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08-16 投稿


interlaced 发音

英:[??nt??le?st]  美:[??nt?r?le?st]

英:  美:

interlaced 中文意思翻译



interlaced 词性/词形变化,interlaced变形

名词: interlacement |动词第三人称单数: interlaces |动词现在分词: interlacing |动词过去式: interlaced |动词过去分词: interlaced |

interlaced 短语词组

1、interlaced memory ─── [计] 交叉存取存储器

2、non-interlaced adj. ─── 非隔行的,逐行

3、interlaced rings ─── 交错环

4、interlaced scanning ─── [计] 隔行扫描

5、interlaced channel ─── 交错通道

6、interlaced belief ─── 交织的信仰

7、wavy interlaced ─── [医]混杂波纹状的

8、Interlaced video ─── 交错的视频

interlaced 相似词语短语

1、interlace ─── vt.使交错;使交织;vi.交织;交错

2、interleaved ─── v.夹(空白纸等)于(书页)间;(尤指将片状物)插入;交替(两个或两个以上数码信号);交叉存取(interleave的过去式及过去分词)

3、interlacedly ─── 交错地

4、interlarded ─── vt.使混杂;混入

5、interlocked ─── adj.联锁的;v.连锁(interlock的过去分词);连结

6、interlapped ─── vt.互相交搭;相互重叠

7、interfaced ─── adj.界面的;界面上的

8、interlaces ─── vt.使交错;使交织;vi.交织;交错

9、interspaced ─── v.(使)留有间隔(interspace的过去式及过去分词)

interlaced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They interlaced their hands. ─── 他们将双手交织在一起。

2、Untitled (2007) displays a linear web of interlaced black, white, blue, and pink strokes, the traces of a fine brush and a light touch. ─── 《无题》(2007)展示了一个由黑色、白色蓝色与粉红色的笔触交织组成的线性网络。

3、woods and bamboo groves set among hills and interlaced by streams, with a Temple half hidden among the foliage. ─── 忽信步至一山环水旋,茂林深竹之处,隐隐的有座庙宇。

4、As the desire-cutting carrier, there hides many undesirability and helplessness behind the interlaced neon lights and shades. ─── 作为欲望交织的载体,在霓虹光影的背后同样隐藏着不少的不堪和无奈,城市丰满的血肉展露无疑。

5、Interlaced monitors draw every other line on each consecutive pass creating a slight flickering effect. ─── 交错显示器每隔一行产生一种微小的闪烁效果。

6、She interlaced her fingers with mine ─── 她使她的手指和我的手指交错。

7、Interlaced the testimony with half-truths. ─── 使证词中只含有一半真话

8、Research on Interlaced Code used for Reliability of Wireless Communication ─── 交织码在无线通信可靠性中的应用研究

9、When you save a graphic to a GIF format in most graphics programs, you have the option of saving the file as interlaced. ─── 在大多数图形处理程序中,当您将图片保存为GIF格式时,可以选择保存为交错式文件。

10、Aroma: Intense blackcurrant leaf, mint and plums interlaced with subtle earth and toasty oak. ─── 口感:李子、香料、橡木和醋栗的特点明显,余味悠长,雅致的单宁非常怡人。

11、The narrative was interlaced with anecdotes. ─── 叙述中夹进不少轶事。


13、By implementing the interlaced lifting of bitplane, the relative quality of the ROI and the background becomes adjustable without transmitting any mask information. ─── 位平面提升时,采用交错提升方法,在不需传输掩模的情况下实现感兴趣区域与背景的相对质量可调;

14、According the Olympic Charter, the Olympic five interlaced rings are the embodiment of the Olympic Movement. ─── 《奥林匹克宪章》规定:"奥林匹克五环"是奥林匹克运动的象征,是国际奥委会的专用标志。

15、many images reflected the versatility of birth worship interlaced with totemism; ─── 多幅桌子山岩画图像反映了与图腾崇拜交织在一起的生殖崇拜的多样性;

16、Interlaced images may start out blurry, however there are two very distinctive reasons to use them. ─── 交错图像可能开始模糊,然而有两个很特殊的原因要使用它们。

17、The thin branches were interlaced with one another, making a beautiful pattern against the night sky. ─── 细小的树枝相互交织在一起,在夜空中形成了一个好看的景致。

