission for Demobilization and Reintegration; ─── 复员和重返社会联合委员会;

40、Laishan disarmament, demobilization and Zhuang Industrial Park, 52 Industrial Park Road, get off at disarmament, demobilization and Zhuang. ─── 莱山区解甲庄工业园,52路解甲庄工业园下车。

41、The government had previously been opposed to the demobilization of its 100,000 strong army. ─── 该政府以前曾反对将其10万人的强大部队遣散。

42、Keywords the Chinese Red Cross;the demobilization period;the Red Cross Teenager Group; ─── 中国红十字会;复员时期;红十字少年会;

43、Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Task Force; ─── 解除武装、复员和重返社会工作队;

44、Assistance for disarmament and demobilization; ─── 协助解除武装和遣散;

45、the voluntary disarmament and demobilization ─── 自愿解除武装与遣散人员

46、He started to write after demobilization. ─── 从部队复员后,他就开始了自己的笔耕生涯。

47、the Bank launched the International Development Association-funded Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration Program (EDRP). ─── 世行启动了由国际开发协会资助的紧急复员与重返社会项目。

48、Logistics, mobilization, demobilization and a limited drilling season are factors that combine to cause high costs. ─── 后勤保障、动员、复员和钻井季节有限等因素是造成高成本的原因。

49、A lot of poetry are poets in the country made death, such as by 人: disarmament, demobilization and Qi 140,000 people, but no one is man. ─── 很多诗都是诗人在国破家亡时所作,比如花蕊夫人所作:十四万人齐解甲,更无一个是男儿。

50、not enjoyed the local housing distribution in the demobilized military, demobilization, retired personnel, the school graduates; ─── 未享受过地方实物分房的军队转业、复员、退伍人员、大中专毕业生;

51、disarmament and demobilization ─── 解除武装与遣散人员

52、Assistance for disarmament and demobilization ─── 协助解除武装和遣散

53、5) military severance pay and demobilization pay for officers and soldiers of the armed forces; ─── 五、军队干部和战士的转业费、复员费;

54、Demobilization of armed forces. ─── 复员武装力量的遣散

55、1, demobilization certificates, permits and jobs for retired military card; ─── 1、复员证、转业证和军队离退休证;

56、In 1973, he returned hometown after demobilization. ─── 后来这个词可以延伸运用到影视术语中。

57、the demobilization period ─── 复员时期

58、Plan and fund eventual demobilization program for militias. ─── 为最终解散民兵组织做出规划并提供资金。

59、Chiang Kai-shek had claimed: the future success of the revolution, he should demobilization, and the Huangpu Military Academy, only those who Longhu Jiang Yun can command. ─── 蒋介石曾声言:将来革命成功后他要解甲归田,而黄埔军校这些龙虎之士只有蒋先云才能指挥。

60、Keywords overseas project;drilling rig;demobilization;mobilization; ─── 海外项目;钻机;遣散;动员;

61、Execute the law after personnel is registered to its, their demobilization. ─── 执法人员对其登记后,将他们遣散。

62、immediate demobilization of the reserves. ─── 备用的立即复员

63、demobilization of factories; immediate demobilization of the reserves. ─── 工厂的复员;备用的立即复员。

64、1, the People’s Liberation Army and Armed Police Force non-commissioned officers or demobilization of ex-soldiers; ─── 1、中国人民解放军和武警部队的复员士官或退伍士兵;

65、So we have to train cadres through special classes or crash courses to meet the civilian needs. This is one of the measures we should take to prepare them for demobilization as the army is streamlined. ─── 所以,要根据地方需要,按专业办训练班、速成学校等培训干部,解决“消肿”后的干部安排问题。

66、2, demobilization, retraining and resettlement of retired army settled in a notice to do; ─── 2、复员、转业和军队离退休安置办落户通知书;

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