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08-15 投稿


rebirth 发音

英:[?ri??b??rθ]  美:[?ri??b??θ]

英:  美:

rebirth 中文意思翻译



rebirth 词性/词形变化,rebirth变形


rebirth 短语词组

1、happy rebirth ─── 快乐重生

2、a rebirth ─── 重生

3、spiritual rebirth ─── [网络] 重生;灵性上的重生;精神上的重生

4、nirvana rebirth ─── 涅盘重生

5、rebirth cloud ─── 再生云

6、dawn rebirth ─── 黎明重生

7、rebirth fantasy ─── 再生幻想

8、bath fire rebirth ─── 浴火重生

9、amnesia rebirth ─── 失忆症重生

10、rebirth for you ─── 为你重生

11、cycle of rebirth ─── [网络] 重生循环

12、free rebirth ─── 自由重生

13、beauty rebirth ─── 美丽重生

rebirth 相似词语短语

1、rebirthing ─── 再生疗法

2、rebirthers ─── 再生

3、rebirther ─── 再生

4、birth ─── n.出生;血统,出身;起源

5、homebirth ─── 家庭出生

6、rebirths ─── n.再生;复兴

7、prebirth ─── 序言

8、rebit ─── 再比特

9、rebite ─── 重新启动

rebirth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Modernization of biographical creation in China experienced a process of change of style from merely mimicking the West to a rebirth of new style of full bloom. ─── 中国传记创作的现代转型是一次由借鉴模仿到最后脱胎成型的文体转变过程,也是一种崭新文体从萌芽到收获的生命成长。

2、I am the enjoyer and Ultimate Master of all performance of sacrifice; but they do not know Me in reality, consequently they revolve in the cycle of rebirth. ─── “我”是所有祭奉的享受者和最终的主人。但是他们并不认识处于本体中的“我”。因此,他们就会在生死中轮回。

3、He has always considered the Wangs as his parents, for they were responsible for his rebirth. ─── 他一直把老王夫妇当作是自己的重生父母。

4、Huck lives with the water as if he is in his mother's womb and experiences symbolistic death and rebirth twice. ─── 哈克在水里,如同在母亲的子宫里,经历了两次象征性的死亡和再生。

5、Personal rebirth is often the result of Pluto's passage through certain areas of our life. ─── 个人重生往往是冥王星地通过我们的生活的某些领域的结果。

6、During the Renaissance (or "Rebirth" of art), Florence was a paradise for artists themselves.In fact, the Renaissance began here more than 500 years ago. ─── 在文艺复兴时期(或称艺术“重生”时期),佛罗伦萨对艺术家们来说本身就是个天堂,事实上在500多年前,文艺复兴就在这儿发迹了。

7、They look forward to their rebirth as a nation. ─── 他们期待着全民族的新生。

8、And if one masters the formless meditations, these "imperturbable" sankharas will propel consciousness toward rebirth in the formless realms. ─── 假若他掌握了无色界禅定,这些“不可扰动”的诸行将推动他的意识流重生于无色界。

9、Is Shanghai loosing its soul in this mutation or are we witnessing a rebirth of the city. ─── 上海是在这样的巨变中丧失了灵魂,还是我们正在见证她的新生?

10、Improved Tranquility ? Removed and replaced by the new talent Improved Rebirth. ─── 增加宁静-被删除,并被新的天赋强化重生所取代。

11、"It's really been a kind of rebirth, " she said of her radical stem cell transplant treatment. ─── “这真的是一种重生,”她说到她彻底的干细胞移植治疗。

12、The pinnacle of practising Dharma is detachment from the cycle of rebirth. ─── 佛法对人类的终极关怀是人类生死的解脱.

13、No witchcraft , no enemy action had silenced the rebirth of new life in this stricken world . The people had done it themselves . ─── 使这个遭到损害的世界里的生命无法复生的不是什么魔术,也不是敌人的攻击,而是人们自食其果。

14、One must clear all karma in one's tapestry of ancestry back to the time that death and rebirth became the norm for the human dance. ─── 你必须清理你的祖先织绵中所有的业力,回到死亡和轮回成为人类之舞的规范的时候。

15、VOICE: Doesn't reincarnation mean “rebirth of the soul in a new body”? ─── 輪迴的意思不就是“靈魂到了一個新的身體後再投胎”嗎?

