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08-15 投稿


occasioning 发音

英:[??ke??n??]  美:[??ke??n??]

英:  美:

occasioning 中文意思翻译



occasioning 词性/词形变化,occasioning变形

动词第三人称单数: occasions |动词过去式: occasioned |动词现在分词: occasioning |动词过去分词: occasioned |

occasioning 相似词语短语

1、clarioning ─── n.号角;adj.清澈响亮的;n.(Clarion)人名;(法)克拉里翁

2、occasions ─── n.场合;机会(occasion的复数);理由;v.致使;引起(occasion的第三人称单数)

3、accessioning ─── n.增加;就职;到达;vt.登记入册

4、occasioners ─── 场合

5、occasioned ─── v.引起(使...发生);adj.偶然引起的

6、vacationing ─── 度假(vacation的现在分词形式)

7、occasion ─── n.时机,机会;场合;理由;vt.引起,惹起

8、occasioner ─── 偶然者

9、occasional ─── adj.偶然的,临时的;(家具)特定场合才使用的;(文章等)特殊场合所作的;不定期雇用的

occasioning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In several of the physical systems of Satania the planets revolving around the central sun are too large for habitation, their great mass occasioning oppressive gravity. ─── 在中枢太阳周围旋转的一些Satania行星的物质系统也是很大规模适合居住,他们大多数地方重力引力大。

2、They are also occasioning flashes of protest within China, a hint of something "incipient" growing just out of sight. ─── 它们还是中国抗议的显现,一些“初始”的东西在成长,只是看不见而已。

3、Dear [Mr.Harrison]:Our new factory will be commencing production on [April 10] and we should like to invite [you and your wife] to be divsent at a celebration to mark the occa sion. ─── 亲爱的[哈里森先生]:本公司新厂将于[4月10日]开始投产,希望能邀请[贤伉俪]来参加新厂开工典礼。

4、Her predecessor , Ricardo Lagos, was known on occas to take the subway to work. ─── 而她的前任拉戈斯据说有时甚至会乘坐地铁上班。

5、Hospital Discharge Data Set; UHDDSThe condition established after study to be chiefly responsible for occasioning the admission of the patient to the hospital for care. ─── 医院一致性出院资料库针对「主要诊断」之定义:经过研判后被确定为病人此次入院就医之主要情况。

6、They are also occasioning flashes of protest within China, a hint of something "incipient" growing just out of sight. ─── 它们还是中国抗议的显现,一些“初始”的东西在成长,只是看不见而已。

7、On one or two occa sions they did manage to meet alone,but Stapleton followed them and was not pleased to see them together. ─── 他们曾有一两次想方设法单独见面了,可是斯台普顿跟踪了他们,见他们在一起时并不高兴。

8、At an earlier hearing, the original assault charge against him was upgraded from a Section 39 common assault to a Section 47 assault occasioning actual bodily harm. ─── 在之前的听证会上,对于巴顿最初的袭击指控,从最初的39起普通袭击,增加到了47桩袭击伴有真实身体伤害。

9、The emergence of China as a dominant economic power is an epochal event, occasioning the most massive and rapid redistribution of the earth's resources in human history. ─── 中国崛起成为主导性的经济大国,这是划时代的大事件,引起人类历史上最庞大而快速的地球资源重新分配。

10、assault occasioning actual bodily harm ─── 袭击致造成实际身体伤害

11、The England footballer Steven Gerrard was charged early this morning with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and affray following an alleged nightclub brawl, Merseyside police said. ─── 莫西赛德警方说英格兰国脚斯蒂文.杰拉德今天早晨因为在夜店引起斗殴并造成伤害而遭到起诉。

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