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draught 发音

英:[drɑ?ft]  美:[drɑ?ft]

英:  美:

draught 中文意思翻译





draught 网络释义

n. 气流;汇票;草稿(等于draft)vt. 起草;征兵;选派(等于draft)adj. 汲出的;拖拉的(等于draft)

draught 短语词组

1、beast of draught ─── 挽畜

2、draught beer ─── [化] 生啤酒

3、down-draught ─── 倒灌

4、down draught ─── [化] 倒风; 向下通风

5、induced draught cooling tower ─── [化] 排风式凉水塔

6、draught cupboard ─── [化] 烟橱; 通风橱

7、feel the draught ─── 手头拮据

8、at a draught ─── 一下子

9、accelerated draught ─── [机] 加速通风

10、forced-draught cooling tower ─── [化] 强制通风凉水塔

11、draught excluder ─── 防风条, 门槛嵌缝条

12、induced draught ─── [化] 人工通风

13、draught animal ─── 驮畜,挽畜

14、double-flow induced-draught cooling tower ─── [化] 强制通风双流式凉水塔

15、draught horse ─── 挽车马, ─── 挽马

16、cooling draught ─── [化] 冷却气流; 冷却通风

17、forced draught water cooling tower ─── [化] 强制通风凉水塔

18、draught hood ─── [化] 烟橱通风罩

19、forced draught ─── [化] 鼓风; 强制通风

draught 常用词组

draught fan ─── 通风风扇;引风机;通风机

draught animals ─── 挽畜

draught beer ─── 生啤酒

draught 词性/词形变化,draught变形


draught 相似词语短语

1、indraught ─── n.引进;吸入;流入

2、draughty ─── adj.通风的;通风良好的

3、-taught ─── v.教授(teach的过去分词)

4、updraught ─── n.向上排气;上升气流;adj.向上排气的

5、draughts ─── n.国际跳棋

6、draughter ─── n.制图机械;制图者;设计员

7、fraught ─── adj.充满……的;焦虑的,担心的;注定导致……的;造成紧张的;受忧虑影响的

8、straught ─── 斯特劳特

9、drought ─── n.干旱;缺乏;n.(Drought)人名;(英)德劳特

draught 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Inspecting fitting accuracy of draught mark(loadline mark). ─── 吃水标志(载重线标志)安装后精确性检查。

2、How often hath a sinner attained, at the hour of death, to the essence of faith, and, quaffing the immortal draught, hath taken his flight unto the Concourse on high! ─── 屡见不鲜的是,某个罪人,在临终之际领悟到信仰的真谛,畅饮了不朽之佳酿,然后飞向天庭!

3、"I can bear the bad smell that cankered food gives out, but stink of your draught animals canopy more very. ─── “我能忍受腐烂食物发出的臭气,可你的牲口棚臭味更甚。”

4、She heard him in the kitchen where he mixed the draught in batches now to last a week at a time, storing it in a corner of the cupboard. ─── 她听到他在厨房里配安眠液,他现在每次都配足用一周的量,存放在橱柜的一角。

5、He says the draught, plus a sharp spike in farming costs, has left a generational hole on farms. ─── 他说,由于干旱,加上农业生产成本增加,他在土地上损失巨大。

6、Let' s shut the window because I can feel a draught. ─── 咱们关上窗户吧,因为我感到有股穿堂风。

7、Make it rich as a draught of poppies to intoxicate me. ─── 你的信像一束盛开的罂粟使我麻醉。

8、come , barrois , " said the young girl , " take some of this lemonade ; i see you are coveting a good draught of it . ─── “来,巴罗斯,”那位年轻女郎说,“喝点儿柠檬水吧,我看你很想痛饮一番呢。”

9、He drankthe beer offat a draught. ─── 他把啤酒一饮而尽。

10、He sat in a draught and catch a cold. ─── 他坐在风口上,着凉了。

11、Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? ─── 因为不是入他的心,乃是入他的肚腹,又落到茅厕里。这是说,各样的食物,都是洁净的。

12、If he imbibes his draught of Sariour he will return to being a Level 4 Wizard. ─── 如果他服下了恢复正常状态的药剂,他将重新变为一个4级法师。

