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08-16 投稿


cessation 发音

英:[se'se??(?)n]  美:[s?'se??n]

英:  美:

cessation 中文意思翻译



cessation 词性/词形变化,cessation变形


cessation 短语词组

1、chain cessation ─── [化] 链终止

2、cessation of arms ─── [法] 休战

3、cessation reaction ─── [化] 终止反应; 链终止反应

4、cessation of work ─── [法] 停工

5、cessation of hostilities ─── [法] 休战, 停战

6、cessation crossword ─── 停止填字游戏

7、cessation ssi ─── 停止ssi

8、cessation meaning ─── 停止意义

9、cessation definition ─── 停止定义

10、cessation of menstruation ─── 月经停止

11、cessation adjustments ─── 停止调整

12、cessation synonym ─── 停止同义词

13、cessation of business ─── [经] 停业

14、cessation certificate ─── 停业证明书

15、temporary cessation of business ─── [法] 暂停营业

16、smoking cessation ─── 戒烟

17、without cessation ─── 无休止地

18、cessation definition law ─── 停止定义法

cessation 相似词语短语

1、incensation ─── n.焚香

2、decussation ─── n.X形交叉;十字交叉

3、cessative ─── adj.表示停止的

4、cessations ─── n.停止;中止;中断

5、sensation ─── n.感觉;轰动;感动

6、cassation ─── n.废弃;撤消原判;室外组曲

7、cession ─── n.(权利的)转让,出让;(领土的)割让

8、causation ─── n.原因;因果关系;出现

9、cassations ─── n.废弃;撤消原判;室外组曲

cessation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today, the State Food and Drug Administration announced that from January 7 this year, the cessation of fenfluramine hydrochloride production and sales. ─── 今天,国家食品药品监督管理局宣布,从今年1月7日起,停止盐酸芬氟拉明的生产和销售。

2、Sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause, sometimes considered a consequence of repression. ─── 中断说话或思虑无意识地突然中断,可能是感情压抑的结果

3、Secretary Rice and diplomats from other countries are developing United Nations resolutions to bring about a cessation of hostilities and establish a foundation for lasting peace. ─── 国务卿莱斯和别的国家的外交官们促使联合国下决心致力于终止敌对,建立永久的和平。

4、They say the two countries have proposed a call for an eventual cessation of hostilities. ─── 他们说这两个国家提出了一项最终结束敌对状态的建议。

5、The UN has called for a "temporary cessation of hostilities" to allow it to evacuate foreign workers and Libyans who want to leave. ─── 联合国已经号召“临时休战”来撤出想要离开的外国工人和利比亚人。

6、The net after-tax operating revenue or loss from the discontinued department prior to the authorized business cessation date. ─── 凡企业处分某一营业部门时,其截至核准停业日止之该部门年度营业损益税后净额皆属之。

7、On the other hand, personal loans, the banks provided a complete cessation of speculative lending support. ─── 另一方面,个人房贷,为银行方面全面停止投机性贷款提供了支持。

8、In reality, the "ceasefire" was a tempering of aggression on both sides rather than a cessation of hostilities. ─── 事实上,停火协议只是临时性的,而非双方实质上的停止冲突。

9、He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities. ─── 他不会同意敌对状态的停止。

10、An armistice (or truce, as it is sometimes called) is the cessation of active hostilities for a period agreed upon by the belligerents. ─── 休战协定(有时称为停战)是双方同意中断进行中之交战状态。

11、Where a business ceases to be carried on, any person who was carrying on such business shall within one month of the cessation notify the Commissioner in writing thereof. ─── 如停止经营,任何经营者将必须在业务停止的一个月内以书面形式向(提供发放商业注册证书机构的)委员通报该情况。

12、The density and structure of epidermal LC returned to normal 8 days after cessation of UVR. ─── 停止照射后8天LC密度及结构基本复原。

13、At the cessation of NF3exposure, methemoglobin reverts back to hemoglobin. While methemoglobinemia clears spontaneously over several hours, hemolytic anemia may take several weeks to resolve. ─── 在NF3暴露停止后,高铁血红蛋白转化回血红素。高铁血红蛋白症会在几个小时后自动消失,而溶血性贫血需要几个星期才能解除。

14、A temporary cessation of fighting by mutual consent; a truce. ─── 停战经双方同意暂时停止战斗;休战

15、For smokers including Smoking Cessation Hotline and Smoking Cessation Programme. ─── 包括戒烟热线及戒烟计划。

16、The net after-tax gain from disposal of a department and the operating revenues or losses from the authorized business cessation date to the disposal completion date. ─── 凡企业处分某一营业部门时,其自核准停业日起至完成处分日止之该部门处分期间营业损益及直接处分损益税后净额皆属之。

