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parasites 发音

英:[?p?r?sa?ts]  美:[?p?r??sa?ts]

英:  美:

parasites 中文意思翻译



parasites 词性/词形变化,parasites变形


parasites 短语词组

1、intestinal parasites ─── 肠寄生虫

2、cathodic protection parasites ─── [化] 妨碍阴极保护的物质

3、parasites in humans ─── 人体寄生虫

4、parasites anime ─── 寄生虫动画

5、wrasse removes parasites from fish ─── 濑鱼去除鱼身上的寄生虫

6、helminthic parasites ─── 蠕虫寄生虫

7、parasites vectors ─── 寄生虫媒介

8、encysted parasites in humans ─── 人体内的包囊寄生虫

9、external parasites ─── 体外寄生虫

10、ascarid parasites ─── 蛔虫

11、internal parasites ─── 内寄生虫

12、parasites in city ─── 城市寄生虫

13、parasites in dogs ─── 狗的寄生虫

14、parasites without borders ─── 无国界寄生虫

15、protozoan parasites ─── 寄生性原生虫病

16、parasites manga ─── 漫画寄生虫

17、parasites and vectors ─── 寄生虫和媒介

18、encysted parasites ─── 包囊寄生虫

19、parasites in the city ─── 城市中的寄生虫

parasites 相似词语短语

1、parasitizes ─── vt.寄生于;寄生感染;侵害(等于parasitise)

2、pargasites ─── n.韭角闪石

3、parasite ─── n.寄生虫;食客

4、parasitoses ─── n.寄生虫病,寄生物病(parasitosis的变形)

5、parasitise ─── 寄生于;寄生感染;侵害

6、parasitises ─── 寄生于;寄生感染;侵害

7、jarosites ─── n.[矿物]黄钾铁矾

8、parasitism ─── n.寄生状态;寄生病

9、parakites ─── 风筝伞

parasites 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maintain your intervals, those parasites have a nasty sting. ─── 保持你和怪物的距离,那些寄生虫的尾针上有毒!

2、So before yo osave the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try idelousing the closet in your hwn room. ─── 在你从父母那一代的败类手中拯救雨林之前、先把自己的衣橱清一清吧。

3、As profane mocking parasites, They gnash their teeth at me. ─── 16他们如同不虔敬、好讥诮的阿谀之人,向我咬牙切齿。

4、The parasites enter the body when a person drinks water containing water fleas infected with Guinea worm larvae, the young form of the worm. ─── 当一个人饮用的水中含有被几内亚龙线幼虫(龙线虫的幼体)感染的水蚤,寄生虫就进入人体。

5、Therefore, there is no sharp and clear distinction between parasites and saprophytes. ─── 因此,在寄生物和腐生植物之间,并没有截然明显的界线。

6、Unlike the dropouts, they are not parasites. ─── 他们跟愤世嫉俗的人不同,他们不是寄生者。

7、I can't find any signs of parasites in my cat's stools, it means that my cat is free from parasites thus de-worming is not necessary. ─── 内寄生虫的种类繁多,包括原虫类,吸虫类,绦虫类和圆虫类,一般寄生在肠道内,不一定在猫只粪便中被发现。

8、Henryk Szpilman: Yes, yes, your work. Playing the piano for the parasites in the ghetto. ─── 亨利克?斯皮尔曼:是的,是的,你的工作。在犹太区为寄生虫们弹钢琴。

9、If such insects succeeded in displacing their natural kin in the wild, they could halt the spread of malaria parasites to people. ─── 如果基因改造过的蚊子可以成功取代外面的野生同类,牠们就可以阻止疟原虫传播给人类。

10、They were able to estimate the rate at which malaria parasites would have had to diversify in order to spread to other hosts, like mammals. ─── 他们甚至可以推算疟疾寄生虫为了在其他宿主比如哺乳动物上传播的进化比例。

11、Until recently, Anopheles, the mosquito that spreads malarial parasites, has been seen by those trying to eradicate the disease as a target. ─── 疟蚊能够传播疟原虫,因此要彻底根除疟疾的人们一直把它当作一个打击目标。

12、Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites;helminthiasis. ─── 寄生虫病蠕虫或像蠕虫的寄生虫对于大小肠或身体其他部分的侵害;

13、Spending different stages of a life cycle on different, usually unrelated hosts. Used of parasites such as rust fungi and tapeworms. ─── 异寄主的在生命周期的不同阶段,寄生于不同的、通常为不相关的寄生主上的,如锈菌真菌和绦虫等寄生虫

14、Coenurosis is the disease caused by coenurus parasites in the brain and spind cord of the bovine and ovine. ─── 多头蚴常寄生于牛羊脑和脊髓,引起疾病。

