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08-16 投稿


freshness 发音

英:[?fre?n?s]  美:[?fre?n?s]

英:  美:

freshness 中文意思翻译



freshness 同义词

glow | crust | juiciness | flavor | airiness | cleanness | crispness | sparkle | cleanliness | newness | originality | impertinence | gall | novelty | cheekiness | inventiveness | impudence | brightness | pleasantness | flavour | insolence | wholesomeness | brilliance | purity |youth

freshness 短语词组

1、dope freshness

2、freshness bonus splatoon ─── 新鲜度奖励

3、the sense of freshness ─── 新鲜感

4、feeling of freshness ─── 新鲜感

5、lost to freshness ─── 失去新鲜感

6、sealed bags for freshness ─── 密封保鲜袋

7、freshness and potency ─── 新鲜度和效力

8、freshness date ─── 质量保证期

9、freshness date definition ─── 新鲜日期定义

10、freshness indicator ─── 新鲜度指示器

11、freshness bonus ─── 新鲜度奖励

12、freshness burger ─── 新鲜汉堡

13、freshness burgur ─── 新鲜勃艮第

14、freshness is ─── 新鲜感

freshness 词性/词形变化,freshness变形

名词: freshness |形容词比较级: fresher |形容词最高级: freshest |副词: freshly |

freshness 反义词


freshness 相似词语短语

1、freshens ─── vi.变得新鲜;减少盐分;使自己精神饱满(常与up连用);vt.使清新;使新鲜;使精神焕发

2、flushness ─── 充足;富裕

3、brashness ─── n.脆性;莽撞无礼

4、freshers ─── n.(非正式)大学一年级新生;adj.(尤指食物)更新鲜的;更新的;(水)更淡的;(天气)清凉的;更洁净的;adv.更新鲜地;更新地;n.(Fresher)(美、俄、英)弗什尔(人名)

5、fresheners ─── 洁净爽肤水

6、freshest ─── 新鲜的;清新的(fresh的最高级)

7、fleshiness ─── n.多肉;肥胖

8、freshes ─── adj.新鲜的;清新的;淡水的;无经验的;n.开始;新生;泛滥;adv.刚刚,才;最新地

9、freeness ─── n.自由;不拘泥;任性

freshness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His painting rose to a fresh expressiveness and revealed a shrewder insight. ─── 他的画富有一种新的表达力,显示出更敏锐的洞察力。

2、It is the freshness of the deep springs of life. ─── 它是人生春色深处的一缕清新。

3、He had to be sold out and was unable to make a fresh beginning. ─── 他不得不倾家荡产,无法重新开始了。

4、She didn't trust the butcher to guarantee their freshness. ─── 她不信任卖肉的人能保证肉食新鲜。

5、That freshness is something of the spirit, because your body is old but your consciousness can be new and young. ─── 这种清新的感觉来自你的精神上,因为你的身体已经老了,但是你的意识可以变得清新并且年轻。

6、Past the peak of one's youthful vigor and freshness. ─── 已过壮年的经过了年轻时精力充沛且精神饱满之顶峰的

7、Do you have any fresh fruit today? ─── 今天你们有什么鲜水果?

8、We all felt fresh after the vacation. ─── 假期过後我们都感到精力充沛。

9、I shall be glad to receive a fresh supply of sample as promise when the traveler reaches the town. ─── 当推销员到达时,如能按照约定的新样品,得到供货,则不胜感谢。

10、She prefers fresh curd cheese. ─── 她爱吃新鲜凝乳制的奶酪。

11、Farm products, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. ─── 农产品农产品,尤指新鲜水果和蔬菜

12、A solution used to preserve and harden fresh tissue for microscopic examination. ─── 固定剂进行微观考察时用的一种保护和使新鲜组织变硬的溶液

13、It might be a bit naive at the moment but there's a lovely freshness about what he does. ─── 现在看来也许还有些稚嫩,但是他的作品有一种动人的清新气息。

14、Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office. ─── 她的微笑给沉闷的办公室带来生气。

15、He insisted that we should make a fresh start. ─── 他硬要我们重新开始。

16、He started getting fresh with the new secretary. ─── 他开始对新来的秘书放肆起来。

17、Health depend on good food, fresh air and enough sleep. ─── 健康依靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