17、Sprinkling creates water particles in the air that reduce outgoing radiation, but plant temperature declines immediately on cessation of the operation. ─── 喷洒在空气中产生小水滴,它们使射出辐射减小,但是喷洒一停止,植物本身温度立刻下降。

18、Any cessation of the patent right shall be registered and announced by the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council . ─── 专利权在期限届满前终止的,由国务院专利行政部门登记和公告。

19、"These data suggest the importance of targeting young smokers with cessation counseling while their likelihood of success in quitting is greatest," the authors point out. ─── “这些数据揭示出,在保证戒烟成功可能性最大的同时,停止对年轻吸烟者进行咨询的重要性。

20、Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. ─── 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。

21、If an accident resulting in cessation of breathing should occur from any cause, the victim should be given artificial respiration at once. ─── 如果由于任何原因造成呼吸停止事故,应该立即给受害者做人工呼吸。

22、Once a haemolytic reaction is suspected, management should include the cessation of the drugs in question and transfusion support. ─── 一旦怀疑是溶血反应,治疗应包括停用可以药物及输血等支持疗法。

23、Some substances attack the brain stem causing a cessation of the breath so that one simply asphyxiates. ─── 一些物质攻击脑干引起呼吸停止,并产生窒息。

24、Transient atrioventricular block (AVB) occurred during 8 cryo-applications (3 CM, 5 CA) with immediate return of normal AV conduction upon cessation of application. ─── 在冷冻过程中发现暂时性房室传导阻滞(AVB)8次(CM时3次,CA时5次),停止冷冻作用后房室传导功能迅速恢复。

25、Also, cessation was associated with an increase in bone alkaline phosphatase( BAP), which is a marker for bone remodeling, they stated. ─── 同样,骨再造的标记-碱性磷酸酶的增高与戒烟也存在着联系。

26、At the cessation of NF3exposure, methemoglobin reverts back to hemoglobin. ─── 在NF3暴露停止后,高铁血红蛋白转化回血红素。

27、Mice in the group of 7 days administration of diazepam showed weak abstinence syndromes after cessation of drug administration, and there was no significant difference in electric convulsion rate when compared with the control group. ─── 喂食安定7 d组,戒断时亦可见轻度戒断症状,但电惊厥率与对照组相比无显著性差异.

28、A point of discontinuity, change, or cessation. ─── 分界点不连续、变化或终止的点

29、There is still no universally agreed-on explanation for why there should be such a dramatic cessation of tree growth at the upper timberline. ─── 仍然有没有普遍地同意-在解释上为为什么应该有如此的一个戏剧性的停止树生长在上面的树带界线。

30、From contact arise perceptions and the cessation of contact is the cessation of perceptions. ─── 依触之集而有想之集,由触之灭而想之灭。

31、English: 42. Sprinkling creates water particles in the air that reduce outgoing radiation, but plant temperature declines immediately on cessation of the operation. ─── 中文:喷洒在空气中产生小水滴,它们使射出辐射减小,但是喷洒一停止,植物本身温度立刻下降。

32、still no universally agreed-on explanation for why there should be such a dramatic cessation of tree growth at the upper timberline. ─── 对于为什么树线以上的树木会突然停止生长,至今还没有一个公认的解释。

33、Most of that drop will come from the expiration of temporary stimulus measures, the cessation of capital injections and the hoped-for start of economic recovery. ─── 大部分的赤字减少量将源自于短期财政激励到位、停止资本注入以及大家希望的经济复苏。

34、Temporary absence or cessation of breathing. ─── 呼吸暂停呼吸的暂时停止或中断

35、But in the face of the 2006 general cessation of the construction project, the developer had prepared, the market is likely to advance peatlands. ─── 但面对2006年全面停止建设项目的政府规定,开发商又不得不未雨绸缪,市场有可能提前放量。

36、In hopelessness and sadness, the mind at that time being is as near as make no difference compared with cessation of breathing. ─── "在绝望,伤心时,那一刻的心情也许和停止了呼吸没什么分别。"

37、"We believe that the international community must help us in acquiring and getting a cessation of hostilities immediately," said Saeb Erekat. ─── 埃雷卡特说:“我们认为国际社会必须帮助我们,让有关各方立即停止敌对行动。”

38、Any cessation of the patent right shall Be registered and announced by the Patent Office. ─── 专利权的终止,由专利局登记和公告。

39、All commissions due IB as of the cessation of business shall be paid immediately upon clearance and settlement of all pending customer transactions. ─── 业务终止前代理应得的所有佣金应在所有未结客户交易被结算和解决后立即支付。

40、Arrange smoking cessation advice in smokers contemplative of reducing or stopping tobacco consumption. ─── 为打算减少或停止烟草消耗吸烟者中提供戒烟建议。