16、Reduce the weight and rebirth the skin. Also be good at acne and eczema. ─── 减重,皮肤再生,收敛毛孔,紧肤,减轻结疤,除臭。改善粉刺、湿疹、牛皮癣、香港脚、头皮异常等。

17、It was the only means the trapped souls had of getting out of their predicament - through the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. ─── 这是受困的灵魂脱离它们困境的唯一方式——通过出生、死亡和再生。

18、Once the body dies, the soul will leave it and go into the state of realities.According to their karma a consciousness in bardo, the dead obtain either rebirth or nirvana. ─── 上师继续敲打,声音逐渐放慢,放弱,不断重复,直到临终者抛开生命进入实相之境。

19、In all my future lives, may I gain a precious human rebirth complete with all the eighteen freedoms and advantages, and may I become the student of an authentic master! ─── 于我未来一切生中,愿我获得珍贵人身,并具有完整的十八种自由和利益(离八无暇、具十圆满),愿我成为真实上师的学生。

20、But, the stunted anxiety and revolt of "the second sex" spur daughters to flee from mother and try to realize the intention of rebirth. ─── 但成长的躁动与“第二性”的反抗,使得女儿又要千方百计地脱离那个孕育她的母体,试图分娩一个新的自我。

21、Monks, what is birth? The birth, growth, appearance, rebirth, the manifestation of the masses, and the gain of the spheres of this and other category of beings is called birth. ─── 五诸比丘!何为生?于各种众生之类,各种众生之出生、出产、降生、诞生、诸蕴之显现,诸处之获得,诸比丘!以此谓之生。

22、Rebirth, metamorphosis, transformation, incarnation, transmigration. ─── 再生,完全变化,转变,神灵的化身,轮?。

23、The rebirth of the Phoenix is for creation of a perfect state. ─── 凤凰涅磐、创造完美。

24、In 1996,Scream completed Barrymore's career rebirth,which she capped by delivering a well reviewed performance in Woody Allen's Everyone Says I Love You. ─── 1996年,《尖叫》实现了巴里莫尔事业的复苏,她在伍迪·艾伦执导的《人人都说我爱你》中受到嘉评的表演更锦上添花。

25、In latitudes that have four seasons, springtime means the rebirth of nature. ─── 在四季分明的地区,春天意味着生命的复苏。

26、Individuals who could be sentenced to dreadful penance in other systems can attain rebirth and renewal by simply calling upon Her graces with utter and absolute sincerity. ─── 在其它系统被判决可怕的忏悔简单地通过全然和完全真诚地呼唤她的优雅就能获得新生和更新。

27、And yet, it is also my rebirth that will soon begin! ─── 却也是我的新生期快开始了!

28、Ascension in human form brings about an internal death, death to the thought-forms and beliefs that no longer serve, and the rebirth into a new way of being. ─── 人类形体内的提升带来了一个内在的死亡,不再服务的思想形态和信念的死亡,并再生进入一个新的存在方式。

29、Injured cell ream of repair and maintenance cell rebirth. ─── 修护受损的强胞令细胞再生。

30、The Christ child celebrated at Christmas is a manifestation of the child archetype, and represents the future, becoming, rebirth, and salvation. ─── 在圣诞节庆祝的孩童基督是小孩原型的表现型式,代表未来、形成、再生、以及救世。

31、Contemporary “liquidationists” insist that a collapse would lead to rebirth of a purified economy.Their leftwing opponents argue that the era of markets is over. ─── “唉,一个可靠的银行家并不能够预见并避开危险,而是在破产时,能够以常规的方式与其他银行家一起破产,这样一来就没人能够真正指责他。”

32、In performing this ritual it is believed they gain "merit", which helps to see them through to a desirable rebirth. ─── 人们认为执行这种仪式可积累“功德”,帮助他们获得所希望的重生。

33、With the help of the other black women, Celie's female consciousness begins to arouse.She also recognizes her self-worth so as to break away from oppress to rebirth. ─── 在其他黑人女性的帮助下,茜莉的女性意识开始觉醒,并认清了自我价值,从而由被压迫走向新生。

34、All good and honest sincere, although originated not rebirth, naive longer time, a sincere blessing, will make you happy every day! ─── 一切的美好源于真挚和坦诚,虽然岁月不会轮回,天真不再重现,一份真诚的祝福,会让你快乐每一天!

