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glaucous 发音

英:['gl??k?s]  美:['gl?k?s]

英:  美:

glaucous 中文意思翻译



glaucous 网络释义

adj. 蓝绿色的;绿灰色的;[园艺] 表面起白霜的

glaucous 词性/词形变化,glaucous变形

名词: glaucousness |

glaucous 短语词组

1、glaucous grey ─── 蓝灰色

2、glaucous gray ─── 白霜灰

3、glaucous define ─── 青光眼定义

4、glaucous gull ─── 海鸥

5、glaucous macaw ─── 白金刚鹦鹉

6、glaucous bristlegrass ─── [网络] 青ous草

7、glaucous meters ─── 青光眼计

8、Erigeron glaucous ─── [网络] 飞蓬glaucus

9、glaucous rgb ─── 青光眼

glaucous 相似词语短语

1、raucous ─── adj.沙哑的;刺耳的;粗声的

2、glauco- ─── 海绿石。

3、gladiolus ─── n.剑兰;[解剖]胸骨体

4、glamourous ─── adj.富有魅力的;迷人的

5、glaucously ─── 青光眼的

6、glaucoma ─── n.[眼科]青光眼;绿内障

7、glareous ─── 耀眼的

8、glandulous ─── adj.有腺的;腺状的(等于glandular)

9、glabrous ─── adj.[生物]无毛的,光滑的

glaucous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Glaucous Macaw ─── n. 灰绿金刚鹦鹉

2、And color of lilac color, glaucous, herb, lemon fizzles out will be popularity of prospective shoe boots scenic is bestowed favor on newly. ─── 而紫丁香色、蓝绿色、香草色、柠檬黄将是未来鞋靴流行舞台的新宠。

3、glaucous herb of northeastern United States and Canada having loose racemes of yellow-tipped pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria. ─── 美国东北部和加拿大的一种淡灰兰色草本植物,松散总状花序,尖端呈黄色的粉红色花;有时归紫堇科。

4、glaucous leaves. ─── 表面有白霜的叶子

5、Yellow-flowered Eurasian glaucous herb naturalized in along sandy shores in eastern North America. ─── 沿北美东部沙地海岸生长的开黄花的淡灰兰色欧亚草本植物。

6、Mexican epiphytic orchid with glaucous gray-green leaves and lemon- to golden-yellow flowers appearing only partially opened; sometimes placed in genus Cattleya. ─── 墨西哥的一种附生兰花,叶绿灰色,花半开、从柠檬色到金黄色;有时归入卡特兰属。

7、Leaf blade abaxially glaucous, thin. Fl. Jun, fr. Oct. ─── 叶片背面有白霜,薄。花期6月,果期10月。

8、Leaf blade suborbicular, base rounded or cordate; abaxial surface sometimes glaucous, often with some red stipitate glands. ─── 近圆形的叶片,基部圆形或心形;有时背面有白霜,通常具一些红色腺体。(10

9、Culm sheaths basally subtriangular, leathery, initially glaucous, setose, coarsely black glandular hairy, margins dark brown ciliate, apex narrow; ─── 基部近三角形,似皮革,最初有白霜,具刚毛的竿箨,黑色腺毛,边暗褐色纤毛虫,狭窄的顶的粗;

10、;internodes initially green, to 35 cm, glabrous, glaucous. ─── 节间最初绿色,对35厘米,无毛,有白霜。

11、apex apiculate;abaxial surface glaucous, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs; ─── 先端具细尖背面有白霜,无毛的或具一些星散的毛;

12、abaxial surface glaucous, papillate, glabrous when mature, sometimes with vestiges of reddish brown or whitish indumentum persisting on main veins and midrib; ─── 成熟时背面有白霜,具乳突,无毛,有时红棕色或带白色毛被的具形迹在主脉和中脉上坚持;

13、glaucous ice ─── (指污染过的) 淡灰绿色冰

14、Double lubricious leer makeup: Glaucous eye shadow is tie-in, already relaxed do not break charm again, gao Guang uses green partly, make eye makeup stereoer! ─── 双色媚眼妆: 蓝绿色的眼影搭配,既清爽又不失妩媚,高光部分用绿色,让眼妆更立体!