41、Dr Alex Bobak, a GP in Wandsworth, south London, and a smoking cessation expert, said more people were asking about stopping smoking in the run-up to the ban. ─── 世界卫生组织呼吁所有国家采取措施,禁止在所有室内公共场所和工作场合吸烟,这包括餐馆、酒吧、商店、办公室和其它公共场所,以防止二手烟给人们造成健康危害。

42、The money saved from the cessation of the road project will be invested in public transport. ─── 停止筑路项目省下的资金将投入公共交通。

43、Also, cessation was associated with an increase in bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), which is a marker for bone remodeling, they stated. ─── 同样,骨再造的标记-骨碱性磷酸酶的增高与戒烟也存在着联系。

44、If the absolutely groundless "resolution" of the Nanking Executive Yuan is followed and the Kuomintang is unwilling to carry on peace negotiations unless there is first a cessation of hostilities, then where is its sincere desire for peace? ─── 如果照南京行政院的毫无理由的“决议”,不先行停战就不愿意进行和平谈判,则国民党的和平诚意在什么地方呢?

45、In the night, or the gloomy chambers of the day, fears and misgivings wax strong, but out in the sunlight there is, for a time, cessation even of the terror of death. ─── 在夜里,或者白天在阴暗的房间里,强烈的恐惧和疑虑也许会袭上心头。 但是一旦到了阳光下,一时间恐怕连死亡的恐惧也会忘记的。

46、Other steps include the promotion of smoking cessation, exercise and diet programmes plus the use of generic drugs to reduce blood pressure, control blood sugar and cholesterol. ─── 其它的步骤包括提倡戒烟、锻炼和饮食调节,加之应用通用名药物来降低血压、控制血糖和胆固醇。

47、Eg.9 Occasionally, however, serious reactions occur which necessitate cessation of penicillin therapy; very rarely, death may ensue. ─── 可是,又是会发生严重的反应,这就需要停止青霉素治疗;在极少的情况下,会接着发生死亡。

48、But the cessation of his hostility for Pen did not diminish Huxter's attentions to Fanny. ─── 但是对小潘的仇视的消释,并没有减少赫克斯特对芬妮的关心。

49、Otherwise, we're not going to get either side to agree to a cessation of hostilities and be able to open up the door to humanitarian aid. ─── 否则,我们就不能说服任何一方同意停止敌对行动,也不能为人道主义援助打开大门。

50、In the old covenant, cessation from work was a sign of the fact that their work was the basis for entering God's rest. ─── 在旧约中,停止工作是一个记号,表明这个事实:他们的工作是进入神的安息的基础。

51、September 18, 44-year-old Zhang Chunmei for women with uterine fibroids surgery, after the cessation of breathing room, followed by cardiac arrest. ─── 9月18日,44岁女性患者章春梅进行子宫肌瘤手术,术后在病房出现呼吸停止,随后心跳骤停。

52、A temporary cessation of fighting by mutual consent;a truce. ─── 停战经双方同意暂时停止战斗;

53、LifeMasters' programs are holistically focused, support co-morbidities such as depression and facilitate lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation and weight loss. ─── Llifemaster的服务很全面,包括并存症,如抑郁,还有生活方式改变,如减肥、戒烟。

54、Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. ─── 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。

55、In women who are not pregnant, bupropion is approved for the treatment of smoking cessation and depression. ─── 安非他酮作为抗抑郁症药物称为威博隽,作为戒烟药物称为耐烟盼。

56、The act or an instance of discontinuing or the condition of being discontinued; cessation. ─── 停止,中断中止的过程或事例,或被终止的状态

57、S ARS areas for the basic cessation of the sale, due to invest a lot of money for the transaction has to be greatly affected the quality of bank assets. ─── S ARS使这些地区的销售基本停止,由于投入大量资金,交易萎缩对银行的资产质量会有很大影响。

58、It meant cessation, rest. ─── 它意味着结束,休息。

59、Yet those who bemoan the cessation of population growth are thinking back-to-front. ─── 在中国,人口增长显然在增加经济的绝对规模方面发挥了一定作用。

60、"Foreign Contributions previously unified property companies, property division after the withdrawal, on the cessation of the supply management sector. ─── “以前物业公司统一对外交费,物业撤走之后没人管了,管理部门就停止了供应。”

61、Seidman, a Manhattan psychologist who specializes in smoking cessation. ─── 不要做出下意识的反应。”

62、Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation Weden, Margaret; Kimbro, Rachel Tolbert p. ─── 初婚时间选择与戒烟行为在种族和族裔方面的差异性。

63、The transfer, mortgage, invalidation, cessation, resumption and the names of the patent owner and his nationality, change of addresses, etc. should be recorded in the patent log. ─── 专利权的转移、质押、无效、终止、恢复和专利权人的姓名或名称、国籍、地址变更等事项记载在专利登记薄上。

