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08-15 投稿


advertence 发音

英:[[?d'v?:t?ns]]  美:[[?d'v?:t?ns]]

英:  美:

advertence 中文意思翻译



advertence 词性/词形变化,advertence变形

动词过去式: adverted |动词现在分词: adverting |动词第三人称单数: adverts |动词过去分词: adverted |

advertence 短语词组

1、advertence def ─── 注意定义

2、advertence definition catholic ─── 注意定义

3、advertence synonym ─── 注意同义词

4、advertence meaning ─── 注意意义

5、advertence definition ─── 注意定义

advertence 相似词语短语

1、advertency ─── n.注意;谈及(等于advertence)

2、advertently ─── 谨慎地;注意地;小心地

3、inadvertence ─── n.不注意;怠慢,疏忽

4、misadvertence ─── 误读

5、advertences ─── n.注意;提及

6、advertent ─── adj.留意的;注意的

7、inadvertences ─── n.不注意;怠慢,疏忽

8、inadvertency ─── n.错误;疏忽;粗心;怠慢;不注意

9、advertencies ─── n.注意;谈及(等于advertence)

advertence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have a challenge for our partners: Imagine the space taken up by that banner advert, or a skyscraper ad in a sidebar, and figure out what else could go into that space? ─── 我给我的合作伙伴们出了一道难题:设想一下现在被横幅广告、摩天楼广告占据的这些空间,有什么别的东西可以放到这些空间中?

2、Advert charm of OMO powdered detergent ─── 奥妙洗衣粉广告之魅力

3、The advert does not promote technical values but human values. ─── 广告宣传的不是技术价值而是人文价值。

4、The advert below emphasise that the suspender belt and 1950s bra are in the new easy care nylon fabric, but just as pretty in a broderie anglaise style. ─── 下面强调广告的吊带胸罩带,20世纪50年代在新的尼龙织物易护理的,但一如她在布罗德里贵妇风格。

5、The electronic advert -- on a busy road junction in the heart of former West Berlin -- was certainly causing a stir on the streets, ─── 由于这个电子广告屏位于前西柏林市中心的一个繁忙的三叉路口处,

6、The current advert for the guitar revolts me to the very depths of my soul. ─── 我从心底里厌恶这个吉他广告。

7、I advertised, and Mrs. Fairfax answered the advert. ─── 我登了广告,费尔法克斯夫人回了信。

8、Create an advert suitable for viral marketing to attract new customers and create loyalty amongst Ikea's young female audience. ─── 创造适合滤过病毒性营销的广告来吸引新顾客并在年轻女性观众中创造对宜家的忠诚.

9、advert proceedings in cutting tool compensation ─── 刀补注意事项

10、The main purpose of the advert is to catch people's attention. ─── 广告的主要目的是为了引人注目.

11、You canadd a long description to each item, as well as an advert text and an itemized list. ─── 你可以向每个项目添加一个较长的描述,以及一个广告语或者详细列表。

12、This paper states advert proceedings in intelligent architecture operation. Standards of intelligent architecture and importance of establishing design criterion are also mentioned in this paper. ─── 本文论述了提高智能建筑运行应注意的事项、智能建筑的标准及设计规范制订的重要性。

13、Use the power of sound for your TV advert or film. ─── 声音成就了电影。在您的电视广告或电影中感受声音的力量。

14、Application of Case Teaching Method in Multimedia's Advert Designs Teaching ─── 案例教学在多媒体广告设计教学中的应用

15、Minimize Advert Bar on connection lost ─── 当与服务器连接丢失时将广告条最小化为任务栏图标

16、Leicester city council - on hearing that many intended to move there - placed an advert in the Ugandan Argus. ─── 他们还在旗下企业间进行资金借贷,把钱投资到其中最急需资金、最赚钱的公司里。

17、Daren:I know!It's just that I saw an advert on TV about how this new camera will change my life... ─── 我知道!我就是看了电视上播的能影响我生活的照片机广告才买的。

18、He said that the game at Old Trafford between us and Manchester United has been a beautiful advert for football. ─── 他说我们在拉特拉福德与曼联的比赛是一次对于足球的很好的广告。

19、Advertisers can keep a tab of how many times each advert is seen. ─── 广告商可以密切注视各个广告究竟被看了多少次。

20、What proportion of them respond to your advert? ─── 他们对你有什么比例广告?

