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08-15 投稿


evincing 发音

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evincing 中文意思翻译



evincing 词性/词形变化,evincing变形

形容词: evincible |动词过去式: evinced |动词过去分词: evinced |动词第三人称单数: evinces |动词现在分词: evincing |

evincing 相似词语短语

1、evidencing ─── v.显示;列明;证实(evidence的ing形式)

2、dezincing ─── n.去锌;脱锌;除锌

3、eviting ─── v.回避,避开

4、evicting ─── vt.驱逐;逐出

5、-vancing ─── 先锋

6、vicing ─── n.恶习;缺点;[机]老虎钳;卖淫;prep.代替;vt.钳住;adj.副的;代替的;n.(Vice)人名;(塞)维采

7、evincive ─── adj.显示的;证明性的;表明的

8、elancing ─── 大白鲨

9、mincing ─── adj.装腔作势的;矫饰的;v.切碎(mince的现在分词)

evincing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The messenger rode back at an easy trot, stopping pretty often at ale-houses by the way to drink, but evincing tendency to keep his own counsel, and to keep his hat cocked over his eyes. ─── 那位信使步态悠闲地往回走着,常在路旁的麦酒店停下马喝上一盅。他总想保持清醒的神态,让帽檐翘起,不致遮住视线。

2、47. A few words from her, evincing a dislike to Heathcliff, were enough to rouse in him all his old hatred of the boy. ─── 她只要吐出几个字,暗示不喜欢希刺克厉夫,这就足够把他对这孩子的旧仇全都勾起来了。

3、The messenger rode back at an easy trot, stopping pretty often at ale-houses by the way to drink, but evincing tendency to keep his own counsel, and to keep his hat cocked over his eyes. ─── 那位信使步态悠闲地往回走着,常在路旁的麦酒店停下马喝上一盅。 他总想保持清醒的神态,让帽檐翘起,不致遮住视线。

4、new approaches for seek nitriding technological optimal control and simulation method that is provided by calculation result evincing this model is high precision and strong control ability. ─── 计算结果表明模型精度高、控制能力强,为寻求渗氮工艺的最优控制、模拟方法提供了新途径。

5、It is new approaches for seek nitriding technological optimal control and simulation method that is provided by calculation result evincing this model is high precision and strong control ability. ─── 计算结果表明模型精度高、控制能力强,为寻求渗氮工艺的最优控制、模拟方法提供了新途径。

6、A further four fell into what is known as the autistic spectrum, evincing signs of autism short of the full-blown syndrome. ─── 还有四个被认为有自闭倾向,所呈现出的症状还未完全吻合。

7、a type of all obstinacy, and evincing how almost hopeless and incurable are all constitutional vices. ─── 商业是出乎意料地自信的,庄重的,灵敏的,进取的,而且不知疲劳的。

8、"Stars: Their Birth, life, and Death" is the result of a lifetime of work in the solar realm, embracing the full solar cycle but evincing none of the alleged deficiencies of composition at solar minimum. ─── 《恒星的诞生、发展和死亡》一书是著者在恒星领域里工作一生的结果,经历了太阳活动周期的所有相位,然而却丝毫看不出所谓在太阳活动极小期缺乏特色的迹象。

9、His new source of trouble sprang from the not anticipated misfortune of Isabella Linton evincing a sudden and irresistible attraction towards the tolerated guest. ─── 他的烦恼的新根源,是从一件没有预料到的不幸的事而来的,伊莎贝拉对这位勉强受到招待的客人,表示了一种突然而不可抗拒的爱慕之情。

10、A few words from her, evincing a dislike to Heathcliff, were enough to rouse in him all his old hatred of the boy. ─── 只要她说几个不喜欢希斯克利夫的词,就足以唤起欣德利对他(希斯克利夫)的所有旧恨。

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