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08-16 投稿


counterfeits 发音

英:[?ka?nt?rf?ts]  美:[?ka?nt?f?ts]

英:  美:

counterfeits 中文意思翻译



counterfeits 常用词组

counterfeit money ─── 假币;伪钞

counterfeit products ─── 假货;仿造产品

counterfeit software ─── 盗版软件

counterfeits 词性/词形变化,counterfeits变形

动词过去分词: counterfeited |动词过去式: counterfeited |动词第三人称单数: counterfeits |名词: counterfeiter |动词现在分词: counterfeiting |

counterfeits 反义词


counterfeits 同义词

mint | copied | false | deceptive | disguised | factitious | reproduce | fallacious | assumed | unreal | artificial | simulate | forge | phony | phoney | bogus | imitate | forged | imitation | colorable | synthetic | forgery | reproduction | fabricate | fictitious | pirate | copy |fake | imitative | sham

counterfeits 短语词组

1、counterfeits define ─── 赝品定义

2、counterfeits means ─── 仿冒品意味着

3、counterfeits meaning ─── 赝品的含义

4、counterfeits def ─── 赝品定义

5、counterfeits on ebay ─── 易趣上的赝品

6、counterfeits clue ─── 造假线索

7、combat counterfeits ─── 打击假货

8、counterfeits definition ─── 赝品定义

9、counterfeits crossword ─── 假字谜

counterfeits 相似词语短语

1、counterfeiters ─── n.[法]伪造者;货币伪造者

2、counterfeitly ─── 伪造的。

3、counterfeited ─── adj.(钱币或商品)伪造的,假冒的;(古旧用法)假装的,虚假的;v.伪造,仿造,造假;假装;(文)酷似;n.仿冒品,伪造物,赝品

4、counterfect ─── 反作用

5、counterforts ─── n.护墙;拱柱;山嘴

6、counterfeit ─── adj.(钱币或商品)伪造的,假冒的;(古旧用法)假装的,虚假的;v.伪造,仿造,造假;假装;(文)酷似;n.仿冒品,伪造物,赝品

7、counterfoils ─── n.支票存根;票根

8、countersuits ─── 计数器套件

9、counterfeiter ─── n.[法]伪造者;货币伪造者

counterfeits 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Levi Strauss says counterfeits of the company's jeans are flooding Europe. ─── 利瓦伊·斯特劳斯说该公司牛仔裤的仿冒品充斥着欧洲市场。

2、The human brain detects such counterfeits easily. ─── 人类大脑能够轻易地揭露这种赝品。

3、No fakes, no counterfeits, all is due to the great respect for intellectual properties. ─── 因为知识产权在新加坡受到很高的尊重,所以没假货,也没水货。

4、The main products are: designer clothes, handbags, watches, jewelry and so on. All goods are counterfeit goods! ─── 主要商品有:名牌服饰,箱包,手表,饰品等。所有商品全是仿冒品。

5、At the same time, through the hybrid nature of use contexts, the luxury brands and the counterfeits produce the ambiguity of authenticity. ─── 同时名牌精品与仿冒品消费则透过混杂的使用脉络,产生真实性的暧昧关系。

6、However, competitors imitate, counterfeit, you can let it all in vain, he may not care about your feelings! ─── 不过,竞争者的模仿、假冒,可以让这一切付之东流,他可不会在意您的感受!

7、Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. They often contain no active substance or not enough to work. ─── 假冒药品用真药品名称出售。他们往往不包含活跃的物质或不能充分工作。

8、B. The prophets and apostles warned of counterfeits, and encouraged testing. ─── 先知和传道者警告了假劣,并且被鼓励的测试。

9、Pushing counterfeits is good money. ─── 推动造假就能挣不少钱。

10、Thy worthiest love to a worthless counterfeit. ─── 形状。就象一个沉了船的异教徒

11、The women who thought they were wearing counterfeits lied about those locations more often than those who did not. ─── 那些认为自己戴赝品的女性在计数点位置上撒的谎比那些戴正品的女性多。

12、In the late 1880s tourist demand sparked a brisk trade in counterfeit cannibal forks that continues today. ─── 1880年代后期,受游客需求的刺激,贩卖仿制的食人叉的买卖勃然兴起,至今方兴未艾。

13、Counterfeit or fake. ─── 假冒的,伪造的

14、When forging the necessary input is large enough, the counterfeits are powerless to do anything, you cannot implement the Act of passing off. ─── 当制假所需的投入大到一定程度时,制假者就会无能为力,不能实施假冒的行为。

15、Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. ─── 假冒的麻醉药被充当正品而销售.