21、We offer magazines to our clients for free so our adverts more powerful than others.We take your advert home. ─── 我们将给我们的客户免费赠送杂志,广告的效力是以几何级数上升,我们会把您的广告带到3000万户人家里。

22、You'll also need a copy of any description made about a product if you're claiming it's not like its advert. ─── 如果你在宣称产品和广告内容不符,那么你还需要对产品说明的复印件。

23、as one club claims in the advert: ─── 正像一个俱乐部在广告中声明的那样:

24、Marlee in an advert for American Red Cross. ─── Marlee 为美国红十字做的广告。

25、Judith spoke bitterly, and with her usual force, but her listener was too much struck with the novelty of the sensations he experienced to advert to her manner. ─── 朱迪思用她平时那种辛辣口吻恨恨地说,但是对方听了这番话惊愕住了,所以没有注意到她的这番神情。

26、And, for the first time with FM, a TV advert too. ─── 另外,我们也会首次使用电台和电视的广告。

27、"Be necessary to restrict network ill will to take appearance of honorary of advert damage individual " , assentient holds absolutely dominant position in layer of each areas, sexual distinction, age. ─── “有必要限制网络恶意留言及毁损个人名誉的现象”,赞成者在各个地区、性别、年龄层中占据绝对优势。

28、He mentioned the problem casually with no advertence to its importance. ─── 他随便地提到那问题,而没有讲述到它的重要性

29、In 2000, an npower advert showed a ginger family under the banner "There are some things in life you can't choose". ─── 2000年,一个电力公司广告展示了一个红发家庭站在写有“人生的有些东西你是无法选择的”的横幅下面。

30、advert to a problem.See Synonyms atrefer ─── 注意问题参见

31、She came across and advert for the book Bible Basics. ─── 她偶然留意到圣经基础这本书。

32、He wrote a jingle for a shampoo advert. ─── 他为一则洗发露广告编了一首歌。

33、Mr. Roberts, would you amuse sign an analysis almanac for me? May I have your character amount for advertence? ─── 罗伯茨先生,请你签一份看房协定,可否告知我你的身份证号码作为记载参考?

34、You know, the advert with the old man with white hair.KFC...something like that. ─── 就是那个,一个白发老头做的广告,叫什么KFC的...

35、My father spotted a small classified advert in the Motor Cycle News for a “Warranty Claims Processor” at Mitsui-Yamaha (the importer).I went for an interview and they offered me the job... ─── 我父亲在摩托运动新闻上看见了一则小的广告,三井-雅马哈(那个进口商)征招授权申明处理员。

36、Your CV is your "advert" to sell yourself to an employer. ─── 你的CV[个人履历表]就是将你推销给雇主的媒介。

37、I didn't advert to it. ─── 我没有注意到他

38、She gave me an advert on a card to put up in the window. ─── 她给了我一张写在卡片上的广告, 准备要贴到(挂到)窗户上。

39、Please accomplish an action advertence the packing. ─── 请报价并阐明包装情况。

40、An investigation into such an advert accident must be undertaken in an objective, fair and timely manner. ─── 对这类医疗事故调查务求客观、公正、及时。

41、The ASA noted that the advert for the 18 certificate movie was not allowed to be screened when younger children were likely to be watching. ─── 广告标准局指出当小孩子有可能收看电视时,对于18岁以下禁止收看的电影广告是不能在电视上播放的。

42、Dock Advert Bar on Bottom of the screen ─── 将广告条置于屏幕下方

43、Only let them watch television channels that are advert free or DVDs, but remember to fast forward through the ubiquitous adverts for Disneyland Paris. ─── 只让他们看免费的电视节目或者DVD(电影),当节目上播出巴黎狄斯耐乐园时记得快速转台。

44、Other underwear by companies like Kayser Bondor advertised all their underwear in one large advert like the one below. ─── 由凯泽Bondor像其他内衣广告公司在一个像一个大广告下面所有的内衣。

45、Daren: I know!It's just that I saw an advert on TV about how this new camera will change my life. ─── 我知道!我就是看了电视上播的能影响我生活的照相机广告才买的.