15、abaxial surface glaucous, with scattered viscid glands; ─── 背面有白霜,具星散的黏的腺体;

16、1 Leaflets sericeous on both surfaces, or abaxially glaucous, sometimes sparsely pilose. ─── 小叶被绢毛在两面,有白霜的或背面,有时疏生柔毛。

17、White dress and glaucous department collocation are together, very relaxed and delightful, taking the breath with Mediterranean summer, it is to let person mind do it a of hearten makeup look. ─── 白色服装与蓝绿色系搭配在一起,非常清爽宜人,带着夏天地中海的气息,是让人精神为之振奋的一款妆容。

18、Leaves elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, usually glaucous, veinlets conspicuous and raised. ─── 假椭圆形或卵形披针形,通常,明显的细脉和凸起。

19、Leaves crowded on upper part of branches, oblanceolate, 4-5.5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, apex acute and mucronate, base attenuate, margin slightly revolute, obscurely glaucous beneath; ─── 叶聚生于小枝上部,倒披针形,长4-5.5厘米,宽1.5-2厘米,顶端短尖,基部渐狭,边缘稍外卷,下面稍带白粉;

20、These leaves are bluish green (usually), glabrous, and glaucous, while their margins are undulate or dentate. ─── 这些叶子是蓝绿色(通常),无毛,与青,而他们的利润率波动或齿状。

21、Branchlets glaucous, glabrous. Leaves glaucous, stout, apex somewhat pungent. Seed scales entire, rarely slightly denticulate. ─── 小枝有白霜,无毛。有白霜的叶,粗壮,有点锐尖的先端。全缘的种鳞,很少稍具小齿。

22、Culm sheath initially green, glaucous, glabrous or initially sparsely setose, base densely brown crinite or white hairy, margins densely ciliate, apex acute; ─── 有毛的最初绿色,有白霜,无毛的竿箨或者最初稀疏刚毛,基础棕色具长软毛或白色的浓密,纤毛,先端锐尖的边缘密;

23、Light quality didn't affect growth performance of Glaucous oak, which was better under sun then deep shade. ─── 青刚栎之生长表现多对光质无反应,于低光量对茎部之分配减少,生长停滞,在高光量下则有较佳的生长。

24、Hypanthium ca. 7 mm, corrugate when dry, glaucous. ─── 托杯约7毫米,干燥时具皱褶,苍白。

25、Herbs biennial, rarely short-lived perennial, glaucous above. ─── 二年生草本,很少短暂多年生植物,在上面。

26、Culm sheaths initially green, brown spotted and setose, bases of setae forming persistent papillae, slightly glaucous, glabrous at base, margins brown ciliate, apex rounded; ─── 竿箨最初绿色,棕色被认出和具刚毛,叶耳无的或弱,背面的棕色有毛,粗糙;

27、Culm sheath pale green, slightly glaucous, deciduously tomentellate at base and margins; ─── 竿箨苍绿色,有点有白霜,脱落的短绒毛在基部和边;

28、Plant shrubby, caudex branching, to 50 cm tall or more, 8-15 mm thick, pale green and glaucous above, darker below, leaf scars lenticular. ─── 植株灌木型,茎多分枝,可长至50厘米高或更高,茎干8到15毫米粗,淡绿色,有白霜,近根处色深暗,叶痕呈双凸形。

29、Calyx segments: 2 linear, 3 shorter, all glabrous, outside glaucous. ─── 花萼裂片:线形的2,短3,全部无毛,在苍白外边。

30、Upper 3-5 leaves cordate-ovate, 1-3 cm, glabrous, glaucous, fleshy, base somewhat clasping, apex obtuse. ─── 上面3-5叶心形卵形,1-3厘米,无毛,有白霜,肉质,基部有点抱茎,先端钝。

