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08-16 投稿


ruffed 发音

英:[r?ft]  美:[r?ft]

英:  美:

ruffed 中文意思翻译



ruffed 短语词组

1、ruffed grouse hunting ─── 猎松鸡

2、ruffed grouse ─── 披肩鸡; ─── 披肩榛鸡

3、ruffed lemur ─── [医]斑狐猴领狐猴,斑狐猴

4、ruffed grouse pictures ─── 皱褶松鸡图

5、ruffed canal ─── [医] 小带间隙

6、ruffed lace ─── 褶边花边

7、ruffed grouse society ─── 愤怒的松鸡协会

8、ruffed grouse hunting maine ─── 缅因州猎杀皱褶松鸡

9、ruffed joint ─── 折合接

10、ruffed lemurs ─── 领狐猴,斑狐猴

11、ruffed lernur ─── 皱褶线

12、ruffed out ─── 生气

13、ruffed up ─── 生气

ruffed 词性/词形变化,ruffed变形


ruffed 相似词语短语

1、puffed ─── adj.气喘吁吁的;肿胀的

2、buffed ─── adj.健壮的;肌肉发达的;v.擦亮;抛光(buff的过去式)

3、fuffed ─── 气急败坏的

4、duffed ─── n.水果布丁;(非正式)屁股;(森林地面上的)半腐层;(非正式)怀孕;v.(非正式)痛击,毒打;把(偷盗物)改头换面;偷盗并更改(牛身上的)烙印;误击,没把(球)击好;adj.(非正式)蹩脚的,无用的;错误的,不正确的;n.(Duff)(美、加、英)迪夫(人名)

5、huffed ─── v.生气地说;把……吹胀,吹气;发怒,激怒;蔑视;恫吓;嗅(汽油、溶剂)作为兴奋剂;(国际跳棋中)取掉(对方本可吃棋的棋子);n.发怒,恼怒;n.(Huff)(美)胡夫(人名)

6、luffed ─── n.船首弯曲部;逆风航行;纵帆前缘;vt.将船首朝上风;vi.转船首迎风行驶;驶出上风;n.(Luff)人名;(英)勒夫;(德)卢夫

7、muffed ─── adj.失误的;v.弄糟(muff的过去式和过去分词)

8、ruffled ─── adj.有褶饰边的;气恼的;v.弄皱;生气;鸟受惊时羽毛竖起(ruffle的过去分词形式)

9、cuffed ─── v.用手轻快地拍打;给……戴上手铐(cuff的过去式和过去分词)

ruffed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The wide circumference of an elaborate ruff, beneath his grey beard, in the antiquated fashion of King James's reign, caused his head to look not a little like that of John the Baptist in a charger. ─── 他的灰色胡须下面,围着詹姆斯国王统治期间那种老式的精致而宽大的环状皱领,使得他的脑袋颇有点像托盘中的洗礼者约翰的头颅。

2、The mice were cornered when one of the mice turned around and barked, "Ruff! ─── 在老鼠被迫至一隅时,老鼠之一回过头而且吠了:汪!

3、Round and round the ruffed rock the ragged rascal ran. ─── 褴褛的无赖围着高低不平的岩石不停地跑。

4、The mane on neck and shoulders is longer and also forms a ruff at the base of the ears and the throat. ─── 肩部和颈部长有鬃毛,鬃毛比其他地方的被毛长一些,耳根和喉咙长有一圈毛领。

5、Untrimmed natural ruff; moderate feathering on back of forelegs and on underbody; heavier feathering on front of neck, back of thighs and underside of tail. ─── 不修剪,自然的环状领,前腿后部和身体下有适度的羽状饰毛;颈前部、大腿后部和尾底侧有丰厚的羽状饰毛。

6、Roger Troutman of the Zapp Band, used the device with a keyboard to create such hits as "So Ruff So Tuff", "More Bounce", "Computer Love", "I Want To Be Your Man", etc. ─── 很喜欢着张诚恳的专辑,虽然整张专辑只有8首曲目,但全原汁原味的呈现出当年这种风格歌曲的精髓,在此精选4首给大家。

7、Ruffed lemur ─── 斑狐猴

8、You ruff a spade high, West throwing a club, and a trump to dummy reveals the whole distribution. ─── 你大将吃黑桃,西扔张梅花,吊将到明手,揭示了全部的分布。

9、A diamond lead allows a ruff in dummy. ─── 打方块牌,名家就可以出王牌压。

10、Black and White Ruffed Lemur clings to a branch at the Monkeyland Primate Sanctuary near Pletteberg Bay on South Africa's scenic Garden Route September 30, 2007. ─── 南非靠近普列登堡湾的灵长类动物保护区内,黑白颈狐猴紧抓著树枝。

