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grotesque 发音

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grotesque 中文意思翻译




grotesque 网络释义

n. 奇异风格;怪异的东西adj. 奇形怪状的;奇怪的;可笑的

grotesque 词性/词形变化,grotesque变形

复数--grotesques;比较级--more grotesque;最高级--most grotesque。

grotesque 短语词组

1、grotesque steve video ─── 怪诞史蒂夫视频

2、grotesque steve minecraft ─── 怪诞的史蒂夫·米纳克拉夫特

3、grotesque movie ─── 怪诞电影

4、monotype grotesque ─── 单体型怪诞

5、grotesque artist ─── 怪诞艺术家

6、grotesque guardians osrs ─── 怪诞的守护者

7、grotesque definition ─── 怪诞的定义

8、grotesque art ─── 怪诞艺术

9、grotesque guardians ─── 怪诞的守护者

10、the golden age of grotesque ─── 怪诞的黄金时代

11、grotesque steve meme ─── 怪诞的史蒂夫·梅因

grotesque 相似词语短语

1、blottesque ─── adj.粗涂乱抹的,漫涂的;n.粗笔乱涂的绘画

2、grotesques ─── adj.怪诞的,奇怪的,可笑的;丑陋奇异的,奇形怪状的;n.(尤指书画中的)奇形怪状的人(或物);奇异风格;(印刷)畸形字体

3、Moresque ─── adj.(艺术、建筑风格)摩尔式的;n.摩尔式设计,摩尔式装饰;摩尔式装饰样本

4、grotesquery ─── n.怪异;怪物

5、grotesquerie ─── n.怪异图案;滑稽可笑

6、grotesquely ─── adv.奇异地;荒诞地

7、grotesqueries ─── n.怪异;怪物

8、grotesqueness ─── n.丑怪;可笑;怪诞

9、Dantesque ─── adj.但丁式的;庄重的

grotesque 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When you draw Hentai art, you end up drawing grotesque horror pictures because their proportion is so fucking awful. ─── 你画H图的时候,会因为他们的姿势比例诡异到不可思议而不得不就此终止。[....我没画过H....真的....

2、They come to the conclusion that the fantastic pines, the grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds and the hot springs are the four major attractions of Mount Huangshan. ─── 人们渐渐地总结出黄山的四大特征和吸引力:奇松、怪石、云海和温泉。

3、Upon the first levels there are vague, horrible shapes, grotesque forms such as one sees in nightmares. ─── 在最初几层中,有模糊的、可怕的形状,奇形怪状的形状,就像一个人在噩梦中看到的一样。

4、However, the grotesque form of Mardi is in fact the result of Melville's deliberate experiment with narrative structure. ─── 其实,麦尔维尔刻意用这种方法对小说的叙事结构进行探索和实验。

5、The state of being grotesque;grotesqueness. ─── 奇特、怪诞奇形怪状的状态;奇特

6、Just as I clicked the shutter there was a splash of yellow, and both ants were immobilized in a sticky, grotesque tableau. ─── 正在我按下快门的一刹那,柱状白蚁‘自爆’,白蚁自身和一只蚂蚁被黄色胶质液体固定在了一起。

7、Of, relating to, or being the grotesque style in art or a work executed in this style. ─── 奇异风格的与奇异的艺术风格有关的或与奇异风格的作品有关的

8、His achievement as a novelist is to a great extent due to his narrative techniques, narrative structure, gothic technique, the application of symbolism, and his famous Southern Grotesque Style. ─── 他的成功很大程度在于其独创的叙事方式与结构及别具风格的南方怪诞式和南方哥特式。

9、The most grotesque and fantastic conceits haunted him in his bed at night. ─── 夜晚躺在床上的时候,各种离奇怪诞的幻想纷至沓来。

10、You do not have to be a socialist to regard this as pretty grotesque. ─── 即便你不是一个社会主义者,也会认为这样的现象过于荒唐。

