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08-16 投稿


activeness 发音

英:[['?kt?vn?s]]  美:[['?kt?vn?s]]

英:  美:

activeness 中文意思翻译



activeness 反义词


activeness 短语词组

1、activeness meaning ─── 积极意义

2、activeness means ─── 活跃意味着

3、activeness define ─── 活跃度定义

4、activeness syn ─── 活性综合征

5、activeness def ─── 活性定义

6、activeness is preferred ─── 积极性优先

7、activeness and passiveness ─── 主动与被动

8、activeness on class ─── 上课积极性

9、activeness rate ─── 活性率

activeness 同义词

action |activity

activeness 相似词语短语

1、fictiveness ─── 虚构

2、affectiveness ─── 情感

3、amativeness ─── n.恋爱;色情

4、inactiveness ─── 钝性;不活泼

5、nativeness ─── 本土

6、aliveness ─── n.活力

7、reactiveness ─── n.反应性;反应式;对手的反击度

8、addictiveness ─── 令人上瘾的特点

9、votiveness ─── 呕吐

activeness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the convulsionary larvae,the activ ity of glutamic decarboxylase decreased by {8.67%. ─── 抽搐期体内谷氨酸脱羧酶活性降低了8.67%。

2、Effects of Various Nitrogen Levels on Key Enzymes Activeness of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves in Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism ─── 不同氮素水平对烟草碳氮代谢关键酶活性的影响

3、Research on the Expression of Cycline Messenger RNA in Colonic Carcinoma and the Relation between Cycline and Proliferation Activeness of Cells ─── CyclinE mRNA在结肠癌中的表达及与细胞增殖活性关系的研究

4、Confucianism focuses on the whole being of person, continuous renewing and growth, believes in activeness and self-controlling destiny of person. ─── 儒学重视人的整体存在与个体生命的具体生成过程,注重人的主动性和人对命运的自我把握。

5、Sanqi(Panax notoginseng) soap glucoside Rh2 has strong anti- tumor activeness,and can induce the cancer cell reverse to the non- cancer cell. ─── 三七皂苷Rh2具有较强的抗肿瘤活性,并能诱导癌细胞逆转成非癌细胞。

6、In order to fulfill his translation purpose, the translator must give full play to his activeness. ─── 为了实现翻译目的,译者在翻译活动中必须发挥其主体能动性。

7、Enhances the ability of sexual glands, suppresses the activeness of monamine oxidase, postpone senility, eliminates spots casing by endocrine dyscrasia. ─── 提高性腺功能,抑制单胺氧化酶活性,延缓衰老,淡化因性功能障碍及内分泌失调引起的斑点。

8、The most important phenomenon in the world happens where sacredness of the heart meets the activeness of the intellect. ─── 发生在这个世界上的最重要的奇迹是当神圣的心与聪明才智相会。

9、Probing into Open Class to Foster Students'Consciousness of Activeness ─── 培养主动意识探索开放课堂

10、Activ Server 1. ─── 1 试用版。

11、Firstly, a survey reveals that college students' most wanted radios have four different images, namely high-tech, sensibility, sturdiness, and activeness. ─── 为验证本模式的可行性,以调查所得的科技的,感性的,坚实的,与活力的四组意象。

12、Presulfuration of hydrogenation catalyst is an essential technology, which can enhance the catalyst activeness and optimize operation of hydrogenation catalysis and obtain ideal economic efficiency. ─── 加氢催化剂的预硫化是提高催化剂活性、优化加氧催化操作,获得理想经济效益的关键技术之一。

13、activeness of consciousness ─── 意识的能动性

14、Therefore, his subjectivity is the dialectical unity of purpose, activeness and limitation. ─── 因此他的主体性是目的性、主动性和受动性的辩证统一。

15、A comparative study of the activeness of hydrolitic enzyme and the composition of the microorganism in the different croplands ─── 不同农田中水解酶活性和微生物组成的比较研究

16、The active exploration method takes activeness as a prerequisite and exploration as the main line. ─── 自主探究法强调以自主为前提,以探究为主线。

17、On the other hand, the demand for finished goods as a result of the reduction of scrap and billet steel procurement activ ities has been suspended. ─── 另一方面,由于产成品需求的降低,钢厂对废钢和方坯的采购活动已经暂停。

18、bacteriostasis activeness ─── 抑菌活性

19、Early art education is one of the training means with uniqueness of activeness and imagination. ─── 早期美术教育是保持活泼、富于创造性想象力的训练方式之一。

