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08-15 投稿


inclining 发音

英:[?n?kla?n??]  美:[?n?kla?n??]

英:  美:

inclining 中文意思翻译




inclining 同义词

side | ascent | gradient | run | ramp | dispose | move | tend | grade | induce | prejudice | rise | hill | influence | lean | affect | tip | pitch | bow | bend | predispose | sway | fall | slant | tilt |slope | persuade

inclining 词性/词形变化,inclining变形

名词: incliner |动词现在分词: inclining |动词过去分词: inclined |动词第三人称单数: inclines |动词过去式: inclined |

inclining 反义词


inclining 相似词语短语

1、inclipping ─── 包括

2、inclosing ─── v.围绕;围(公地)为私有;使与世隔绝;随信附上(inclose的现在分词形式)(同enclose)

3、including ─── v.(使)成为……的一部分;允许(某人)加入活动(或同享特权)(include的现在分词);prep.包括……在内

4、reclining ─── adj.倾斜的;n.倾斜;v.斜倚;向后倚靠(recline的现在分词)

5、declining ─── adj.下滑的;衰退的;倾斜的;v.下降;衰退;婉谢(decline的ing形式)

6、intwining ─── 集成

7、-clining ─── 倾斜

8、unlining ─── 分开;分离

9、disinclining ─── v.使不愿,使不欲;不感兴趣

inclining 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、inclining intermediate ─── 偏中度

2、Confined by the background and professional inclining of researcher most of the documents not use analysis by dynamic method and hard to promote. ─── 故文献多集中于1999年以后,与本研究相关之替代役文献,大部份囿于研究者的背景及专业倾向,多无法以动态之研究途径分析,难寻替代役进一步推进的着力点。

3、inclining to inside of positive attribution and mistake attribution; Social perception construction include cognizing the others, interpersonal relation, self-cognition, social cognition role; ─── 归因倾向中的积极归因和错误归因:社会认知结构中对他人、人际关系、自我、社会角色的认知;

4、However, I looked down and saw a soft-edged metallic head inclining slightly and a nightmarish icon appear in two brightly illuminated eyes. ─── 可是,当我往下一看,发现的却是一个软边金属脑袋微侧,两个发亮的眼睛中出现一个似乎噩梦般的图标。

5、In drill operation,excentric shaft connection has certain inclining prevention function. ─── 在钻井施工作业中,偏轴接头具有一定的防斜效果。

6、fore-and-aft inclining ─── 前后倾斜状

7、Peach - pink, Lotus - shaped; flowers inclining to one side; short bloom shoots, small, pointed deeply toothed leaves with bluish green stalks, half - spreading. ─── 桃红色微紫。花颈较短,花朵侧开。叶柄青绿色,叶小尖,缺刻深。株形半开张。

8、"Hugor Hill, " he said, inclining his head in a solemn nod. ─── “雨果·希山,”他说,严肃地微微颔首。

9、inclining anchor cable ─── 斜向锚索

10、It is used horizontally with curves and for inclining and declining transportation of almost all types of luggage. ─── 它在水平方向可以做成弧形成为转弯输送带,也可用于上升或下降的输送,且几乎能处理所有类型的行李。

11、This is inclining feelings to blue.It is also yearn to quiet deep.You embrace blue, So you acquire magnanimous bosom . ─── 拥抱蓝色,你就获得了大度的胸怀,歌唱蓝色,你就具有了悠长的气度。

12、1. He is inclining toward my view. ─── 他正倾向我的意见。

13、purple inclining to red ─── 接近红色的紫色

14、Low reaction force and high energy absorption. 2.The fender performance is free from the influence of ship inclining and berthing. 3. Applicable for dry docks and other restricted channels. ─── 反力低,吸能量高。2.护舷性能不受船舶倾斜、靠泊影响。3.适用于船坞及各类限制水道。

15、Optimized research on mine roadway support in fault of inclining seam ─── 变倾斜煤层中过断层巷道支护的优化研究

