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08-15 投稿


agonistical 发音


英:  美:

agonistical 中文意思翻译



agonistical 同义词


agonistical 词性/词形变化,agonistical变形

副词: agonistically |异体字: agonistical |

agonistical 反义词


agonistical 相似词语短语

1、egotistical ─── adj.任性的;自我本位的;傲慢自尊的

2、atomistical ─── 原子论的

3、agonistic ─── adj.竞赛的;论争的;好斗的

4、monistical ─── adj.一元论的

5、egoistical ─── adj.自私自利的;自我中心的;利已主义的

6、Scotistical ─── 盲点的

7、Thomistical ─── 托马斯的

8、agonistically ─── (古希腊)体育竞赛地;竞技地;牵强地,不自然地;论战地,好争议地;【心】动机争胜性地

9、acoustical ─── adj.[声]声学的;听觉的;音响的

agonistical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、G ABAB agonist ─── GABAB激动剂

2、Selective AT2 receptor agonist ─── AT2受体激动剂

3、Influences of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist treatment on nitric oxide synthase expression in women with endometriosis and infertility ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂对子宫内膜异位症不孕患者在位内膜一氧化氮合酶表达的影响

4、Keywords M 1 receptor;reporter gene;agonist;high throughput screening (HTS); ─── 1受体;报告基因;激动剂;高通量药物筛选;

5、agonistic behavior The social interaction between members of a species, involving aggression or threat and conciliation or retreat. Agonist. ─── 争斗行为物种的个体之间的社会关系,包括进攻或威胁。

6、α2 -adrenoreceptor agonist ─── α2肾上腺素能受体

7、Keywords Uterine leiomyoma Mifepristone Long acting gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist; ─── 关键词子宫肌瘤;米非司酮;长效促性腺激素释放激素;

8、Effects of the GABAA-receptor Agonist and Antagonist on Fos Expression in Rat Piriform Cortex and Hippocampus and Their Relationship with Epilepsy ─── GABAA受体激动剂和拮抗剂对大鼠梨形皮质、海马Fos表达的影响及其与癫痫发病的关系

9、2 receptor agonist ─── β2受体激动剂

10、Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine4 receptor agonist and antagonist on visceral sensitivity and plasma serotonin level in rats under partial restraint stress ─── 5-羟色胺4受体在调节应激大鼠内脏敏感性中的作用

11、Repinotan is a highly potent and selective 5-HT_(1A) receptor full agonist developed by Bayer Corporation in USA. It is a putative neuroprotective compound in acute ischaemic stroke and traumatic brain injury. ─── Repinotan是拜尔公司开发的一个具有高结合亲合力、高选择性的5-HT_(1A)受体完全激动剂,是公认的神经保护剂。

12、Meanwhile,the effects of the PMA(PKC agonist),staurosporine(PKC inhibitor),8Br-cGMP(PKG agonist)and KT-5823(PKG inhibitor)on calcium sensitivity and the changes in PKC and PKG activities in SMA were observed following hemorrhagic shock. ─── 同时观察PKC、PKG活性调节剂对钙敏感性的影响。 测定大鼠SMA的PKC、PKG活性变化,分析PKC、PKG活性变化与血管钙敏感性变化间的关系。

13、2 summarizes the [ 5 S ] GTPS binding on m2AchR protein and m2AchR-Gila fusion protein in the existence of agonist Ach and Cch,or antagonist Atropine and AF-DX116 without GDP. ─── Table. 2显示,在GDP零浓度时,Ach和Cch使mZAchR一Gila融合蛋白与[”5] GTp,s的结合量增大,而Atropine和AF一Dxll6则使之减小,且明显高于同等条件下mZ AchR蛋白与[3,5] GT巧S的结合量;

14、β2 - agonist ─── β2-受体激动剂

15、Ca ~(2+)Concentration change in platelets activated by chemical agonist ─── 化学诱导剂对血小板钙离子浓度变化的影响

16、The averaged agonist EMG activity had significantly increased(P< 0. 05), but the restraint of the antagonistic muscles had not increased( P > 0. 05) . ─── 原动肌(股四头肌)平均EMG活动显著增加(P0.05);

17、Six hours after exposure, vasomotor and fibrinolytic function were assessed by means of intraarterial agonist infusions. ─── 吸入汽车废气后6小时,血管收缩和溶解纤维蛋白的功能通过输入动脉激动剂药物进行分析。

18、Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist inhibits estrone sulfatase expression of cystic endometriosis in the ovary. ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂抑制卵巢内膜样囊肿中雌酮硫酸酯酶的表达。

19、Keywords Prolactinoma;Nerve growth factor;Receptor;Dopamine receptor agonist;Resistance;Invasiveness; ─── 垂体泌乳素腺瘤;神经生长因子;受体;多巴胺受体激动剂;耐受;侵袭性;

20、The M receptor agonist pilocarpine was similar to the effects of ACh. ─── M受体激动剂毛果芸香碱能产生与ACh相似的效应。