64、In a condition of biological rest or inactivity characterized by cessation of growth or development and the suspension of many metabolic processes. ─── 休眠期的处在生物休眠、停止活动的状态中,特征是停止生长或发展及许多代谢过程的中止

65、We were off the mark as soon as the bell for the cessation of work sounded. ─── 停止工作的铃声一响,我们马上就走了。

66、A temporary cessation of the customary activities of an engagement, occupation, or pursuit. ─── 休息某个活动、职业或追求的习惯性持续行为暂时停顿

67、A cessation; a discontinuance. ─── 停止,中断;终止

68、In all 4 patients, sirolimus-induced pneumonitis resoled following cessation of therapy but took weeks to months for complete recoery. ─── 发生西罗莫司诱发性肺炎的4名病人均停止使用西罗莫司,但病人在数周到数月之后才完全恢复。

69、Will's boss calls for the immediate cessation of the experiments and for all the remaining chimps to be euthanized. ─── 威尔的上司紧急叫停了这项试验,并下令将剩下的所有黑猩猩实施安乐死。

70、What event contributed to the cessation of mortar practice from Battery Byrne? ─── 什么事件导致了贝特瑞伯恩的迫击炮练习的终止?

71、But by the end of 1920, with the abrupt cessation of wartime demand, the commercial agriculture of staple crops fell into a sharp decline. ─── 但到了1920年末,战时的需求突然终止,生产主要作物的商业性农业遂一蹶不振。

72、Monks, feelings are destruction and their cessation, mastery and fading is non-destruction. ─── 五诸比丘!色是坏法,彼若灭、息、没者,则是不坏法。

73、For smoking cessation without adequate mental preparation and physical preparation, whim camel began to think of quitting. ─── 对戒烟不作充分的思想准备和物质准备,心血来潮般地想到戒烟就开始。

74、The commanding generals of both armies agreed to temporary cessation of arms for the burial of the dead. ─── 两军的总司令同意暂时停战以埋葬阵亡的人。

75、In the meantime our letters requesting cessation of the culls have gone out in Chinese and English to the officials who continue with this form of dog “control”. ─── 同时,我们的要求停止屠杀动物的中英文信件寄发给了那些继续此类狗类“管制”的官员。

76、You shall inform him about the beginning and cessation of circumstances preventing fulfillment of the contractual obligations. ─── 你要告诉他(我们)不能按约执行义务的原委.

77、In other words, in the future, in addition to operating real estate projects purely rebuild projects, the sale agreement for the cessation of all open market transactions. ─── 也就是说,今后,经营性房地产项目除纯粹的危改项目外,一律停止协议出让而进行市场化公开交易。

78、About 24 days later the ovules showed progressive shrinkage accompanied by a cessation of growth of the adventive embryos. ─── 24天后,在无胚乳的条件下,停止生长。

79、The period of such cessation. ─── 休息时间这种停顿持续的时间

80、The Hash Warning event class can be used to monitor when a hash recursion or cessation of hashing (hash bailout) has occurred during a hashing operation. ─── Hash Warning事件类可用于监视在哈希操作过程中何时发生哈希递归或哈希终止(哈希释放)。

81、Tara Fredericks, LMSW, Clinical Coordinator of the Smoking Cessation Program, is currently the Project Director of Tobacco and Mental Health Training Project. ─── Tara Fredericks, LMSW临床戒烟程序的协调者,是现任的项目和精神健康训练程序主任。

82、The war effort, combined with the cessation of coal trade, led to overcutting for fuel and to forest destruction in many parts of the world. ─── 世界很多地区由于战争的进行和煤炭贸易中断导致森林大量砍伐用作燃料,从而导致森林破坏。

83、Sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause,sometimes considered a consequence of repression. ─── 中断说话或思虑无意识地突然中断,可能是感情压抑的结果。

84、A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides;an armistice. ─── 停战通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;

85、A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides; an armistice. ─── 停战通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;停战

86、If bupropion is found to be more effective for smoking cessation than sertraline, the investigators plan to repeat the trials in non-depressed pregnant women. ─── 如果安非他酮在戒烟上确实比舍曲林更为有效,研究者计划在无抑郁症的孕妇中重复该项试验。

87、ECRA applies to the sale or transfer of, or cessation of operations at, any "industrial establishment". ─── 《环境净化责任法》适用于任何“工业产业”的出售、转移,或者经营的终止。

88、consumers to "smoke" question the effectiveness of smoking cessation did not affect the "smoke" sales skyrocket. ─── 消费者对“如烟”戒烟效果的质疑并没有影响“如烟”销售收入一路飙升。

89、AFTER Israel's declaration of a unilateral ceasefire in its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip attention will turn to whether the cessation of hostilites will hold. ─── 在以军宣布单方面停止在加沙地带对哈马斯的战争之后,人们开始关心这种敌对的终止能否维持。

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