16、Application of Two-direction Rectification of Deviation by Jack-up for Dangerous Inclining Building with Foundation Subsidence ─── 地基下沉倾斜危楼双向顶升纠偏实践

17、inclining rope ─── 斜缆索

18、support inclining ─── 歪倒

19、"No, he is out, " replied Mrs. Jones, inclining to shut the door in her face. ─── “不,他不在,”琼斯太太回答着,心想把门当着她面关上。

20、and inclining your heart to understanding; ─── 侧耳听智慧,专心求聪明,

21、Cause and Solution of Turning Round and Inclining Inside of Port Jamb ─── 小炉侧墙砖扭转和内倾产生的原因及解决方法

22、It has the characters of sociality, historicity, entirety, steadity, in-concealment and inclining to manifest itself. ─── 人的素质是一个历史的、发展的概念。

23、But this inclining protection should still build up on weighing and choice of the benefits. ─── 但此种倾斜性的采取财产规则似乎仍应建立在利益的权衡、取舍之上。

24、Peach_pink,Lotus_shaped;flowers inclining to one side;short bloom shoots,small,pointed deeply toothed leaves with with bluish green stalks,half_spreading. ─── 桃红色,蔷薇型。花茎较短,花朵侧开。叶柄青绿色,叶小尖,缺刻深。株型半开张。

25、Human demands are inclining to such spiritual demands as the amusement, experience, etc. ─── 未来的人类需求将会向娱乐、体验等精神上的需求倾斜。

26、The Public Expenditure Inclining to "Three Agriculture" is the Key to New Countryside Construction ─── 公共财政支出向"三农"倾斜是新农村建设的关键

27、However, it should be pointed out that Translation Studies are inclining to Cultural Studies under the influence of the Deconstruction thought. ─── 实际上,从结构主义范式到解构主义范式,正是从一个极端走向另一个极端。

28、Neither her language nor her action had the slightest effect in inclining him to grant her request. ─── 无论她的语言还是她的行动已在倾斜他给予她的要求丝毫大意。

29、Keywords excentric shaft connection;drill tool;failure;inclining prevention;influence; ─── 偏轴接头;钻具;失效;防斜;影响;

30、Analysis and Research of the Extra Coefficient of Resistance in Inclining Pipeline ─── 倾斜管道附加阻力系数的分析研究

31、Research on Drilling Inclining Prevention Technique for the Upper Formation with Big Dip of the High and Steep Structure in East Sichuan ─── 川东高陡构造上部大倾角地层钻井防斜技术研究

32、have inclined, be inclining or intend to incline to homosexual; ─── 曾经、现在或以后可能具同性恋倾向者;

33、An oblique projection is a sort of parallel one inclining to the projection plane. ─── 斜投影是投影方向倾斜于投影面的一种平行投影。

34、the act of inclining; bending forward. ─── 弯曲的动作;向前弯。

35、inclining to judgeship ─── 法官化倾向

36、inclining interface ─── 土层分界面倾斜

37、More and more people are inclining toward the Liberal Party. ─── 愈来愈多的人倾向于自由党了。

38、Angle of front and back inclining of mesa ─── 台面前后倾最大角度

39、Secondly, this algorithm saved history information using inclining time windows, satisfying real time research researching afterwords. ─── 其次,算法利用倾斜时间窗口保存历史数据,满足了实时查询和事后检索的需求。

40、The colour is yellow inclining to green. ─── 那颜色是黄中带绿的。

41、The small area of Jianshan containing iron rock department,whose composition is syncline,forms a fold whtch is inclin... ─── 尖山小区,含矿岩系组成向斜和背斜褶皱。


43、acid inclining phase ─── 增酸期

44、house is measured to be slightly inclining eastward. ─── 测定这栋房子向东有轻微的倾斜。

45、graduation inclining ─── 分划倾斜

46、inclining column ─── 斜柱

47、Reliability Controlling for Inclining Mining Technology System ─── 俯斜开采工艺系统的可靠性控制

48、Feeding conveyor The inclining conveyor belt transports the waste to the pre-sorting station. ─── 喂料输送输送皮带把废料送到预储存站内。

