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08-16 投稿


cruises 发音

英:[?kru?z?z]  美:[?kru?z?z]

英:  美:

cruises 中文意思翻译



cruises 词性/词形变化,cruises变形

动词现在分词: cruising |动词过去式: cruised |动词过去分词: cruised |动词第三人称单数: cruises |

cruises 短语词组

1、fly-cruises (fly-cruise ─── 的复数) 空海联航旅游

2、cruises jan 2009 ─── 邮轮2009年1月

3、crystal cruises ─── 水晶邮轮

4、freighter ship cruises ─── 货船巡游

5、cruises to nowhere ─── 无处游弋

6、cruises nov 2020 2020 ─── 年11月巡航

7、take the cruises ─── 乘坐邮轮

8、regent seven seas cruises ─── 摄政七海巡游

9、princess cruises ─── 公主邮轮

10、carnival cruises ─── 嘉年华游轮

11、cruises to wales ─── 游船去威尔士

12、dream cruises ─── 梦幻邮轮

13、rhine river cruises 2021 ─── 莱茵河游轮2021

14、barge cruises ─── 驳船航行

15、huangpu river cruises ─── 黄浦江游轮

16、celebrity cruises ─── 名人游轮

17、victoria cruises ─── 维多利亚邮轮

18、sea cruises ─── 海上游轮

19、diamond cruises ─── 钻石邮轮

cruises 相似词语短语

1、crises ─── n.危机,紧要关头;危险期(crisis的复数形式)

2、bruises ─── n.擦伤;[外科]青肿(bruise的复数形式);击痕;v.受伤(bruise的第三人称单数形式)

3、cruives ─── 十字架

4、cruise ─── v.乘船游览;以平稳的速度行驶;巡航,巡游,漫游;开车兜风;轻而易举赢得;猎艳(非正式);n.乘船游览,游船度假;巡航,巡游;n.(Cruise)(美、英、加)克鲁斯(人名)

5、cruses ─── n.[解剖]小腿;似腿之部分

6、cruisers ─── n.[船][军]巡洋舰;[船]游艇;警察巡逻车(cruiser的复数)

7、cruised ─── v.乘船游览;以平稳的速度行驶;巡航,巡游,漫游;开车兜风;轻而易举赢得;猎艳(非正式);n.乘船游览,游船度假;巡航,巡游;n.(Cruise)(美、英、加)克鲁斯(人名)

8、bruisers ─── n.彪形大汉;职业拳击家;压碎机

9、cruiser ─── n.巡洋舰;巡航飞机,警察巡逻车

cruises 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China Travel and Yangtze River Cruises ─── 中国旅游资讯网

2、The Sun cruises into Sagittarius on Monday, warming you up for a collaborative venture. ─── 周一太阳进入射手座,开始让你的合伙计划升温。

3、Bestfares.com: Cheap discount airfares, flights &airline tickets, travel deals, cruises. ─── 便宜的折扣机票,航班与机票,旅游交易,游船。

4、Maritime affairs cruises work characteristic and the method discussion ─── 海事巡航工作的特点与方法探讨

5、How are the facilities on the Carnival Cruises? ─── 嘉年华号邮轮上的设备如何?

6、A taxi cruises to pick up passengers. ─── 出租汽车在街上转圈兜客。

7、Known for casual dress, he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt--but don't mistake him for laid-back. Snacks on granola doused with apple juice. ─── 乔伯斯是一个以便装形象出名的人。在办公室里,他从不穿鞋,并且总是穿着一件运动衫--但是,请不要误解为他是一个松懈懒散的人。他喜欢将格兰诺拉麦片蘸上苹果汁来吃。

8、Based on the observed data during 11 survey cruises in the Nanshan Islands sea area, the seasonal variabilities in mixed layer depth in the sea area were studied. ─── 摘要基于南沙群岛海域综合科学考察11个航次的实测资料,研究了南沙群岛海域的混合层深度季节变化特征。

9、Tourists watch cruises arriving at the port in Ushuaia, Argentina in this April 2, 2007 photo. ─── 在这帧四月二日的档案照中,观光客正在岸边看游轮驶进阿根廷的乌斯怀亚港。

10、How did you hear of Quicksilver Cruises ─── 你是如何得知

11、and other Sun Cruises officials could not immediately be reached for further comment, as they were away in Indonesia. ─── 立即联系到 Choo 和 Sun Cruises 的其他官员以获得进一步的评论,因为他们都远在印尼。

12、Cruises on Lake Geneva is also enjoyable. ─── 泛舟日内瓦湖上同样令人愉快。

13、Keywords: Egypt, Luxor, Aswan, Cruises, Nile, river, view, travel, log, nature, cruise, 埃及, 尼罗合, 邮船, ─── 三天的埃及尼罗河游船之旅。

14、What kind of excursion cruises are there on the river? ─── 在这条河上有什么样的游览船?

