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08-15 投稿


notoriously 发音

英:[no??t??ri?sli]  美:[n???t??ri?sli]

英:  美:

notoriously 中文意思翻译



notoriously 短语词组

1、notoriously syn ─── 臭名昭著的syn

2、notoriously nutz ─── 臭名昭著的疯子

3、notoriously def ─── 臭名昭著的def

4、notoriously unreliable ─── 臭名昭著的不可靠

5、notoriously mean ─── 臭名昭著的刻薄

notoriously 同义词

renowned | flagrant | criminal | popular | dishonourable | ill-famed | celebrated | disreputable | tarnished |infamous | well-known | famous | notable | dishonorable

notoriously 反义词


notoriously 词性/词形变化,notoriously变形

副词: notoriously |名词: notoriousness |

notoriously 相似词语短语

1、gloriously ─── adv.光荣地;辉煌地;壮观地,壮丽地

2、ingloriously ─── adv.不名誉地

3、victoriously ─── adv.获胜地;凯旋地

4、laboriously ─── adv.辛苦地;费力地;不流畅地

5、notorious ─── adj.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

6、noxiously ─── 有害的

7、inodorously ─── 无谓地

8、nefariously ─── adv.穷凶极恶地;邪恶地

9、dolorously ─── 忧伤地;悲痛地

notoriously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Coach Caso had expressed concern over Di Canio's notoriously volcanic temperament, but the 36-year-old moved to reassure Lazio that he was shelving his ego. ─── 主教练卡索对迪卡尼奥众人皆知的火爆脾气表示嘞关注,但这名36岁的球员表示说他将努力收敛。

2、That is partly because Nagano, in a race of inscrutable men, is notoriously tight of tongue, partly because the Japanese have a mania for secrecy. ─── 一部分原因是,永野来自一个居心叵测的种族,他是出了名的嘴巴紧;另外一部分原因是日本人对于兵者诡道的狂热。

3、The atmosphere in Istanbul is notoriously intimidating but the team will be buoyed with the return to fitness of our first choice keeper {10}. ─── 在伊斯坦堡的气氛正在众所周知地除了队之外威胁将会与我们的对健身的回返一起浮第一选择管理人{10}.

4、But beans are notoriously hard to digest, failing to freely release many of their nutrients in the gut. ─── 但是,众所周知,豆类很难消化,在人体内不能完全释放出全部的营养。

5、A venue we have been notoriously average at in previous seasons. ─── 在过去几个赛季里我们在这里取得的战绩并不好。

6、Pandas are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity, and most successful attempts are made by artificial insemination. ─── 众所周知,熊猫在圈养环境下难以繁殖,而通过人工受精的方式,它的繁殖几率最大。

7、This has worked to the advantage of big corporations, which notoriously overbill the taxpayer if they think that, often in collusion with bureaucrats, they can get away with it. ─── 众所周知,当这些公司认为能逃避惩罚时(他们往往与政府官员相勾结),就会挥霍纳税人的钱。

8、The notoriously chintzy owner who is -- was? ─── 主要是讲他的好色和抠门。。。)

9、However, that method is notoriously inaccurate and cannot be reliably used for more advanced geolocation services. ─── 然而,这种方式却不那么准确,无法用在高级的地理信息服务中。

10、The trains are notoriously unreliable. ─── 火车不准点是出了名的。

11、For example, one step in Newbold's solution involved the deciphering of anagrams, which is notoriously imprecise: the anagram ADER, for instance, can be interpreted as READ, DARE or DEAR. ─── 举例来说,纽柏德的解答中包含以迴文方式解译文字,这种方式是出了名的不精确。例如ADER这字就可以看成READ、DARE或DEAR。

12、But they have never seen something so deeply embedded or tried to remove a line at sea from the notoriously powerful Right whale which can be dangerous when angry. ─── 不过他们从来没有碰到鲸鱼被钓线扎得这么深的情况,也没有试过在海上将钓线从一向以凶猛著称的露脊鲸身上取下来,因为一但露脊鲸被惹怒,它们将是会非常危险的动物。

13、Notoriously language-challenged Bush romped to the top accolade for his: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful and so are we. ─── 一直以“雷人”英语而著称的小布什“轻而易举”地夺得该榜冠军,他的夺冠语录是:“我们的敌人足智多谋,我们也是。

14、Still, power and a notoriously voracious appetite do not necessarily make the piraiba a river monster prone to attacking and preying on live humans. ─── 但是,其力量和狼吞虎咽的胃口并不能使皮拉鲇成为意图袭击人类的河中猛兽。

15、Unfortunately, this scheme disregards the fact that plasmas are notoriously unstable. ─── 可惜的是,这个方案未考虑到电浆是出名的不稳定。

