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08-16 投稿


canescent 发音

英:[[k?'nes?nt]]  美:[[k?'nes?nt]]

英:  美:

canescent 中文意思翻译



canescent 词性/词形变化,canescent变形

名词: canescence |

canescent 短语词组

1、canescent cell ─── 癌细胞

2、canescent meaning ─── 无味的意思

3、canescent botany ─── 甘蔗植物学

4、canescent definition of verbenaceae ─── 马鞭草科植物的定义

canescent 相似词语短语

1、calescent ─── 发热

2、crescent ─── n.新月;新月状物;伊斯兰教的标记;土耳其的新月形国徽;adj.新月形的;逐渐增加的;vt.以新月形物装饰;使成新月形;n.(Crescent)人名;(法)克雷桑

3、evanescent ─── adj.容易消散的;逐渐消失的;会凋零的

4、canescence ─── n.灰白色

5、candescent ─── adj.白热的

6、caulescent ─── adj.有茎的

7、coalescent ─── adj.合并的;接合的;n.联合;合并

8、acescent ─── adj.变酸的

9、ignescent ─── adj.敲击发出火花的;反复无常的;n.发火物

canescent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Herbs annual, biennial, or perennial, tomentose, usually canescent. ─── 一年生草本,两年一次的事,或者多年生植物,,通常被灰白毛。

2、rachis canescent or ferruginous tomentose, ca. 16 cm, 2-bracteate. ─── 被灰白毛的轴或者被锈色绒毛,大约16厘米,2具苞片。

3、Herbs annual, canescent or pale green. ─── 一年生草本,被灰白毛的或苍绿色。

4、Branchlets gray-brown, canescent or ferruginous tomentose. ─── 小枝灰棕色,被灰白毛或者被锈色绒毛。

5、Branchlets gray or grayish brown, canescent pilose or sericeous when young, with peeling bark when old. ─── 灰色的小枝或者淡灰棕色,幼时被灰白毛具柔毛或者被绢毛,同时剥狗叫声老时。

6、Stems and petioles densely strigose; leaf blade herbaceous, apex cuspidate, 0. 5-1. 2 cm, abaxial surface densely canescent. ─── 茎和叶柄密被糙伏毛;叶片草质,先端骤尖,0.5-1.2厘米,背面浓密被灰白毛。

7、Lowermost flowers of main raceme ebracteate; basal leaves lyrate or pinnatifid, often canescent, persistent in flower and fruit. ─── 主要总状花序的最下的花无苞片;基生叶大头羽裂或羽状半裂,通常,宿存在花期和果期。

8、Herbs perennial, cespitose, 6-30(-50) cm tall, often woody at base, canescent throughout, with sessile, 10-18-rayed stellate trichomes. ─── 多年生草本,丛生,6-30(-50)厘米高,通常在基部木质,被灰白毛在整个期间,具无梗,星状毛10-18伞辐。

9、Leaves not canescent, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, margin of lower leaves not deeply crenate; seeds 1. 5-2 mm, 2(-4) per fruit. ─── 不被灰白毛的叶,无毛或疏生短柔毛,下部叶而不是具深圆齿的边缘;种子1.5-2毫米,每果2(-4)

10、leaflets adaxially green, obovate-oblong or obovate-lanceolate, abaxially canescent tomentose, glabrescent, adaxially appressed pilose, base cuneate, margin coarsely regularly serrate, apex obtuse; ─── 正面绿色,倒卵状长圆形或倒卵形披针形,背面被灰白毛被绒毛的小叶,后脱落,正面贴伏具柔毛,基部楔形,规则地有锯齿的粗边缘,先端钝;

11、Herbs annual, canescent or pale green. ─── 一年生草本,被灰白毛的或苍绿色。

12、epicalyx segments fasciated, slightly shorter than sepals, abaxially densely canescent tomentose and pilose, apex subobtuse. ─── 扁化的副萼片,稍短于萼片,背面浓密被灰白毛被绒毛和具柔毛,顶微钝。

13、epicalyx segments oblong-lanceolate, shorter than sepals, abaxially canescent tomentose and villous, apex acute. ─── 长圆状披针形的副萼片,短于萼片,背面被灰白毛被绒毛和具长柔毛,先端锐尖。

14、Petals 7-11 mm; ovary pubescent but not white canescent; seeds with inconspicuous chalazal collar. ─── 花瓣7-11毫米;子房具短柔毛但不是白色被灰白毛;种子具不明显的合点领。

15、petiole 7-11 mm, canescent or ferruginous tomentose; ─── 叶柄7-11毫米,被灰白毛的或被锈色绒毛;

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