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08-16 投稿


enfranchisement 发音

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enfranchisement 中文意思翻译



enfranchisement 词性/词形变化,enfranchisement变形

名词: enfranchisement |动词过去分词: enfranchised |动词第三人称单数: enfranchises |动词现在分词: enfranchising |动词过去式: enfranchised |

enfranchisement 同义词

manumission | franchise | certification | naturalization |empowerment | suffrage

enfranchisement 反义词


enfranchisement 短语词组

1、enfranchisement of women sat ─── 妇女权利

2、enfranchisement claim ─── 特许权主张

3、enfranchisement antonym ─── 分权反义词

4、enfranchisement women ─── 女性特权

5、enfranchisement canada ─── 加拿大特许经营

6、enfranchisement definition ─── 特许经营定义

7、enfranchisement of women ─── 妇女的特权

8、enfranchisement of indigenous people ─── 土著人民的特权

9、enfranchisement defined ─── 特许经营权定义

enfranchisement 相似词语短语

1、enfranchise ─── vt.给予选举权;给予自治权;解放,释放

2、enfranchiser ─── 授权人

3、enfranchises ─── vt.给予选举权;给予自治权;解放,释放

4、disenfranchisement ─── n.剥夺公民选举权

5、enfranchisements ─── n.解放,释放

6、enfranchised ─── adj.给予选举权的;v.给予选举权;解放,释放;授予特许经营权(enfranchise的过去式和过去分词)

7、affranchisement ─── 侵犯公民权

8、disfranchisement ─── n.剥夺公民权

9、franchisement ─── n.特权;公民权;经销权;管辖权(franchise的变形)

enfranchisement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We ask woman's enfranchisement, as the first step toward the recognition of that essential element in government that can only secure the health, strength, and prosperity of the nation. ─── 我们要求妇女有选举权,以作为承认政府中需要女性基本成员的基础,也唯有那个成员可以确保国家的健全、力量与繁荣。

2、It was the face of a man who was no longer passion's slave, yet who found no advantage in his enfranchisement. ─── 壁炉的栅栏懒洋洋的,也似乎对一切视而不见。从水瓶里发出来的亮光,只是一心在研究颜色的问题。

3、Followed by a passionate lecture on the enfranchisement of women. ─── 然后就妇女解放问题发表一篇热情洋溢的演讲。

4、It is not true that the enfranchisement of all will result in racial domination ─── 给予全体人民以公民权将导致种族统治,这种观点是不正确的。

5、He demanded the enfranchisement of every white man no matter what his status education fortune or work. ─── 他要求给每一个白人以公民权也不论其社会地位如何受教育程度高低财产多寡何种职业。

6、He wrote, There was much criticism of my support for the enfranchisement of women. ─── 他写道,有很多人批评我支持妇女解放。

7、or whether dealing with growing inequality, corruption, popular unrest and, possibly, stronger demands for political enfranchisement will stretch the system to breaking point. ─── 或者说,中国政府对日益严重的贫富差距、贪污腐败、社会动荡乃至人们愈加强烈的政治解放需求的处理,是否会将中国的政治体系推向崩溃的边缘。

8、Boundary-spanning roles Climate Enfranchisement Suggestion involvement Quality circles Job involvement ─── 跨边界的角色气候受权建议参与质量圈工作参与氛围特许建议性参与质量管理圈

9、What's the bigger upside of all this economic enfranchisement? ─── 经济自由带来的更大好处是什么呢?

10、But, paradoxically, as democracy gets stronger and the middle class grows richer, it can realize it has more to lose than gain from a real enfranchisement of society. ─── 但矛盾的是,民主发展了,资产阶级也富裕了,他们却意识到从一个真正解放的社会里能失去的越来越多,能获取的越来越少。

11、He demanded the enfranchisement of every white man no matter what his status,education,fortune or work. ─── 他要求给每一个白人以公民权,也不论其社会地位如何,受教育程度高低,财产多寡,何种职业。

12、So, in the new positive-sum world, elites were willing to tolerate the enfranchisement of the masses. ─── 因此,在这个新的正和世界里,精英们愿意容忍普罗大众得到解放。

13、The Kuwaiti parliament, which had only functioned very briefly and ineffectually before, was reconvened and the emir backed the enfranchisement of women. ─── 之前职能简单无效的科威特国会重新召开,而埃米尔(穆斯林国家的酋长)是妇女解放的后盾。

14、It has grudgingly proposed various options for partial enfranchisement based on sentence length, which it hopes will be enough to satisfy the European Court. ─── 英国已经根据刑期不情愿的采取部分授权政策,希望借此让欧盟法院满意。

15、So, in the new positive-sum world, elites were willing to tolerate the enfranchisement of the masses. ─── 因此,在这个新的正和世界里,精英们愿意容忍普罗大众得到解放。

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