15、In them were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies or drifting in the Vesuvian Bay. ─── 他没有想过地中海的巡航,维苏威湾的漂流,或者南方那温暖如春、催人入睡的天气。

16、Carins Habitat Cruises operates half day calm water and crocodile farm tours from Cairns departing at morning and afternoon daily. ─── 堪恩斯本土号操作半日游行程,每天早上和下午从堪恩斯出发航行在风平浪静水域观看鳄鱼养殖场。"

17、Today you go out, when you can come back, you will definitely become another person ...... I have a lot at Star Cruises, who intends to look to advice. ─── 今天你走出去,当你再回来的时候,你一定会变成另外一个人......我处备有大量丽星邮轮资料,望有意者前来咨询。

18、The Talk With the Contact That the Important Thought of "the Three Represen Tatives" and the Speech of Deng Xiaoping's South Cruises ─── 浅论小平同志南巡讲话和"三个代表"重要思想的联系

19、Cruise liners are a significant source of customers for swim-with-dolphins programs because many cruises promote these programs in their offshore excursion packages. ─── 乘船游览的客轮的游客是“和海豚一起游泳”项目的主要客人,因为许多客轮都在沿岸旅游路线里提供这个项目。

20、He said the agents available by phone at his company can help facilitate a sale and customize cruises for travelers. ─── 他表示,该公司有可以通过电话联系的代理商,加快销售流程以及帮助旅行者定制设计邮轮旅行。

21、Goddess of the Sea Cruises, Sailing Adventures in Maine Penobscot Bay ─── 及缅因州海岸附近地区的各种航海冒险活动。

22、She has created scrapbook page designs for several scrapbooking manufacturers and has appeared on the television show DIY Scrapboooking and at scrapbook shows, retreats, and cruises. ─── 曾为几个剪贴簿厂家创作剪贴簿页面的她曾在电视表演秀自己动手做剪贴簿节目,剪贴簿展览、培训和游览中出现过。

23、Star Cruises Site ─── 丽星邮轮网站

24、Domenico Pellegrino, director general of Msc Cruises, said: "The passengers stayed calm. " ─── 地中海航运公司游轮的总干事多梅尼科·佩莱格里诺说:“乘客们一直很冷静。”

25、Cruises on the Thames in London, have become an annual attraction. ─── 在伦敦泰晤士河上的巡航已成为一年一度的引人注目的事。

26、" Indian singles' cruises are a new concept for the Indian community in the United States, but their popularity is catching on . ─── 印第安单身游艇是美国印第安团体创新概念地活动,但是它们的名声越来越流行。

27、The Anchorage Marina offers all forms of water activities including dolphin and whale watching cruises, snorkelling, diving, parasailing, boat hire and fishing. ─── 一座获奖的度假胜地,提供舒适时尚的下榻条件,坐落于风景优美的Port Stephens区域。

28、Habits: Known for casual dress, he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt--but don't mistake him for laid-back. ─── 习惯:乔伯斯是一个以便装形象出名的人。在办公室里,他从不穿鞋,并且总是穿着一件运动衫。但是,请不要误解为他是一个松懈懒散的人。

29、Other trendy choices include cruises, wineries, or even ski lodges, often with receptions themed to suit the location and the season of the year. ─── 其他热门的婚礼举行地点还有游船、酿酒厂甚至滑雪度假小屋,视乎当时的季节而定。

30、Interlaken also has plenty to offer non-skiers.Cross-country pistes, winter walking paths and winter cruises on Lake Thun make a stay in Winterlaken an exceptional experience. ─── 因特拉肯还向非滑雪者提供多种活动,有越野常行道、冬季步行道及冬季环游图恩湖,所有这些使得冬季游览因特拉肯成为难忘的经历。

31、Wang Genlu.Therapy for Tinea Cruis, Tinea Manuum and Foot by Chinese Herbal Medicine[J].Chinese Journal of Dermatoloty,1990,23(1):48. ─── [2]王根录.中草药治疗股癣及手足癣[J].中华皮肤科杂志,1990,23(1):48.

