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08-15 投稿


caducous 发音

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英:  美:

caducous 中文意思翻译



caducous 短语词组

1、caducous cell ─── 早落细胞

2、caducous scales ─── 早落鳞片

3、caducous teeth ─── 早落牙

4、caducous definition ─── 早落定义

caducous 反义词


caducous 同义词


caducous 相似词语短语

1、cycadaceous ─── adj.苏铁科的

2、raucous ─── adj.沙哑的;刺耳的;粗声的

3、aurous ─── adj.含金的;金的;[化学]亚金的

4、caducean ─── caducean的

5、aduncous ─── adj.向内弯曲的

6、caduacs ─── 卡杜拉克

7、cadeaus ─── 礼品

8、cariacous ─── 卡里亚科斯

9、caduceus ─── n.墨丘利的节杖(医学的标志);使者杖

caducous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、bracts brownish to greenish brown, suborbicular, papery, persistent or caducous after anthesis, margin glandular serrate. ─── 对褐绿色带褐色,近圆形,纸质的苞片,宿存或早落在花后,边缘具腺锯齿。

2、bracts at apex of peduncle, forming an involucre, caducous. ─── 花序梗的苞片在先端,形成一总苞,早落。

3、Stipules lanceolate, caducous, not becoming a bract. ─── 托叶披针形,早落,不成为一个苞。

4、stipules caducous, intrapetiolar, connate, often broad, foliaceous; ─── 托叶早落,叶柄内,合生,经常宽,叶状;

5、However,when mixing,you must first adjust it on the arm(mixing same-color eye shadow on the lipstick can improve its caducous disadvantage). ─── 不过混合时必须先在手臂试调一下(在口红上混合同色系的眼影可以改善口红易脱落的缺点)。

6、Leaves petiolate;stipules caducous;leaf blade cordate, papery or leathery, basal veins 5-9, margin minutely denticulate or nearly entire. ─── 叶具叶柄托叶早落心形的叶片,纸质或革质,基出脉5-9,边缘微小的具小齿或近全缘。

7、Stipules caducous;petiole 6-7 mm, stouter; ─── 托叶早落叶柄6-7毫米,更坚固;

8、stipules caducous;leaflets subcoriaceous, petioluled, margin serrulate. ─── 托叶早落小叶近革质,具小叶柄,边缘有细锯齿。

9、stipules caducous, free, to 1 cm, villous, pinnatipartite or palmatipartite nearly to base, lobes linear or lanceolate; ─── 托叶早落,免费,对1厘米,具长柔毛,羽状深裂或者掌状深裂近基部,裂片线形或披针形;

10、Stipules lanceolate-falcate, ca. 10 mm, usually caducous; ─── 托叶披针形镰刀形,大约10毫米,通常早落;

11、Bracts lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, caducous at anthesis; ovary often glabrous; drupe compressed globose to transversely shortly oblong. ─── 苞片披针形的到线状披针形,早落的在花期;子房通常无毛;核果扁球状与长圆形的横向短。

12、stipules small and caducous, or estipulate. ─── 托叶小和早落,或者无托叶。

13、Leaves simple;stipules caducous;petiole 3-6 cm, with long villous arachnoid tomentum when young, then falling off and pubescent; ─── 单叶托叶早落幼时的叶柄3-6厘米,具长具长柔毛蛛丝状绒毛,然后脱落和具短柔毛;

14、bracts ovate, ca. 1 mm, caducous, each commonly with a pair of flowers or dichasia in axil. ─── 苞片卵形,长约1毫米,早落,每通常具一对花或二歧聚伞花序在腋内。

15、most amphibians have caducous gills; the caducous calyx of a poppy. ─── 大多数两栖类动物都有早落腮;易脱落的罂粟花萼。

16、involucral bracts caducous. ─── 总苞片早落。

17、Cauline leaves sessile, semiamplexicaul, similar to basal ones but smaller, often with several caducous, rusty brown appendages at base. ─── 无柄的茎生叶,半抱茎,类似于基生者和小,经常用几早落,生锈的棕色的附加物在基部。

18、Sepals 5--8, yellow, white, or pink-red, petaloid, oblong, elliptic, or ovate, caducous. ─── 萼片5-8,黄,白色,或粉红色红,瓣状,长圆形,椭圆形,或卵形,早落。