35、May hap they will rebirth the soul of a nation. ─── 也许它还会唤醒一个种族的灵魂。

36、The building action of post-modernism exhibit to promote rebirth of investigative pattern and change of procreative mode of literary knowledge. ─── 后现代主义在文学理论领域中的建设作用表现在促进研究范式的更新从而促进文论知识生产方式的转变。

37、From the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. ─── 人类文明的早期,大多数文化就将鸡蛋作为新生的象征。

38、If one engages in demeritorious deeds, the sankharas will propel consciousness toward a miserable rebirth. ─── 假若某人行损福德事,则将把意识推向痛苦的重生。

39、Ladies are always regarded as goddess with the power of rebirth and angels and angels who can redeem the civilization in the western culture. ─── 在西方文化传统中,女性被认为是拥有新生力量的“圣母”,是能拯救文明的天使。

40、During the Renai ance (or "Rebirth" of art), Florence was a paradise for artists themselves.In fact, the Renai ance began here more than 500 years ago. ─── 在文艺复兴时期(或称艺术重生时期),佛罗伦萨对艺术家们本身就是个天堂,事实上在五百多年前,文艺复兴就在这儿发迹了。

41、It was not so much a rebirth as a recovery of an older culture. ─── 与其说它是古代文化的再生,倒不如说是它的再现。

42、The Renaissance was so called because it was a "rebirth" of certain classical ideas that had long been lost to Western Europe. ─── “文艺复兴”之所以叫做“复兴”,在于它是西欧长久以来丢失的某种古典文化的“重生”。

43、Suddenly, I met An.I know she is my rebirth at my first sight. ─── 在一个偶然,我遇到了安,就一眼,我就知道,她,是我的新生。

44、And it has a so explored the inevitable rebirth in cultural and spiritual combinaion and healing need. ─── 从现代社会的文化整合、精神整合与治疗需求上探讨其复兴的必然性;

45、Urban planning is good or bad, and sometimes even mean that a city's "rebirth and death. ─── 城市规划的好与坏,有时甚至意味着一座城市的“再生与死亡”。

46、Pellegrini admitted that the media , In the back after the holiday, she was there a feeling of rebirth, but she also said that as soon as possible into the swimming training. ─── 佩莱格里尼对媒体承认,在度假回来后,她竟有一种重生的感觉,不过她也同时表示会尽快投入到游泳训练中的。

47、It is fit for break and rebirth heterotypic materia .There is no use for cut to the heterotypic material . ─── 主要适用于破碎再生,异型材,对较长的异型材不需切割分段,可一次性连续投料。

48、But apocalypse eventually gave way to rebirth as the Earth cooled and microbial life made a comeback. ─── 但是那时的世界末日却让气球重生,地球冷了下来,微生物又重新回到这里。

49、SP_Vele_EndEvent07.wav -> In time, the light and hope held within will rebirth more than this mere fount of power. ─── 假以时日,它所蕴含的光明和希望不仅仅会复生力量之源。

50、Tangshan is now regarded as a model of Chinese resourcefulness and rebirth. ─── 唐山现在被认为是中国人智慧和复兴的模范。

51、Bhikkhus, the appearance, stability and rebirth of the air element, is the appearance of unpleasantness, the continuance of ailments and the manifestation of decay and death. ─── 五诸比丘!风界之生起、住、再生、显现,是苦之生起,贪、住、老死之显现。

52、Fromnearly six months of study and preparation, he had intended the work toevoke a flood, baptism, destruction, and rebirth simultaneously. ─── 从近6个月的研究和准备,他打算工作,引起洪水,洗礼,破坏,新生同时进行。

53、In this work,Nietzsche explores the birth,decline,and rebirth of tragedy and expresses his view on tragedy,which includes the metaphysical nature and Dionysus wisdom of art. ─── 同时,尼采阐发了他的悲剧观,其中包括艺术的形而上学性质和酒神智慧,尼采的悲剧观其实是一种生存论。

