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08-15 投稿


gloving 发音

英:[?ɡl?v??]  美:[?ɡl?v??]

英:  美:

gloving 中文意思翻译



gloving 词性/词形变化,gloving变形

现在分词:gloving 原型:glove

gloving 短语词组

1、gloving gif ─── 格洛夫gif

2、gloving moves ─── 格洛夫招式

3、gloving wound ─── 包扎伤口

4、gloving rave ─── 戴手套的狂欢

gloving 常用词组

velvet glove ─── 外柔内刚;表面温和的东西

hand in glove ─── 合作;勾结着;亲密地

glove box ─── 手套箱;手套式操作箱(真空设备用)

gloving 相似词语短语

1、gloating ─── adj.沾沾自喜的,心满意足的;n.沾沾自喜,心满意足;v.沾沾自喜,幸灾乐祸(gloat的现在分词)

2、glozing ─── vt.掩饰;注释;牵强地解释;vi.谄媚

3、beloving ─── 归属

4、gloaming ─── n.黄昏;夕幕;v.日落;天变黑(gloam的现在分词)

5、loving ─── adj.亲爱的;钟情的;忠诚的;n.(Loving)人名;(英、瑞典)洛文

6、ungloving ─── 脱下手套

7、glowing ─── adj.灼热的;热情洋溢的;鲜艳的;v.发光;容光焕发(glow的ing形式);发热

8、globing ─── n.地球;地球仪;球体;vt.使…成球形;vi.成球状

9、glomming ─── vt.偷;抢;看;抓住;n.一瞥

gloving 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One-off latex glove for industrial or common use. ─── 一次性乳胶手套,可用于工业、民用。

2、Fencers must wear protective clothing including a padded jacket, a wiremesh mask and a glove. ─── 击剑运动员必须佩带护具,包括护胸,面罩和手套。

3、Road and rail transport ought to work hand and glove. ─── 公路运输和铁路运输应该密切配合。

4、She bent down to pick up her glove. ─── 她俯身捡起了手套。

5、He put it in the glove compartment with the stack of others. ─── 他把这张停车票同一沓别的停车票都放进汽车仪表板后面的小贮藏箱里。

6、gloving-up for surgery are to protect the surgical field from microorganisms on the surgeon's hands and protect the surgeon from the patient's microorganisms. ─── 外科手术戴手套是为保护术者手上的微生物不污染手术野,同时,保护术者免受病人携带的微生物感染。

7、If you take off your left-hand glove in very cold weather, the key will be in your left-hand pocket. ─── 忙乱出差错,欲速则不达。

8、Glove the amateur boxers wear are of greater weight than those of professional boxers. ─── 业余拳手所戴的拳套比职业拳手的要重。

9、Can Buddy and Charles work hand in glove? ─── 巴迪和查尔斯能密切合作吗?

10、On that afternoon , Delun Fujin managed to work hand in glove with emporess to be detrimontal to Li Sarung . ─── 当天下午,德伦福晋千方百计迫使皇后同意与她合作铲除李萨灵。

11、A global brand was established: the moonwalk, the single sequined glove, the unlaced sneakers. ─── 专辑确立了杰克逊的全球性的品牌标志:太空舞步、镶金手套和解带的运动鞋。

12、Because it fits me like a glove. ─── 因为这份工作就像手套一样合适我。

13、He was found to be hand in glove with the enemy. ─── 已发现他跟敌人勾结在一起.

14、Elaine: Wow! It fits my body like a glove. ─── 伊莲?哇!我穿起来完全合身。

15、Oh, dear, what a blunderbuss I am!' exclaimed Jo, finishing Meg's glove by scrubbing her gown with it. ─── “噢,天呵,我真是个冒失鬼!”乔叫道,忙用梅格的手套擦拭,谁知又赔上了一只手套。

16、Your hands are bigger than mine, and you will stretch my glove. ─── 你的手比我的大,你会把我的手套撑大的。

17、They fetched a baseball, a glove, and a bat and headed off to the park. ─── 他们拿了一颗棒球、一个手套和一支球棒,就往公园出发。

18、Our products are all kinds of knitting scarf, hat, glove, sock and warp knitting products. ─── 我公司的主要产品有各类针织手套.帽子.袜子.围巾及各种经编产品。