32、bali hai cruises hai tide huts are a unique accomodation concept available to a select few discerning travelers who appreciate that some of the best things in life are often the simplest! ─── 巴里岛巡航海岛海浪潮小屋是一个独特的适应概念可利用对赞赏的选上的一些辩明的旅客某些最佳的事在生活中经常是最简单的!

33、Star Cruises Limited ─── 丽星邮轮有限公司,简称丽星邮轮

34、MSC Cruises was founded in 1987 is operate nine ships, will increase to 11 by 2010. ─── 地中海邮轮1987年成立的意大利船公司,现拥9艘邮轮,2010年增至11艘。

35、Cruising with Star Cruises is even more rewarding when you become a member of Star Cruises frequent cruiser program - Star Cruiser WorldCard! ─── 成为丽星邮轮奖赏计划-丽星优惠咭会员,尊享丽星邮轮促销活动优惠并赚取分数,换取免费邮轮之旅!

36、There will be leisurely Zodiac sightseeing cruises past icebergs or wildlife on the rocky shoreline. ─── 您可以欣赏到冰山景象或者岩石海岸线上的野生动物。

37、Any of various relatively small sailing or motor-driven vessels, generally with smart, graceful lines, used for pleasure cruises or racing. ─── 游艇一种用帆或电力驱动的小型船只,通常造型精巧、线条流畅,用以娱乐的巡游或比赛。

38、The Serpentine Solar Shuttle powered entirely by the sun cruises at 5 mph and carries 42 passengers. ─── 太阳能船完全以太阳能为动力,航行时速为每小时5英里,载有42名乘客。

39、Aswan, cruise, Cruises, Egypt, log, Luxor, nature, Nile, river, travel, view, 埃及, 尼罗合, 旅游, ─── 三天的埃及尼罗河游船之旅。...

40、It works like any other alarm but when you hit the snooze button it jumps off the night stand and cruises around your bedroom finding a place to hide. ─── 它的功能和任何别的闹钟没什么两样,但是在你按下小睡按钮后,它从闹钟座架上跳下来,然后在卧室里来回兜圈子,寻找躲藏的地方。

41、Tourist attractions in London, including Thames river cruises and museums, are increasingly offering tours in Mandarin to cater to Chinese tourists. ─── 为吸引中国游客,伦敦已在泰晤士河游览及博物馆参观中增加了中文及普通话服务。

42、Star Cruises brings the world fun of cruising ─── 丽星邮轮为世界带来缤纷的邮轮之旅

43、one of three magnificent daily harbour cruises. ─── 每天有三艘壮丽的海港邮轮,其中之一可以下水。

44、Transfer of organic mather in Jiulongjiang Esturine waters, 1995 cruises ─── 九龙江口水体中1995年有机物的转移

45、Which service items can they provide? These arch-competitors offer one-stop-looking of airline tickets, hotel rooms, car rental, cruises, and vocation packages. ─── 他们提供哪些项目的服务呢?这两家首屈一指的竞争网站提供了上网一次,就能搞定机票,饭店,租车,游轮和度假团体预定。

46、" Indian singles' cruises are a new concept for the Indian community in the United States but their popularity is catching on. ─── 印度单身贵族的这次巡游,对于美国的印度社区来说是一种新观念,但这一观念会逐渐流行。

47、Cruis''n velocity ─── 劲速狂飙

48、At the same time Monroe cruises through Lisbon with a camcorder and tries to catch unseen pictures...A quiet immersion in a city. ─── 其实此时蒙路正拿著手提摄录机漫游里斯本,尝试把这个城市不为人知的一面捕捉下来。

49、A houseboat cruises north along the Chicago River with a view of the Sears Tower, Chicago's tallest skyscraper. ─── 意译:芝加哥城市生活图片。一艘游艇巡游沿着芝加哥河的北部以西尔斯塔为目的,芝加哥的最高的摩天大楼。

50、He said the agents available by phone at his company can help facilitate a sale and customize cruises for travelers. ─── 他表示,该公司有可以通过电话联系的代理商,加快销售流程以及帮助旅行者定制设计邮轮旅行。