16、Concurrency is one topic engineers notoriously get wrong, and understandibly so, because the brain does juggle many things at a time and in schools linear thinking is emphasized. ─── 众所周之,并发性是一项工程师们容易搞错并难以理解的议题,因为我们的大脑要挣扎着同时处理很多事情,而在学校却一直在强调线性思考。

17、The notoriously jocular goalkeeper was less serious when asked about his predictions for this season, as he burst out laughing when declaring the Scudetto and Champions League would be won by Inter. ─── 在谈到本赛季冠军头衔的归属时,尤文门神显得不那么严肃,因为当他表示国米会成为联赛和欧冠双冠王时,忍不住哈哈大笑。

18、CHINESE students may come top of the world league in mathematics, yet the country's economic numbers are notoriously dodgy. ─── 中国学生可以进入世界级的数学比赛,但是中国的经济数字却仍然声名狼藉。

19、When cheap personal computers hit the world, universities were notoriously slow to adopt them.So while high school kids had Apple IIs at home, the universities were still using punch cards. ─── 人工智能是控制论研究的一方面,但是当政府、大学把大部分资金投入其中,控制论其余大量待研究的课题便无人问津。

20、Predicting the future is notoriously difficult. ─── 众所周知,预测未来是非常困难的。

21、As most investors eventually learn, market prognosticators are notoriously inaccurate. ─── 像大多数投资者最后了解到的一样,市场预言家是出了名的不准。

22、Notoriously, he hoped that the bulk of his money would be spent on alphabet reform. ─── 众所周知,他希望他的大部分钱能够用于基础改革。

23、Rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable. ─── 众所周知,热带地区的降雨变化多端。

24、Baskets are notoriously hard to make work, especially if they include an inconvertible currency. ─── 众所周知,一篮子货币很难发挥作用,特别是如果其中包含不可兑换的货币的话。

25、While touring Peru, eggs were hurled at Nixon's notoriously unpopular Edsel Ford car . ─── 在秘鲁旅游期间,大量的鸡蛋被扔到尼克松那不受欢迎的埃赛尔福特汽车上。

26、The big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen. ─── 众所周知,大城市已经掌握在当地商人的寡头统治中。

27、Iran has no choicely a notoriously bad as air safety record. ─── 伊朗在飞机航行的安全记录上是臭名昭著的。

28、Even the notoriously stony-faced Victoria Beckham has perfected her “smout” (a cross between a smile and a pout). ─── 即使以面无表情著称的维多利亚.贝克汉姆也已经把她的“噘嘴笑”(这是一种介于微笑和噘嘴之间的表情,把握难度很大)历练得炉火纯青。

29、LABOUR conditions in China can be notoriously lousy. ─── 中国的劳动条件恶劣是出了名的。

30、Traffic police have opened nine designatedbus lanes on some of the city's most notoriously congested roads. ─── 交管部门已在北京市交通堵塞最严重的路段新开设了九条指定的公交专用车道。

31、As dangerously picky eaters and notoriously lacklustre lovers China's giant pandas are used to living life under the threat of extinction. ─── 前略)中国大猫熊习惯于生存在濒临绝种的危机当中.

32、The determination of the umbra and penumbrais a difficult task in general, as it amounts to solving visibilityrelationships in 3D, a notoriously hard problem. ─── 区分半影和全影通常是一个困难的任务,因为必须求解三维的可见关系,这是很难的问题。

33、While there, Carrey perfected many characters, most notoriously "Fire Marshal Bill" who always went up in a blaze. ─── 剧中,凯利完美地扮演了许多角色,最令人津津乐道的就是“带火的元帅比尔”,他总是身上冒火。

34、Let us deal with the question of his notoriously Neanderthal attitude to women. ─── 我们来看看他臭名昭著的、对女性态度粗鲁的问题。

35、Extended forecastle deck.Hood's stern was notoriously wet due to her overweight condition. ─── 为了减轻这种尴尬局面,1937年英国海军终于舍得抽出少量的预算对胡德号进行极其表面性的局部改装。

36、There are the exact same machines that have always made Slinkys, and number one, as it is called, is still notoriously slow. ─── 正是这些机器一直在制造着斯林克玩具,被称作1号的机器仍时那么出奇地慢。

37、Scholes is notoriously devoted to Oldham Athletic, his childhood team, and many expect him to play for the Boundary Park club once he calls time on his career with the Red Devils. ─── 关键词:向前看 斯科尔斯是奥登海姆的绝对球迷,那是他少年时代所在的球队,而很多人希望在离开曼联之后他能再回到这支球队。

38、Dietary prescriptions are notoriously hard to follow, especially when the limitations inole protein, a ubiquitous macronutrient in Western diet. ─── 众所周知,饮食处方疗法很难医从,特别是在限制蛋白的情况下西方饮食所包含的大量营养素。