13、Then the little mermaid drank the magic draught, and it seemed as if a two-edged sword went through her delicate body: she fell into a swoon, and lay like one dead. ─── 小人鱼喝下那服强烈的药剂。她马上觉到好像有一柄两面都快的刀子劈开了她纤细的身体。她马上昏了。倒下来好像死去一样。

14、The cold draught on the floor quickly froze his mattress into a sheet of iron, and in the calves of his curled up legs he felt cramp coming on. ─── 地上的凉气一会儿便把褥子冰得像一张铁,他蜷着腿,腿肚子似乎还要转筋。

15、Perhaps you will prefer to sit in the middle of the room? There's less draught. ─── 也许您喜欢坐在房间中央吧?那儿风小些。

16、One evening, just as she was on the verge of swallowing her draught, there was a timid knock on her door. ─── 一天晚上,就在她要吞下安眠液时,门口传来怯怯的敲门声。

17、He took a deep draught of his beer. ─── 他喝了一大口啤酒。

18、You will catch cold if you sit in a draught. ─── 如果坐在风口上,你会伤风。

19、He drank the glass of water in one draught. ─── 他将杯里的水一饮而尽。

20、Draught resistance order of the four herbs is: Bermuda>molasses grass>ryegrass>tall fescue. ─── 四种草本植物抗旱性由强到弱的顺序为:百慕大>糖蜜草>黑麦草>高羊茅;

21、Young is your life, your path long, and you drink the love we bring you at one draught and turn and run away from us. ─── 你的生命正是青青,你的道路也长着呢,你一口气饮尽了我们带给你的爱,便回身离开我们跑了。

22、If compare the world situation now surfy sea, just of this Chinese regular boat is in billow pointed a place with a draught. ─── 假如将今日之世界格局比喻成波涛汹涌的大海,中国这艘航船恰恰处于浪尖风口。

23、He emptied his glass at one draught. ─── 他将杯中物一饮而尽.

24、Feeling a draught of air on his shoulder when he turned to the window. ─── 他转向窗户,觉得有一股风吹到他的肩膀上。

25、A cold draught of air blew in from the open window. ─── 一股寒气从敞开的窗户吹了进来。

26、In Australia, it's not just livestock hit hard by draught, but the next generation of farmers. ─── 在澳大利亚,牲畜受到干旱的重大打击,下一代农民也会受到严重威胁。

27、Another big problem is that quite a large proportion (about 25 per cent) of the peasants are short of draught oxen. ─── 不少的一部分农民(大约百分之二十五)缺乏耕牛,也是一个很大的问题。

28、Then suffering will follow that person as the cartwheel follows the foot of the draught animal. ─── 则痛苦亦步亦趋,如车轮紧随于拖车牲口之足后。心最重要,一切都是心所造的。

29、Why to have accession, the heart that I feel myself suddenly at a draught cool. Am I melancholia? ─── 为什么有时侯,我突然感觉自己的心一下子就凉了。我是不是的忧郁症了?

30、The surgeon was standing at the mahogany counter, mixing a draught in a glass measure, with his hat close beside him. ─── 外科医生站在柳按木柜台边,在一个玻璃量器里调和着一种药,他的帽子就放在他身边。

31、As soon as the sun had climbed above our girdle of trees, it fell with all its force upon the clearing, and drank up the vapours at draught. ─── 太阳刚爬上树梢,立刻就火辣辣地照到了空地上,一下子就吸干了地面上的湿气。

32、Inspection distance between draught marks and keel plate after marking out. ─── 划线后检查吃水标尺至平板龙骨之间的距离。

33、The low freeboard and the shallow draught made the vessel vulnerable to swamping, and it would roll heavily on anything more than moderate waves. ─── 低干舷和浅吃水度让船只在湿沼地带很脆弱,它会在任何比一般海浪猛烈的海水条件下剧烈翻滚。

34、The serfs could not aspire to buying farm tools, let alone draught animals. ─── 农奴连买农具都不敢想,更不用说买耕畜了。

35、It is said of him that he could squeeze a draught out of the hardest of stones, and drink it for nourishment. ─── 他说,他可以从最硬的石头中挤出一口滋补的美酒,一饮而尽。

36、Haven't you got beer on draught here? ─── 你这里有生啤酒吗?