15、Some traditional prophylactic drugs are no longer effective because the parasites have become drug-resistant. ─── 一些传统的预防药物已经不再起作用,因为寄生虫已经产生了抗药性。

16、The nature of the nutritional requirements for obligate parasites in nature is unknown. ─── 人们还不知道自然界中专性寄生菌的营养要求的本质。

17、Puppeteers are psionic parasites that vicariously experience the lives of their victims by taking control of their minds. ─── 傀儡虫是一种以控制受害者的心智为手段,来替代受害者生活的灵能寄生虫。

18、Kangaroos harbour a vast range of parasites. ─── 袋鼠身上有各种各样的寄生虫。

19、Other predisposing factors include allergies, ear parasites, and hypothyroidism. ─── 其他易感因素包括过敏、寄生虫和甲状腺功能减退症。

20、If the human body achieve to a perfect state of energy, he can let the body's energy in the body to eradicate "stones, parasites, viruses. ─── 人体能量如果达到完美状态,他可以让身体的能量消灭身体中的“结石,寄生虫,病毒。”

21、The parasites that cause malaria enter people's blood when they are bitten by the mosquitoes that carry the organisms. ─── 导致疟疾的寄生虫,在人们受到携带这种生物的蚊虫叮咬时,进入人体血液。

22、Her relatives leeched her for her money like parasites. ─── 她的亲戚像寄生虫似地榨取她的钱财。

23、Parasites are found mainly in the Digestive Tract but can transit to other organs and places in the body where they are far more dangerous. ─── 寄生虫主要会在消化道中找到但它可以运行到人体内其他器官和体内远离危险的地方。

24、Among parasites, protozoa are usually more pathogenic than nematodes. ─── 在寄生虫中,原虫的致病性往往比线虫的要高。

25、Coevolutionary relationships, from parasites to allies, are in their essence informational. ─── 共同进化的关系,从寄生到结盟,都有沟通的本能。

26、Their studies suggested that parasites which spread the disease may have started to develop immunity to the drug. ─── 他们的研究表明,传播疾病的寄生虫有可能已经开始对治疗药物产生抗药性。

27、On one, Ozzy teams up with grizzled Captain Quinine--recalling movie shark hunter Quint and the fact that quinine was once used to treat parasites. ─── 其中一艘小船上坐着奥兹和头发花白的奎宁船长,他们同舟共济---这让人想起了电影中的猎鲨专家奎恩特,以及奎宁曾被用来对付寄生虫的事。

28、Doesn't matter.Blood and C.S.F.Smears show no sign of parasites. ─── |没关系. 血液和脑脊液涂片没有显示寄生虫.

29、It stands to reason that the parasites would benefit from intercepting signaling molecules that help our bodies to react to infection. ─── 寄生虫拦截这些帮助人体对感染产生反应的讯号分子,对牠们是有利的。

30、To prove the point, his team is breeding millions of Anopheles mosquitoes (pictured above) and infecting them with malaria-causing parasites. ─── 为了证明他的想法可行,他的研究组开始培养数百万的疟蚊(如上图所示)并将它们感染引起疟疾的寄生虫。

31、Stool Examination for Parasites (Includes Endameba histolytic) (Merthiolate-Iodine-Fomaldehyde method, MIF method). ─── 3肠内寄生虫(含痢疾阿米巴等原虫)粪便检查(采用MIF方法检查)。

32、Had parasites been the answer to the limb mystery, there would be a numerous frogs with duplicate limbs, Skelly said. ─── 假使寄生生物是导致肢体变形的原因,那麽就应该会有数量庞大的青蛙,有著完全一样的突变肢体,史盖利表示。

33、The variant form of DARC stops the growth of Plasmodium vivax one of the four parasites that can cause malaria. ─── DARC的变异形式阻止了间日疟原虫的生长,这是四种引起疟疾的寄生虫的一种。

34、Can effectively kill various germs, virus, sporule, and parasites in water, prevent fish disease, prevent algae to breed, and purify the water. ─── * 杀菌有效性强、能、全可靠,可全天候使用,解决了养殖观赏鱼及水族宠物的最大水处理问题。

35、Howard ST,Byrd TF.The rapidly growing mycobacteria:saprophytes and parasites[J].Microbes and Infection,2000;2:1845. ─── 任南,徐秀华,文细毛,等.龟分枝杆菌切口感染暴发的调查分析[J].中国医师杂志,2002;10(4):1099.