39、While pandas have proved notoriously hard to breed in captivity, Pan has corroborated that they can reproduce well in the wild. ─── 人们被箭竹死亡和大熊猫挨饿的消息所震惊,纷纷慷慨解囊。

40、Katanga's notoriously rough-and-tumble mining sector enjoyed a heady boom in recent years as commodity prices soared and foreigners rushed in to exploit its copper deposits. ─── 加丹加省的采矿业杂乱得出名。近年随着大宗商品价格飙升,外国人蜂拥而至开采这里的铜矿,该行业出现了醉人的繁荣。

41、Although Britain is indeed a good place to put wind turbines, the wind, like the weather, is notoriously variable. ─── 尽管英国的确是一个发展风轮机的好地方,但是风力,像天气一样,无常多变。

42、Under the spotlight of the international media Viganella was officially being twinned with the Spanish city of Huelva, famous for what the Italian village notoriously lacks, sun drenched plains. ─── 在国际媒体的关注下,维加内拉同西班牙城市韦尔瓦被官方看作是一对双胞胎城市,因为韦尔瓦最出名的恰恰是这个意大利村庄最缺少的:拥有充足日照的平原。

43、Cash inducements to local officials are common in overseas shoots and such payments have hitherto been subject to only patchy scrutiny in Hollywood's notoriously opaque accounting system. ─── 以现金行贿地方官员在海外拍摄中非常普遍,而且迄今为止,只会受到好莱坞出了名不透明的会计体系的零星审查。

44、Birth rates are notoriously difficult to predict. ─── 众所周知,出生率是很难预测的。

45、Notoriously, the theory of quantum mechanics reveals a fundamental weirdness in the way the world works. ─── 众所周知,量子力学的理论,透露了世界运行之道的根本古怪之处。

46、The notoriously fragmented American banking system is going througha decade's worth of consolidation in a matter of weeks, with theU.S.government often acting as matchmaker. ─── 在短短数周时间内,以高度分散闻名的美国银行体系正迅速经历着一场原本需要历时十年的行业整合,而美国政府通常扮演着牵线搭桥的角色。

47、"It's a mess," says Forrester's Li."Users are notoriously fickle.One change and they're gone. ─── “这是个乱摊子”佛里斯特李说,“用户肯定受不了,一个改变,其他全无。”

48、Notoriously shy offstage, onstage he was electric and acutely attuned to what his fans craved. ─── 众所周知他在舞台下很胆小,在台上,他兴奋热烈地满足歌迷的渴望。

49、HTML content is notoriously difficult to share across product groups, or with external business partners. ─── HTML内容在产品组之间或者与外部商业伙伴之间共享是出了名的难。

50、It is now used by anthropologists without the notoriously ethnocentric and imperial organisation of knowledge and privilege. ─── 同样,文明概念,也应该有足够广泛的内涵,来囊括这样一个事实:既任何一种文明都可能是多中心的,富有争议性的文明。

51、Even the notoriously curmudgeonly Peruvians have warmed a bit to democracy. ─── 即使以吝啬而出名的秘鲁已经朝向民主少量加温。

52、But, using the new technique to reduce the scar tissue formation caused by injury, and even regenerate damaged tendons, which is notoriously difficult in horses, can lead to complete recovery. ─── 但是,使用新技术,以减少疤痕的形成所造成的伤害,甚至损坏肌腱再生,这是个老大难问题,在马,可导致完全恢复。

53、A few sponsoring nations, including the U.S., balked at this arrangement, on the grounds that the notoriously corrupt Cambodian judicial system would still play a leading role. ─── 一些赞助的国家,包括美国在内,都被这项安排拦到门外,因为柬埔寨这个臭名远扬的腐败的司法系统仍然在主导。

54、George Clooney may be notoriously fickle when it comes to romance, but it appears his new love interest has kept him faithful - for now. ─── 乔治克鲁尼可挑剔说到浪漫,但似乎他的新爱他的兴趣一直保持忠实-现在。

55、The shortest way out of Manchester is notoriously a bottle of Gordon 's gin . ─── 从曼彻斯特走出来的最短路程,就是那声名狼籍的一瓶“戈登”杜松子酒。

56、Not that journalists are immune from criticism. Media organisations notoriously value staff correspondents' lives over those of freelances, let alone local interpreters, drivers and the like. ─── 倒不是说记者们就可以免于批评。媒体机构就恶劣地视其属下的通信记者的生命比那些自由记者更值钱,更不用说那些当地译员、司机等等了。