19、Stipules linear, 8-10 mm, pubescent, caducous. ─── 托叶线形,8-10毫米,短柔毛,早落。

20、Sepals oblong, caducous, base of lateral pair not saccate, margin membranous. ─── 萼片长圆形,早落,侧的对的基部不囊状,边缘膜质。

21、Leaf sheaths glabrous or with caducous retrorse hairs between veins, margins ciliate, mouth auriculate, auricles shortly pilose; ─── 在脉,边缘具缘毛,嘴耳形,叶耳具短柔毛之间的叶鞘无毛的或具早落的反折的毛;

22、Stipule filiform, ca. 4 mm, usually caducous; ─── 托叶丝状,约4毫米,通常早落;

23、calyx 3-5-lobed, sometimes spathaceous and caducous; ─── 花萼3-5浅裂,有时佛焰苞状和早落;

24、Sepals 5 or more, petaloid, yellow, rarely white or red, obovate or elliptic, caducous. ─── 萼片5或更多,瓣状,黄,很少白色或红色,或椭圆形,早落。

25、2. Leaf: oval shape, with caducous awns at the tip. ─── 叶:椭圆形,先端具一早落性之芒尖。

26、rachis glabrous; bracts to 2 mm, soon caducous, basal ones often sterile and with a tridentate apex. ─── 轴无毛苞片兑2毫米,不久早落,不育的基生者通常并且有一先端。

27、Hypanthium obconic, campanulate, or cyathiform, caducous at fruiting time, only annular base remained. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,钟状,或者杯状,早落的在果期的时间,只是环形的基础剩下。

28、, subsessile.Bracteoles and sepals 7 or 8, caducous, brown, thinly leathery, outside white pubescent near apex, inside glabrous, margin ciliolate; ─── 小苞片和萼片7或者8,早落,棕色,薄革质,在外边白色短柔毛近先端,里面无毛,边缘具短缘毛;

29、Leaves alternate;stipule minute, caducous; ─── 叶互生托叶分钟,早落;

30、tendrils bifurcate.Leaves simple;stipules caducous;petiole 1.5-7 cm, with sparse arachnoid tomentum or subglabrate; ─── 卷须二叉单叶托叶早落叶柄1.5-7厘米,具具稀疏蛛丝状毛或近无毛;

31、Stipules when present intrapetiolar, distinct, setaceous, caducous. ─── 托叶当存在时生叶柄内,离生,具刚毛,早落。

32、Bractlets and bracteoles very small, caducous. ─── 小苞片和小苞片非常小,早落。

33、Leaves basal;stipules caducous;petiole ca. 20 cm, hispidulous; ─── 叶基生托叶早落长约的叶柄20厘米,具短硬毛;

34、Stipules caducous, lanceolate, ca. 1.5 cm. ─── 托叶早落,披针形,大约1.5厘米。

35、Stipules 2, free, linear-lanceolate, caducous, leaving a short transverse scar on each side of leaf base. ─── 托叶2,免费,线状披针形,早落,留下一短的横裂痕在叶基每边。

36、Leaves alternate, with caducous stipules, petiolate, pinnativeined or 3-veined from base, margin entire or dentate. ─── 叶互生,与早落托叶,具叶柄,3脉的羽状脉或自基部,边缘全缘或具牙齿。

37、leaf blade glabrous, midvein extended into a caducous point, margin entire or serrulate near apex. ─── 叶片无毛,中脉延伸进一个早落的点,边缘全缘或有近先端细锯齿的。

38、Sepals caducous; flower pendent; disk slightly developed; fruit an inflated capsule; seeds without an aril. ─── 萼片早落;花下垂;磁盘稍发育;果一膨大的蒴果;没有一假种皮的种子。

39、Trees or shrubs, sometimes [?always] deciduous.Stipule linear, caducous; ─── 乔木或灌木,有时[?总是]落叶托叶线,早落;

40、stipules caducous;petiole 6-25 mm, adaxially canaliculate, pilose; ─── 托叶早落叶柄6-25毫米,正面具沟,具柔毛;

41、Sepals 4 or 5, sometimes caducous. ─── 萼片4或5,有时早落。

42、stipules caducous;petiole 1-1.5 cm, adaxially canaliculate, glabrous; ─── 托叶早落叶柄1-1.5厘米,正面具沟,无毛;

