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erythema 发音

英:[?er??θim?]  美:[?er??θi?m?]

英:  美:

erythema 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 红斑


erythema 网络释义

n. [皮肤] 红斑,红疹

erythema 短语词组

1、erythema a frigore ─── [医] 冻疮

2、endemic erythema ─── [医] 地方性红斑, 糙皮病, 蜀黍红斑, 陪拉格

3、diaper erythema ─── [医] 尿布红斑

4、erythema arthriticum epidemicum ─── [医] 流行性关节红斑, 哈弗希耳热(鼠咬热的一型)

5、erythema angiectaticum ─── [医] 血管扩张性红斑

6、amorphous erythema ─── [医] 不定形红斑

7、erythema atrophicans ─── [医] 萎缩性红斑, 红斑狼疮

8、erythema ab igne ─── [医] 火激红斑

9、erythema aestivum ─── [医] 夏季红斑

10、Bateman's erythema iris ─── [医] 贝特曼氏环形红斑

11、erythema annulare rheunaticum ─── [医] 风湿性环形红斑

12、acrodynic erythema ─── [医] 肢痛性红斑

13、epidemic arthritic erythema ─── [医] 流行性关节红斑, 哈弗希耳热(鼠咬热的一型)

14、epidemic erythema ─── [医] 流行性红斑, 皮肤多神经炎

15、erythema annulare ─── [医] 环形红斑

16、butterfly erythema ─── [医] 蝶形红斑

17、desquamative exfoliative erythema ─── [医] 剥脱脱屑性红斑, 猩红热样红斑

18、erythema annulare centrifugum ─── [医] 离心性环形红斑

19、choleraic erythema ─── [医] 霍乱红斑

erythema 词性/词形变化,erythema变形

形容词: erythematous |

erythema 相似词语短语

1、epithema ─── n.盾座苣苔属

2、erathem ─── 界

3、erythraemia ─── n.红细胞增多症

4、erythemic ─── 动情的

5、erythremia ─── n.[内科]红细胞增多

6、erythemal ─── 红斑

7、erythematic ─── 红斑

8、erathems ─── 埃拉瑟姆

9、erotema ─── n.反问法

erythema 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Effect of Xing Cheng Spa bath on UV erythema reaction ─── 兴城矿泉浴对紫外线红斑反应的影响

2、One of her sisters died of systemic lupus erythema(SLE), which is a systemic disease involving the immuno-system and causing multiple organ dysfunction. ─── 她的一个堂姐死于系统性红斑狼疮。这种病是一种累及免疫系统的全身性疾病。

3、The main side effects were erythema, purities and hyperpigmentation, but still tolerable. ─── 主要不良反应为红斑、瘙痒和色素沉着,患者均能耐受。

4、erythema mycoticum infantile ─── [医] 婴儿真菌性红斑

5、All the ointments tested led to an inhibition of the UV-induced erythema, but there were great differences in the extent of inhibition. ─── 所有的受试软膏均对紫外线诱导的红斑有抑制作用,但抑制程度有很大的不同。

6、Expression of ringworm of the body is erythema papula, blister, show cricoid or coin shape. ─── 体癣表现为红斑丘疹、水疱,呈环状或钱币状。

7、erythema gyratum atrophicans transiens neonatale ─── (拉)新生儿一过性萎缩性回状红斑

8、Just above this valve in the cecum is the beginning of the mucosal inflammation with erythema and granularity. ─── 瓣膜上方开始带有红斑和颗粒性的粘膜炎症。

9、Physical examination reveals greasy scaling on the scalp and erythema with yellowish scales in the nasolabial creases. ─── 体检显示出油腻缩放的头皮和红斑与黄表的鼻唇沟折痕。

10、Why on my body often ineffable the erythema since its second? ─── 为什么我身上老是莫名其秒起红斑?

11、erythema silk erysipelas bacteria of Clostridium perfringens ─── 产气荚膜梭菌

12、Burn erythema of multiple specified sites ─── 多处特指部位灼红斑

13、The disease since erythema of polymorphous and oozy sex is urgent, see more at young, with erosion scab of haemorrhage, blood is its feature. ─── 多形渗出性红斑起病急,多见于青年人,以糜烂出血、血痂为其特征。

14、There are many causes of erythema multiforme. ─── 有红斑多组版的许多因素。

15、How can polymorphous erythema just effect a radical cure? Be agog! ! ! ─── 多形红斑怎么才能根治?急切!!!