37、It's a pity the room has no north window and you don't get a draught. ─── 可惜这房间没北窗, 没有过堂风。

38、Modern potion-making has come up with a draught called Wolfsbane Potion which minimizes the effects of condition. ─── 但是无论狼人是否处于正常人的状态,它们都被用这个词来称呼。

39、They served the beers on draught. ─── 他们供应桶装生啤。

40、Sitting, why to meet since the station at a draught giddy. ? ─── 坐着,一下子站起为什么会头晕.?

41、Fine. One special cocktail and one non-alcoholic cocktail for the ladies and two draught Five Star Beer. ─── 好的。一瓶特制鸡尾酒,一瓶女士喝的不含酒精的鸡尾酒,还有两桶五星生啤酒。

42、We must actively lead the peasants in solving such difficult and essential problems in production as labour power, draught oxen, fertilizer, seed and irrigation. ─── 关于农业生产的必要条件方面的困难问题,如劳动力问题,耕牛问题,肥料问题,种子问题,水利问题等,我们必须用力领导农民求得解决。

43、You'd vie to be the one to go to the swamp to search for a lost draught horse, or to follow the dirt road by the river to make a grain delivery. ─── 你抢着去沼泽里寻找丢失的挽马,顺着河岸的土路运送粮食。

44、Among other articles of extravagance he had a crystal goblet, named Volucer after that horse of which he had been very fond,69 that surpassed the capacity of any human draught. ─── 在奢侈的其他方面,他有一个水晶的酒杯,给他非常喜欢的那匹马命名为渥卢卡(69)这超出了任何人的想法。

45、I was sitting in a draught. ─── 我坐在风口上。

46、Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? ─── 岂不知凡入口的,是运到肚子里,又落在茅厕里吗。

47、The doctor advised her to take a linctus draught once a day. ─── 医生建议她每天一次服用一定剂量的润喉止咳糖浆。

48、You may catch a cold if you sit in a draught. ─── 你如果坐在风口,可能会感冒。

49、They will also provide feed for raising more draught animals. ─── 它们也将提供饲料来饲养更多耕畜。

50、What is your draught forward/aft? ─── 你船前/后吃水是多少?

51、Why to feel the life has become tired suddenly at a draught? ─── 为什么突然一下子觉得生活变得好累?

52、Why is the leg jerky? The leg smokes a muscle to come at a draught in the evening, painful dead, how is this to return a responsibility? ─── 为什么腿会抽筋?晚上腿一下子就抽起筋来,痛死了,这是怎么回事呢?

53、"I am sorry really, although I can bear the bad smell that cankered food gives out, but stink of your draught animals canopy more very. ─── “真的对不起,我虽然能忍受腐烂食物发出的臭气,可你的牲口棚臭味更甚。”

54、Avoid smoking a new pipe quickly. out of doors or in windy conditions asa the increased draught may cause it to flame and consequently burn. ─── 一把新的烟斗要避免使用时抽烟过快;要在远离门窗或多风的环境下使用,因为气流的增加会导致烟斗中火焰的燃烧加剧而烧坏烟斗。

55、Entering the building beneath the canopy, visitors pass through a section of the fa?ade that opens out go form a draught lobby. ─── 从天莲的底下进入建筑,访问者穿过一段正面的区域,它对外开放形成了一个空气流动的大厅。

56、The annual precipitation in the whole country is less than the figure of the conventional years and even lower than the serious draught year 2000. ─── 全国年度降水量少于常年值,且少于大旱的2000年。

57、In a few hours,the Mandrake Draught will be ready. ─── 在几个小时之内,曼德拉药水就将配制好了.

58、And you know Tehran is like this. It's like a bowl. It's surrounded by mountains, so there's no draught here. ─── 你知道,德黑兰就像是个大碗,群山围绕四周,所以这里通风不好。

59、Why to have accession, the heart that I feel myself suddenly at a draught cool. Am I melancholia? ─── 为什么有时侯,我突然感觉自己的心一下子就凉了。我是不是的忧郁症了?