20、The contradiction between man and nature lies in activeness and passiveness, and the primary aspect of this contradiction lies in man. ─── 人与自然的矛盾是“能动”与“受动”的矛盾;人与自然矛盾的主要方面在人;

21、Responsibilities: 1. Provide administrative support to the HR Head and other staff2. Assist in Recruiting, and C&B activ...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海友创人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-18

22、ARTs-EDB seamlessly integrates traditional databases, real-time databases as well as activeness rule concepts, techniques and mechanisms. ─── 主动实时数据库管理系统(ARTs-EDB)完善集成了传统数据库、实时数据库及主动机制。

23、Learning activeness ─── 学习积极性

24、This has some activeness but also has sonic deficiencies. ─── 它既有积极性,也有不足。

25、It can cause the body tissue activeness, adjusts in vivo to be balanced, enhancement immunity ability. ─── 它能使人体组织活性化,调整体内平衡,增强免疫能力。

26、A fast-paced, case-centric program, The Corporate Leader helps you acquire the skills to prioritize complex corporate issues without overlooking cross-unit activ... ─── 发展迅速的一体化情况下为中心的计划,企业领导人可以帮助您掌握的技能,优先考虑的问题复杂而忽视企业跨单位的活动和增长机会的业务单位一级。

27、Between Passiveness and Activeness: the Secret of Starting Later and Harvesting Earlier of Wuhan's Opening to the Outside World in Its Early Period ─── 在被动与主动之间:武汉早期对外开放晚发早至的奥秘

28、It is consist of quartz sand tank and activ carbon tank and exact filtration and positive ion exchange reintank that it is using reserve osmosis technology and water conditioning control system. ─── 方法:采用全程自动化控制、封闭式结构设计,由原水预处理系统、软化器、精滤、双级反渗透、紫外消毒系统、水质检测系统和压力贮水系统组成。

29、Sulfur recycle catalyst activeness decline reason and its preventive measures are analyzed. ─── 摘要分析了硫磺回收催化剂活性衰退的原因及防止措施。

30、protective enzymes activeness ─── 保护酶活性

31、Effects of silicon fertilizer on roots system growth, root system activeness, yield and quality of waxy corn were studied. ─── 摘要通过盆栽试验,研究了硅肥对糯玉米根系生长发育、根系活性及产量品质的影响。

32、For the toxicity of phenthanthrene and pyrene, root elongation was more sensitive than the activeness of soil dehydrogen and the MCN. ─── 与土壤脱氢酶活性和蚕豆根尖微核实验结果相比 ,植物根伸长对菲、芘毒性更敏感。

33、POD and SOD activeness of Graft seedlings three pots presents the tendency that rise firstly, then drop;its max value appears after grafted 6 days. ─── 嫁接苗的3个位点的SOD、POD活性均表现出先升高后降低的趋势,在嫁接后6d出现峰值;

34、Probing into class teaching mode for the promotion of medical students'learning activeness ─── 促进医学生学习活动积极化的课堂教学模式的探索

35、anti-startled activeness ─── 抗惊活性

36、I suggested that Yu (Bath) be in Yang Wen to indicate its activeness, while Tang (Pond) be in Yin Wen to indicate its receptiveness. ─── 我建议“浴”字用阳文以显示其活动性,而“塘”字用阴文以以显示其容受性。

37、We will with perseverance and take an activ ,bring a beautiful view on adorm bathroom,We never stop the forward step. and offer the joyful bath is our pursue aim forever. ─── 我们全体同仁将不懈努力,积极创新,为您提供更好的卫生洁具产品是我们永恒的追求目标。

38、The dimension of career decision-making attitude included five factors: activeness, independence, confidence, utilitarian and decisiveness. ─── 其中职业决策态度又分为五个方面,即主动性、独立性、自信心、功利性和稳定性。

39、2) the rePorter often aPPears to be aPrOblem so1VerC) InsPration of the Program of "60 Millthes" for us to make Chinese televisionnews Programs tO be gOod and activ. ─── 提出要软化新闻内容,深化新闻主题,强化新闻引导,俗化新闻形式和淡化新闻主持。

40、Motivate mechanism is an important means to swap the activeness of students in biology teaching. ─── 在生物学教学中,激励机制是调动学生积极性的重要手段。

41、Sulfur recycle catalyst activeness decline reason and its preventive measures are analyzed. ─── 分析了硫磺回收催化剂活性衰退的原因及防止措施。

42、Influence of Fertilization on Bio-chemical Activeness of Rhizosphere Soil in Larch Plantations ─── 施肥对落叶松人工林根际土壤生化活性的影响