16、A 35-year-old woman presented with a friable nodule that bled easily and had peripheral erythema on the upper chest wall. ─── 另一名35岁女性病患,在前胸有一个脆弱且易流血的结节,并在其周围有红斑。

17、Nursing of children with multiple-shaped advanced erythema ─── 儿童重症多形性红斑的护理

18、Our patient presented with prominent erythema, scaling, and peeling of the skin of the thumb, index, and middle fingers of his right hand. ─── 我们的病人有显着性红斑,缩放,和剥落的皮肤拇指,索引,和中指的右手。

19、This is the psoriasis and other diseases, erythema scaling differential points. ─── 这是牛皮癣和其他红斑鳞屑疾病鉴别的要点。

20、Parvovirus B19 usually infects children and causes a wide spectrum of clinical complications ranging from mild,self-limiting infectious erythema to fatal cytopenias. ─── 人微小病毒B19经常感染儿童,临床表现复杂,轻者表现为自限性的传染性红斑,重者可因血细胞减少而导致患儿死亡。

21、erythema nodosum syphiliticum ─── [医] 梅毒结节性红斑, 莫里阿克氏病

22、Such ascular abnormalities as facial pallor and white dermographism common accompany skin atopy, the authors explain, and some patients hae pronounced erythematosus maculae or reticulated erythema on the palms. ─── 作者解释说,特应性皮炎患者常伴有面部苍白和白色皮肤划痕征等皮肤血管异常,一些患者掌部常有典型的红斑狼疮斑疹或网状红斑。

23、erythema multiforme eruption ─── 多形性红斑型药疹

24、erythema annulare rheuma ticum ─── (拉)风湿性环形红斑

25、Clinical Analyses of 40 Cases of Drug Eruption Erythema Multiforme ─── 多形红斑型药疹40例临床分析

26、Clinical characters of erythema multiform in children ─── 儿童多形性红斑的临床特征

27、The small erythema that does not have self-conscious symptom is first, what apophysis turns into after is callous, broken finally;burst;ulcerate;fester, erosion, form ulcer. ─── 初为无自觉症状的小红斑,以后变为隆起之硬结,最后破溃、糜烂,形成溃疡。

28、The clinical manifestations included erythema, erosion and white patch in the oral cavity and the tongue, and ingestion of the pharynx. ─── 主要表现为口腔粘膜及舌部红斑、烂、斑和咽部充血。

29、Breast: Skin retractions, masses (mobile, fixed), erythema,axillary or supraclavicular node enlargement. ─── 乳房:皮肤皱缩,肿块(活动,固定),红斑,腋窝及锁骨上淋巴结肿大

30、Severe erythema multiforme due to sustained-release sodium valproate tablets ─── 丙戊酸钠缓释片致重症多形红斑

31、Inside about 10 hours, this area occurrence blister, have all round spend erythema gently. ─── 大约10小时内,此区域出现水疱,周围有轻度红斑。

32、A 50-year-old man presented with forgetfulness and severe memory disturbance after suffering multiple oral and genital aphthous ulcers with erythema nodosum. ─── 一位50岁的男子,因结节性红斑出现多发性生殖器口疮性溃疡后,表现出健忘和严重的记忆障碍。

33、The typ e of erythema multiforme was the most common type in the drug eruptions,then urticaria type. ─── 多形红斑型药疹是最常见的药疹类型,其次是荨麻疹型等。

34、Drug eruption of erythema multiforme caused by amikacin in a case ─── 丁胺卡那霉素致多形红斑型药疹一例

35、Burn erythema of forehead and cheek ─── 前额和颊灼红斑

36、Congenital telangiectatic erythema syndrome ─── 先天性毛细血管扩张性红斑综合征

37、hemorrhagic exudative erythema ─── 出血渗出性红斑

38、Cross-polarized diffuse reflectance imaging and erythema index measured by reflectance spectra can measure the color of PWS skin. ─── 其中,评价病变颜色的方法有正交偏振漫反射成像系统、红斑指数评价法;

