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08-16 投稿


fraternized 发音

英:[?fr?t?na?zd]  美:[?fr?t?rna?zd]

英:  美:

fraternized 中文意思翻译




fraternized 同义词

mutual support | sodality | harmony | circle | group | frat | association | membership | union | federation | persuasion | community | brotherliness | gang | institution | friendship | society | world | connection | guild | clan | network | compatibility | fellowship |brotherhood | comradeship

fraternized 词性/词形变化,fraternized变形

动词过去式: fraternized |动词第三人称单数: fraternizes |动词现在分词: fraternizing |名词: fraternization |动词过去分词: fraternized |

fraternized 反义词


fraternized 短语词组

1、fraternized definition ─── 博爱的定义

fraternized 相似词语短语

1、fraternises ─── 兄弟会

2、fraternizes ─── vi.友善;结有深交;vt.使…亲如兄弟;使…友善

3、fraternize ─── vi.友善;结有深交;vt.使…亲如兄弟;使…友善

4、fraterniser ─── 兄弟会

5、fraternizer ─── 博爱者

6、fraternise ─── v.(尤指违反禁令与某人)友好往来,(与尤指不该亲善者)亲善;亲敌(等于fraternize)

7、fraternised ─── 博爱的

8、fractionized ─── v.化为分数;分为小部分

9、fraternities ─── 兄弟会

fraternized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This withdrawn infantryman had denounced the Christmas Truce of December 1914, when British and German soldiers fraternized for a day. ─── 这个孤僻的步兵曾公开指责1914年十二月的圣诞停战协议,那天英军和德军士兵如兄弟般共庆圣诞。

2、Soldiers from the two armies stopped fighting and fraternized on Christmas Day. ─── 两军士兵在圣诞节停战并称兄道弟。

3、Soldiers from the two armies stopped fighting and fraternized. ─── 两军士兵停止作战,并友好地交往。

4、80. Though in about a month she had made the acquaintance of most of the families round, yet, she fraternized with none of them, to use her own words. ─── 虽说在一个月左右的时间里,她已经结识了四邻大多数人家,但是,用她自己的话来说,没有一个可以同她友善地往来。

5、This withdrawn infantryman had denounced the Christmas Truce of December 1914, when British and German soldiers fraternized for a day. ─── 这个孤僻的步兵曾公开指责1914年十二月的圣诞停战协议,那天英军和德军士兵如兄弟般共庆圣诞。

6、Soldiers from the two armies stopped fighting and fraternized. ─── 两军士兵停止作战,并友好地交往。

7、On this basis an understanding was easily arrived at, and for several years Catherine fraternized with her young kinsmen ─── 在这个基础上,他们很容易地达成了谅解,几年来,凯瑟琳与这些小弟兄们算是情同手足了。

8、On this basis an understanding was easily arrived at, and for several years Catherine fraternized with her young kinsmen. ─── 在这个基础上,他们很容易地达成了谅解,几年来,凯瑟琳与这些小弟兄们算是情同手足了。

9、the van-guard of the red June butterflies fraternized with the rear-guard of the white butterflies of May. ─── 六月红蝶的先锋队和五月白蝶的后卫队亲如兄弟。

10、At these conventions, executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks. ─── 在这些会议中,主管们和其他银行内的核心人物友好往来。

11、Louisiana Creoles fraternized with farmers from indiana ─── 路易斯安那的欧洲移民的后代和印第安纳的农夫称兄道弟。

12、the van-guard of the red June butterflies fraternized with the rear-guard of the white butterflies of May. ─── 六月红蝶的先锋队和五月白蝶的后卫队亲如兄弟。

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