49、By field testing of eccentric inclining prevention technique in 7 wells of Jianghan Oilfield,g... ─── 在江汉3个区块7口井进行现场试验,取得良好的社会和经济效益。

50、Wu also found the SIDS had inclining trend from 1984 to 1993.Whether the reason of inclining trend of SIDS in Taiwan is due to westernization of living style needs further exploration. ─── 我们同时发现婴儿猝死症从1984至1993年有上升之趋势,其原因是否受西方文化之影响有待更进一步之研究。

51、"Qualification" for Studies of Chinese Ancient Civilization and Its Exclusiveness in the Eyes of Scholars Inclining to Novelty in the Early Ming Dynasty ─── 民初趋新学者眼中的国学之"资格"与排他性

52、Sitting on chair, both elbows placing on knees, upper body inclining forward, and putting whole body's weight on knees. ─── 坐在椅子上,双肘放在两膝上,上身前屈,将全身重量压在膝盖上。

53、The thermal resistance of PHP in vertical bottom heat is the lowest for all inclining angles since the gravitation plays an important role for working liquid to turn back to condensation section. ─── 不同倾斜角的实验中,垂直底加热时脉动热管热阻最低,表明重力在工质回流到冷却段起到重要的作用;

54、inclining test bench ─── 倾斜试验台

55、Inclining to the philosophy of "honest, substantial, developing &innovative ", the company wish to serve its clients with reasonable price, high quality and speedy delivery. ─── 我公司本着"诚信、求实、开拓、创新"的经营理念,以合理的价格,优质的品质,最快的速度,竭诚为客户服务。

56、Calculation of Inclining Experiment Results in Trim Situation for Small Ferry ─── 小型渡船纵倾状态下倾斜试验结果的计算

57、a new structure inclining to the structure of the social organization, which changes the direction of the culture instruction; ─── 文学研究会的社团结构方面趋向社会文化组织,由此影响到它的文学建设的方向;

58、A chair at the corner is inclining your words. ─── 墙角的一个坐椅,倾斜着你的话语。

59、Use CAD to have drawn one by one systematic flat surface working drawing and system axis inclining picture and detail drawing picture. ─── 用CAD绘制了各个系统的平面施工图和系统轴侧图及大样图。

60、Keywords deviation control;pendulum assembly;unbalanced drill collar;packed hole technique;inclining prevention device; ─── 关键词井斜控制;钟摆钻具;偏重钻铤;满眼法;防斜器;

61、Now they are inclining to come to reach an agreement-you should put it into practice if you have a well-being English education condition. ─── 在实践性研究方面初获成果,主要体现在学前儿童英语教育教材建设和教学模式的建构上,已有相关的文献报告,但同时也存在不少待进一步研究的问题;

62、The article focuses, from the historic and diachronic point of view, on the various usages of the word as an inclining verb. ─── 文章着重从历史和历时的角度,分析了“来”作为趋向动词的各种用法。

63、Inclining error ─── 倾斜误差

64、acknowledge applause by inclining the head,as of an artist after a performance ─── 如一个艺术家演奏结束后,为了答谢热烈鼓掌而鞠躬

65、Hold your hands, Both you of my inclining, and the rest: Were it my cue to fight, I should have known it Without a prompter. ─── 我要是想打架,我自己会知道应该在什麽时候动手。

66、To carry out the inclining finance policy, to promote the exploitation of the west ─── 实行倾斜性金融政策促进西部开发

67、A tourist is inclining the head the vase acoustics that listen respectfully promotes contented to make with Ni (will photograph on May 25) . ─── 一位游客正侧耳聆听用坭兴陶制作的花瓶音响(5月25日摄)。

68、"No, he is out," replied Mrs. Jones, inclining to shut the door in her face. ─── “不,他不在,”琼斯太太回答着,心想把门当着她面关上。

69、inclining rope crossover ─── 构件选择

70、Homogenous perspective transformation matrix are present, which can generate 3-vanishing-point drawing through inclining view. ─── 对后者,本文给出了通过倾斜画面得到三灭点透视图的齐次透视变换矩阵。