39、erythema annulare(centrifugum) ─── (拉)离心性环形红斑

40、The result showed that WUDI Analgesic Species did not make erythema, swelling and the local irritative reaction in skin of rabbit. ─── 结果表明无敌止痛搽剂作外用时,未发现家兔皮肤的红斑、水肿反应,未出现局部刺激反应;

41、A larger ulcer and several adjacent smaller ones with surrounding erythema appear at the left of center. ─── 图中央左侧可见一个大溃疡和红斑周围几个相邻的小溃疡。

42、But arrived in May, light color floor appeared suddenly a few erythema, a few subsequently months, the erythema on the floor still spreads gradually. ─── 可是到了5月,浅色地板忽然出现了几块红斑,随后的几个月,地板上的红斑还渐渐蔓延开来。

43、Edema and erythema result. ─── 发生水肿及红斑。

44、External examination revealed erythema, warmth, eyelid edema, marked proptosis, conjunctival chemosis and complete ophthalmoplegia in the right eye. ─── 外眼检查发现右眼红、热、眼睑肿胀、明显凸眼、结膜水肿以及完全眼肌瘫痪。

45、In the early stages, the body surface, fin root and around the mouth bleeding like erythema. ─── 发病初期,在体表、鳍根部及口的周围有渗血样红斑。

46、Minimal erythema dose (MED) for both UVA and UVB were tested. Bivariate correlation analysis of all PMLE patients did not show a positive correlation between MED--UVA and MED-UVB as in the healthy controls. ─── 分别测定其对UVA和UVB的最小红斑量(MED),双变量相关分析示在PMLE及其五个亚型中缺乏正常对照组中存在的正性相关关系。

47、erythema palmaris hereditarum ─── [医] 遗传性掌红斑

48、erythema multiforme circinatum ─── (拉)环状多形红斑

49、Does erythema grow on tortoise body how? ─── 乌龟身上长红斑怎么了?

50、Here the gastric mucosa has been lost, or ulcerated.A larger ulcer and several adjacent smaller ones with surrounding erythema appear at the left of center. ─── 如图所示,胃粘膜破溃或消失,左中部一片红斑围着一个大溃疡和邻近的几个小溃疡。

51、Faery has a few to be aimed at the facial product protecting skin of the erythema after basking in technically, insist to use period of time to be able to get effective slow. ─── 仙子有一些专门针对晒后红斑的面部护肤产品,坚持使用一段时间可以得到有效的舒缓。

52、Cold erythema associated with cold agglutinins ─── 与冷凝集素相关的冷红斑

53、necrolytic migratory erythema ─── (表皮)松解坏死型游走性红斑

54、Local signs of wound infection consist of pain and tderness, swelling, warmth, and erythema. ─── 伤口感染的局部征象是疼痛,压痛,肿胀,发热,以及红斑。

55、The technical term for sunburn is erythema. ─── 晒斑的专业术语是红斑。

56、Major effects are erythema and ulceration of the skin. ─── 主要的病徵是皮肤红肿,溃疡及坏死。

57、Most common adverse reactions (more than 25 percent) observed in these studies were pyrexia, headache, neutropenia, fatigue, anorexia, injection site erythema, and vomiting. ─── 25%的患儿需要药物减量。导致减量的最常见不良反应是贫血、中性粒细胞减少及体重减轻。

58、Application site reactions in the fentanyl group (6.3%) were mild to moderately severe in all but one case.Mild erythema occurred in 53.8% of patients at 24 hours and resolved within four weeks. ─── 吩坦尼组中,几乎只有一位病例的使用部位产生轻度到稍微严重的反应(6.3%),有53.8%的病患在24小时产生轻微的红斑而在四星期内复原。

59、Burn erythema of face and head ─── 头和面部灼红斑

60、congenital telangiectatic erythema and stunted growth ─── 先天性毛细血管扩张性红斑及生长障碍

61、Main effects: Improving the Sensitive situation caused by makeups or The environmental stimuli, solving red, hot and erythema problems, nourishing sensitive skin. ─── 主要功效:可改善因化妆品,外环境刺激所致的敏感状况,改善发红,灼热,红斑,强化肌肤素质,有效的滋养,镇静,修复敏感脆弱之肌肤。

62、Cold erythema associated with hemolysins ─── 与溶血素相关的冷红斑

63、What calls erythema oozy sex gastritis? ─── 什么叫红斑渗出性胃炎?