43、In the four traffic elements(human,vehicle,road and environment),human is the major factor and plays a dominant role for his activeness and intelligence. ─── 在道路交通4要素中(人、车、路、环境),人以其主动性和智慧性起着支配作用,是其中的主体要素。

44、Individuality teaching emphasizes on the students consciousness, positiveness, activeness of the learning process.Students' learning is a self -conscious and positive and active process. ─── 个性化教学强调学生学习过程的自觉性、积极性和主动性,学生的学习是一种自觉的积极主动的过程。

45、job description -primary point of contact and accountability for cash management and related activ... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:8-10年|职位类型:|公司规模:100-499人

46、Job Summary:Essential responsibility is to generate leads, develop customer accounts, and manage all sales activ...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京外企人力资源服务上海有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-3

47、The study object of literary psychology should be mind phenomena and rules which occured in literary produce and receive,but not only the taste and the art mind activ... ─── 文艺心理学的体系应该是文艺家心理、文艺创作心理、文艺接受心理、文艺批评心理四大块。

48、Their passion, activeness and insistence embodied the spirit of never abandon and never give up. ─── 他们用汗水和激情将不抛弃,不放弃的精神体现得淋漓尽致。

49、In this paper, we design a kind of multi-discursion model based on episodic memory, construct the trading agent living in the flow of trade data stream in high-dimension capital market to research the market activeness inside. ─── 摘要设计一种基于场景记忆的多层推理模型,构造生活在高维资本市场内部交易数据流中的感知交易主体,从市场的内部研究市场的交易行为。

50、NKcell killing activeness ─── NK细胞杀伤活性

51、Whey protein has some functional characteristics and biological activeness, and has been applied in food industry more and more wide. ─── 乳清蛋白具有一定的功能特性和生物学活性,在食品行业中应用越来越广泛。

52、A concept of activeness of software and its implementation are presented. ─── 提出一种软件主动性概念,并讨论它的实现技术。

53、Job burnout is the important cause affecting teachers' psychological heath and job activeness. ─── 工作倦怠是影响教师心理健康和工作积极性的重要原因。

54、Responsibility1. Fulfill design tasks according to project plan and specification.2. Join Project Team, be activ...... ... ─── 公司名称:施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2008-11-14

55、increase the chlorophyll content of seedling, the plant relative moisture content, the plant soluble sugar and enhance nitrogen, SOD activeness of plant root and leaf; ─── 增加秧苗叶绿素含量、植株相对含水率、植株可溶性糖及含氮量、植株根叶SOD活性;

56、staff activeness ─── 员工活性化

57、i also believe that the organizing committee will do everything well for this event with enthusiasm , activeness , commitment and expertise. ─── 组委会也将以饱满的热情、积极的态度、高度的责任感和专业的技能,做好每一项工作,将此次赛事办好。

58、Constructivists treat students as subjects for cognition and emphasize the activeness and constructiveness in cognition. ─── 建构主义认为认知的主体是学生,并强调其在认知过程中的主动性及建构性。

59、A concept of activeness of software and its implementation are presented. ─── 提出一种软件主动性概念,并讨论它的实现技术。

60、Notes: (1) The figures refer to establishments that had engaged in TI activ ities in respective reference years, ─── 創新、進行中而未完成的技術創新活動或已放棄的技術創新活動。

61、The Activeness and Passiveness of Volleyball Competition ─── 排球竞赛中的主动与被动

62、The government unfurls her publicity from aspects of both passiveness and activeness. ─── 在生活世界中政府从消极和积极两方面展示其公共性。

63、In protective enzymes systems, catalase activeness is inconsistent with the growth irradiance intensity change. ─── 在抗氧化系统中,过氧化氢酶活性与生长光强的变化不一致。

64、But now, it became a handcuff and constrained children freedom and activeness conversely. ─── 但现在,它却反过来成了桎梏儿童的镣铐,压抑了儿童的自由与主动性。

65、Decomposes Ji Yuan being drunk is the phosphorylase, the insulin causes its activeness to reduce, suppresses the glycogen the decomposition. ─── 分解籍原的醉是磷酸化酶,胰岛素使其活性降低,抑制糖原的分解。

66、With youth and thriving life, we shall dive into this infinite space and create our own world of glamour, activeness, and happiness. ─── 我们的年轻、我们旺盛的生命力打开无尽的空间,让我们去展示灿烂的吸引,去展示动感的美好和绚烂的魅力。