18、She looked fresh as a daisy after her short sleep. ─── 她睡了一会儿以后,看上去精神饱满。

19、Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated. ─── 在水库被污染之后,清水便因稀而贵了。

20、She brought in an armful of fresh flowers from the garden. ─── 她从花园里抱著一抱鲜花进来。

21、Many of the players are getting sluggish and what this team needs is some fresh blood. ─── 很多队员渐渐变得动作迟缓了。这支队所需的是一些新鲜血液。

22、They bloom with an eternal freshness that seems untouched by time, as though they had been inspired by an unfading spirit of youth. ─── 似乎一股未经时光触碰的永恒的清新令它们生机勃发,好似一种永不消退的青春气息在激励着它们。

23、I like the freshness of his approach to the problem. ─── 我喜欢他对这个问题新颖的处理方法。

24、Tests on incubation are compared to fresh coatings. ─── 使老化实验与新鲜涂层进行比较。

25、Everyone admired the young girl's vernal freshness. ─── 大家都羡慕这女孩子的青春朝气。

26、Drank the fresh air; spongy earth that drank up the rain. ─── 呼吸新鲜空气; 饱浸雨水的绵软泥土

27、Don't be so fresh with the girl. ─── 不得对这个女孩无礼。

28、He sniffed the fresh morning air. ─── 他吸进早晨的新鲜空气。

29、Some fresh flowers should smarten up the room. ─── 几枝鲜花会使房间漂亮起来。

30、Clayton's experiment required jays to remember the type, location, and freshness of stored food based on a unique learning event. ─── 克莱顿的实验要求松鸦根据一个独特的学习事件来记住所储存食物的类型、位置和新鲜程度。

31、Some of the better ones keep fresh for years. ─── 好一些的,几年都仍然很新鲜。

32、The freshness of the hills in the pale night was sad. ─── 在淡淡的夜色中,清新的山岗显得黯淡。

33、Fresh air and nutritious food will speed his recovery. ─── 呼吸新鲜空气,吃有营养的食物会促进他身体的康复。

34、During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. ─── 幕间休息时,我们出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气吧。

35、Retaining color, freshness, value, or usefulness. ─── 不褪色的保持颜色、鲜艳、价值或用途的

36、It's good to breathe (in) fresh country air instead of city smoke. ─── 呼吸乡间的新鲜空气而不吸入城市的烟尘是有益的。

37、His diction is noted for its freshness and vividness. ─── 他以用字遣词清新生动见长。

38、A walk in the morning fresh air will pep you up. ─── 在早晨空气新鲜的地方散步你会感到精神饱满。

39、A small sausage of highly seasoned fresh pork, usually served fried. ─── 德国熟香肠一种味道很浓的新鲜猪肉制小香肠,通常炸食

40、The rabbit munched on the fresh carrots. ─── 兔子咯吱咯吱地嚼著新鲜胡萝卜。

41、Take a smell at this fish and tell me whether it's fresh. ─── 你闻一闻这条鱼,看看新鲜不新鲜。

42、You can buy fresh vegetables in the market. ─── 你可以在市场上买到新鲜的蔬菜。

43、We guarantee the freshness of all our produce. ─── 我们保证我们的农产品都是新鲜的。

44、A breath of fresh air will do us good. ─── 呼吸新鲜空气对我们的健康有好处。

45、Hams are used to improve taste and sugar candy for freshness. ─── 一般加点火腿调味,或是加点使口味更清新。

46、In most markets you can buy fresh fruit in bulk. ─── 在大多数市场上可买到散装新鲜水果。

47、The commander's speech infused fresh courage into soldiers. ─── 司令官的讲话给士兵们灌输了新的勇气。