11、Of,relating to,or being the grotesque style in art or a work executed in this style. ─── 奇异风格的与奇异的艺术风格有关的或与奇异风格的作品有关的。

12、The state of being grotesque; grotesqueness. ─── 奇特、怪诞奇形怪状的状态;奇特

13、In the middle of a circle covered with a net pattern painted on the belly of the jar, there was grotesque human figure outlined in black. ─── 罐子腹上一个布满密网的大圆圈里,有一个粗放的黑彩勾画的怪人。

14、Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting. ─── 希罗宁姆斯·博希是怪诞派绘画大师。

15、Promising beginnings end in grotesque disappointments. ─── 充满希望的开端却以古怪的失望而告终。

16、Hamlet's assumed antic disposition; fantastic Halloween costumes; a grotesque reflection in the mirror. ─── 哈姆莱特采取的奇怪安排;奇形怪状的万圣节服装;镜子里奇怪的映象。

17、The grotesque, deformed slave in Shakespeare's The Tempest. ─── 卡利班莎士比亚作品风暴中古怪、丑陋的奴隶

18、It was pedantic rather than reasonable, just to the point of being grotesque. ─── 它根本谈不上合理不合理,甚至迂腐到令人可笑的地步。

19、It's grotesque", he muttered, "you can't expect me to accept this! ─── “这件事太离奇了,”他喃喃自语道,“你们别指望我会接受!

20、As a typical grotesque figure, the corbel features a comical face, peeking out from naturalistically carved flora. ─── 就跟一般的怪诞图案一样,梁托上的主题是从自然雕刻的植物群中探出头来的有趣脸蛋。

21、Perhaps the most grotesque form of fish farming is the ranching of bluefin tuna, a delicacy that may sell for as much as $860 a kilo. ─── 也许最奇怪的养鱼场是蓝鳍金枪鱼大养殖场。蓝鳍金枪鱼做成的佳肴可以买到每公斤860美元。

22、He is often blamed for making his characters unreal, strange, grotesque creatures that never could have existed. ─── 他经常受到责怪,说他塑造的人物是不真实的,奇异怪诞的,根本不可能存在的。

23、He suggests that the “truths” people have seized upon make them grotesque and shows his sympathy for the grotesques’ severe desire for understanding and love. ─── 他指出是人们一直固守的绝对“真理”将他们自己变成了畸人。在字里行间,安德森流露了他对这一极度渴望爱与理解的特殊群体的同情。

24、Most foreigners do not feel it is appropriate to comment on these issues, although they find them grotesque. ─── 尽管觉得他们很荒唐,大多数外国人认为对这些事情不宜评论。

25、All that inapprehensible questions I considered at that time were so footling and grotesque I feel nowadays. ─── 伤心的时候什么也不说,只是将我轻轻拥住。

26、A grotesque imitation or misrepresentation. ─── 一种荒诞的模仿或歪曲。

27、His existence could only become the most grotesque of failures. ─── 他的存在只能成为最最荒诞可笑的失败。

28、People can say that my mother used to cut them and this is linked to the Oedipus complex and castration ( a grotesque interpretation but psycho-analytical). ─── 人们可以说,我母亲以前常修剪我的指甲,因此跟我的恋母情结及去势恐惧有密切关联(这样的解释虽然有点古怪,却也合乎心理分析的学理)。

29、On paper, Hamas's policy is both grotesque and delusional: the destruction of the Jewish state. ─── 名义上,哈马斯的政策是奇怪而不切实际的:毁灭犹太国。

30、North Korea looks like a grotesque parody of Mao's centrally controlled China, precisely the sort of system that Beijing has left behind. ─── 朝鲜看上去像是毛时代中央集权的中国的怪诞模仿,其体制恰恰是北京方面已经抛弃的。

31、The Inorganic's armor and grotesque design screamed mindless hatefulness ; the sky was screeching a death song at him. ─── 无机兽的盔甲和凶恶的样子在嘶喊无意识的仇恨;而天空则凄厉地向他唱着死亡之曲。

