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08-15 投稿


decrement 发音

英:['dekr?m(?)nt]  美:['d?kr?m?nt]

英:  美:

decrement 中文意思翻译



decrement 同义词

reduction |diminution | decrease | relaxation

decrement 短语词组

1、angle of decrement ─── [机] 减角

2、decrement instruction ─── [计] 减量指令

3、loagithmic decrement ─── [电] 对数减幅率

4、decrement register ─── [计] 减量寄存器

5、decrement list ─── [计] 减量表

6、decrement address ─── [计] 减量地址

7、resistance decrement ─── [电] 电阻衰减

8、logarithmic decrement ─── [计] 对数减缩量 ─── [化] 对数衰减; 对数减量

9、byte decrement ─── [计] 字节减量

10、Kolste decrement meter ─── [电] 柯耳斯特减幅计

11、decrement field ─── [计] 减量字段

12、auto-decrement ─── [计] 自动减量

13、decrement load ─── [计] 减量装入

14、decrementdecrement field ─── [计] 减量字段

15、mass decrement ─── [医] 质量减少

16、decrement type quadruplex teleg-raph ─── [电] 减流式四工电报

17、decrement working ─── [电] 减流运用

18、decrement operator ─── [计] 减量操作符

19、decrement and skip on zero ─── 递减并跳过零

decrement 词性/词形变化,decrement变形

形容词: decremental |

decrement 反义词


decrement 相似词语短语

1、cerement ─── n.蜡布;寿衣

2、decrements ─── n.渐减;减缩;衰减率

3、securement ─── n.有把握;获得

4、recrement ─── n.废物;[生理]回吸液;再吸收物质

5、decrescent ─── adj.变小的;渐减的;亏缺的

6、excrement ─── n.粪便,排泄物

7、decreet ─── n.(苏格兰法律中的)最终判决

8、increment ─── n.[数]增量;增加;增额;盈余

9、decremental ─── 减少

decrement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、decrement type quadruplex teleg-raph ─── [电] 减流式四工电报

2、decrement coefficient in thickness ─── 厚度减缩系数

3、Decrement the count and end the while loop. ─── 减少计数并终止while循环。

4、decrement quadruplex telegraphy ─── 减量式四路多工电报

5、&Decrement Register ─── 减量寄存器(&D)

6、decrement operation ─── 减量操作

7、decrement provision ─── 减值准备

8、Keywords damping composite material;piezoelectric ceramics;carbon fiber;percolation threshold;logarithmic decrement; ─── 减振复合材料;压电陶瓷;碳纤维;导通临界值;对数衰减率;

9、Keywords Cool;Health care;Scratchiness;Comfortable top-grade knitted flax fabrics;Pretreatment;Knitting technology;Cellulase treatment;Weight loss;Strength decrement; ─── 关键词凉爽;保健;刺痒感;舒适性高档亚麻针织物;前处理;针织工艺;生物酶整理;减量率;强力损失率;

10、decrement phase ─── 下降期

11、decrement ratio ─── 减幅比

12、Gets or sets the value to increment or decrement the spin box (also known as an up-down control) when the up or down buttons are clicked. ─── 获取或设置单击向上或向下按钮时,数字显示框(也称作up-down控件)递增或递减的值。

13、It also acts like the destructor in that we first have to decrement the use count of the left-hand operand and then delete the pointers if the use count goes to zero. ─── 它也像析构函数一样,首先必须将左操作数的使用计数减1,如果使用计数减至0就删除指针。

14、Another good example of expression orientation is pre- and post-increment and decrement. ─── 另外一个很好的面向表达式的例子就是前、后递增和递减。

15、multiple decrement ─── 多减量

16、Delta traces must be able distinguish measurements that are expected only to increment from measurements that both increment and decrement. ─── 增量跟踪必须能够区分只能增加的度量和同时能增减的度量。

17、The theory of free response from random decrement technique and model parameter identification are researched;wheelsets of locomotive and vehicle are the research object of this paper. ─── 叙述了运用随机减量法获取自由响应的基本原理以及模态参数的提取方法。

18、For the built-in types, there are both prefix and postfix versions of the increment and decrement operators. ─── 对内置类型而言,自增操作符和自减操作符有前缀和后缀两种形式。

19、Measures on "decrement" of the electricity consumption of interior air conditioning lighting ─── 室内空调照明用电"减量化"措施

20、decrementdecrement field ─── [计] 减量字段

21、Two of the nicer shortcuts are the increment and decrement operators (often referred to as the auto-increment and auto-decrement operators). ─── 两种很不错的快捷运算方式是递增和递减运算符(常称作“自动递增”和“自动递减”运算符)。