48、He do not throw much fresh light on the subject. ─── 关于这个问题他没有提供很多新的见解。

49、I was fresh as a daisy after the nap. ─── 小睡后我的精神为之一振

50、He drew in a breath of fresh country air. ─── 他吸一口农村新鲜空气。

51、They carbonadoed the fish fresh from the river. ─── 他们将刚从河里捕上来的鲜鱼加以烧烤。

52、A fresh breeze puffed across the lake. ─── 凉爽的微风一阵阵吹过湖面。

53、She put the fresh flowers in a vase. ─── 她将鲜花插在花瓶里。

54、Let's open the window to let in some fresh air. ─── 咱们把窗子打开,放点新鲜空气进来吧。

55、She is quite fresh to office work. ─── 她对办公室工作毫无经验。

56、He littered the stable with fresh straw. ─── 他给马厩铺了新鲜稻草。

57、Mind the fresh paint. ─── 小心蹭油漆。

58、She has dark hair and a fresh complexion. ─── 她头发乌黑,气色很好。

59、She is fresh from university. ─── 她刚从大学毕业。

60、All you want is rest and fresh air and good food and you'll be as right as rain. ─── 你所需要的是休息、新鲜空气以及可口的饭菜,这样你会完全恢复健康。

61、Learning is ever in the freshness of its youth. ─── 学习可以永葆青春活力。

62、Living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed. Used of fish. ─── 因产卵顺流入海的在淡水中生活但移到海水中产卵繁殖的。用于鱼类

63、A fresh idea flashed upon his mind. ─── 他突然想到一个新主意。

64、Learning is ever in the freshness of its youth, even for the old. ─── 学习会使人永葆青春的活力,即使对老年人亦如此。

65、The freshness of spring evenings was in him, and he did not care. ─── 他心里含蓄着春宵的情味,而什么都不管。

66、He is fresh from college. ─── 他刚从大学毕业。

67、A long, long time ago, cowboys were wanderers, driving their herd from place to place, looking for fresh grass and water. ─── 在很久很久以前,牧童都是游牧者,赶着他们的牧群到处寻找青草和水源。

68、With the gong that opened the eleventh round, Sandel rushed, making a show of freshness which he did not really possess. ─── 第十一个回合的锣声响过之后,桑德尔为了显示他实际上并没有的锐气,发动猛攻。

69、She groan inwardly as she see the fresh pile of work on her desk. ─── 她看到自己办公桌上又是一堆要处理的东西就暗自叫苦。

70、I take a deep inhale, depressed at the freshness. ─── 但我还得深吸一口清风,尽管只得暂存清新的爱语。

71、They come out of the mine into the fresh air. ─── 他们从矿里出来走到空气清新的地面。

72、To ensure freshness the food should carefully be coated with jelly. ─── 为了保持食物的新鲜,应该小心地涂上一层胶冻。

73、She cracked the window to let in fresh air. ─── 她稍微打开了一点窗户,让新鲜空气进入室内。

74、This indoor air-fresher gives you a feeling of freshness. ─── 室内空气清香剂,带给您清新感受。

75、Chocolate is wrapped in foil to keep it fresh. ─── 为保新鲜,巧克力用箔纸包起来。

76、It is bright and fresh in early autumn. ─── 初秋的天气格外明朗清新。

77、To cause to droop or lose freshness. ─── 使软垂,使枯萎,使调谢

78、I did not need to go outdoors to take the air, for the atmosphere within had lost none of its freshness. ─── 我不必跑出门去换空气,因为屋子里面的气氛一点儿也没有失去新鲜。

79、It's a bit fresh this morning, isn't it? ─── 今天早晨有点儿凉丝丝的吧?

80、A fresh breeze puffed across the river. ─── 一阵阵凉爽的微风吹过河面。

81、They wrote off for a fresh supply of penicillin. ─── 他们发信要求再供应一批青霉素。

82、He doesn't seem loaded down with his fresh responsibilities. ─── 他好象并没有被他的新任务压得喘不过气来。

83、She loved the freshness of newly baked bread. ─── 她喜欢新出炉面包的新鲜口味。

84、He makes fresh orange juice with an electric extractor. ─── 他用电动榨汁机榨取新鲜的橙汁。

85、He opened the window to let in some fresh air. ─── 他打开窗户放进一些清新的空气。

86、Today her books, though no longer easy to get, still read with a freshness that only a good writer can convey. ─── 今天她的著作虽然已经不易买到,但是读起来依旧能给人一种只有优秀作家才能给人的清新感受。

87、Health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep. ─── 健康依靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

88、The company certainly need some fresh blood with new ideas. ─── 公司当然需要一些具有创见的新人。

89、She was still young and naive, with some girl's freshness. ─── 她仍然还很年轻而天真,依然保留着一些姑娘的生机。

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