43、Flowers red, sessile, 5-7 cm in diam.; bracts and sepals covered with caducous silky hairs; petals 6-7, 3.5-4 cm long, base connate; stamens 3 cm long, glabrous; ovary hairy, styles 3-4, distinct. ─── 花红色,无柄,直径5-7厘米;苞片及萼片被有脱落性绢毛;花瓣6-7,长3.5-4厘米,基部连生;雄蕊长3厘米,无毛;子房有毛,花柱3-4,离生。

44、stipules small, falcate, caducous; ─── 托叶小,镰刀形,早落;

45、Calyx spatulate, much longer than epicalyx, 2-3 cm, 5-parted, usually caducous, uniformly densely pubescent. ─── 匙形的花萼,远长于副萼,2-3厘米,5深裂,通常早落,均匀密被短柔毛。

46、Flowers hypogynous, unisexual, many, in terminal and axillary pendulous panicles, these sometimes racemelike;bracts caducous; ─── 花下位,单性的,很多,为顶生和腋生下垂的圆锥花序,这些有时总状花序状;

47、Leaves alternate;stipules caducous, intrapetiolar, membranous, deeply 2-lobed; ─── 叶互生托叶早落,叶柄内,膜,深深2裂;

48、bracts ovate, ca. 1 mm, caducous, each commonly with a pair of flowers or dichasia in axil. ─── 苞片卵形,长约1毫米,早落,每通常具一对花或二歧聚伞花序在腋内。

49、Lower and middle leaves spreading and recurved, linear, semiterete, 2-5 mm, apex with a pellucid, acicular, caducous awn; ─── 平展的下部和中部叶和下弯,线形,,2-5毫米,先端具透明,针状,早落芒;

50、Leaves alternate;stipules early caducous, intrapetiolar, 2-cleft; ─── 叶互生托叶早落,叶柄内,2半裂;

51、Branchlets unarmed, often caducous, produced successively from basal pulvinus.Leaves alternate; ─── 小枝无刺,经常早落,连续地从基部叶枕生出。

52、Bracts 2-3, caducous. ─── 苞片2-3,早落。

53、Sepals triangular-ovate, soon caducous, outside glabrous, margin glandular, apex acute to obtuse. ─── 三角状卵形,不久早落的萼片,外面无毛,具腺的边缘,先端锐尖到钝。

54、bracteoles 2, caducous, lanceolate, 3-4 mm.Sepals orbicular, 4-6 mm in diam., outside gray sericeous, inside puberulent, margin glandular serrate and ciliolate, apex rounded. ─── 萼片球状的,直径的4-6毫米,在外边灰色被绢毛,在里面被微柔毛,边具腺锯齿和具短缘毛,先端圆形。

55、Flowers axillary or subterminal, solitary or paired, subsessile.Bracteoles and sepals nearly all caducous after anthesis, leathery, outside yellow velutinous, inside glabrous. ─── 小苞片和萼片在花后近全部脱落早落,似皮革,在外边黄色茸毛,里面无毛。

56、stipule filiform, caducous. ─── 托叶丝状,早落。

57、Perianth lobes 4-9, imbricate or rarely valvate, persistent or caducous. ─── 花被裂片4-9,覆瓦状或者镊合状排列,宿存或者早落。

58、Stipules minute, subulate, caducous. ─── 托叶小,钻形,早落;

59、Leaves alternate, petiolate, odd-pinnate with 5-9 leaflets, glands or stipels at point of articulation, blade serrate to crenate, stipules caducous. ─── 叶互生,具叶柄,具5-9小叶的奇数羽状复叶,节上有腺体或者小托叶,叶片有锯齿或具圆齿,托叶脱落。

60、Perianth constricted beyond the ovary, limb campanulate, apex 5-lobed, truncate, or plicate, caducous, Stamens 1-5, included or shortly exserted; ─── 花被收缩超过子房,钟状的冠檐,顶5浅裂,截形,或者折扇状,早落,雄蕊1-5,内藏或者短外露;

61、Prophylls present, caducous, forming a prominent, ringlike stipular scar at each node; ─── 先出叶宿存,早落,形成一突出,环形痕在每节;

62、involucral bracts caducous, without ringlike scars. ─── 早落的总苞片,没有环形的痕。

63、bracts caducous, ovate-rhomboid, ca. 5 mm, pubescent. ─── 苞片早落,卵形斜方形,长约5毫米,短柔毛。