21、1 Agata Mulak,Leszek Paradowski; Effect of 5-HT1 agonist (sumatriptan) on anorectal function in irritable bowel syndrome patients [J]; World Journal of Gastroenterology; 2006年10 ─── 2孙晓毅,王果,郭先娥,袁继炎,史慧芬;巨结肠类缘性疾病肛管测压、直肠黏膜活检和钡灌肠检查的意义[J];中华小儿外科杂志;2004年04期

22、Keywords Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist;Down regulation;Ovarian response;Poor responder; ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂;降调节;卵巢反应性;低反应;

23、Keywords Oral contraceptive Gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist Polycystic ovarian syndrome Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome; ─── 口服避孕药;促性腺激素释放激素激动剂;多囊卵巢综合征;卵巢过度刺激综合征;

24、ET 1 and the ETB agonist, sarafatoxin S6c increased BP to a greater extent in D 2+/+ than in D 2-/- mice. ─── ET 1和ETB激动剂sarafatoxinS6c升高D2 +/ +鼠血压强于D2 - / -鼠。

25、Keywords M_1 agonist;distance comparison method;pharmacophore model;database searching; ─── 1受体激动剂;距离比较法;药效团模型;数据库搜索;

26、A sympathomimetic that acts mainly by causing release of norepinephrine but also has direct agonist activity at some adrenergic receptors. ─── 一种拟交感神经药物,主要以引发去甲肾上腺素释放起作用,对交感神经受体也有直接的促进作用。

27、Keywords Type 2 diabetes;Insulin sensitivity;Peroxisome proliferators activated receptor;Agonist;Selective modulator;3D-QSAR; ─── 2型糖尿病;胰岛素敏感性;过氧化物酶体增殖因子激活受体;激动剂;选择性调节剂;三维定量构效关系;

28、Keywords partial dopamine receptor agonist;schizophrenia;aripiprazole; ─── 多巴胺受体部分激动剂;精神分裂症;阿立哌唑;

29、β-adrenergic agonist ─── β-肾上腺素能兴奋剂

30、This is most effective if a specific receptor blocking agent is available to counter the effects of a given agonist ─── 在这方面最有效的是利用特效的受体阻滞药对抗特定激剂的作用。

31、Effects of repeated injection of GABAB receptor agonist baclofen on mean blood pressure in rats ─── GABAB受体激动剂巴氯酚重复注射对大鼠血压的影响

32、Application of Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Agonist for Triggering Ovulation in High Risk Gonadotropin Stimulating Cycles of Infertile Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂在多囊卵巢综合征促排卵高危周期中的应用

33、In both receptors, the addition of cholesterol molecules led to a dramatic increase in agonist affinity; ─── 在这两种受体中,胆固醇分子的加入导致对激动剂的亲和力显著增加;

34、The authors first tested the PPAR agonist rosiglitazone in combination with seeral different chemotherapeutics against arious cancer cell lines. ─── 作者第一次测试PPAR激动剂罗格列酮与不同的化疗药物联合对不同癌细胞株的作用。

35、BH3 interacting death agonist (tBid) ─── tBid

36、Effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist on prolactin production by human leiomyoma cells ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂对子宫肌瘤细胞泌乳素生成的作用

37、AT_ 2 agonist group (n=8) was treated with AT_ 2 agonist (CGP42112A) (i.p). ─── AT2 激动剂组(8 只), 腹腔注射AT2激动剂(CGP42112A);

38、LHRH agonist ─── LHRH促效剂:用于多种疾病的治疗

39、Aspiratory β2-adrenergic agonist ─── 吸入型β2受体激动剂

40、PPARα agonist ─── PPARα激动剂

41、Keywords dopamine receptor;body temperature regulation;agonist;antagonist; ─── 多巴胺受体;体温调节;激动剂;拮抗剂;

42、These characteristics of a partial agonist may be useful in the development of competitive antagonists of KGF action. ─── 作为一种不完全激动剂,这些特性可能对发展KGF的竞争性抑制剂活性有用。

43、A Year effect on bone mineral density in the Treatment of Endometriosis with Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Agonist Combined with Add back Therapy ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂及联合激素反加疗法治疗子宫内膜异位症对骨密度1年的影响

44、Agonist muscle action ─── 主动肌动作

45、The SPECT imaging with 123 I AIBZM reflected the functional actitvity of striatal D 2R and might be valuable for predicting the patients' response to L dopa, especially D 2R agonist therapy for Parkinson's disease. ─── 12 3I AIBZMSPECT显像能反映D2 R功能状态 ,可能是预测PD患者对左旋多巴 ,尤其是D2 R激动剂治疗反应性的一个指

46、Influence of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist on the effects of chemotherapy upon ovarian cancer: an experimental study with rat model ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂对卵巢癌大鼠化疗效果的影响

47、5 - HT4 receptor partial agonist ─── 5-HT4受体激动剂

48、acetylcholine agonist ─── 乙酰胆碱拮抗剂

49、β - adrenergic agonist ─── β-兴奋剂

50、M3 receptor agonist ─── M3受体激动剂

51、Keywords polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS);gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist;ovulation induction;ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS);pregnancy; ─── 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS);促性腺激素释放素;排卵诱导;卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS);妊娠;