51、Cross-country pistes, winter walking paths and winter cruises on Lake Thun make a stay in Winterlaken an exceptional experience. ─── 接着,顺着一路壮丽的美景,你将来到海拔3454米的高山上,到达冰川世界的中心地带。

52、any of various relatively small sailing or motor-driven vessels,generally with smart,graceful lines,used for pleasure cruises or racing ─── 一种用帆或电力驱动的小型船只,通常造型精巧、线条流畅,用以娱乐的巡游或比赛

53、By the twenty-fifth fourteen British cruises were combing the North Sea with destroyers and submarines co-operating and with the battle-fleet in support. ─── 到了25日,共有14艘英国巡洋舰,带同与之配合的驱逐舰和潜艇,在战列舰的护卫下,仔细搜索北海的海面。

54、Water Transport Center said that they are fully prepared to coordinate properly all the cruises and will reopen all lines as soon as water level recedes to ensure the normal operation of water transportation on the Li River. ─── 水运中心表示,已经做好充分准备,合理调度游船,待水位下降后会立即通航,确保漓江航线的正常航行。

55、two cruises in June of 1999 ─── 1999年6月两个航次

56、The Kawaguchiko area is considered the most developed of the resort areas in the Mount Fuji area with many attractions, from museums to lake cruises. ─── 从博物馆到湖泊的游船可口湖地区拥有许多的旅游景点可算是富士山地旅游胜地内发展最完善的地区。

57、In Chicago, Illinois, for example, people can choose from several special holiday trips on Lake Michigan. These cruises include dinner and dancing to music performed by a band. ─── 比如,在伊利诺斯伊的芝加哥,人们选择一些密歇根湖上的假日特别游。你可在游轮上享受盛宴,也可随着乐队的伴奏音乐翩翩起舞。

58、In this winter wonderland, you'll experience ice hotels, ice cruises, snowmobiling and more! ─── 在这个冬季乐园,你会亲身体验冰旅馆、冰游轮、骑雪上摩托车和其他活动的乐趣!

59、Many people call Halong Bay Vietnam's greatest natural wonder. Tourists take cruises around it every day. In warm weather, tourists also swim, kayak and climbs the cliffs. ─── 很多人称下龙湾为越南最大的自然景观。每天都有很多游客到这里旅游参观。如果在温暖的天气里,游客们还可以在这里游泳,划皮艇或攀爬悬涯。

60、4 SEASONS TRAVEL - Full service accredited travel agency. Details of cruises, tours, resorts and packages. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

61、With cruises from April to October, you have lots of opportunities to sail, swim, sightsee, and shop in lots of wonderful places. ─── 从4月到10月乘船游览,你有很多机会在许多很棒的地方航行、游泳、观光和购物。

62、We also offer a unique selection of high-quality hotels, tours, and cruises. ─── 我们还提供独特的高质量的饭店、陆地游和水上游项目。

63、Captain Muldoon had been running tourist and excursion cruises up and down the Mississippi for nearly twenty years. ─── Mulddon船长最近的20年中在密西西比河流域上从事旅游观光业务。

64、Deep-sea hydrothermal activities and hydrothermal products which were found dur-ing nearly 20 cruises in the past 26 years of DSDP/ODP are introduced. ─── 在DSDP/ODP的26年钻探中,有近20个航次钻遇到热液作用踪迹或热液产物。

65、Floating villages, sunset cruises and tours of the bird reserve of. ─── 也是游客经常选择的游览场所。

66、Some people find sea cruises relaxing and refreshing.Others hit the water to go fishing, skiing or white-water rafting. ─── 有些人觉得海上旅游能使心情放松并感到清爽,有些人则到水边钓鱼、滑水或泛舟。


68、Habits: Known for casual dress, he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt--but don't mistake him for laid-back. Snacks on granola doused with apple juice. ─── 习惯:乔伯斯是一个以便装形象出名的人。在办公室里,他从不穿鞋,并且总是穿着一件运动衫。但?