31、Arial stem terete, erect, base purplish, distally glaucous, branched above. ─── 茎圆柱状,直立,略带紫色,上部有白霜,上面分枝。

32、Stipules of basal leaves glaucous to greenish, over 2/3 adnate to petioles, free part narrowly lanceolate, submembranous, margin remotely denticulate, apex acuminate; ─── 基生叶托叶苍白到带绿色的,2/3贴生于叶柄,离生部分狭披针形,近膜质,边缘有稀疏的细锯齿,先端渐尖;

33、Mexican epiphytic orchid with glaucous gray-green leaves and lemon - to golden-yellow flowers appearing only partially opened; sometimes placed in genus Cattleya. ─── 墨西哥的一种附生兰花,叶绿灰色,花半开、从柠檬色到金黄色;有时归入卡特兰属。

34、Calyx-tube half-globose, glaucous, apex 5 triangular lobes or teeth. ─── 花萼筒部半球形,被白粉,先端具5三角形裂齿;

35、Glaucous Tanager ─── n. 绿灰裸鼻雀

36、Mexican epiphytic orchid with glaucous gray-green leaves and lemon- to golden-yellow flowers appearing only partially opened; sometimes placed in genus Cattleya ─── 墨西哥的一种附生兰花,叶绿灰色,花半开、从柠檬色到金黄色;有时归入卡特兰属

37、Leaflets usually 3, rarely 4 or 5, both surfaces glabrous, abaxially glaucous or glaucescent, margin entire or sparsely and irregularly serrate. ─── 小叶通常3,很少4或5,两面无毛,背面苍白或带白霜的,边缘全缘或疏生和不规则有锯齿的。

38、Plants without rhizome (culms tufted); spikelets usually glaucous or purplish glaucous. ─── 没有根状茎(秆丛生)的植株;小穗通常有白霜的或带紫色有白霜。

39、Leaves thickly leathery, ovate, 7-13 cm long, 4.5-6.5 cm wide, apex obtuse or slightly acute, base broadly cunneate, base tri-nerved, upper surface green, glossy, lower surface glaucous, glabrous; ─── 叶厚革质,卵形,长7-13厘米,宽4.5-6.5厘米,先端钝或略尖,基部阔楔形,具3出脉,上面亮绿色,下面灰白色,无毛;

40、Young culm internodes sparsely glaucous hairy; nodal sheath scars hairy; culm sheath blade erect. ─── 年轻的秆节间的疏生有白霜有毛;节的鞘痕有毛;竿箨叶片直立。

41、small shrub with gray-green leaves and yellow flowers followed by glaucous blue berries. ─── 有灰绿色叶子和黄花的小灌木,有蓝绿色的浆果。

42、glaucous herb of northeastern United States and Canada having loose racemes of yellow-tipped pink flowers; ─── 美国东北部和加拿大的一种淡灰兰色草本植物,松散总状花序,尖端呈黄色的粉红色花;

43、glaucous herb of northeastern United States and Canada having loose racemes of yellow-tipped pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria ─── 美国东北部和加拿大的一种淡灰兰色草本植物,松散总状花序,尖端呈黄色的粉红色花;有时归紫堇科

44、abaxial surface glaucous, glabrous, epidermis papillate, sometimes markedly so and with strong reticulations; ─── 背面有白霜,无毛,显著有时,具乳突的表皮因此并且具强壮的网状;

45、Capsule broadly obovoid or pyriform, verrucose; leaflets abaxially slightly glaucous, margin crenate with crenations crenulate. ─── 宽的蒴果倒卵形或梨形,瘤状;小叶背面稍有白霜,边缘具圆齿具具细圆齿。

46、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 4 mm, glandular punctate, corrugate when dry, glaucous. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,长约4毫米,具腺具点,干燥时具皱褶,苍白。

47、Exception occurred on Glaucous oak with an increase in stem mass ratio under higher light. ─── 相对地,对茎、叶部分配比例则减少,惟青刚栎之茎重率有随光量上升而增加的趋势。