52、Evaluation of Clinical Usage of Partial Dopamine Receptor Agonist ─── 多巴胺受体部分激动剂的临床应用评价

53、Effects of combined gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and growth hormone therapy on adult height in precocious puberty: a further contribution. ─── 促性腺激素释放激素类似物联合生长激素治疗对性早熟儿童成年身高的影响:具有深远意义。

55、In both receptors, the addition of cholesterol molecules led to a dramatic increase in agonist affinity; for oxytocin, it also increased stability. ─── 在这两种受体中,胆固醇分子的加入导致对激动剂的亲和力显著增加;对催产素来说,它也增加稳定性。

56、β- adrenergic agonist ─── β-肾上腺素受体激动剂

57、 双语使用场景

58、Advair combines two components in one.Patients should have short acting beta agonist inhaler as rescue. ─── 一般维持治疗就是长效的beta agonist, 扩张支气管的,外加inhaling steroid抗炎。

59、Keywords ovarian hyperstimulation;gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a); ─── 关键词促超排卵;促性腺激素释放激素;

60、Keywords metabotropic glutamate receptors;PC12 cells;cell survival;6-hydroxydopamine;glutamic acid;excitatory amino acid agonist;excitatory amino acid antagonist; ─── 亲代谢型谷氨酸受体;PC12细胞;细胞存活;6-羟基多巴胺;谷氨酸;兴奋性氨基酸激动剂;兴奋性氨基酸拮抗剂;

61、β2-adrenergic receptor agonist ─── β2肾上腺素能受体激动剂

62、PPARγ agonist ─── PPARγ激动剂

63、serotonergic agonist ─── 5-羟色胺能激动剂

64、The competition curves of inverse BDZ receptor agonist DMCM was illustrated in a biphasic way by a computer model of two sites. ─── 反相激动剂DMCM竞争结合曲线亦具有双位点结合特性。

65、Allo couldn’t inhibit increase in the PKA activity of forskolin , D1 receptor agonist SKF, ryanodine-induced; ─── Allo不能抑制AC激动剂Forskolin、 D1受体激动剂SKF(10mM)、细胞内Ca2+库释放剂Ryanodine(1mM)引起的PKA活性的增加;

66、Cesium chloride is a blocker of K~+ channel which in turn prolongs repolarization, increases influx of Na~+/Ca~(2+) and thus EAD is induced. Mg~(2+) is an agonist of K~+ channel, therefore it antagonizes the action of CS~+. ─── Cs~+为细胞膜K~+通道阻滞剂,延长复极时间,增加内向Na~+/Ca~(2+)流,由此产生EAD,而Mg~(2+)为细胞膜K~+通道激动剂,因此,Mg~(2+)对Cs~+具对抗作用。

67、Effects of LXR agonist on the expressions of iNOS and eNOS in aortic wall of ApoE-/-mice ─── LXR激动剂对ApoE基因敲除小鼠动脉壁iNOS和eNOS表达的影响

68、gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist ─── 促性腺激素释放素

69、agonist muscle ─── 主动肌

70、Different form antagonist that blocks the effect of agonist, inverse agonist produces opposite effect to that of agonist. ─── 与阻断激动剂效应的拮抗剂不同,反向激动剂产生的效应与激动剂相反。

71、peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ agonist ─── PPAR-γ激动剂

72、β3-adrenergic receptor agonist ─── β3肾上腺素能受体激动剂

73、Without the influence of nerve and body fluid,I_1R agonist,Mox,acted directly on heart. ─── 在不依赖中枢神经系统和体液因素影响的情况下,I_1R激动剂Mox可对心脏产生直接的作用。

74、Preperfusing with Bay K 8644 (500 nmol/L), an agonist of calcium channels, also eliminated the effect of Agm on carotid baroreceptor activity. ─── (4 )预先灌流Ca2 +通道激动剂BayK 86 44 (5 0 0nmol/L)亦可取消Agm对窦神经传入放电的影响。

75、dopamine D2 receptor agonist ─── 多巴胺D2受体激动剂

76、Effect of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Agonist Combined with Add-back Therapy on Bone Histomorphometric Parameters of Rats with Experimental Endometriosis ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂联合反加疗法治疗大鼠子宫内膜异位症的骨形态计量学研究

77、Muscle cocontraction indices were derived for agonist and antagonist muscle pairings. ─── 同时检测配对的主动肌与拮抗肌的肌肉协同挛缩指数。

78、gonadotrophie hormone releasing hormone agonist ─── 促性腺激素释放激素类似物

79、Gonadatropie releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) ─── 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂

80、We report a case of antecollis, or dropped head with Parkinson's disease (PD) induced by pramipexole, a nonergot dopamine agonist. ─── 一80岁的女性帕金森病患者出现颈项前屈,表现为严重的颈反射,症状进行性加重。

81、Recent investigation suggested that inverse agonist has potential clinical application. ─── 反向激动剂有良好的临床应用前景。

82、dual agonist ─── 双重激动剂

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