11、A monkey(Macaca silenus) of south-central Asia, having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face. ─── 狮尾猕猴亚洲中南部一种猴,(狮尾猕猴猕猴属),体表黑色且有光泽,脸部有灰色绉颌

12、On a diamond lead you would have been able either to ruff your third diamond with the eight of clubs or to squeeze West after ducking the first diamond. ─── 如果是方块首攻,你就可以用8将吃第三张方块,或者忍让第一轮,然后对西实施挤牌。

13、They is cross ruff now. ─── 他们现在在交叉将吃了。

14、The coat on the rear of the thighs forms culottes, which should be as long as the ruff. ─── 后腿后面的毛发形成 “裙裤”,毛发长度与脖圈一样。

15、common Eurasian sandpiper; male has an erectile ruff in breeding season. ─── 欧亚大陆普通的矶鹬;雄鸟的颈毛在繁殖期可直立。

16、He could not afford to win in dummy and ruff two diamonds, for that would establish West`s eight of clubs. ─── 他不能让明手大而手上将吃两张方块,那样的话西的8就是大牌了。

17、The neckline waslow round, V-shape, or square during early Renaissance, and later was shirred up into a higher neckline finishing with a ruff. ─── 在文艺复兴早期,领口通常为圆形、V形或方形低领,后期领口升高并用轮状皱领装饰。

18、large arboreal insectivorous Australian lizard with a ruff of skin around the neck. ─── 大型树栖食虫性澳大利亚蜥蜴,脖子上环有皱领状皮肤。

19、large arboreal insectivorous Australian lizard with a ruff of skin around the neck ─── 大型树栖食虫性澳大利亚蜥蜴,脖子上环有皱领状皮肤

20、a ruff for the neck worn in the 16th century. ─── 十六世纪欧洲人服饰上通行的一种领子。

21、Images: 1 a baby black and white ruffed lemur. ─── 图片:1一只黑白相间的白颈狐猴幼仔。

22、ruffed joint ─── 折合接

23、East can ruff, but he has to yield the last two tricks. ─── 东可以将吃,但是他必须交出最后两墩牌。

24、The coat should form a ruff around the neck and shoulders, framing the head (more on males than on females). ─── 披毛围绕颈部和肩部形成“围脖”(雄性比雌性要多一些)。

25、Round and round the ruffed rock the ragged rascal ran. ─── 衣衬褴褛的无赖围着高低不平的岩石不停地跑。

26、He 's clever to ruff a club at trick two . ─── 他在打第二墩牌时将吃梅花,这很聪明。

27、a ruff for the neck worn in the16th century ─── 16世纪戴在脖子上的领子

28、Ian Ruff ─── 拉夫

29、common Eurasian sandpiper; male has an erectile ruff in breeding season ─── 欧亚大陆普通的矶鹬;雄鸟的颈毛在繁殖期可直立

30、No undercoat, mane or ruff. ─── 被毛有两种变化。

31、" Back then, fluffing your ruff would warm the body by trapping an insulating layer of air between the hairs. ─── 毛发变蓬松后,毛发之间的空气相当于一层绝缘体,给身体保温。

32、The best-known North American species is the ruffed grouse. ─── 北美洲的种类中最著名的是流苏松鸡。

33、, the coat should be of soft texture, close and glossy. (Heavier coats with undercoats permissible.) Coat placed well over body with ruff on neck preferred, and more scanty on head and ears. ─── 短毛犬,披毛应该质地柔软,细致紧密,光滑而有光泽。(允许有较厚的底毛。)披毛均匀覆盖全身,在颈部形成环状较理想。[相比之下,]头部和耳朵的披毛略显不足。

34、"Ruff, ruff," answers the dog, "I don't know. ─── 他们大家都饿了。“约翰在哪儿呢?”你知道吗?