36、People with bad personal hygiene are prone to get parasites in their bodies. ─── 不讲究个人卫生的人很容易在体内产生寄生虫。

37、Parasites: various Plasmodium spp (cloned, uncloned, genetically manipulated, etc. ─── 寄生虫:各种抗疟原虫(克隆,非克隆,遗传改造)

38、He did not like to have anything to do with the house-serfs, he called them parasites, and everybody said that he demoralised and spoiled them. ─── 他不爱管家奴的事,称他们为吃闲饭的人。然而大家却说他姑息家奴,把他们惯坏了。

39、The parasites have an extremely complex life cycle; in one stage they develop synchronously inside red blood cells. ─── 寄生虫有一个极复杂的生活史:其中一个步骤同红血球的生长同时进行。

40、Any of various animals,such as tapeworms,that live within other animals,usually as parasites. ─── 内寄生动物任何一种寄生于其他动物体内的动物,如绦虫

41、A form genus of mostly plant parasites some of which cause dry rot,in humans a species can cause inflammation of cornea leading to blindness. ─── 多数植物寄生虫导致干的腐烂形态属,对人来说可以造成角膜的发炎以致失明。

42、Food-borne pathogens and parasites are more prolific in warmer climates, and spices can kill or inhibit their growth. ─── 在温暖的气候中,食物更容易生出病原体和寄生虫,而调味品正好可以抑制它们的生长。

43、Within 18 months, infection of the snails by the parasites had spiked around the lake. ─── 18个月内,湖泊四周的许多蜗牛都感染了寄生虫。

44、The buyer agrees that this kitten will always receive prompt, top-notch medical care, and will never be allowed to harbor parasites. ─── 买主同意会给予小猫,适当的医疗处理,不让猫咪感染寄生虫。

45、In reality, there will be several genes involved in the relationship between hosts and parasites. ─── 在现实中,寄主与寄生虫之间的关系涉及几个基因。

46、Parasites and some other creeps previously did not give any Hero XP. ─── 以前寄生虫和一些其他怪物不会给英雄任何经验。

47、The doctors examined the entrails of the patient for parasites. ─── 医生检查病人的内脏看是否有寄生虫。

48、African courser that feeds on insect parasites on crocodiles. ─── 以寄生在鳄鱼身上昆虫为食的非洲走鸻。

49、The buyer agrees that this kitten will always receive prompt, top-notch medical care, and will never be allowed to harbor parasites. ─── 买主同意会给予小猫,适当的医疗处理,不让猫咪感染寄生虫。

50、One cause of an overly acidic form is the presence of parasites. ─── 引起形体过于酸性的一个原因就是寄生虫的存在。

51、The digestive tract is inhabited by many species of parasites. ─── 寄生于消化道的寄生虫,种类很多。

52、It reduces the pressure in the abdominal area, reduces weight, expels parasites and helps promote regular elimination. ─── 它可以减轻腹部区域的压力,减轻体重,排出寄生虫,帮助促进日常排泄。

53、Parasites are usually smaller than their hosts. ─── 寄生虫通常比它们的宿主小。

54、Delusional parasitosis is a form of psychosis in which sufferers hold a delusional belief they are infested with parasites. ─── 什麽是'妄想的寄生虫-妄想有皮肤疾病,由于寄生虫感染'?

55、So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try “delousing” the closet in your own room. ─── 如果你想驱除你们父母那一辈寄生虫来拯救雨林的话,就先去清除你自己房间壁橱里的虱子。

56、Under the pressure of certain heating the sludge can kill microorganisms and parasites destroy organic eggs, and easy sludge dewatering. ─── 在一定的压力下加热可以杀死污泥中的微生物和寄生虫卵破坏有机物,并使污泥易于脱水。

57、House: Don't worry. Many women learn to embrace this parasite. They name it dress it up in tiny clothes arrange playdates with other parasites... ─── 别担心很多女人都会喜欢她们的寄生虫给它起名字穿衣服还让它和其他的寄生虫一起玩.

58、In nature parasites are so common that hosts soon coevolve immunity to them. ─── 在自然界,寄生虫是如此平常的事情,宿主很快就会进化出针对它们的共同进化的免疫力。

59、The relationship between parasites andparasites and chestnut gall wasp was assured. ─── 并且通过虫瘿解剖及幼虫形态鉴别确认了它们之间的、以及它们与栗瘿蜂之间的关系。

60、But they do not (as, for example, lice do) live on their hosts continually.Once a bird fledges, therefore, it leaves its parasites behind. ─── 但是它们不会一直寄生在它们的宿主身上(虱子才会),当鸟儿羽翼丰满时,鸡蚤就会离开。

61、In the old society what these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and heeling around. ─── 在旧社会,这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地的生活。

62、The life cycle of Plasmodium parasites is known to depend on temperature. ─── 已知疟原虫的生命史依赖于温度。

63、Too many parasites will add the society's pressure. They haven't any job, but want to live a more colorful, brilliant life. ─── 太多的人类寄生虫将会增加社会的负担,他们不工作,却想过比一般人更精彩,更有色的生活.