54、In addition, the theme of rebirth in Diana worship mythology is also an important key to reach the thoughts of Laurence. ─── 另外,狄安娜神话中体现出的再生主题同样也是解释劳伦斯人生信仰与作品思想的一把重要钥匙,其中借助不朽的潘神形象主要表现了劳伦斯对于生命与死亡的看法。

55、Crop circle enthusiast Karen Alexander, from Gosport, Hants, said: "The phoenix is a mythical creature which symbolises rebirth and a new era in many cultures across the world. ─── 作物圆圈发烧友克伦亚历山大,从戈斯波特, Hants ,说: “凤凰是一个神秘的动物,象征重生和一个新时代的许多文化在世界各地。

56、The "Three-Self" Patriotic Christian Movement unfolded throughout the country, described by Wu Yaozong as a rebirth of Chinese Christianity. ─── 中国基督教“三自”爱国运动随之在全国广泛展开,吴耀宗称之为“中国基督教的新生”。

57、However, resurrection and rebirth of all individual only can take the new self-choose as premises. ─── 但是所有的个体的复活和重生,就只能以自我全新的选择为前提。

58、The deep sleep millennium soul, furiously has spluttered as if that a wee bit ray, awakens, obtains the rebirth. ─── 仿佛沉睡了千年的灵魂,被光火溅射出的那么一丁点光芒,唤醒,得到重生。

59、The "rebirth" that occurred during the Renaissance resulted from renewed interest in the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. ─── 发生在文艺复兴时期的复兴引发了对于古希腊和古罗马文化重新开始的的兴趣。

60、The rebirth of cells outlives the death of aged cells before 25 of age. ─── 在25岁前,人体内细胞新生的速度比死亡的速度要快,所以生命总体呈现青春的态势。

61、I'm always inspired by the rebirth of the seasons. ─── 四季轮回总是带给我启迪。

62、For a hundred years the china people make great efforts to finish the aim of the people rebirth. ─── 一百年以来,中国人民为了实现民族复兴的目标做出了不懈的努力。

63、This year marks the Billboard Awards' rebirth. ─── 今年标志着美国公告牌音乐奖的重生。

64、Once it was believed that nature simply wiped the slate clean every winter, a kind of yearly apocalypse followed by a miracle rebirth each spring. ─── 人们曾经相信,大自然每年冬季只不过是把大地打扫干净,这是一种每年一次的天启,它预示了一个神奇的万物复苏的春天紧接着要到来。

65、Urge the base layer dye the cell resolve, enhance the cell to repair the rebirth. ─── 促使基底层色素细胞分解,强化细胞修复再生。

66、The creation of the Union for the Mediterranean is hardly the rebirth of imperial Rome, but it may just be the start of something exciting. ─── 地中海联盟的成立虽然还说不上是罗马帝国的复兴,但可以被看作一个激动人心的开始。

67、Due to Huacheng's disturbance, one of the talismans is destroyed.It means that only one person has the chance of rebirth. ─── 因化成的捣乱而摧毁一张“还阳符”,令乔生,连城和宾娘三人十分苦恼。

68、Affected by the impact of globalization, countries really have subsided in some areas, and community are borrowing strength for its rebirth. ─── 受全球化浪潮的冲击,国家确乎在某些方面有所退却,而社会则借势获得新生。

69、The imperfect are destined to continual rebirth in a world of material bodies. ─── 不完美一定会在这个物质身体的世界里持续不断地轮回。

70、In our observation, those whom are ascending are continually entering phases of birth, death and rebirth, internal to self. ─── 在我们的观察中,提升者们持续进入内在自我之新生、死亡和再生的阶段。

71、In ancient Egypt it represented purity and rebirth,while in ancient Babylonia it was thought of as the tree of the Goddess Ishtar and was a symbol of life. ─── 在古埃及它寓意纯洁和新生,同时,在古巴比伦它被喻为伊丝塔女神(司爱情、生育、战争)之树,同时是生命的象征。

72、Is following the wave which immigrates, numerous different races and nationality's culture and tradition gradually in this piece of length and breadth new continent rebirth. ─── 伴随着移民的潮涌,众多不同种族和民族的文化与传统逐渐在这片广袤的新大陆上重生。

73、Actually rebirth is a sort of changing also just like the next life of you and me. ─── 轮回也是一种变化,如同你我的前世和今生。

74、Today's life is not the life that we imagined originally.If we cannot resurrect, can we obtain the hope of rebirth? ─── 今天的生活原本就不是我们自己想像的生活,如果不能复活还能获得重生的希望吗?

