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08-15 投稿


endue 发音

[?n'dju?; en-]

英:  美:

endue 中文意思翻译



endue 网络释义

vt. 授予,赋予;穿上

endue 短语词组

endue with

1. 赋予(品质、才能等)

He prayed to God to endue him with wisdom.


1、endue sausage ─── 涂层卤水

2、endue definition ─── 结束定义

3、endue foundation ─── 涂层基础

4、endue search ─── 结束搜索

5、endue crossword ─── 涂层交叉字

6、endue synonyms ─── 同义涂层

7、endue with ─── 使穿上, 赋予

8、endue(with) v. ─── 赋予(才能)

endue 词性/词形变化,endue变形

动词第三人称单数: endues |动词现在分词: enduing |异体字: indue |动词过去式: endued |动词过去分词: endued |

endue 相似词语短语

1、vendue ─── n.公开拍卖;拍卖

2、endure ─── vt.忍耐;容忍;vi.忍耐;持续

3、indue ─── v.(诗、文)赋予;(使)充满,渗透;穿上(等于endue)

4、ensue ─── v.接着发生,因而发生;追求

5、endues ─── vt.授予,赋予;穿上

6、undue ─── adj.过度的,过分的;不适当的;未到期的

7、end use ─── 最终用途;最终使用

8、end-use ─── 最终用途;最终使用

9、endued ─── vt.授予,赋予;穿上

endue 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、endue (with) ─── v. 赋予(才能)

2、We endue you with wings as long as you hope to fly. ─── 如果你想飞翔,我们赋予你翅膀。

3、Endue her plenteously with heavenly gifts(Book of Common Prayer) ─── 丰厚地赋予她天份(大众祈祷者必读)

4、The value of life is up to the ultimate mission you endue with yourself. ─── 生命的价值取决于你赋予自己的终极使命。

5、Endu injection ─── 恩度注射液

6、can endue cotton and its blends with good suppleness tenderness and chubbiness handle. ─── 能赋予棉及其混纺织物良好的柔软性与丰满的手感。

7、can't endue the new manager. ─── 经理真让人受不了。

8、Endue jeans, towel and washed fabric with excellent soft and fatty handle. ─── 能赋予牛仔布、毛巾、水洗布良好的柔软蓬松效果。

9、Secondly, a trained ANN can endue risk assessment model with expert assessment knowledge in the way of joint weight, through its learning and adapting capability. ─── 其次,利用神经网络的自学习和自适应能力,经过训练的神经网络系统能够将专家评价思想以连接权的方式赋予风险评价模型。

10、The decorative form of furniture is the modal characters with that the furniture endue by decorative elements. ─── 家具的装饰形态是指家具的装饰要素所赋予家具的形态特征。

11、Can you give little Gerda nothing to take which will endue her with power over the whole? ─── 你能不能给小小的格尔达一件东西,使她能有力量克服一切困难呢?

12、The good and evil per se do not mean good or bad until human beings endue them with emotional colors . ─── 只有在人赋予它们情感色彩之后,才有了好坏取舍的主观意向。

13、Practice generated the technology itself and its essence including the positive and negative effects. It is wrong that to endue technology with some congenital nature. ─── 技术本身是实践地生成的,技术与实践的结合即技术化实践和技术应用,既生成着技术的肯定性本质,也生成着技术的否定性本质,赋予技术某种先天本质的观点是错误的。

14、He prayed to God night and day to endue him with the spirit of holiness. ─── 他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。与比较级的词连用,置于。


16、The article expounds the concept,character and value of the right of criminal consultation of suspect,when it is realized the legislation should endue the suspect a corresponden right. ─── 本文从咨询概念着手,论述了犯罪嫌疑人的刑事咨询权的概念、特征,犯罪嫌疑人的刑事咨询权的价值及其实现时法律应赋予犯罪嫌疑人应有的相应权利。

17、The society endues us the mission, and the clients endue us the responsibility! ─── 社会赋予我们使命,客户赋予我们责任!

18、Endue him with blessings, and send him your peace. ─── 祈神保佑,让他安宁吧。

19、It is the advantage endue with nuclear deterrent. ─── 正是这个优势赋予了核武器威慑力量。

20、The understanding of material may endue with rich imagination.add the person consciousness and emotion of the author and create fine production. ─── 材质的理解可以赋予设计者以丰富想像力,揉合作者的个人意识和情绪,创造出精美作品。

21、He prayed to God night and day to endue HIM with the spirit of holiness. ─── 他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。

22、Endue cotton and its blends with excellent softness. ─── 能赋予棉及其混纺织物良好的柔软性。

23、endue with ─── v. 赋予

24、From constructional perspective. reiterative words make symmetrical syllables and neat sentence structure. meanwhile. they can also endue brand new interpretations and emotional effects to the words. ─── 从形式角度来看.叠词使词语音节匀称.形式整齐.同时可以赋予词语以新的意义和感情色彩.