60、Gently, he raised he head and gave her a few drops of the draught and then opened the front of his tunic and undershirt. ─── 他小心地抬起孩子的头,给她几滴药水,然后解开自己的束腰外衣和汗衫的前襟。

61、Can you close the door? There's an awful draught in here. ─── 你把门关上好吗? 这里过堂风太大。

62、RiBBons of draught cut through the smoky air. ─── 一缕缕的气流穿过烟雾腾腾的空气。

63、He emptied the cup at a draught. ─── 他将杯中物一饮而尽。

64、He sat in a draught and caught a cold . ─── 他坐在风口上,着凉了。

65、Thou ever pourest for me the fresh draught of thy wine of various colours and fragrance, filling this earthen vessel to the brim. ─── 你不断地在我的瓦罐里满满地斟上不同颜色不同芬芳的新酒。

66、Kuang Xueyuan, Zhong Lihua, Huang Xuesong. Characteristic of flood and draught in pre-flood period of Guangxi and the Causes analysis. Journal of Guangxi Meteorology. ─── 况雪源,钟利华,黄雪松。广西前汛期旱涝特征及成因分析。广西气象。

67、This year however, a terrible draught hits the region and the termites, usually a precious ally to the Mofu, have left the fields and invaded the huts and granaries. ─── 但今年,一场严重的旱灾袭击了当地的居民和白蚁。白蚁原为当地人的珍贵同盟,但旱灾后蚂蚁大举入侵他们的房屋和谷仓。

68、Three originals and two copies of beneficiary signed commercial invoice in the amount of Draught Survey detracted value of extra moisture. ─── 2以水尺证书减去额外水分和价格调整后的100%金额作为议付依据的受益正式签署的商业发票,三份正本,二份副本。

69、Proprietary draught technologies: ensure the operation of high-precision equipment. ─── 专有牵引技术,保证设备运行的高精度。

70、Perhaps you will prefer to sit in the middle of the room? There 's less draught . ─── 也许您喜欢坐在房间中央吧? 那儿风小些。

71、Measures for combating the draught have been taken in good time. ─── 及时采取了抗旱的措施。

72、Other types are all tyre draught moveable type. ─── 其余机型均为轮胎牵引移动式。

73、Small town became a town between one night, old wish came true, then, town of 3 fork river increased at a draught very, centesimal lively. ─── 小镇一夜之间变成了县城,多年的愿望实现了,于是,三岔河镇一下子便增加了十分、百分的热闹。

74、He took a deep draught of air into his lungs. ─── 他深深地吸了一口气.

75、He took off a bottle of beer at one draught. ─── 他一口气喝完了一瓶啤酒。

76、Try some draught Guinness, it'll put hairs on your chest. ─── 尝尝桶装的黑啤酒,它会使你有男子汉的气魄的。

77、They have to contend against draught every year. ─── 他们每年都得与干旱做斗争。

78、A person must seek a place of quietude, which is well ventilated, free from dust, insects, unpleasant smell, draught , and moisture. There should be no distraction whatsoever. ─── 一个人需要寻找一个安静地所在,在那里有良好的通风,没有灰沙,没有虫子,没有让人感到讨厌的味道,没有太强烈的气流,不潮湿,那里应该没有任何会让你分心的什么事务。

79、Life Draught I Pulls the life from your target dealing 367-391 damage and heals you and your group. ─── 从目标身上获取367-391生命用于治疗你和你的队伍。

80、One champagne and one coconut water for the ladies and two draught Qingdao beer. ─── 两个女士要一杯香槟和一杯椰子汁,再来两杯散装青岛啤酒。

81、Even if I had not given this soldier his sleeping draught, he could not have kept his eyes open! ─── 即使我没给这个士兵喝安眠药,他的眼皮到这时候也睁不开了!

82、He drank the wine in one draught. ─── 他一口喝干了那酒。

83、He took a deep draught of his beer. ─── 他喝了一大口啤酒。

84、There's a draught in here. ─── 这儿有一股冷风。

85、He paused to take a long draught of his own coffee. ─── 他停下来,喝了一大口咖啡。

86、Don't get in a draught, you aren't well yet. ─── 你病还没好, 不要吹风。

87、GDY series beer filling machine apply to filling draught and warm beer with round jar and profiled jar. ─── GDY系列啤酒灌装机组适用于圆罐、异型罐灌装生鲜啤酒。

88、"See," he exclaimed, "there remains still some of the magic draught. ─── “看

89、Why I at a draught dizziness rises, feel auditive to the hunger that also listens is not so clear? What disease be? ─── 为什么我一下子头晕起来,觉得耳朵也听的饿不是那么的清楚了?难道是什么病么?


juice,其读音为英 [d?u?s] 美 [d?u?s]


果汁”的英语读音是:juice [d?u?s]。英汉翻译 n. 果汁

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