64、Pedicels bracteate above middle;bracts caducous, ovate, 3-4 mm, margin nearly entire or denticulate, apex long aristate-acuminate. ─── 苞片早落,卵形,3-4毫米,边缘近全缘或具小齿,先端具长芒渐尖。

65、Calyx spathaceous, splitting along 1 side at anthesis, apex 5-toothed, caducous with corolla. ─── 花萼佛焰苞,一侧劈开在花期,先端5齿,早落的具花冠。

66、Petals inserted at rim of floral tube, alternating with sepals, crinkled, clawed or not, frequently caducous, rarely absent. ─── 花瓣着生花被管的凸缘,与萼片互生,皱曲,有瓣爪或无,经常早落,很少无。

67、quick index to caducous knowledge ─── 短暂知识快速索引

68、Sepals 4 or 5, petaloid, white, obovate-orbicular, caducous. ─── 萼片4或5,瓣状,白色,倒卵形的圆形,早落。

69、Bracteoles 2-8 or rarely more, persistent or caducous, sometimes undifferentiated from sepals. ─── 小苞片2-8或有时更多,宿存或早落,有时与萼片无差别。

70、Bracts caducous or sometimes large and persistent. ─── 苞片早落或有时的大和宿存。

71、Sepals triangular to ovate-lanceolate, soon caducous, outside pubescent, margin irregularly glandular serrate, apex long acuminate. ─── 萼片三角形的到卵状披针形,不久早落,外面被短柔毛,边缘不规则具腺锯齿,先端长渐尖。

72、caducous cell ─── 脱落细胞

73、Cauline leaf sessile, semiamplexicaul, ovate-cordate or ovate-triangular, ca. 3 mm, base often with a few caducous, rusty brown appendages. ─── 无柄的茎生叶,半抱茎,卵状心形或卵形三角形,约3毫米,有一些早落,生锈的棕色的附加物的基部通常。

74、involucral bracts hoodlike, caducous, scar conspicuous. ─── 总苞片钩状,早落,痕明显。

75、the caducous calyx of a poppy. ─── 易脱落的罂粟花萼。

76、calyptra slightly flattened, with a conic tubercle in middle, shorter than calyx tube, in 2 layers with outer layer glossy and caducous. ─── 帽状体稍扁平,在中间带有圆锥的疣,短于萼筒,为2层具有光泽的外层和早落。

77、Stipules linear-lanceolate to linear, 2-7 mm, not enclosing bud, caducous. ─── 托叶线状披针形到线形,2-7毫米,不包围芽,早落。

78、Leaflets not becoming black when dried, abaxially densely pubescent. Bracts subulate, ca. 1 mm, caducous. ─── 小叶干燥时不变为黑色,背面密被短柔毛。钻形的苞片,约1毫米,早落。

79、Leaves thickly cottony-tomentose, stellate hairs short, not easily observed, readily caducous. ─── 叶厚的棉状被绒毛,星状毛短,不容易观察,容易早落。

80、Petals spatulate, ca. 1 mm, caducous. ─── 匙形的花瓣,长约1毫米,早落。

81、Inflorescence spicate, terminal, bracts persistent or caducous, bracteoles present or absent. ─── 花序穗状,顶生,苞片宿存或早落,小苞片宿存或无。

82、stipules caducous, intrapetiolar, connate, membranous, 2-lobed or entire; ─── 托叶早落,叶柄内,合生,膜,2裂的或全缘;

83、bracts and sepals covered with caducous silky hairs; ─── 苞片及萼片被有脱落性绢毛;

84、Sepals 5, often petaloid, caducous or persistent, imbricate. ─── 萼片5,通常,早落或宿存,覆瓦状。

85、Leaf blade margin densely apiculately serrulate; bracteoles and sepals 8-10, caducous after anthesis. ─── 叶片边缘密细尖有细锯齿;小苞片和萼片8-10,早落的在花后。

86、most amphibians have caducous gills; ─── 大多数两栖类动物都有早落腮;

87、Sepals 5 to many, usually yellow, rarely purplish, obovate, petaloid, usually caducous, rarely persistent. ─── 萼片5到很多,通常黄,很少略带紫色,倒卵形,瓣状,通常早落,很少宿存。

88、VTE is common and usually thrombose in venous system with the action of certain incentives, or followed with PE caused by the caducous blood clots. ─── VTE是外科临床常见病,通常是在一定的诱因作用下,在静脉系统内形成血栓,或并发静脉血栓脱落引起的肺动脉栓塞。

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