46、Advert Information Communication Modes Need Constant Innovations to Meet the Economic Development ─── 广告信息传播模式的研究要适应经济发展不断创新

47、Dock Advert Bar on Top of the screen ─── 将广告条置于屏幕上方

48、Which aspect of a certain advert motivates you to buy the good it advertises? ─── 广告中的什么因素会促使您购买产品?

49、I'm not sure what they, and everybody else who has complained about the game being a “dreadful advert for English football”, were expecting. ─── 我不知道他们、还有其他抱怨比赛是“对英国足球的可怕的宣传”的那些人到底想看什么样的比赛。

50、LEWIS: But if they can put an advert in the newspaper beforehand and a notice up in the branch beforehand, surely they can write to their customers sooner than a month? ─── 刘易斯:但是既然那些机构事先能在报纸上刊登公告或在分支机构发布公告,那他们肯定就能够在一个月之内通知客户,不是吗?

51、He had been advertence your name to me. ─── 他过去屡次向我提到过你的名字。

52、She answered an advert for a job as a cook. ─── 她应聘了厨师的招聘广告。

53、If you have ever seen the advert where Ronaldinho thumps five consecutive shots against the crossbar and refused to believe it was possible then read on. ─── 你看过广告中罗纳尔迪尼奥连续五次击中横梁的场面,并且表示不相信吧,那么请看下面。

54、A variety of girdles existed to help achieve those contours and they are shown here in advert form. ─── 各种各样的腰带存在,以帮助实现他们的轮廓,显示广告的形式在这里。

55、The USOC have confirmed to us this morning that they have followed up this issue and they have asked the re-election campaign to withdraw the advert that they're running. ─── 美国奥委会也确定了这个权限,我们将要求选举活动不要使用拥有奥运会图标和会徽的广告。”

56、Unlike a victim who died in a car accident, the victim of a medical advert accident is not entitled to similar accident benefits or death benefits under the no-fault automobile system. ─── 同死于交通事故中的受害者不同,医疗事故中的受害者不享有汽车保险提供的事故和死亡赔偿。

57、All I saw was a 2 hour long (but felt like 5) advert for a fairly decent special effects company and there was some bullshit dialogue somewhere in between. ─── 我所看到的是一个时长2小时(但象5个小时)一个相当不错的公司,特别效果)和广告感到有一些废话对话介于两者之间。

58、This includes the hard costs, such as placing a job advert,andthe hidden costs, such as time spent conductinginterviews. ─── 其中包括投放招聘广告等“硬成本”,以及花在面试上的时间等“隐形成本”。

59、In the same way it charges for web-based searches, advertisers will pay each time a user clicks on their advert link, at rates established by advertisers in online auctions. ─── 同样,该服务对于基于网页的搜索并非免费。每次一顾客对其广告的点击都会对广告商们产生相应的费用。具体的费用取决于广告商们在线的竞价高低。

60、Times you want your advert to go on air. ─── 你想你的时候到空中广告.

61、"Lifestyle is very social. It includes a lot of going out," he noted on his eBay advert. ─── 他在eBay上的广告中说:“生活方式是很具社会性的,其中包括很多社会交往的成分。”

62、Strengthening National and Cultural Approval of Advert Theme ─── 强化民族文化认同感的广告主题

63、The Name +10 attraction even allows fans to speak their name into a microphone, which then appears on the soundtrack of the advert. ─── “+10”游戏甚至允许球迷们在麦克风中输入自己的名字,然后该球迷名字将出现在广告中。

64、In January, the Sarkozys also sued Irish budget airline Ryanair over an advert featuring Ms Bruni musing that, thanks to cheap flights, her Italian relatives would be able to attend their wedding. ─── 在一月的时候,萨科奇也上诉爱尔兰瑞安航空公司,把布鲁尼夫人沉思的动作作为广告,而因为这航空公司便宜的机票,她在意大利的亲戚都可以飞过来参加他们的婚礼。