25、to endue one with courage ─── 替某人壮胆

26、To love a person is to endue a life of sweetpain. ─── 我觉得爱一个人是不需要理由地。

27、I can't endue his silly talk. ─── 他的傻话我实在受不了。

28、the cadenced pattern can endue flooring design sensation of movement and vitality, Its metre and feel look three-dimensional under the throwing of light. ─── 韵律化的图案可给予铺地设计动感和生气,光线的投射更可把其韵律与质感立体化。

29、In this paper, it used chitosan which was friendly environmental substance and citric acid to endue with the properties of anti-bacterial to wool fabric through pad-dry-cure treatment. ─── 文章采用环保型化学物质-壳聚糖和柠檬酸,按轧-烘-焙工艺整理精纺呢绒,使其获得良好的抗菌性能。

30、The good and evil per se do not mean good or bad until human beings endue them with emotional colors . ─── 只有在人赋予它们情感色彩之后,才有了好坏取舍的主观意向。

31、Red-tomato is willing to develop all kinds of adjunctive products for different area with the authorized vendor.We combine our character &servers together and endue with adjunctive value. ─── 红番茄很乐意与授权厂商协力共同开发各具地区特色的周边商品,我们将肖像造型与服务结合,赋予附加价值。

32、PVC Tilt &turn window series: the entire fitting design is reasonable, and function consummates, which endue with the perfect function of gas tightness, water tightness and security,etc. ─── PVC旋转内开窗的整套配件设计合理、功能完善、赋予内开内倒窗优良的气密性、水密性、防盗性等功能。

33、I can't endue the new manager. ─── 新来的经理真让人受不了。

34、e decorative forms of furniture are the modal characters that decorative elements endue furniture with. ─── 家具的装饰形态是指家具的装饰要素所赋予家具的形态特征。

35、Light can not only endue with the soul and life for construction space, but also can ruin space design. ─── 光环境设计既可以赋予建筑空间灵魂和生命,也可以成为空间的败笔与祸源。

36、Classical brief and youthful design, in ancient endue with new ideas, which is expression of fashionable trend and also perfection of modern aesthetics. ─── 古典简约又不失年轻化的设计,复古中赋予新意,不但是时尚潮流的展现,更是现代美学的极致。

37、e.g: I can't endue the noise outside. ─── 我无法忍受外面的噪音。

38、Furniture has been endue with definite culture meaning by decorative design of furniture. ─── 家具的装饰设计赋予了家具产品明确的文化内涵。

39、The concept of "Endue" and "Fuse" proposed by the project clarifies the principle of fusing the measuring function and linking positions of virtual controls. ─── 该项目提出的功能"赋予"与"融合"的概念,阐明了测试功能与虚拟控件"连线"部位集融为一体的原理;

40、" I stand here today as hopeful as ever that be the United States or of America will endue endure, that is it will prevail - that is the dream of our founders will live on in our time. ─── “今天,我站在这里,像以往一样充满希望:美国将会坚持下去,它会实现我们的开国者的梦想,这些梦想在我们这个时代依然存在。

41、1.He prayed to God to endue him with wisdom. ─── 他祈求上帝赋予他智慧。

42、"Endue her plenteously with heavenly gifts" (Book of Common Prayer) ─── “丰厚地赋予她天份”(大众祈祷者必读)

43、Endue the natural protein fiber as wool with everlasting machine-washable soft and fatty handle. ─── 能赋予羊毛等天然蛋白质纤维的织物持久的可机洗的柔软、蓬松的手感。

44、"GOVERNOR BELLINGHAM, in a loose gown and easy cap- much as elderly gentlemen loved to endue themselves with, in their domestic privacy-" ─── 贝灵汉总督身穿一件宽大的长袍,头戴一顶上年纪的绅士居家独处时喜欢用的便帽

45、Nobody but the artist endue these buried treasures lasting value. ─── (这里三句略微像ARGU.不过这样的反问也是不错的写法。

46、GOVERNOR BELLINGHAM, in a loose gown and easy cap- much as elderly gentlemen loved to endue themselves with, in their domestic privacy. ─── 贝灵汉总督身穿一件宽大的长袍,头戴一顶上年纪的绅士居家独处时喜欢用的便帽。

47、He prayed to God night and day to endue him with the spirit of holiness. ─── 他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。

48、The prior consideration taking the maximum of preserving the legal objectivity or the minimum of losing it as the basic criterion is to endue the judges with authority on legal interpretation. ─── 研究发现,平意解释是将法律仅视作文本的一般性理解,它因人而异很难统一,与其追求暧昧难明的解释一致,不如转向命令交流的有效性来得具体。

49、To whether parents can physically punish children , most people supported the toco in the nationwide vote of New zealand.But premier refused to amend the law that endue parents this right. ─── 父母能否体罚孩子,纽西兰民众在全民公投中,绝大多数表示支持体罚,但是总理却拒绝修改法令,赋予父母这项权利。

50、The composer organically combines classical genre with modern composition techniques in this work to endue it with unique characteristics. ─── 作曲家将古典体裁与现代作曲技法有机地结合在一起,赋予作品独特的风格特征。

51、finally, savor the life, endue the poetics and form the poetical sentiment. ─── 最后,品味生活,赋予诗意,形成诗语。

52、And explain the choice of plant trees should endue with new meaning. ─── 同时也说明栽培树木的选择要赋予新的内涵。

53、To understand and simulate the cognitive behaviors of natural life and endue these to artificial life is an important task for the field of cognitive science, artificial intelligence and robotics. ─── 理解和模拟自然生命的认知行为,并将这种行为赋予人工生命或人工系统是认知科学、人工智能和机器人学的重要课题。

54、can endue cotton and its blends with good suppleness tenderness and chubbiness handle. ─── 能赋予棉及其混纺织物良好的柔软性与丰满的手感。

55、We should reflect the Humanism and endue with more meanings, but it's impossible to deny the importance of Humanism .In the face of sustainable developmen... ─── 人类中心主义需要反思并赋予更合理的内涵,但否定人类中心主义是不可能的。

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