71、Inclining to have an inexpensive Burial ─── 死欲速朽

72、green petals in centre from ovaries,flowers inclining to one side,vigorous. ─── 子房翠绿花瓣,花蕾绽口型,花朵侧开。株型半开张,生长势强。

73、inclining mine near surface ─── 倾斜近地表矿体

74、I was once inclin'd to ha' gone on shore to them; but Xury was my better counsellor, and said to me, no go, no go; however I hal'd in nearer the shore that I might talk to them, ─── 有一次,我很想上岸和他们接触一下,但佐立劝我说,"不要去,不要去。"但是我还是驶近海岸,以便与他们谈谈。

75、no, tho' I had been inclin'd to it, which I was not, nor could not abide the thoughts of it, tho' I was all alone. ─── 即使我可以不穿衣服,我也不想这样做;这种念头我连想都不愿想一下,尽管岛上只有我孤孤单单一个人。

76、However, I looked down and saw a soft-edged metallic head inclining slightly and a nightmarish icon appear in two brightly illuminated eyes. ─── 可是,当我往下一看,发现的却是一个软边金属脑袋微侧,两个发亮的眼睛中出现一个似乎噩梦般的图标。

77、8. Peach_pink,Lotus_shaped;flowers inclining to one side;short bloom shoots,small,pointed deeply toothed leaves with with bluish green stalks,half_spreading. ─── 桃红色,蔷薇型。花茎较短,花朵侧开。叶柄青绿色,叶小尖,缺刻深。株型半开张。收藏指正

78、inclining cyhnder ─── 倾斜风缸

79、No, tho' I had been inclin'd to it, which I was not, nor could not abide the thoughts of it, tho' I was all alone. ─── 即使我可以不穿衣服,我也不想这样做;这种念头我连想都不愿想一下,尽管岛上只有我孤孤单单一个人。

80、inclining experiment ─── 倾斜试验

81、Quarters are well boned and muscled.From hip to hock long and sinewy, hock to pad short and strong.Stifles and hocks well bent and not inclining either in or out. ─── 就象他的名字所描述的,颜色煤黑色带有丰富的褐色斑纹,斑纹位于眼睛上方、口吻侧面、胸部、腿部、屁股,在脚趾、有黑色铅笔纹。

82、image inclining ─── 像倾斜

83、I am more inclining to name China’s “Modern Art” as “the practice of contemporary art in China”. ─── “现代艺术”在中国是一个来自西方的概念,我更倾向于将中国的“现代艺术”称作为“现代艺术在中国的实践”。

84、acknowledge applause by inclining the head, as of an artist after a performance. ─── 如一个艺术家演奏结束后,为了答谢热烈鼓掌而鞠躬。

85、The doctor is in half-squatting position, with upper body slightly inclining forwards;holds the operated limb with symmetric force by two forward-stretching hands. ─── 术者取马步,双腿下蹲,上身略前倾,双手向前伸出,对称用力挟持住治疗肢体。

86、The Peony of Cao Zhou: "Deep peach - pink, Anemone - shaped; flowers inclining to one side, pointed leaves in bluish green, spreading." (P. 12 ─── 曹州牡丹:"深桃红色,托桂型。株形开张。花蕾圆尖,花朵测开。叶尖,青绿色。"

87、Keywords inclining prevention;dropping hole angle;drilling assembly;pendulum assembly; ─── 关键词防斜;纠斜;钻具组合;钟摆钻具;

88、Approvingly, she, with head inclining on, guessed again," One day?” ─── 女孩对男孩的说法很满意,于是歪者头继续想:"一天?"

89、Considering the general low visibility,and disabled submarine"s big inclining,rapid ocean current condition of China"s sea area,a multi-manipulator interfacing instrument of DSRV is developed. ─── 基于我国多数海区能见度低的情况,以及失事潜艇具有较大纵横倾、海底水流较大等不利状况,研制了深潜救生艇多机械手对接装置。

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