32、Their images depicting the lower classes in humorous or grotesque ways were condemned by the leading critics and painters. ─── 他用幽默而怪诞的手法来描绘下层人民的形象受到主流画评家和画家的指责。

33、In 1843, he began an elaborate restoration of the endangered cathedral that included a new series of grotesque statues for the galleries surrounding both towers. ─── 在1843年,他开始大肆翻修巍巍可岌的巴黎圣母院,其中包括在围绕两座高塔的长廊中,装设一系列新的古怪雕像。

34、From where you are sitting, in the penthouse of your mind, you may not have noticed that it is turning into a grotesque mix of Sweet Smell of Success and Citizen Kane. ─── 你也许还没有注意到,当你坐在心中的小阁楼里,事情却慢慢地转入了另外一个怪怪的味道,一个胜利的芬芳和公民凯恩的混合体。

35、I see it as a night scene by El Greco: a hundred houses, at once conventional and grotesque, crouching under a sullen, overhanging sky and a lusterless moon. ─── 在我的梦中,这个小镇就像埃尔 - 格列柯画的一幅夜景:上百所房屋,既平常又怪诞,蹲伏在阴沉沉的天空和黯淡无光的月亮之下。

36、Dutch painter whose largely religious works are characterized by grotesque, fantastic creatures mingling with human figures. ─── 博希,卡尔1874-1940德国化学家,因发展了化学高压处理方法而获1931年诺贝尔奖

37、A person of bizarre or grotesque appearance. ─── 奇形怪状的人有古怪的或可笑的外表的人

38、Before him rose a grotesque mass of rocks, that resembled nothing so much as a vast fire petrified at the moment of its most fervent combustion. ─── 在他的面前,耸立着一大堆奇形怪状的岩石,活象是经过一场猛烈的大火之后凝固而成的东西。

39、You look grotesque in those clothes. ─── 你穿着这衣服显得怪模怪样的。

40、The consequences can be grotesque: in the city of Dzerzhinsk, in Russia, decades of slapdash handling of chemical waste has reduced male life expectancy to just 42 years. ─── 其危害结果难于预料。在俄罗斯的捷尔任斯克,数十年对化工废料的随意处理使得当地男性公民的预期寿命减至42岁。

41、A dancing girl is animating the scene with grotesque gestures. ─── 一个跳舞的女孩以一些古怪的动作令这个场景生动起来。

42、The annual output of various worle-famous boards such as Shidaohong and other boards of grotesque shapes and sizes is over 100,000 square merers. ─── 年产驰名中外的石岛红各类板材及异型材十万多平方米。

43、Warriors wore those grotesque African masks to strike terror into their enemies. ─── 勇士们戴着那些奇形怪状的非洲假面具以使他们的敌人胆战心惊。

44、Jakabok Botch, the child of two demons who has inherited his father's two tails, is rendered even more grotesque after he tumbles into a fire and most of his face is badly burned. ─── 同样的事,在作者的笔下总有不同的呈现,如沈昌文公的“小聪明”、海子的青春和诗,甚至夏奈尔的成功原因,作者都有独特的观察视角,文字闪烁着思辨的火花,读来意兴盎然。

45、There are people in this world who cut such a grotesque figure that even death renders them ridiculous. ─── 世上有些人就是十分古怪,甚至死亡也会使他们变得可笑。

46、Why ever did she do such a grotesque thing? ─── 她干嘛要做出这么荒唐的事来呢?