19、He is one of those men who have an iron hand in a velvet glove. ─── 他是一个外柔内刚的人。

20、Her new dress fits her like a glove. ─── 她的新衣服非常合身。

21、When he tried it, he found the environment fit him like a glove. ─── 他试一段时间之后,发现那个环境对他是非常适宜的。

22、One day, as she brushed the hair back from her forehead, he caught a glimpse of gold under the glove on her right arm. ─── 一天,他在她用手向后捋额前的头发的时候,瞥见了她右手臂的手套下面有金光闪耀。

23、His dance moves and moonwalking.The hand in a sequined white glove. ─── 他的音乐,他的影像,他的舞姿和太空漫步,戴着有金属饰物的白手套。

24、The king governs his people with an iron hand in a velvet glove. ─── 国王外柔内刚,统治他的臣民。

25、The air-lock is used when transferring material to and from the glove box. ─── 当来回从手套箱转移材料时使用气闸。

26、A hundred yards farther on they encountered a second glove. ─── 往前约100码远的地方,他们看到了第二只手套。

27、He took his cigar out of his mouth and held the wet end between the fingers of his woolen glove. ─── 他从嘴里取出正在吸的雪茄,把噙湿的烟头夹在戴着毛织手套的两个手指中间。

28、Remove the glove box inner door panel from the glove box outer door panel. ─── 从手套箱外门板上拆下手套箱内门板。

29、He told her he knew who had the glove. ─── 他说他知道是谁拿走了。

30、The hand in a sequined white glove. ─── 他的手上带着镶嵌小金属片的白手套。

31、The blouse fits me like a glove. ─── 完全适合。

32、Aren't I lucky? The only dress in the shop that I fancied and it fitted me like a glove. ─── 你看我运气好不好?商店里惟一一件我看中的裙子完全合我身。

33、I could see a new bicycle, new baseball glove, and adoration of my friends when I flashed some cash. ─── 我似乎看见一辆新自行车,一副新棒球手套,以及当我拿出钱时同学们羡慕的表情。

34、Both of them are hand in glove with each other. ─── 他们俩亲密无间。

35、Remove the glove box bin from the glove box door. ─── 从手套箱门上拆下手套箱置物槽。

36、If you match that glove against this, you will find that one is slightly lighter than the other. ─── 假如你把那只手套和这只手套进行比较,你会发现一只比另一只的颜色略微淡一点。

37、Don't you lay a glove on him. ─── 别去招惹他。

38、Safety and protection: This product is slightly poisonous. While working please wear glasses,glove and work clothe. ─── 安全与保护:本产品属于低毒物质,操作时应佩带眼镜、手套,穿好防护服。

39、I saw through the tear of his trousers and the tear of his glove. ─── 我从他的裤子和手套的破缝里看出来了。

40、CHILD SANDA GLOVE,FIT 5 TO 10 YEARS OLD CHILDREN TO USE. ─── 儿童革制散打拳套,适宜5-10岁儿童使用。

41、He is find to is hand in glove with the enemy. ─── 已发现他跟敌人勾结在一起。

42、Daniel was always willing to take up the glove for a good cause. ─── 丹尼尔总是乐意为一个正当的理由而接受挑战。

43、The purse-web spider spins a silken tube like a crooked finger of a glove sticking out of the ground. ─── 囊网蜘蛛织出的丝网是管状的,就像手套上一个弯曲的指头戳出地面。

44、I don't trust those two, they are hand and glove together. ─── 我不信任那两个人,他们沆瀣一气,勾结在一起。

45、He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head, and sent him crashing to the ground. ─── 他冲过去接球,但球从他手套中脱出来,打在他的头上,把他砸向地面。

46、We are hand in glove with each other. ─── 我们俩人情投意合。

47、Oh, and Grandpa's baseball glove. ─── 噢, 还有爷爷的棒球手套。

48、The traitors and the enemy were working hand in glove with each other. ─── 卖国贼和敌人相互勾结。

49、They fit each other like a hand in a glove. ─── 他们(象手与手套一样地)非常适合于对方。

50、The judges in this novel are hand in glove with some gangsters to cheat. ─── 在这本小说中,几个法官和一些匪徒朋比为奸,欺诈他人。

51、You mean the moment I began to picture a new baseball glove,candy and toys,that's like a carrot to a donkey? ─── 你的意思是,当时在我脑海中的那些棒球手套、糖果和玩具的影像就像那驴子面前的胡萝卜一样喽?