35、Housed next to the ruffed lemurs is a common brown lemur, and next to it a sifaka named Drusilla with her new infant. ─── 在白颈狐猴隔壁的是一只褐狐猴,再过去则是一只名叫珠席拉的跳狐猴与她的新生儿。

36、"She saw her father's face, with its bald brow, and reverend white beard, that flowed over the old-fashioned Elizabethan ruff;" ─── 她看到厂她父亲的面容:光秃秃的额头和飘洒在伊丽莎白时代老式环状皱领上的威风凛凛的白须;

37、Has a resilient texture and a tendency to stand out from the body, especially on neck, shoulders, and chest areas where the hair forms a thick mane or ruff. ─── 毛发属于弹性质地且竖立在身体上,尤其是在脖子、肩膀、胸部周围形成浓密的鬃毛或毛领。

38、red ruffed lemurs sounded an alarm call about 15 minutes before the quake and then again just after it occurred. ─── 红斑狐猴们在地震之前15分钟发出预警呼叫,地震来临时又一次发出警报。

39、cross [double] ruff ─── 与搭档者交互出王牌

40、to ruff; to trump ─── 出将牌

41、a monkey(Macaca silenus) of south-central Asia,having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face ─── 亚洲中南部一种猴,(狮尾猕猴猕猴属),体表黑色且有光泽,脸部有灰色绉颌

42、it is medium length on the body, and longer in the ruff, cape, jabot and culottes. ─── 脸部、耳朵、前腿前面和飞节的被毛短;

43、Common to Madagascar, the Black and White Ruffed Lemur is currently classified as Endangered by the World Conservation Union.World Animal Day is commemorated on October 4. ─── 曾在马达加斯加很常见的黑白颈狐猴,目前已被世界自然保护联盟列为濒临绝种动物。

44、The basic type of rock in alliterated belts is shard ruff and major alteration type is the mineralization of montmorillonite, siliceous mineralization, the width of the minerogenetic alliterated belts is17 m. ─── 蚀变带的岩石基本类型为玻屑凝灰岩,主要的蚀变类型为蒙脱石化作用和硅化作用。

45、The coat is more profuse about the neck and shoulders where it forms a ruff or mane which is more pronounced in males. ─── 底毛浓密、纤细、棉絮状。雄性颈部和肩部的毛发尤其浓密,形成围脖或鬃毛。

46、Any of several birds, such as the ruffed grouse or the bobwhite, similar or related to the partridge. ─── 山鹑类几种类似山鹑或与山鹑有关的鸟中的任一种,如披肩榛鸡和白喉鹑

47、Here's another shot of the three pieces I ruffed taped together. ─── 这里的另一个拍摄的三件iruffed录音在一起。

48、He's clever to ruff a club at trick two. ─── 他在打第二墩牌时将吃梅花,这很聪明。

49、a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scotland. ─── 在苏格兰培育的皮毛如丝的牧羊犬,颈毛长,头长而窄。

50、to ruff ─── 王吃[以王牌取胜]

51、to ruff | trump ─── 王吃[以王牌取胜

52、Jason: Well, Coach Brogon called me a wimp, and he punched me as hard as he could at my stomach. Now comes the ruff part of the evening. ─── 杰森:布罗克顿他骂我是一个孬种,然后朝我的胃部狠命的打了一拳,恐怕晚上会疼的更利害。

53、She saw her father's face, with its bold brow, and reverend white beard that flowed over the old-fashioned Elizabethan ruff; ─── 她看到了她父亲的面容:光秃秃的额头和飘洒在伊丽莎白时代老式环状皱领上的威风凛凛的白须;

54、Ruff was a mild-mannered man who had been wheelchair-bound for most of his life. ─── 拉夫是个性情温和的人,大半生都坐在轮椅上。

55、She saw her father's face, with its bald brow, and reverend white beard, that flowed over the old-fashioned Elizabethan ruff; ─── 她看到厂她父亲的面容:光秃秃的额头和飘洒在伊丽莎白时代老式环状皱领上的威风凛凛的白须;

56、Her needle-work was seen on the ruff of the Governor; military men wore it on their scarfs, and the minister on his band; ─── 于是,她的针线活便出现在总督的皱领上、军人的绶带上、牧师的领结上;

57、To find a mate, the male ruffed grouse stands on a hollow log and beats his wings, making a drumming sound. ─── 雄松鸡在求偶的时候总是站在空心的圆木上拍动翅膀,发出击鼓般的声音。

58、They said the paint used was also characteristic of that period, as was the intricate and costly style of the lace ruff worn by the man in the portrait. ─── 他补述说, " 已经见到这四幅画的人中,没有人能怀疑,科布肖像是原始文本。你不再需要找一个专家去见证它。”

59、"Rough" and "ruff" sound the same. rough. ─── 与 ruff 的发音听起来一样。

60、"Her needle-work was seen on the ruff of the Governor; military men wore it on their scarfs, and the minister on his hand; it decked the baby's little cap; it was shut up, to be mildewed and moulder away, in the coffins of the dead." ─── 于是,她的针线活便出现在总督的皱领上、军人的绶带上、牧师的领结上;装饰在婴儿的小帽上,还给封闭在死人的棺木中霉烂掉。