47、"But the Vatican labelled his work " grotesque" and the Church of England joined the protests, stating that it was " totally opposed" to human cloning. ─── 但梵蒂冈人士则称此举是“荒唐”的,英格兰教会也表示“完全反对”克隆人,并参与了抗议活动。

48、A grotesque, elfin creature of folklore, thought to work mischief or evil. ─── 妖怪民间传说中的一种面貌丑陋的小精灵般的动物,被认为常恶作剧或调皮

49、His face has a grotesque appearance. ─── 他的面部表情十分怪。

50、He is often blamed for making his characters unreal, strange, grotesque creatures that never could have existed. ─── 他经常受到责怪,说他塑造的人物是不真实的,奇异怪诞的,根本不可能存在的。

51、But when Kashima drops his guard, the thrashings of the grotesque fish convulse the earth. ─── 但是,当鹿岛大明神放松警戒时,这条怪鱼就会摇头摆尾,大地为之震颤。

52、With a desperation that was madness, unmindful of the pain, he hurried up the slope to the crest of the hill over which his comrade had disappeared - more grotesque and comical by far than that limping, jerking comrade. ─── 他像发疯似地拼着命,不顾疼痛,匆匆登上斜坡,走向他的伙伴失去踪影的那个山头--比起那个瘸着腿,一瘸一拐的伙伴来,他的样子更显得古怪可笑。

53、They tried to avoid looking at his grotesque face and his crippled body. ─── 他们尽量不去看他那丑陋的面庞和残疾的身躯。

54、The two stone lions, of grotesque shape, guard the entrance. ─── 两只形态奇异的石狮子守卫着入口处。

55、Elizabeth Jolley is a well-known Australian woman writer in the world literature, critics consider her novels dark, grotesque, funny and appealing. ─── 伊丽莎白?乔利是国际文坛著名的澳大利亚女作家。评论家认为她的作品晦涩难懂、怪诞离奇、滑稽可笑、哀怨有趣;

56、Some people are keen on collecting grotesque items such as human bones. ─── 一些人热衷于收藏诸如人骨一类的古物。

57、Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting. ─── 博斯是绘画艺术中怪异风格的代表。

58、Grotesque Group of typefaces calssified under the British Standard.A form of the sans serif typeface. ─── 哥耶斯格体依英制标准分类的一组字体。是无衬线字体的一种形式。

59、The grotesque sight of an old man trying to flirt with a young girl. ─── 老头儿极力与少女调情那种离谱的样子。

60、It is probably from these grotesque and striking faces that mug came to mean “face,” the word in this sense being first recorded in 1708. ─── 也许正是由于这些鬼脸和令人惊讶的脸谱,mug 开始意指“脸”, 该词有此意义最先记录于1708年。

61、Everything seemed strange, so tawdry and grotesque. ─── 一切似乎都很新奇,很花哨,而且滑稽可笑。

62、Grotesque: Group of typefaces calssified under the British Standard.A form of the sans serif typeface. ─── 哥耶斯格体:依英制标准分类的一组字体。是无衬线字体的一种形式。

63、An often grotesque representation of a head and face, used for ornamentation. ─── 头像面或头部通常奇怪的象征,用于装饰

64、The shadow on the wall, or the reflection in a distorting mirror, of the most nearly perfect human figure ever created can be grotesque. ─── 墙壁上的影子,或是哈哈镜上的反映,即使是近乎完美的人,有时都是怪诞的。

65、His life, for all its grotesque external clutter, is dedicated to the recovery and renewal of an early love affair with Daisy. ─── 不管外在生活多么离奇古怪,他的人生只有一个目标,即重续和苔西的一段旧情。

66、She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self. ─── 她成为了以前那个举止优雅的自己的怪诞模仿品。

67、Stones of grotesque forms are often attractive with undulated lines and water holes. ─── 奇形怪状的石头常带有引人注目的波纹线条和水孔。

68、A person of odd or grotesque appearance or dress. ─── 一个相貌或衣着古怪的人

69、He kept up this grotesque foolishness for some time; but by-and-by, while he was in the midst of some dangerous gymnastic performances, he glanced aside and saw that the little girl was wending her way toward the house. ─── 他傻乎乎地耍弄一阵子,然后一面做惊险的体操动作,一面眼往旁边瞟了一下,见那小姑娘正朝房子走去。