48、Leaf blade obovate, broadest above the middle, base cuneate, rarely rounded; abaxial surface not glaucous, glabrous or with brownish indumentum. ─── 高于中间,基部楔形,很少圆形倒卵形,宽的叶片;背面不具白霜,无毛的或具带褐色的毛被。(12

49、Leaves obovate-spatulate, cuspidate, 1,5 – 3 x 0,8 – 2,5 cm wide at the widest part, glaucous bluish-grey, often red-flecked beneath, margins reddish. ─── 叶:倒卵状匙形,尖,1.5 - 3厘米长,0.8 - 2.5厘米宽(在最宽的部分),叶为带有白霜的蓝灰色,叶背面常有红色斑点,叶缘红色。

50、;internodes green, cylindrical, ca. 24 cm, basally slightly concave above branches, smooth, densely glaucous, glabrous, nearly solid, pith lamellate; ─── 节间绿色,大约24厘米,基部,圆柱体稍凹高于分支,顺利,密被白霜,无毛,差不多固体,包含薄片的木髓;

51、White beach, the palmy tree that glaucous ocean and breeze stroke gently, and luxurious design appears mysterious. ─── 白色沙滩,蓝绿色海洋和微风轻抚的棕榈树,以及豪华的设计都显得不可思议。

52、1 Leaflets 3(-5), both surfaces glabrous, abaxially glaucous or glaucescent. ─── 小叶3(-5),两面无毛,背面的有白霜的或带白霜。

53、Stem alternate or dichotomously branched, green or glaucous, base with or without fibrous remnant sheaths. ─── 茎互生或二歧分枝,绿色或有白霜,基部有或没有纤维状残余鞘的。

54、Leaves abaxially glabrous or scarcely pubescent when young, sometimes abaxially glaucous. ─── 叶背面无毛或几乎不幼时具短柔毛,有时有白霜。

55、laurel of bogs of northwestern United States having small purple flowers and pale leaves that are glaucous beneath. ─── 美国西北沼泽中的月桂树,有小紫花和白叶子,其下是绿灰色。

56、Trees.Branches terete, grooved, pale yellow pubescent, with scattered, glaucous lenticels. ─── 乔木圆柱状的分枝,具凹槽,浅黄短柔毛,星散,有白霜的具。

57、glaucous gull ─── 北极鸥(Larus hyperboreus)

58、any of various plants of the genus Zigadenus having glaucous leaves and terminal racemes of mostly white flowers; all are poisonous. ─── 棋盘花属多种植物中的任何一种,叶绿灰色,花主要为白色、组成顶生总状花序;全部有毒。

59、White beach, the palmy tree that glaucous ocean and breeze stroke gently, and luxurious design appears mysterious. ─── 白色沙滩,蓝绿色海洋和微风轻抚的棕榈树,以及豪华的设计都显得不可思议。

60、any of various plants of the genus Zigadenus having glaucous leaves and terminal racemes of mostly white flowers; all are poisonous ─── 棋盘花属,多种植物中的任何一种,叶绿灰色,花主要为白色、组成顶生总状花序;全部有毒

61、leaf blade orbicular or ovate, 1-2 cm in diam., leathery, glabrous, glaucous, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin entire, apex rounded, lateral veins and reticulate venation prominent abaxially. ─── 叶片圆形或者卵形,直径的1-2厘米,革质,无毛,苍白,基部圆形或宽楔形的,边缘全缘,先端圆形,背面的侧脉和网状脉序突出。

62、Stem, bracts and bracteoles green. Basal leaves linear-lanceolate or long-elliptic, leaf blade abaxially glaucous, thinly papery. Petals yellow. Stylopodium dark yellow. ─── 茎,苞片和小苞片绿色。基生叶线状披针形的或长椭圆形,叶片背面有白霜,薄纸质。花瓣黄色花柱基暗黄色。

