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08-16 投稿


caudad 发音

英:[['k?:d?d]]  美:[['k?:d?d]]

英:  美:

caudad 中文意思翻译



caudad 短语词组

1、caudad acceleration ─── 头向过载,向尾[后]加速度

2、caudad is ─── 考达是

caudad 相似词语短语

1、scauded ─── 诈骗

2、acaudal ─── adj.[动]无尾的

3、caudas ─── n.[解剖][动]尾;尾状物;n.(Cauda)人名;(意)考达;(法)科达

4、caudate ─── adj.(剖)有尾核的;(动物)有尾的,有尾状附属物的

5、crawdad ─── n.喇蛄(一种淡水小龙虾);(美)退缩者(等于crawfish)

6、caudal ─── adj.近尾部的,[解剖][动]尾部的;n.(Caudal)人名;(英)考德尔;(法)科达尔

7、audad ─── n.大角野绵羊

8、cauda ─── n.[解剖][动]尾;尾状物;n.(Cauda)人名;(意)考达;(法)科达

9、caudated ─── 尾状

caudad 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the normal nondistended state,this area coincides with the most caudad portion of the manometrically determined LES located within and caudad to the diaphragmatic hiatus. ─── 在常态中非扩大州,这区域一致那最尾的在压力计坚决 LES 的部分内的和尾的对横隔膜的裂缝。

2、There have been studies that have reported on degeneration occurring at the cephalad and caudad levels adjacent to the fused levels. ─── 已经有研究证明退变发生于融合节段的上位节段和下位节段。

3、Proper placement of the axillary roll is under the thorax caudad to the axilla. ─── 腋窝卷的正确使用方法,是放在腋窝的尾端的胸廓下。

4、Management of bezoars is usually surgical with fragmentation and milking it cephalad or caudad depending on its location and level of obstruction. ─── 处理粪石通常以手术将粪石碎裂再依其部位和阻塞位置向头端或尾端挤出。

5、Proper placement of the axillary roll is under the thorax caudad to the axilla. ─── 腋窝卷的正确使用方法,是放在腋窝的尾端的胸廓下。

6、Inflation flattens the proximal margins of the folds ,which causes caudad separation and visual misinterpretation. ─── 通货膨胀将折层的近位边缘 ,尾的引起分离和视觉的误解变平。

7、caudad acceleration ─── 头向过载向尾加速度

8、OML. as baseline of CT scan, include cephalad for skull base, and caudad for nasopharynx and cervical. ─── CT扫描以oml为基线向上扫描至颅底,向下扫描包括鼻咽及颈部。

9、We studied the epidural cephalad and caudad spread of 2% chloroprocaine buffered with sodium bicarbonate administered epidurally at the beginning of the second stage of labor. ─── 我们对产妇在第二产程一开始时即对经用碳酸氢钠2%氯普鲁卡因在硬膜外的头向的扩散情况进行了研究。

10、have been studies that have reported on degeneration occurring at the cephalad and caudad levels adjacent to the fused levels. ─── 已经有研究证明退变发生于融合节段的上位节段和下位节段。

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