67、Flexibility is the activeness of thinking capable of achieving and maintaining dynamic balance, which can furnish the creative power with flexibility and balance. ─── 变通就是具有建立和维护动态平衡的思维活性,可以使创造能力具有灵活性和平衡性。

68、Set up .... employment mechanism.Give full play to staff's working activeness &individual potential. ─── 建立优胜劣汰、能上能下、赏罚分明的用人机制,充分发挥员工的工作积极性和个人潜能。

69、Job description:Department AVANTI has been established in China since January 2006 with sales and sourcing activ...... ... ─── 公司名称:翱文狄贸易(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-12

70、optically activ material ─── 旋光材料

71、Countermeasures to the Factors Affecting the Students'Learning Activeness ─── 影响大学生学习积极性的因素及对策

72、Our aesthetic theories usually are founded on geheric aesthetic activ ities . ─── 我们的审美理论通常建立在一般性的审美活动的基础上。

73、Whitening factor can instantly penetrate into deep skin, restrain the activeness of tyrosinase in deep skin, and prevent the production of melanin with the effect of it on epidermis. ─── 多美白能迅速渗透至皮肤深处,抑制存在于角质层深处的色素母细胞内的酪氨酸酶的活性。与其在皮肤表层的作用形成双重效果,抑制黑色素的生成。

74、optical activeness ─── 光学活性

75、Under the anticancer treatment activeness similar premise, two treatment ways mean the different life style and the life quality. ─── 在抗癌活性差不多的前提下,两种治疗方式意味着不同的生活方式和生活品质。

76、Effects: This formula contains international-advanced biological active essence that helps to isolate and slow down melanin production, improve skin activeness, increase the function of metabolism. ─── 功效:添加了国际上最精良的生物活性组合,分解淡化黑色素,提高皮肤活性,增强其代谢再生功能。

77、Compared with the national media, Shenzhen media activeness is leading! ─── 与全国的媒体相比,深圳媒体的活跃程度是首屈一指的!

78、ARIA: Quoted price, research material) 1.99: Before the company announces the AP24534 clinical, animal research data demonstration anticancer treatment activeness. ─── 报价,研究资料)1.99:公司公布AP24534临床前动物研究数据显示抗癌活性。

79、Aati-tumors:The dye lignin has the cytotoxin activeness to the human boby rhinitis cancer( KB )cell. ─── 抗肿瘤:染料木素对人体鼻炎癌(kb)细胞有细胞毒活性.

80、solar energy lamp is the symbolic scenery in the city Solar energy lamp has fashionable appearance and is the symbolic scenery for improving the image and show the activeness of city. ─── 太阳能灯是城市标志性景观:太阳能灯造型极具科技气息,充满现代感,是提升城市品格,彰显城市活力的标志性景观,可以成为现代都市一道亮丽的风景线。

81、But due to an initial lag in developmentTencent Weibo's growth is slow, though it has recently seen increasing activeness from its users. ─── 尽管由于用户的主观能动性使然,腾讯微博已逐见规模,但是由于一开始发展就滞后一点,它的发展速度还是有些缓慢。

82、In order to improve students' activeness and enthusiasm in learning, and thus to raise teaching quality, the authors are introducing their teaching experiences. ─── 为提高学生学习的主动性及积极性,进而提高教学质量,作者就几年来教学经验谈些体会。

83、we have taken pride in be self-reliant,China is now activ integr into the world. ─── 前不久加入世贸就是一个很好的例子。

84、Innovation of system is very helpful to improve employees' activeness to conduct consciously safety supervision; ─── 必须实施制度创新,充分提高企业职工自觉进行安全监督的积极性油;

85、The aromatic order and close electron stubsfitute activeness of several kinds of heterocyclic compounds ─── 几种杂环化合物的芳香性顺序和亲电取代活性

86、As this region had more connection with the world in economy and culture, the opening was changed from passiveness to activeness. ─── 北部湾地区与外部世界发生了更广泛的经济文化联系,由被动的开埠走向了主动的开放。

87、It is the charateristics of short attention, vivacity, activeness and strong self-expression that disable him from completing one class of lesson invariably. ─── 2,注意时间短,活泼好动,表现能力强烈,这些特点决定他一节课不能一成不变地上下来。

88、The anti- tumor activeness of activity was mainly the function of dissolving activity and suppressing blood platelet polymerization, and has disturbed the blood textile fiber and tumor cell congealing. ─── 抑制肿瘤细胞的生长菠萝蛋白酶的抗肿瘤活性主要被解释为其纤溶活性和抑制血小板聚合的作用,认为菠萝蛋白酶干扰了血纤维和肿瘤细胞的凝结。

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