63、Pollen cones borne in long, slender, lax, spikelike panicles (5-)13-25 cm, almost sessile, ovoid.Seed cones glaucous, ovoid, 1.5-2.5 cm. ─── 雄球花生于长,纤细,疏松,穗状圆锥花序(5-13-25厘米,几无梗,卵球形。

64、Petiole densely pubescent; leaf blade lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, abaxially glaucous, pilose, adaxially dull green, base broadly cuneate or cuneate, apex shortly acuminate. ─── 叶柄密被短柔毛;叶片披针形的或狭披针形,背面的有白霜,具柔毛,正面黯淡绿色,基部宽楔形或楔形,先端短渐尖。

65、glaucous stems; glaucous plums; glaucous grapes. ─── 有白霜的茎;有白霜的李子;有霜的葡萄。

66、Herbs annual.Stems (10-)20-40 cm, branched from base, pubescent, glaucous green. ─── 一年生草本茎(10-)20-40厘米,分开自基部,短柔毛,苍绿色。

67、laurel of bogs of northwestern United States having small purple flowers and pale leaves that are glaucous beneath ─── 美国西北沼泽中的月桂树,有小紫花和白叶子,其下是绿灰色

68、At onefold colour for, people can know Titian department is to belong to warm color to move normally, and glaucous department is to belong to cool color to move. ─── 于单一的色彩来说,人们通常都会知道红黄色系是属于暖色调,而蓝绿色系则是属于冷色调。

69、Leaves crowded on upper part of branches, oblanceolate, 4-5.5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, apex acute and mucronate, base attenuate, margin slightly revolute, obscurely glaucous beneath; petiole 0.5-1 cm long. ─── 叶聚生于小枝上部,倒披针形,长4-5.5厘米,宽1.5-2厘米,顶端短尖,基部渐狭,边缘稍外卷,下面稍带白粉;叶柄长0.5-1厘米。

70、ultimate lobes linear, more or less falcate, shallowly serrate, dark green and shining above, light green to glaucous below. ─── 末回裂片线形,略呈镰状,边缘有浅锯齿,上面深绿色,有光泽,下面灰白色。

71、Culm sheaths deciduous, green, conspicuously many purple veined, spots absent, not or only thinly glaucous, abaxially deciduously sparsely hispid, basally brown hairy, hairs ca. 3 mm; ─── 脱落,绿色的竿箨,很多紫色脉,缺席的斑点的显著,不或者只稀疏有白霜,叶耳和口头的刚毛无;

72、small shrub with gray-green leaves and yellow flowers followed by glaucous blue berries ─── 有灰绿色叶子和黄花的小灌木,有蓝绿色的浆果

73、Height growth of Camphor tree was greatest under 25% RLI, while Glaucous oak and Formosan ash were greatest under full sun light. ─── 青刚栎及光腊树节间发育则在相对光量50%下较佳,致高生长最大。

74、Drupe ovoid or ellipsoidal, tuberculate or indistinctly tuberculate-rugose on surface, often glaucous; ─── 核果卵球形或者椭圆体,表面具瘤或具瘤状皱纹,通常有白霜;

75、Aggregate long ellipsoid, 13 cm long, 9 cm in diameter; pericarp with glaucous lenticels. ─── 聚合果长椭球形,长达13厘米,直径约9厘米,外果皮有苍白色皮孔。

76、Culm sheaths thin; glumes and lemma densely glaucous, sparsely puberulous or nearly glabrous. ─── 竿箨薄;颖片和外稃密被白霜,疏生微柔毛或近无毛。

77、young shoots glaucous becoming green, with a waxy farina, glabrous. ─── 幼枝有白霜变为绿色,具一种腊黄的谷粉,无毛。

78、Culm sheaths thickly leathery, brown, smooth, glossy, with dark brown hairs; culm internodes glaucous, white hispid. ─── 竿箨厚革质,棕色,光滑,有光泽,有暗褐色的头发;秆节间有白霜,白色具糙硬毛。

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