18、According the Olympic Charter,the Olympic five interlaced rings are the embodiment of the Olympic Movement. ─── 《奥林匹克宪章》规定: "奥林匹克五环"是奥林匹克运动的象征,是国际奥委会的专用标志。

19、Her hair was interlaced with ribbons and flowers. ─── 她的头发上编扎着缎带和花。

20、Put your other hand on top of the first with your fingers interlaced. ─── 将另外一只手放在第一只手的上面并且十指交错。

21、The five interlaced rings on the Olympic flag represent the five continents joined together. ─── 奥运会会旗上的五个相交的圆环象征着五大洲的团结。

22、Olympic flag: white with five interlaced rings in the center with colors blue, yellow black, green and red from left to right ─── 国际奥委会会旗:奥林匹克五环旗

23、Seismic tomography with parallel interlaced gridding ─── 并行化交错网格法地震层析成像

24、Install this update to resolve an issue where poor video quality may be experienced when configuring video to interlaced mode on a system running Windows Vista. ─── 安装本更新程序可解决以下问题:在运行Windows Vista的系统上,如果将视频配置为交错式扫描,可能会导致视频质量不理想。

25、The Olympic flag is white with five interlaced rings in the center with colors blue, yellow, black, green and red from left to right. ─── 奥林匹克会旗,为白底无边,中央有五个相互套连的圆环,即我们所说的奥林匹克环,环的颜色自左至右为蓝、黄、黑、绿、红(也可用单色绘制)。

26、During my whole report, he sat with his eyes closed and his fingers interlaced. ─── 在我整个的报告过程中,他坐着、闭着眼,手指交错。

27、But what of the argument that with 1080 line interlaced video there is only 540 lines of video being displayed on the screen at any given time? ─── 但是什麽争论与被使交织录影带的1080条行只有被给时间的影像在任何在萤幕上被显示的540条线?

28、Low-elastic Interlaced Filament ─── 低弹网络丝

29、The color of the sky resembled a thick paste, tightly binding the interlaced mountain ridges. ─── 天色宛如稠密的胶浆,把那纠缠不清的山峦,包裹得紧紧的。

30、Ok, so if progressive video is technically better, why did they allow interlaced video in the DTV spec? ─── 好,因此如果渐进的录影带技术上比较好,他们为什麽允许在数位电视投机中使交织录影带?

31、Fillings: The fillings is new-styled high-efficiency fillings, and the material of the fillings is new PVC engineering plastics, and is shaped through hot plastic pressurization and interlaced. ─── 填料:选用新型高效填料,材质为全新pvc工程塑料,经热塑加压成压,交错排列。

32、It became popularly known as the Bird's Nest because of its unusual design of interlaced steel girders like the twigs of a bird's nest. ─── 由于它的设计不同寻常,其交错的钢梁像一个鸟巢上的树枝,而被人们广泛称为“鸟巢”。

33、If you are unsure whether or not your monitor is interlaced and you have a camcorder, look through the camcorder's eyepiece at the monitor... ─── 如果你不能确定显示器是否交错,那么如果你有部可携式摄像机,透过目镜看显示器...

34、Analysis of interlaced video signal and deinterlacing ─── 对隔行采样的视频信号及去隔行技术的分析

35、Using interlaced peak value scan line technique to remove hidden-lines from the curve surface ─── 利用峰值线交替扫描法实现曲面消隐

36、The Application of Interlaced Universal Spindle in Heavy Plate Mill ─── 交错式万向接轴在中厚板轧机上的应用

37、the horizontal threads interlaced through the warp in a woven fabric; woof ─── 在织物上与经线相交织的平线;纬线

38、His case is interlaced with another case. ─── 他的事件和另外一个事件交错在一起。

39、Eliminating Power Frequency Interference Using Multi-period Interlaced Sampling with Mean Filtering ─── 多周期交错采样法均值滤波消除工频干扰

40、agro-pastoral interlaced region ─── 农牧交错区

41、Therefore, each frame was “interlaced,” or split into two fields, one consisting of odd-numbered scan lines, and the other composed of even-numbered scan lines, as depicted in Figure 4. ─── 于是,将每帧图像进行“交错”排列或分为两场,一个由奇数扫描线构成,而另一个由偶数扫描线构成,如图4所示。

42、Characteristic violet notes followed by intense aromas of plums and black cherries interlaced with liquorice. ─── 典型的紫罗兰芬芳伴着浓郁的李子、黑樱桃及甘草的复杂香气。