16、Police officers sort out boxes of counterfeit Adidas, Puma and Nike Air Jordan trainers during a police raid in Taichung, Taiwan. ─── 在台湾台中,警方在一次突袭中,清理一箱箱假冒的阿迪达斯、彪马和耐克乔丹训练鞋。

17、Mr Shkurtaj says he spoke out after being shocked by the discovery of $3,500 in counterfeit American bills, sitting in the UNDP safe in Pyongyang. ─── 什库尔特耶说发现平壤的联合国开发计划署保险箱里有3,500美元的伪造美钞时,他感到非常震惊并在后来揭发此事。

18、Any sales of global "brands" come mainly in the form of the counterfeits and knockoffs often sold at outdoor markets. ─── 那些经常在户外市场销售的所谓“世界名牌”基本上都是山寨货。

19、In general, counterfeit means that a drug can lack an important ingredient, contain a harmful ingredient or be mislabeled. ─── 一般而言,假药意味着一个药物缺少重要的成分,包含有害的成分或贴错标签。

20、Her zealous pursuit of counterfeit medicines nearly earned her a bullet in the head, leaving instead a hole in her headdress. ─── 她曾全身心投入到追查假药的事业当中,还差点因此命丧黄泉,幸好那颗暗杀她的子弹只在她头巾上留下了一个洞,没有伤及头部。

21、Recently on the market counterfeit cards, promotion cards, impossible! ─── 因为最近市场上的假卡,升级卡,防不胜防!

22、Near the front gate, a sign oer the road warns, “Beware of counterfeits. ─── 在门口前的路边有一个标牌上写着“当心假冒伪劣商品”的警示语。

23、Counterfeit bearings are cheaper price, have great potential hazard. ─── 假冒轴承价格是便宜,却有极大的潜在危险。

24、Producing and marketing counterfeit and shoddy goods, pyramid schemes and commercial fraud must be severely punished. ─── 严厉打击制售假冒伪劣产品、法传销和商业欺诈行为。

25、Alan Drewsen), head of the International Trademark Association, says counterfeit drugs often send their own message. ─── 公司高管们指出,以北非为例,90%的汽车零备件都是假冒的,从而导致了大量的车祸。

26、Counterfeit goods infringe customers' legal rights. ─── 伪劣商品侵越了消费者的合法权益。

27、To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit. ─── 伪造作为真的设计和介绍; 伪造

28、It added that 'companies that make counterfeit and poor-quality food products should be blacklisted. ─── 它还表示,对生产经营假冒伪劣食品的企业要列入“黑名单”。

29、Today, for example, most syringe systems can still be opened and closed unnoticed ?a shortcoming which favours tampering and even product counterfeits. ─── 今天,举例来说,最注射器系统仍然可以打开和关闭被忽视?一个缺点,有利于篡改,甚至假冒的产品。

30、Have you ever seen a counterfeit coin? ─── 你是否见过伪造的硬币?

31、Counterfeit coins - will experience minor illness. ─── 伪造硬币--将经历不严重的疾病。

32、A few examples of counterfeit (fake) PWD products. ─── 假冒几个例子(假冒)密码产品。

33、The government needs to work harder on anti-counterfeiting since the counterfeit problem is getting worse. ─── 仿冒问题日益严重,政府需要付出更多心力反仿冒品。

34、The statistics on the number of people in Africa who are dying from counterfeit anti-malarial drugs (is) very, very shocking. ─── 在非洲,已有统计数据显示了因使用假冒抗疟疾药而死亡的人数,这是非常、非常惊人的。

35、Have you ever seen a counterfeit coin? If a coin feels greasy,that's one of the first signs that it's not real. ─── 你是否见过伪造的硬币?如果一枚硬币摸上去很粘,这是伪硬币的第一个特征。

36、The following photos are authorized by Japan,Taiwan,if duplicate ,it is sheerly counterfeit! ─── 中国境外实绩(以下照片由日本、台湾授权,如有雷同,纯属仿冒!)