61、his hand ruffed that of his opponents ─── 他的手牌是以王牌胜过其对手的。

62、Round and round the ruffed rock the ragged rascal ran. ─── 衣衬褴褛的无赖围着高低不平的岩石不停地跑。

63、Over-all length varies, with slightly thicker and longer ruff around the neck, chest and on the shoulders. ─── 太短的颈部和太长、太细的颈部(羊脖子)都属于缺陷。

64、ruffed canal ─── [医] 小带间隙

65、If West has the outstanding trump, you cannot enjoy your heart trick without giving up your minor suit ruff. ─── 如果西有剩下那张将牌,你就不能够既拿到你的红心赢墩又能将吃你的低花输墩。

66、"The wide circumference of an elaborate ruff, beneath his grey beard, in the antiquated fashion of King James' reign, caused his head to look not a little like that of John the Baptist in a charger." ─── 他的灰色胡须下面,围着詹姆斯国王统治期间那种老式的精致而宽大的环状皱领,使得他的脑袋颇有点象托盘中的洗礼者约翰的头颅。

67、The softer undercoat is dense and short on the body and is very dense around the neck, making the ruff stand out. ─── 底毛柔软,身躯上的底毛较短,而颈部周围的底毛浓厚,形成直立的脖圈。

68、large vulture of the high Andes having black plumage and white neck ruff ─── 安第斯山脉的大型秃鹫,黑色羽毛,白色颈毛

69、He is smart to ruff a spade at trick one. ─── 他在打第一墩时用王牌压黑桃,这很聪明。

70、Ruff is lying on the floor. ─── 拉夫趴在地上。

71、So, in the diagram position you lead a small heart and ruff in hand, and West`s boat is swamped, whether he discards a club, a diamond or his trump. ─── 因而,在如图形式下,你引一张小红心手上将吃,西的小船就沉没了,不管他垫的是梅花,方块还是将牌。

72、They are to help you through ruff time and hang out and give advice. ─── 我国重塑会计诚信,需要从会计诚信缺失的主要环节进行治理。

73、A spade lead will allow a ruff in dummy . ─── 出黑桃可让明手将吃。

74、In the Streets Rydin Ruff!!! ─── 心情: Ruff Rydin!!星期二。

75、ruffed border ─── 皱褶缘

76、These seem to appear at winter's first thaw, and have a ruff of dainty green leaves beneath each buttercup flower. ─── 在冬天的第一次雪融之后它们钻出地面,一圈鲜绿色的叶子长在锌黄色花朵的下面。

77、However, it didn't take long for Angel to get into the spoilt pet role and soon she insisted on using a doggie double for the running scenes because she refuses to do ruff and tumble. ─── 但安琪儿很快融入这只被惯坏的宠物犬角色中,她坚持拍狂奔镜头时要请替身狗狗代劳,因为她拒绝拍胡闹瞎搞的戏。

78、A monkey(Macaca silenus)of south - central Asia,having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face. ─── 狮尾猕猴亚洲中南部一种猴,(狮尾猕猴猕猴属),体表黑色且有光泽,脸部有灰色绉颌

79、ruffed grouse ─── ph. 北美洲产的一种松鸡

80、pupillary ruff ─── (虹膜)色素褶皱, 瞳孔环

81、If he unguarded either minor suit, dummy would be able to lead a winner.East would be forced to ruff, but South would over-ruff and cash his winning heart. ─── 如果他放弃任何的低花,明手就可以打出一个低花赢墩,东将被迫将吃,但是南会超吃并且兑现红心。

82、The path to glory is always ruffed. ─── 光荣之路常坎坷。

83、They created Ruff and Ready, selling it to Screen Gems, a division of Columbia Pictures. ─── 他们创造拉夫和准备,将它出售给屏幕宝石,一个部门的哥伦比亚电影公司。

84、If this is over-ruffed, draw one trump and ruff the fourth diamond with the heart five. ─── 即使这个将吃被超吃,你只吊一轮将牌,然后用5将吃第四张方块。

85、large vulture of the high Andes having black plumage and white neck ruff. ─── 安第斯山脉的大型秃鹫,黑色羽毛,白色颈毛。

86、Siegfried Ruff was Director of the Department of Aviation Medicine. ─── SiegfriedRuff是航空医学部主任。

87、In the times of the Tudors, a man dressed in doublet and hose and wore a ruff ─── 在都铎王朝时期,男人穿紧身上衣和紧身短裤,脖子上戴宽而硬的轮状皱领。

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