43、- Interlaced TV support has been added for PSP slim. ─── -隔行扫描电视支持已添加的PSP渺茫。

44、To become twisted, interlaced, or interwoven. ─── 使缠绕、交织或缠结的

45、Mountains and rivers are interlaced here, so the phrase "river bend" is in the names of many nearby villages. ─── 因为这里山水交织,所以周围好几个村子的名字都有“崴子”。

46、The conclusion which the bonding strength is obviously influenced by the interlaced yarns. ─── 得出空气变形丝对涂层织物的剥离强度具有显著影响的结论。

47、"He came to luxuriant woods and bamboo groves set among hills and interlaced by streams, with a temple half hidden among the foliage. " ─── "忽信步至一山环水旋,茂林深竹之处,隐隐的有座庙宇"

48、The different information is implemented to clear and steadily display by using of time-shared display with line by line scanning and interlaced scanning in a raster picture. ─── 一幅光栅图形中的逐行扫描与隔行扫描分时完成并使不同信息获得清晰稳定的显示效果。

49、Healthy industry and wealth information are interlaced like sun and moon forever! ─── 健康产业与财富资讯如同日月一般永恒交织继往;

50、It used to be a typical Chinese watertown, embedded in farmlands, interlaced with rivers and clusters of lakes. ─── 青浦过去是典型的江南水乡,到处都是农田,由河流和湖泊连接。

51、In practice, there are three interlaced righteousness one another or tort law methodology. ─── 在侵权行为法的存在与展开过程中存有三种相互交错的正义观抑或侵权法思考方法。

52、Now they had skated out the bed of brook and arrive at another glacier, banks of the glacier were full of interlaced tall firs and hemlocks, the shade covered the moonlight, the sky was pitch-black. ─── 他们这时候已经滑出了融雪不多形成的溪床,来到另一条冰河上,河两岸布满了树枝交错的高大冷杉和铁杉,树影遮住了月光,冰河上空似乎一团漆黑。

53、Rock-like scales interlaced with fiery veins provide these ardent giants with nearly impervious armor. ─── 岩石般的鳞甲纠结着燃烧的脉络,为这些炽热的巨龙提供了几乎牢不可破的装甲。

54、interlaced energy subtraction ─── 交替能量减影(法)

55、The CRT based television was based on an interlaced scan system from the beginning of TV. ─── 以影像管为基础的电视以来自电视的开始的一个被使交织的扫描制度为基础。

56、The NTSC standard for television defines a composite video signal with a refresh rate of60 half-frames( interlaced) per second. ─── NTSC电视标准定义的复合信号每秒钟刷新60次,每次刷新半个画面。

57、The island comprised a princely domain of noble meadow-land and rich gardens, crossed and interlaced by the silver of narrow streams, and was backed by the blue and jagged peaks of great mountains. ─── 岛上仿佛王侯领地一般,华贵的草地,缤纷的花园,窄窄的银色溪流纵横交错其间,后面是巨大山峦的蓝色的齿形峰巅。

58、For options, extra parameters for controlling horizontal and vertical synchronization can be added, and there are also options for interlaced and doublescan modes. ─── 另外,还可以添加其他参数作为选项来控制水平和垂直的同步值,还有一些选项可以控制隔行模式和双屏模式。

59、Additionally, the persistence of phosphors had evolved to a point where interlaced video was more than acceptable for HDTV use. ─── 另外地,燐光质的持续进展到点在哪里使交织录影带对高解析度电视使用是非常可接受。

60、Describes the configuration of various processes in weaving the fabric with interlaced yarn by rapier looms, with discussions made on how to improve the product quality. ─── 介绍了网络丝在剑杆织机上织造各工序工艺配制,并就如何提高产品质量进行了分析。

61、be interlaced with another thing ─── 与另一件事交织在一起

62、Your speech should not have been interlaced with these facts beside the point. ─── 你的讲话不该把这些无关的事情都扯进去。

63、Resume and restore to the ecological environment in agriculture and pasture interlaced zone ─── 农牧交错区生态环境恢复与重建的可持续发展思路

64、"Integer indicating whether the controller operates in interlaced (value=5) or non-interlaced (4) mode. ─── "整数表示控制器处于交替(值=5)还是非交替(4)模式。