75、Barbara Hagerty looks at some of the features of people who turn midlife into a rebirth. ─── Barbara Hagerty)着眼于将中年转变为重生的人的一些特征。

76、Watching "Rebirth, " she was struck by all the different ways that people suffer and all the ways they get through it, she said. ─── 她说她看《重生》的时候,人们遭受的各种苦难以及他们各自渡过难关的方法深深震动了她。

77、Then, as the days extended into week, he began wondering if a rebirth of Friends of Freedom might be possible. ─── 后来,随着一天天渐渐变成一周了,他开始考虑“自由之友”是否还有卷土重来的可能。

78、Three biblical and mythical motifs are embodied in Sula, namely the quest motif, the sacrificial scapegoat motif, and the rebirth motif. ─── 《秀拉》主要表现了三个圣经神话主题:追寻主题、替罪羊主题及再生主题。

79、Taiwan was retroceded to China on December 25, 1945. The people put up ceremonial arches to celebrate their rebirth. ─── 卅四年十二月廿五日台湾光复,人们扎起牌楼欢庆重生。

80、Perhaps in their anxiety to pacify these supernatural beings lies in the origin of the annual ceremonies based around the gravesite at the “rebirth” of nature. ─── 人们认为死者的佑戒之力强于人和自然。或许人们心情焦虑,于万物复苏之际,在墓地举行他们的悼念仪式以慰犒先灵。

81、Because of the popularity of fax-machine and E-mail, business letter writing is experiencing a rebirth. ─── 因为传真和电子邮件的普及,商务书信正经历着一轮新生。

82、If one engages in meritorious deeds, the sankharas or volitional formations will propel consciousness toward a happy sphere of rebirth. ─── 假若某人行福德事,那麽该行或者说“有动机的造作”将会把意识推向喜乐的重生域界。

83、GODIVA Chocolatier celebrates its 80th anniversary with the rebirth of its iconic Gold Collection, a new take on a true original. ─── GODIVA为了欢庆80周年纪念日,特别推出全新金装巧克力系列,这崭新并忠于真实的原味巧克力。

84、You will be free from rebirth, and you can save other living creatures. ─── 你会从轮回中解脱出来,还能普渡众生。

85、Easter was borrowed from the Pagan Festival celebrating the rebirth of the sun. ─── 复活节是借用了异教徒节庆祝太阳的复活.

86、Only those who strongly believe in Rebirth should risk going near. ─── 只有那些极度相信有再生的人或许可以前往。

87、After that realisation, the meditator becomes a Noble One and escapes forever from rebirth in the lower realms. ─── 体认以后,修道者便会成为圣者,并且能够永远脱离下界轮迴。

88、However, after the rebirth of the glass are beginning to understand a truth: another smart woman will become confused feelings in front of an idiot. ─── 不过重生过后的玻璃开始明白了一个道理:再聪明的女人在感情面前也会变得迷糊白痴,灵魂出窍。

89、The egg has always been a symbol of new life. Christians have long used the egg as the symbol of Christ's rebirth. ─── 蛋一向是新生命的象征。长久以来,基督徒都以蛋作为基督复活的象征。


Three lives three th

三生三世十里桃花”的英语翻译:"Be able to fall in love with the fair lady from far away is destined by the three life-times of rebirth and three generations. "具体介绍如下:

“三生” 英语说法是the three life-times of rebirth ;指的是前生、今生、来生。

“三世” 英语说法是three generations ,指的是三代人 。

“十里” 英语说法是from far away ,十里并不是路程长度是十里,这是隐喻:自远方。


涅槃重生英文缩写为rebirth of Nie Pan。



But geomancy culture is in the social turbulence the rebirth of Nie Pan, the period complicated history factor really makes people don't already think deeply.

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