69、A trip to the stars within a human lifetime requires a spacecraft that cruises at more than 16,000 km a second and accelertes to this speed within 10 years. ─── 在一个人的有生之年到恒星作一次旅行,需要一艘巡航速度超过每秒1.6万公里的航天器,而且要在10年内加速到这个速度。


71、Sightseeing Business on Luxurious Cruises in North Europe ─── 北欧海上豪华邮轮观光商业

72、A police car cruises through our neighborhood each night. ─── 一辆警车每晚在我们这附近巡逻。

73、' We joke that by the time we are old enough to go on mah-jongg cruises , we 'll clean up because we started young, ' she said . ─── 她说,那个时候我们开玩笑说,等我们老到在游船上打麻将的时候,我们就发财了,因为我们从很年轻的时候就开始了。

74、Pan Changli, deputy director of the center, said that all cruises along the river were closed today to ensure the safety of tourists. ─── 中心副主任潘嫦丽说,为了游客的安全,今天对游船进行全线封航。

75、Frank Lampard cruises in a cross to Michael Ballack, who expertly half-volleys it past Robert Green on Sunday. ─── 上周日,兰帕德一个漂亮的弧线传中找到巴拉克,后者半抽射把球送进了格林把手的大门。

76、Throughout the year traders and recruiters arrive from far, dry cruises. ─── 一年到头,总有商人和募工者经过干渴的长途航行来到这里。

77、The ribbon reefs can be seen by taking one of the daily outer reef cruises offered by local operators. ─── 剪彩珊瑚礁中可以看出,采取的其中一项日常外礁邮轮所提供的本地运营商。

78、World cruises as well as Special Itineraries are offered to our employees as an incentive for their previous successful contract(s). ─── 世界邮轮以及特别的行程可以提供给我们以前的老员工,以鼓励他们以往成功的合同。

79、On the basis of samplings from two cruises carried on in the Bohai Sea during August, 2000 and January, 2001, characteristics of nutrients and chlorophyll a distribution were analyzed. ─── 在2000年8月和2001年1月对渤海进行的两个航次的调查取样的基础上,分析渤海营养盐和叶绿素a的分布特征,各海区营养盐的结构以及营养盐和叶绿素a的关系。

80、Cruises, resort vacations: Women on vacation let go of their apprehensions, she is out of town, she wants to have fun and nobody she knows is watching her. ─── 巡航,手段假期:在度假的妇女会放弃他们的忧虑,她是在外面,她想要获得乐趣,并且她知道没人观看她。

81、This test summarizes a traditional patrolled check operate mode to the influence that cruises to check the performance quality. ─── 本文总结了传统巡检工作方式对巡检工作质量的影响。

82、The Lake of Geneva,nestled amidst the Alps,is a true inland sea making possible a wide range of cruises. ─── 日内瓦湖坐落在阿尔卑斯山间,是个名符其实的内陆湖,适于进行多种游览活动。

83、It accelerates with the pack, and it cruises pleasantly at freeway speeds, though there is a good bit of tire noise at higher speeds. ─── 它加速与包装,并愉快地在高速公路巡航速度,但有一个很好的位的轮胎噪声在更高的速度。

84、The Cruises gave the Beckhams plenty of advice before their move from Madrid to Los Angeles and hosted an invitation-only, celebrity party for the English couple on Sunday. ─── 在小贝一家从马德里搬到洛杉矶之前,克鲁斯夫妇给了他们很多建议。夫妇俩还于上周日为小贝夫妇举行了一个接风宴,并邀请了很多明星到场。


86、Since the inception in 1993, Star Cruises is the world's third largest cruise line and the leading cruise line in Asia Pacific operating 19 ships with 24,000 lower berths over the world. ─── 成立于1993年的丽星邮轮,是全球第三大联盟邮轮公司及亚太区的领导船队,营运十九艘船共24,000个标准床位;

87、I asked our waiter who the lady was, expecting to be told that she owned the liner, but he said he only knew that she had been on board for the last four cruises, back-to-back. ─── 我询问我们的服务生她是谁,本来以为她拥有这条航线,但是服务生说他只知道这位老太太,已经在船上来来回回的做了四趟了。

88、In addition, it arranges local sightseeing cruises around Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour and the picturesque outlying islands aboard its own motorised, air-conditioned Chinese-style pleasure vessels. ─── 永安旅游亦拥有一支中式观光船队专为旅客提供本地海上观光服务。

89、If it's the sea that attracts you, then there is no one stopping you from cruising aboard some of the popular New Year Cruises in England. ─── 如果是海,吸引了你,那么没有人阻止你从巡航机上一些流行的新年游轮在英格兰。

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