22、The decrement of the brightness was dominated by the redox potential of the mediator and concentration. ─── 在相同浓度时,浆白度的降低幅度随介体的氧化还原电势的增大而增大。

23、two of the nicer shortcuts are the increment and decrement operators (often referred to as the auto-increment and auto-decrement operators) ─── 两种很不错的快捷运算方式是递增和递减运算符(常称作“自动递增”和“自动递减”运算符)。

24、The length and angle of leaves were increased with the increment of N rate and the decrement of transplanting density. ─── 叶片长度和披垂角都随施氮量的增加和移栽密度的降低而增加。

25、The effect of pass decrement in cold rolling for can stock on the control of flatness and thickness difference of rolled plate was analyzed. ─── 分析了制罐料冷轧道次的减少对冷轧机在轧制板型和厚差控制方面的影响,结合生产,对辊系参数、厚差控制系统进行优化,轧制产品的厚度精度有较大提高。

26、Render front face of shadow volume. If depth test fails, decrement stencil value, else does nothing. Disable draw to frame and depth buffer. ─── 上面是针对人眼的(人换个位置看东西状况就不同了)。下面是针对阴影的(只有光和景物相对位置变动才会改变)

27、multiple decrement life table method ─── 多项减缩生命表法

28、While raising N application concentration fromtransplanting to heading or employing excessive spike fertilizer would result in obvious decrement of hull area and grain weight. ─── 增加移栽至抽穗期的供氮浓度或过多施用穗肥,使谷壳面积明显减少,千粒重显著下降;

29、decrement tactic ─── 减缩策略

30、velocity decrement ─── 减速减速量

31、logarithmic decrement ─── 对数衰减对数减量

32、decrement register ─── [计] 减量寄存器

33、Here we start by incrementing the use count in the right-hand operand.Then we decrement and check the use count on this object. ─── 在这里,首先将右操作数中的使用计数加1,然后将左操作数对象的使用计数减1并检查这个使用计数。

34、decrement instructio ─── 减量指令


36、A beneficiation plant has improved its flowsheet thus achieved good benefits in increment of concentrate grade &iron recovery rate and in decrement of tailing's grade. ─── 介绍了某选矿厂通过选矿工艺流程技术改造,提高了精矿品位、回收率,降低尾矿品位,取得了较好的经济效益。

37、Experimental results show that the improved algorithm almost has 30% decrement on intra-frame mode selection times, meanwhile the image quality is still good enough with a neglectable rate increase. ─── 实验结果表明,该优化算法能在保证很好的图像质量的同时,使帧内模式选择计算次数减少30%以上,而且对传输码率基本没有影响。

38、decrement address ─── 减量地址

39、DEC Decrement Memory by One ─── 内存值步减

40、the double decrement environment ─── 双损失环境

41、multiple decrement model ─── 多重纯流出模型

42、In read-only mode, you cannot increment or decrement them or set the raw value or other values within them. ─── 在只读模式下,不能对其进行增减或在其中设置原始值或其他值。

43、Second, the improvement of the indictor of average growth rate of vital capacity is negative. The decrement of the Tu students in vital capacity is bigger than those of Sala students obviously. ─── 土、撒族学生肺活量平均增长值均为负,其中,土族学生平均下降幅度大于撒拉族学生;

44、While the real decrement of K in the soils can not be quantified accurately through the conventional soil testing methods so far. ─── 中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室江苏南京;

45、the decrement factor of cycle ─── 周期折减系数

46、logarithmic energy decrement ─── 对数能量减缩

47、All LEM-GM-CSF, LEM and DHAQ had cytotoxicity on HL60/ADM, their cytotoxic power in decrement sequence: LEM-GM-CSF, LEM, DHAQ. ─── LEM-GM-CSF、LEM及DHAQ对HL60/ADM细胞具有杀伤作用,且LEM-GM-CSF的杀伤作用显著强于LEM和DHAQ。

48、N fertilization induced a decrease of the infection rate, and the decrement varied with soil depth and season. ─── 在不同季节和土层之间,施N肥导致菌根真菌侵染率下降。

49、address decrement ─── 地址减量

50、zero decrement ─── adj. 无衰减的

51、damping decrement ─── 减幅量衰减率

52、A "decrement count and branch if zero not zero" capability. ─── “递减计数和如果是零或者非零时转移”的能力。

53、The postfix increment and decrement operators must appear on the same line as their argument. ─── 后缀递增和递减运算符必须与它们的参数显示在同一行。