70、The Grotesque Honker of the Borneo Swamps. ─── 婆罗洲沼泽之怪异吼者。

71、For the sake of Mr Medvedev's presidency, and Russia's future, this one should be halted long before reaching any similarly grotesque conclusion. ─── 为了梅德韦杰夫的执政,为了俄罗斯的未来,这种风格在没有出现任何类似的荒诞结果前早该停止了。

72、But to Mahler’s own audiences none of this was apparent: they refused (or were unable) to see themselves mirrored in these grotesque symphonies. ─── 可是,对马勒的听众而言,这些都隐而不显:他们拒绝(或是无法)看到自己映照在这些光怪陆离的交响曲中。

73、I felt it was a grotesque intrusion into our lives. ─── 我觉得它对我们的生活是一种莫名其妙的侵扰。

74、He had seen grotesque children huddled upon door-steps, and heard shrieks and oaths from gloomy courts. ─── 他看到怪模怪样的孩子挤在门前的石阶上,还听到阴暗院落里传来尖叫声和骂詈。

75、"What about this then, chaps," he said, grasping the opportunity to tell his own grotesque tale. ─── 他抓紧机会讲自己的灵异故事,说:“伙计们,你们听听这个怎么样。

76、The glance at the mirror conveyed to her the reflection of a horribly grotesque and distorted face with the tongue lolling out. She was too frightened to move. ─── 她对着镜子一看,一个又狞恶可怖又丑怪不堪的面孔反映出来,舌头还向外吐着。她被吓得一动不敢动了。

77、Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery. ─── 一个长得像基督的流浪汉在一个充满宗教和渎圣景象的怪异堕落之地游荡。

78、And the waning voice of narrator, grotesque loss of signification queries, together with the mortal fate of K, have died away in his paradoxical queries. ─── 因为叙述声音的日渐遥远,意义追问的怪诞失落,伴随着人物K命运的消亡,这一切在绝望的拯救中都被无声地消解。

79、It's grotesque to expect a person of her experience to work for so little money. ─── 想让她那样有经验的人为这点钱工作真是荒唐。

80、Lady: Governesses, Don't speak to me of governesses. The martyrdom I have endured with those creatures. The clever ones are detestable , the others were grotesque ! ─── 布兰奇:哦,我想你给她请了个家庭教师。刚才还看到她们在一起。她走了吗?噢,不,她在那儿,还躲在那个角落里。你该听一下妈妈对家庭教师的看法。

81、Her account of the incident was a grotesque distortion of the truth. ─── 她对这件事的陈述是荒诞地歪曲了事实。

82、It wants all countries to mandate large, grotesque pictorial warnings on cigarette packets. ─── 世卫组织希望所有国家在香烟包装上强制性地使用显著且丑化的警告图示。

83、Their early films tried to convey revolutionary propaganda through grotesque and fantastic imagery. ─── 他们早期的电影试图通过离奇古怪异想天开的形象来进行革命宣传。

84、There he stood, bowing with grotesque politeness. ─── 他站在那里,用一种怪里怪气的礼貌点头弯腰。

85、He talks as the man of his age talks, that is, with rude wit, a lively sense of the grotesque, a disgust for sham, and a contempt for pettiness. ─── 他说话同他同时代的人一样,那就是出语辛辣诙谐,富有幽默感,厌恶弄虚作假,蔑视卑鄙小气。

86、Stones of grotesque forms are often attractive with underlaid lines and water holes. ─── 奇形怪状的石头常带有引人注目的波纹,线条和水孔。

87、Oh, yes, fantastic pines, grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds and hot springs are the four wonders here. ─── 哦,是啊,奇松、怪石、云海和温泉是这里的“四绝”。

88、The disparity of age made it even grotesque. ─── 年龄的悬殊甚至使它显得可笑。

89、Can there ever have been such a grotesque parody of Liszt's sixth Hungarian Rhapsody as the one that crowned this abysmal evening? ─── 唯一逃过劫难,大难不死的是莫扎特,还有几首中国的古曲。

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