65、agricultural and pasturing interlaced zone ─── 农牧交错带

66、farming - forestry interlaced zone ─── 农林交错

67、Problems of Plowland Protection in the Interlaced Land between City and Countryside ─── 城乡交错地带耕地保护问题的研究

68、In the world of arts, all sub-specialties are interlaced and interpenetrated.As an obvious exemplification, here stand out dancing and music. ─── 在艺术领域,各门类之间的关系是相互联系和相互融通的,舞蹈和音乐是一个很明显的例子。


70、The Video section, part 2 of MPEG-2, is similar to the previous MPEG-1 standard, but also provides support for interlaced video, the format used by analog broadcast TV systems. ─── MPEG-2的第二部分即视频部分和MPEG-1类似,但是它提供对隔行扫描视频显示模式的支持(隔行扫描广泛应用在广播电视领域)。

71、A new intra prediction mode for interlaced video in AVS ─── 一种新的面向隔行视频的AVS帧内预测模式

72、Not all graphical browsers, although able to display an interlaced GIF, are actually able to display the materializing effects of interlacing. ─── 尽管所有的图像浏览器都能够显示交错的GIF,但实际上并非能够显示交错的真正效果。

73、Regionalization and Revegetation in the Agricultural and Pasturing Interlaced Zone of China 伍光和, ─── 中国北方沙漠化地区在历史上曾是“水草丰美”或“林桑翳野”之地

74、Figures 5, 6. Right Kidney: The microscopic ealuation showed tight interlaced bundles of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts with eosinophilic and fibrillar cytoplasm and round to oal nuclei. ─── 图5、6右肾:镜下检查显示成纤维细胞和肌纤维母细胞紧密交错排列,嗜酸性纤维状胞浆围绕卵圆核。

75、Spatial Distribution Pattern of Community Biomass in the Forest-wetland Interlaced Zone of Daxing'an Mountains ─── 大兴安岭森林-湿地交错带群落生物量的分布格局

76、In order to reduce the frame flicker and bandwidth of the transmitted data, interlaced scanning method has been widely developed in traditional television system. ─── 为了减少画面闪烁与传输资料的频宽,交错式扫描方式被广泛地运用在传统电视系统。


78、if you see it flickering it's Interlaced! ─── 如果你看到它闪烁,它就是交错的。

79、At this point, however, he may have performed several interlaced functions, only some of which are undesirable. ─── 然而这时他可能已经执行了多个互相交织的操作,其中只有一些是不想完成的。

80、There are tears of joy, laughs, and tears of sorrow interlaced throughout this film with Strong acting from a huge cast including Nicolas Cage and Michael Pena. ─── “这部电影会影响我的一生,是绝对可以载入我个人电影历史中的作品,我甚至觉得当时我是当它是我最后一部电影来演,可以超越我以前的所有作品。”

81、Interlaced files typically are larger than non-interlaced files. ─── 交错式文件通常比非交错式文件大。

82、But if you are using your computer to make your own CD, interlaced frames will both reduce the quality of the video stream and increase the file size. ─── 但如果你使用你的电脑制作你自己的CD,交错的帧即会降低视频流的质量,又会增加文件的大小。

83、Dresselhaus also did founding work in intercalation physics, the determination of the properties of materials that are interlaced with other materials, such as graphite with alkali metal layers. ─── 崔瑟豪斯也为嵌位物理(intercalationphysics)做了开创性的研究,就是测定层状物质掺杂他物后的物性变化,例如在石墨层中嵌入碱金属原子。

84、Further treatment with hot monoethanolamine fully exposes the interlaced arrangement of fibrils. ─── 可以接着再用热的单乙醇胺处理,原纤的网状排列就充分暴露出来。

85、In order to overcome this shortcoming, a new kind of biaxial weft knitted structure in which the warp and weft yarns are interlaced has been developed. ─── 为了克服这个缺陷,一种新型的衬经纱和衬纬纱交织的双轴向纬编针织结构已经开发出来。

86、At the crossrod the insomnia and hunger are interlaced, maze the tie but infect a mood that will ill-treat myself. ─── 失眠和饥饿交错的十字路口,迷失缘又感染了一种自虐情绪。

87、"Integer indicating whether the monitor operates in interlaced (value=5) or non-interlaced (4) mode. ─── "整数表示监视器处于交替(值=5)还是非交替(4)模式。

88、interlaced fringes of urban and rural ─── 城乡交错带

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