54、decrement operator ─── 减量计算器

55、decrement of damping ─── 减幅量

56、2%bwl and 4%bwl had no decrement on AWC. ─── 2%bwl和4%bwl对无氧作功能力没有削弱作用。

57、The decrement of clay swelling in the fluid is of 80.5%. ─── SCF压裂液对粘土的防膨率为80.5%。

58、decrement list ─── 减量表

59、Consider the following atomic decrement operation. ─── 请考虑下面的原子递减操作。

60、The mean portal pressure before shunt was 34.6 cmH_2O,and the average postshunt decrement was 6.7cmH_2O. ─── 分流术前门静脉平均压力为34.6匣米水柱,分流术后平均降压6.7厘米水柱。

61、Now you'll create a few functions to set the value of $print, and increment or decrement the $indentation count, as shown in Listing 9. ─── 现在,您将创建几个函数设置$print、$indentation计数增减量的值,如清单9所示。

62、A reverse iterator inverts the meaning of increment (and decrement): ++ on a reverse iterator accesses the previous element;-- accesses the next element. ─── 反向迭代器将自增(和自减)的含义反过来了:对于反向迭代器,++运算将访问前一个元素,而--运算则访问下一个元素。

63、Load decrement by auxiliary strut in front of the main frame of bridge girder erecting equpiment ─── 关于架桥机主机车架前辅助支撑的减载作用

64、Development of inspection device for pressure decrement of train brake pipe ─── 列车管减压量检测装置的研制

65、However, the decrement of total esters and the increment of total acids became less and the change rate became slower with the increase of alcoholicity of Luzhou-flavor liquor during storage. ─── 同酒精度的等级酒在贮存过程中,总酯减少的特点为:酒精度越高,总酯减少量越少,减少速度越慢;

66、Results Velocity decrement and wave form alterations were shown in abnormal segmental movements in the CAD group. ─── 结果冠心病组可检出运动异常节段,表现为速度的降低和波形的改变。

67、The decrement operator is -- and means "decrease by one unit. ─── 其中,递减运算符是“--”,意为“减少一个单位”;

68、Logarithmic decrement method ─── 对数衰减法

69、antenna decrement ─── 天线衰减天线阻尼

70、If we decrement by that amount checkouts will be negative. ─── 如果按该数量减小,签出将为负。

71、decrement rate ─── 减率

72、Prefix Increment And Decrement Operators ─── 前缀增量和减量操作符

73、decrement of load ─── 减载

74、KPS decreased in the EEI group from 94.7 scores (before treatment) to 88.2 scores (after treatment), the decrement was 6.5 scores (t=3 5313, P

75、The formulae for calculating the bend radius of neutral plane and the decrement of bend angle after springback were derived by considering the deformation after unloading. ─── 依据卸载变形的分析计算,推导出回弹后中性层弯曲半径及弯曲角变化量的计算公式。

76、uncertain decrement operator ─── 不确定减量算子

77、Decrement dilution speetrophotometric method ─── 减量稀释分光光度法

78、Could not increment or decrement the registry's component usage count ─── 不能增加或减少注册表中的部件使用数目

79、1.4 Auto increment and decrement ─── 1.4 自动递增和递减

80、decrement field ─── 减量字段

81、A variable that is declared final cannot be used as the operand of a decrement operator. ─── 声明为final的变量不能用作减量运算符的操作数。

82、Do not use an increment or decrement operator on the same object in more than two subexpressions of the same expression. ─── 一个表达式里,不要在两个或更多的子表达式中对同一对象做自增或自减操作。

83、decrement working ─── [电] 减流运用

84、When dealing with the algorithms, it is best to think of the iterators on associative containers as if they were input iterators that also support decrement, not as full bidirectional iterators. ─── 在处理算法时,最好将关联容器上的迭代器视为支持自减运算的输入迭代器,而不是完整的双向迭代器。

85、Num is already in register 3, so you just need to decrement it. ─── num已经在寄存器3中,所以只需递减它即可。

86、The recovery detected by increment method was as the same as that detected by decrement method. ─── 增量法及减量法测定的回收率一致;

87、Do not use an increment or decrement operator on the same object in more than two subexpressions of the same expression. ─── 一个表达式里,不要在两个或更多的子表达式中对同一对象做自增或自减操作。

88、Design of an ECL Presetable 4-Bit Binary Decrement Counter ─── 一个ECL可预置数四位二进递减计数器的设计

89、loagithmic decrement ─── [电] 对数减幅率

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