52、She was finger and glove with me. ─── 她与我亲密无间。

53、When you need to put a glove between you and the heat. Make it the Eclipse elkskin glove. ─── 当你需要放下一双手套在之间时你和热。制造了Eclipse elkskin手套。

54、Oh and Grandpa's baseball glove. ─── 噢还有爷爷的棒球手套。

55、They worked together hand in glove. ─── 他们亲密无间地合作。

56、She looks very elegant in her skisuit. It fits her like a glove. ─── 她穿上滑雪衫很有气派。衣服非常合身。

57、The driver kept his maps in the glove compartment in the front of his car. ─── 司机把地图放在驾驶座前的小格子里。

58、de-gloving scalp laceration, multiple facial lacerations, a grossly distended abdomen, and an agonal breathing pattern. ─── 下颌部头皮裂伤并出血,面部多处损伤,腹部明显膨隆,濒死呼吸。

59、He has been hand in [and] glove with the mayor for years. ─── 多年来, 他一直与那位市长密切合作。

60、On her right hand she had what looked like an improvised glove . ─── 她右手戴着一只看来象是临时凑合着用的手套。

61、Pressure should be applied to bleeding sites such as a de- gloving scalp wound. ─── 应该对下颌部头皮伤的出血部位进行加压。

62、A clean glove often hides a dirty hand. ─── 干净的手套往往藏着肮脏的手。

63、If you turn a left-hand glove inside out it will fit on a right hand. ─── 如果你把左手套翻过来,它会很合适地戴在右手上.

64、We'll slip into the velvet glove. ─── 我们会滑进光滑的手套里。

65、Light up the entire glove in a diffuse floodlight, or both. ─── 它有若干电话共用一条外线,适用于中、小型企业,也可用于住宅和秘书电话。

66、Still, he had a first baseman's glove ready in his locker. ─── 不过在他的置物柜仍准备好一垒手手套。

67、A: Oh, the dress fits you like a glove! ─── 噢,这套衣服你穿上真合适!

68、And change color for shoomaking,hatting,glove,handbag and car seat cushion. ─── 制鞋、制帽、手套、手提包、汽车坐垫的改色。

69、He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment, his forearm accidentally brushing across her lower thigh. ─── 他俯身伸手探到前面的杂物箱中,前肘无意中擦过她的大腿。

70、They work hand in glove with guys like Croft. ─── 他跟克洛夫特之流都是穿连裆裤的。

71、Remove the two bezel screws, two latch screws, and one handle screw from the glove box inner door panel . ─── 从手套箱内门板上拆下两个前盖螺钉,两个锁闩螺钉和一个把手螺钉。

72、Remove the glove box from the instrument panel. ─── 将手套箱从仪表板上拆下。

73、He has all along worked hand in glove with them and they are birds of the same feather. ─── 他和他们一直勾结在一起狼狈为奸,是一丘之貉。

74、He rubs steroids into his glove, too. ─── 他还把类固醇抹到手套上呢。

75、Avoid Skin Contact. Use Glove When Handling. ─── 使用过程中需带手套,应避免直接接触皮肤。

76、He kept the title to his car in the glove compartment. ─── 他把汽车转让契约放在仪表板上的小柜里。

77、Little kiwi bird Jacket is wearing his red boxing glove. ─── 小小奇异鸟杰克戴着他的红色的拳击手套。

78、We're look for my baseball glove. ─── 我们在找我的棒球手套。

79、Your new dress fits you like a glove. ─── 你的新衣完全合身。

80、That must be Ned that you're talking about. The description fits him like a glove. ─── 你们所谈的人一定是内德,你的描述恰恰与他吻合。

81、To be sure of a "sweet life", a Greek bride may carry a lump of sugar in her glove on wedding day. ─── 为了确保婚后生活的甜蜜,希腊新娘在结婚那一天,可在手套里塞一块糖。

82、The part of a glove or mitten that covers the palm of the hand. ─── (手套的)掌份覆盖手掌的物体或手套的一部分

83、He opens the glove compartment, pulls out an object wrapped in a rag. ─── 他打开汽车仪表板上的小柜,抽出一个被碎布条包裹的东西。

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