64、All P. falciparum parasites alive today appear to derive from an individual example of P. reichenowi. ─── 今天存活的所有链状疟原虫似乎均来源于里氏疟原虫的一种变异体。

65、How about harnessing the winged creatures themselves to kill malaria parasites? ─── 可否利用这些长翅膀的生物自己去杀死引起疟疾的寄生虫呢?

66、It kills the parasites directly so parasitemia is quickly controlled. ─── 它可以直接有效的杀死寄生虫从而迅速控制寄生虫血症。

67、"But parasites are different from biohazard. ─── "(但是寄生虫和生化制剂不同。)

68、A tiny goby fish searches for a meal of parasites on the snout of a grouper on the reefs off Cuba. ─── 图为在古巴近海的一片暗礁中,一只小虾虎鱼在一只石斑鱼的大嘴巴上寻找寄生虫作为它的食物。

69、These symptoms may be referable to virus infection rather than parasites. ─── 这些症状也许是由病毒感染引起的,而与寄生虫无关。

70、He regards students as parasites on society. ─── 他把学生视为社会的寄生虫。

71、The pair also believe that the diversity of languages and parasites tends to co-vary across the globe for similar reasons. ─── 两人还认为,语言和寄生虫在世界各地的多样性可能出于同样的原因。

72、Their results were clear: in regions with a greater variety of infectious parasites, the diversity of religions also tends to be greater. ─── 其结果是明确的:在传染性寄生虫种类繁多的区域,宗教的多样性也往往会更明考试*大显。

73、Humans in turn have become parasites towards nature, taking and giving nothing in return. ─── 人类随之也成为大自然的寄生虫,索取并无所回报。

74、Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites; helminthiasis. ─── 寄生虫病蠕虫或像蠕虫的寄生虫对于大小肠或身体其他部分的侵害;肠虫病

75、These are beings of the great neuter species: impotent men, parasites, cyphers, who have a little land, a little folly, a little wit. ─── 他们全是那一大堆无用人群的组成部分。

76、They are exploited by intermediaries , hitch hiker sand other parasites . ─── 他们利用中间人顺山砂等寄生虫.

77、Protozoan parasites, particularly coccidia have profound effects on the digestive physiology of the host. ─── 原生动物寄生虫,尤其是球虫对寄主的消化生理有深刻的影响。

78、They did this in part, she theorizes, by infecting the wild salmon the orcas eat with parasites called sea lice. ─── 她的理论是,其所以如此,是因为虎鲸吃的野生鲑鱼感染了寄生虫海水鱼虱。

79、Most ascomycetes are either saprobes or parasites. ─── 大多数子囊菌要么是腐生菌,要么是寄生菌。

80、Is a high effective insect powder for killing cockroaches,rice weevils,parasites(e.g Lice fleas)on domestic animals,and injurious on flowers. ─── 具有特效杀灭亡蟑螂、下水道口害虫,对家庭花卉植物株的幼虫类,更佳杀灭作用。

81、Malaria is diagnosed by detecting the parasites in Blood. Quinine was long used to alleviate the fevers. ─── 在血液中寻找寄生虫可诊断疟疾。奎宁久被用来消退发热。

82、Human parasites are for the most part either microscopic, as in the protozoa group, or are visible as in hookworms, roundworms, and pinworms. ─── 人类的寄生虫的大部分可以通过任何一个显微镜看到,诸如原生虫、钩虫、线虫及蛲虫。

83、Don't worry. Many women learn to embrace this parasite. They name it, dress it up in tiny clothes, arrange playdates with other parasites. ─── 别担心,很多女人都会喜欢她们的寄生虫,给它起名字,穿衣服,还让它和其他的寄生虫一起玩。

84、The gold inside them is their salivary glands, the parts richest in parasites. ─── 寄生虫体内最具价值的东西是它们的唾液腺,这是虫体内最有用的东西。

85、As the biology becomes crystalline, agents known as viruses and bacteria along with parasites cease to be able to destroy the form. ─── 当生物体变成水晶体,所知为病毒、细菌连同寄生虫的介质也不再能破坏身体。

86、All parts are used medicinally for infantile malnutrition caused by intestinal parasites. ─── 全株药用来治疗婴儿由肠内寄生虫而引起的营养不良。

87、Immunity Ability to resist attack or overcome infection by invading microbes or larger parasites. ─── 免疫力:抵抗入侵微生物或较大寄生虫攻击或克服感染的能力。

88、C.S.F.Smears rule out parasites. ─── |脑脊液涂片排除了寄生虫.

89、They have no reason to come and live like parasites on our earnings. ─── 他们没理由来到社会,过寄生虫般的生活,没有这需要。

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