64、GLM with Hyperprolactinemia is very common.There is one patient even with arthritis and nodosum erythema, it supports that GLM, just like rheumatism, are autoimmune diseases. ─── GLM合并高泌乳素血症十分常见,有一例合并膝关节炎和结节性红斑,这更加支持GLM与风湿病一样,同属于自身免疫性疾病。

65、erythema multiforme bullosum ─── (拉)水疱性多形红斑

66、Speckles, age spot, sun-induced freckles and so on Red blood streak, bottlenose, erythema ... ─── 发布者:瑞华所在地:北京海淀区行业:医药、保养职位:外销员工作年限:

67、erythema annulare rheunaticum ─── [医] 风湿性环形红斑

68、desquamative exfoliative erythema ─── 剥脱脱屑性红斑

69、Cumulatie erythema and skin scaling as well as patient-reported burning, itching, and stinging were significantly less with clindamycin-tretinoin than with 0.1% tretinoin microsphere gel (P not gien). ─── 与0.1%维甲酸微球凝胶相比,采用克林霉素-维甲酸治疗的患者其累积性红斑及皮肤脱皮情况与患者自述的灼热、痒及刺痛感都明显减少(未给出P值)。

70、The various diseases that affect the human skin may present similar symptoms and signs, such as pruritus and erythema. ─── 人类所罹患的各种皮肤病可以有相似的症状和体征,如瘙痒和红斑。

71、He presented with persis tent fever,multiple erythema nodosum,joint pain,and bi lateral pneumopathy. ─── 临床表现为持续性发热、全身关节疼痛、躯干和四肢出现红斑结节及双肺纵隔病变。

72、erythema multiforme exudativum ─── [医] 渗出性多形[性]红斑

73、congenital telangiectastic erythema ─── 先天性毛细血管扩张性红斑

74、Erythema nodosum (EN) (red nodules) is an inflammation of the fat cells under the skin (panniculitis). ─── 什么是'结节性红斑-红色炎性结节皮肤'?

75、relapsing erythema muhiforme ─── 复发性多形红斑

76、Retrospective Study of Etiology and Classifications For Erythema Multiforme ─── 多形红斑病因和类型的回顾

77、Why to have on the body seem to have erythema, rush cool particularly apparent, return meeting desquamate? What reason be? ─── 为什么身上有好像有红斑,冲完凉特别明显的,还会脱皮的?是什么原因?

78、Burn erythema of multiple sites of lower limb ─── 下肢多部位灼红斑

79、Burn erythema of two or more fingers not including thumb ─── 二或多指灼红斑不包括拇指

80、Burn erythema of two or more fingers including thumb ─── 二或多指灼红斑包括拇指

81、Spontaneous regression of erythema multiforme in different parts of the body was recognized when the ringworm infection resolved. ─── 自然消退的多形性红斑不同地区的尸体被确认感染时癣解决。

82、oral erythema multiforme [a stomatitis] ─── 口腔多形红斑

83、erythema annulare angioneuroticum ─── (拉)血管神经性环形红斑

84、Burn erythema of multiple sites of upper limb ─── 上肢多部位灼红斑

85、Erythema grew on two tactics ancon, how to do? ─── 两手肘上长了红斑,怎么办?

86、Cold erythema associated with cryoglobulin ─── 与冷球蛋白相关的冷红斑

87、Clinical analysis of 19 children with erythema multiforme major ─── 儿童重症多形性红斑19例

88、Be like insulin of long-term intramuscular injection, can appear local skin scleroma, erythema is affected even. ─── 如长期肌肉注射胰岛素,就会出现局部皮肤硬结、红斑甚至感染。

89、Burn erythema of female genitalia ─── 女性生殖器灼红斑

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