37、The NBA is warning Cleveland Cavaliers fans to be alert for the rise in counterfeit Cavs apparel and other memorabilia. ─── NBA警告骑士球迷,如果你们再不买我们的高价货,那我们可要发内部通知,下个月的比赛不让裁判帮你们队赢球拿总冠军了。

38、Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. They often contain no active substance, or not enough to work. ─── 假药是顶着真药的头衔出售的。其通常不包含有效物质或者不能起有效的作用。

39、They make bunches of flowers, from flakes and wires of silver, that counterfeit the delicate creations the frost weaves upon a window pane. ─── 他们拿银箔和银丝做成一束束花,活象霜花在玻璃窗上凝成的美妙花纹。

40、It is against the law to counterfeit. ─── 伪造货币是犯法的。

41、I'm afraid this is a counterfeit bill. ─── 恐怕这是一张假票。

42、Clearly, many people want to believe that counterfeits are ethically and legally sound. ─── 很显然,许多人希望相信购买仿冒商品并不存在道德和法律方面的问题。

43、It is widely used in compound packing of products, and can be used as counterfeit mark for packing products. ─── 广泛用于产品复合与包装,可作为包装产品的防伪标志。

44、The WGA program detects a blocked product key or a counterfeit product key. ─── WGA程序检测到被阻止的产品密钥或伪造的产品密钥。

45、These will be omitted on the counterfeit mics. ─── 如果没有,就是假的。

46、Near the front gate, a sign over the road warns, "Beware of counterfeits . " ─── 在门口前的路边有一个标牌上写着“当心假冒伪劣商品”的警示语。

47、The majority of businesses are in the product of small signalingdevice Chronicles, prevent counterfeits. ─── 不小局部企业都在产物的小包装上不小怠工文章,避免假冒伪劣产物。

48、Multinational currencies: Make the function of RMB, dollars and euro identify counterfeit and independently come true. ─── 多国货币:真实实现人民币英镑等外币独立鉴别功能。

49、In a market economy, people will inevitably arise to purchase counterfeit goods and shoddy goods. ─── 在市场经济条件下,人们购买商品难免会遇到假冒伪劣商品。

50、If inspectors determine that merchandise bears a counterfeit mark or is clearly piratical they seize the merchandise. ─── 如果检察员确定货物带有仿冒商标或明显是盗版产品,就没收这批货物。

51、Something counterfeit, forged, or fraudulent. ─── 伪造品,赝品假冒的,伪造的或骗人的东西

52、Addicted to counterfeit excellence, colleges, parents and students are unlikely to give it up. ─── 大学、家长和学生沉徊于伪装的优秀成绩,因而不大可能放弃它。

53、Chinese police are hunting for a man suspected of masterminding a counterfeit drug ring that helped put fake diabetes drugs on the market in China. ─── 中国警方正在搜捕一名涉嫌操控一个假药集团的男子,这个集团参与把糖尿病假药投放于中国市场。

54、In this connection, we will be showing examples of counterfeit notes and coins, which have never been shown to the general public before. ─── 同时,我们更会展出一批伪制纸币与硬币,这些都是过去从未公开展出的。

55、In the neighbouring province of Shenzhen, touts selling counterfeit luxury goods are so brazen that they hand out business cards. ─── 在毗邻香港的深圳,兜售假冒奢侈品的行径到了厚颜无耻的地步,他们甚至散发名片。

56、They say these counterfeits are spreading quickly through mainland Southeast Asia. ─── 他们说这些假药品迅速蔓延过东南亚大陆。

57、It can be suitable for anti counterfeit and authentication of commercial bills. ─── 可适用于一般地商业票据的防伪。

58、But no amount of forgeries, however small, is acceptable. We must strive to make our banknotes even more difficult to counterfeit. ─── 因此,我们必须致力引入更精密的防伪特徵,增加伪造本港钞票的难度。

59、In these markets, drug makers should emphasize that the sale of fakes is not only against the law but also unethical, since counterfeits can end up harming consumers. ─── 在这些市场上,制药商应当强调销售假药不仅违法,而且也是不合道德的行为,因为假药最终会损害消费者的健康。

60、When you keep your eyes skinned, you'll find it to be a counterfeit eyewash. ─── 当你保持你的眼睛闪亮时(聪明、慧眼),你将会发现这是个骗局。

61、If any young lady had so much arrogance as to counterfeit a negative, she never had the opportunity given her of denying twice. ─── 假使一位年轻姑娘居然很骄傲地假装拒绝一下,她决不会再有拒绝人家的机会。

62、This paper deals with two counterfeit coin problem with r devices. An optimal procedure for essential ideal model Bre is obtained. ─── :给出了用r台装置搜索两个坏硬币的本性理想模型Bre的一个最优测试过程