65、This case is not advert to in Smith v. Jones Machine Ltd. ─── 在史密斯诉琼斯机器有限公司一案中未提及此案。

66、A miraculous image of Jesus Christ in the froth of an almost empty pint of beer is to be used as an advert to encourage more Britons to go to church this Christmas. ─── 几乎喝光的一品脱酒杯里,啤酒泡沫上的一张神奇耶稣像,将在广告中派上用场,以鼓励更多英国人在今年耶诞节上教堂。

67、As polysystem theory has drawn growing attention in academic circles, we should alert and advert to a whole series of issues aroused by the misunderstanding and abuse of it as well as its self-contradiction. ─── 对这一理论的研究已经在我国学界引起了越来越多的关注,但它本身的悖谬性、作实践中的误读和滥用所引发的一系列问题必须引起我们的警惕和注意。

68、You will be required to put our advert on all visable content of your site. We will give you our advert code and you are required to put it. ─── 你拿了没有?没要求流量,但全要放广告,垃圾,不要了。

69、The adverts are in multiples of 10 seconds such that an advert could simply be one multiple of 10 seconds or many multiples of 10 seconds. ─── 所有广告需要时间是几十秒,这样一个广告是10秒钟,很多广告就是几十秒钟。

70、Adequate proof covers, but is not bound to, any autograph appearing from the assignor and advertence that the assignment has taken papplique. ─── 充分证据包含但不限于,让与人作出的并能够表明转让已做出的任何书面文件。

71、I stumbled across his advert accidentally after finishing university, and have not looked back since. ─── 在大学毕业后的一次偶然的机会,我意外看到了他的广告,从此就没有再回头。

72、5.The poisoning caused by unreasonable use of cinnabar should be considered to be drug alert, but not advert effect. ─── 由于不合理用药导致的中毒,严格来说当属药物警戒,不应归属药物不良反应。

73、...gwen stefani perfume fragrance commercial ad advert wonderful life lamb l.a.m.b. sophie muller oil factory ... ─── 正在载入...正在载入...正在载入...正在载入...感谢您分享该视频!正在保存...关闭 该视频已添加到您的收藏。

74、"My dad was watching telly," Katie explains, "and he saw an advert for the audition. ─── “我爸爸那时在看电视,”她解释道,“他看到了试镜会的广告。

75、Despite the huge number of complaints, the ASA threw out the objections because the advert did not break any rules.The ASA did not censure any of the five adverts that attracted most complaints. ─── 尽管肯德基的这则沙拉广告惹怒许多人投诉,但由于广告本身并没有违反广告法的任何规定,因此广告标准管理部门也只能对投诉置之不理。

76、Juventus have taken out an advert in the Italian sports press praising their goalkeeper Gigi Buffon. ─── 尤文图斯在意大利体育新闻中,取得一份广告以表彰他们的门将吉吉.布冯.

77、half an hour with the name in the advert, ─── 半个小时广告中的歌手演唱,

78、A fast food commercial that featured call centre staff singing with their mouths full has become the most complained-about advert of all time. ─── 在美国快餐连锁巨头肯德基的一则商业广告画面中,呼叫中心的工作人员一边满嘴塞着吃的东西,一边哼着歌曲。

79、To highlight the issue, Keep Britain Tidy launched a cinema advert entitled "How close do you want them to get?" ─── 为引起人们对这一问题的注意,“保持英国清洁”推出了名为“你希望它们靠得多近?”的影院宣传片。

80、And then I saw that advert on TV with those new computers. ─── 后来我在电视上看到这则新型电脑的广告。

81、an advert for a chocolate croissant to someone buying only a cappuccino. ─── 为一位只买了卡布基诺的顾客播放巧克力羊角面包的广告。

82、Laura decided to answer an advert which went :" Young man of 50 seeks occasional masseuse. ─── 劳拉决定应聘一则广告。广告是这样写的:“50岁壮年男子,招兼职按摩师。

83、The first video advert inside a print title has been published inside the American magazine Entertainment Weekly. ─── 美国杂志娱乐周刊发行首刊带有液晶放像功能的印刷刊物。

84、advert to ─── adj. 谈到(述及, 注意到)

85、Advert to a problem. ─── 注意问题

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