63、Beware of reproductions, replicas and counterfeits when shopping for collectibles, jewelry, sunglasses, fragrances and handbags. ─── 在买珠宝、太阳眼镜、香水、手提包此类商品时,谨防赝品、摹本和仿制品。

64、Of course it's genuine, I never sell counterfeits. ─── 当然是真的,我从来不卖赝品。

65、Counterfeit or poor-quality commodities are not worth a penny. ─── 假冒伪劣商品都不名一文。

66、CITS and othe large travel agencies all remind tourists of not wearing the counterfeit products in case of being fined. ─── 国旅总社等大型旅行社纷纷提醒游客不要穿戴假冒名牌产品出国旅游,以免遭到重罚。

67、Get turned into counterfeit watches and genuine scars. ─── 变成假名牌表和真正的伤疤。

68、Losing Battle Against counterfeits. ─── 斗争中失利。

69、Counterfeit portraits often look dull or one-dimensional. ─── 假冒的画像看上去常常显得呆滞或缺乏立体感。

70、Counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic. ─── 当激情非真诚时,虚伪的辞令便滔滔不绝。

71、It is against the law to counterfeit money. ─── 伪造货币是违法的。

72、Objects and people looked like counterfeits of themselves. ─── 各种人和事好象都给自己披上了伪装。

73、He fell into a sleep so deep as to counterfeit death. ─── 他睡着了,沉睡得像死了一样。

74、Are you aware these notes are counterfeit? ─── 你觉察到这些钞票是伪造的吗?

75、Piracy and counterfeits not only caused serious economic losses, but also increased the huge social costs. ─── 仿冒侵权行为不但造成原真品厂商严重的经济损失,更引发了庞大的社会成本。

76、It is a crime to counterfeit money. ─── 伪造货币是犯罪行为。

77、But Sanlu has said the milk powder may have been a counterfeit of its product, Xinhua newsagency reported today. ─── 不过新华通讯社今天报道说,三鹿已经说该奶粉可能是伪造的该公司产品。

78、Alan Drewsen, head of the International Trademark Association, says counterfeit drugs often send their own message. ─── 例如在北非,执行们表示90%的机动车零件是假冒的,导致了许多例车祸。

79、A vendor shows a selection of counterfeit designer purses at her stall at the Silk Market in Beijing. ─── 北京服装纺织市场,一商贩在其摊位上展示部分假冒钱包的设计图。

80、Wife: The world is full of rascals; the milkman gave me a counterfeit half-dollar this morning. ─── 妻子:这世上充满了恶棍,送牛奶的今天早上给了我一枚假的0.5美元。

81、They don't wear the counterfeit clothes that they produce, which are evidently just for us. ─── 他们从来不穿自己生产的劣质衣服,显然这些是给我们的。

82、modern methods of distribution to make it difficult to put counterfeits and shoddy goods on the market. ─── 加快流通体制改革,发展现代流通方式,使假冒伪劣商品难以进入市。

83、What′s more, counterfeits made of low-quality materials may imperil the lives of you and your loved ones. ─── 使用劣质材料制成的假冒配件可能给你和你至爱的家人的生命造成严重的侵害。

84、Even so, Mr Bate says his field work has convinced him that counterfeits kill at least 100, 000 people a year, mostly in the poor world. ─── 即便如此,贝特先生说,通过实地调查,他确信假药每年杀死至少十万人,大多数发生在贫穷国家。

85、A black character, a womanish character, a stubborn character, bestial, childish, animal, stupid, counterfeit, scurrilous, fraudulent, tyrannical. ─── 忧郁的、柔弱的、固执的、兽性的、不成熟的、动物式的、愚蠢的、伪装的、粗鄙的、欺诈的、残暴的,形形色色的人。

86、AICs investigate and punish, according to law, counterfeit import commodities and illegal import commodities. ─── 工商行政管理部门依法对假冒进口商品、非法进口商品进行查处。

87、As a writer, I don't accept that readers pirate my books and I would consider myself a thief if I ever buy counterfeits. ─── 作为一名作家,我无法接受读者剽窃我的著作,如果要我去买仿造品,我会觉得自己是在做贼。

88、The author has made IR and UV spectroscopic assay of cyathula and its counterfeit. ─── 对川牛膝及其伪品进行了IR光谱及UV导数光谱的测定。

89、Staff from the companies would pose as shoppers and look for counterfeit goods with a notary officer nearby. ─── 在公证人员旁观时,工作人员将假装购物者意欲购买假名牌产品。

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