57、To put a dent in the total number of cats, at least 71 percent of them must be fixed, and they are notoriously hard to catch. ─── 为了减少猫的总数,必须对其中至少71%定位,但它们是众所周知的难抓。

58、One threat that is notoriously difficult to quantify is the illegal pet trade. ─── 一个众所周知的难以确定的威胁来自非法宠物交易。

59、Nearly two in three Germans believe a speed limit should be introduced on the car-loving nation's notoriously fast autobahns, according to a new poll. ─── 一项新民调显示,差不多每3个德国人中就有2人认为,这个爱车之国以狂飙竞速著称的高速公路应该实施速限。

60、The academic approach has been plagued by claims of disease genes that hae proen notoriously inaccurate. ─── 以前发现的经证明显然不准确的疾病相关基因的主张使学院为研究方法感到苦恼。

61、Some Sparc systems are notoriously difficult to boot from CD-ROM and even if they do boot, there may be inexplicable failures during the installation. ─── 一些Sparc系统出了名的难从CD-ROM启动,而且,即使启动,安装过程中也会有令人费解的错误。

62、New Year's resolutions are notoriously hard to keep but thousands of Japanese gathered in central Tokyo on Friday to capture their hopes in flowing ink strokes. ─── 众所周知,新年的承诺总是很难兑现,而数千名日本人则于上周五齐聚东京市中心,将他们的新年愿望用毛笔写了下来。

63、Despite 70-odd teeth and a notoriously nasty bite, a female alligator in Florida's Everglades National Park demonstrates a delicate touch when the time comes for her eggs to hatch. ─── 在佛罗里达大沼泽地国家公园里一直雌性短吻鳄在孵卵时展现了其温柔的一面,尽管有着70颗奇怪的牙齿和臭名昭著危险的大嘴。

64、Not even the notoriously pessimistic Bundesbank expected Germany to experience a credit squeeze when it produced its latest forecasts in June. ─── 以保守著称的德国联邦银行6月份进行最新预测时都没有表示德国会经历一次信贷紧缩。

65、"We had three centre backs out yesterday but the January market is notoriously difficult in terms of quality players available, " he said. ─── 我们昨天有3名中后卫缺阵,而想要在冬季转会市场得到有限的优秀球员,从来不是件容易的事。

66、His steady performance off the bench has earned the trust of Lakers head coach Phil Jackson, who notoriously lacks trust for his younger players. ─── 在板凳时砝码稳定出色的发挥赢得了菲尔的新人,要知道这位教练对新球员的态度一直存着质疑。

67、Unfortunately, the UDC, whose power base is in the south, is notoriously chary of the liberal economic reforms that Italy also needs. ─── 不幸的是,大本营在南方的基督民主党素来谨慎的自由经济改革,也同样被意大利所需。

68、However, they were notoriously mechanically unreliable, and more would be abandoned on the battlefields of Hungary following breakdowns than were lost to enemy fire. ─── 但是他们的机械机构十分糟糕,在匈牙利的战斗中由于故障被遗弃的原比被敌军机会的要多。

69、Maps of the region are notoriously inaccurate. ─── 众所周知,这一地区的地图都不太精确。

70、Crack a notoriously difficult mathematical enigma within two years and the money's yours. ─── 只要你能在两年内求证一个著名的数学难题,这些钱就是你的了。

71、While there, Carrey perfected many characters, most notoriously “Fire Marshal Bill ”who always went up in a blaze. ─── 剧中,凯利完美的扮演了许多角色,最令人津津乐道的就是“带火的元帅比尔”,他总是身上冒火。

72、While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab, Gemini are notoriously bad listeners. ─── 双子:多嘴多舌的双子座是最差的听众。

73、I had some worries prior to the concert as Singaporeans are a notoriously laid back and dispassionate audience. ─── 一年内第二次在同个地点演出大致上相同的流程,若二度观赏,新鲜度其实不高。

74、On paper the concept appears straightforward, but calculations involving Casimir effects have proved to be notoriously difficult. ─── 上述概念理论上很直接明瞭,但开斯米力的计算向来是出名的难。

75、Eastern European pollution control has been notoriously ineffective. ─── 东欧的污染控制一直以无效而闻名。

76、Software engineers are notoriously obsessed, sometimes excessively, with performance. ─── 众所周知,软件工程师常常受到性能问题的困扰,有时候甚至很过分。

77、In this regard East Asian students are among the most clueless: too often incurious and self-absorbed, they are notoriously out of touch with American society, and also slow to form advocacy groups. ─── 但东亚的学生在这方面最没办法:他们往往缺少好奇心,一心只忙自己的事;他们与美国社会缺少接触则是众所周知的,同时也不善于组织团体来宣传。

78、SUVs are notoriously known in the automobile industry for being quick to get into rollover accidents. ─── 一 买个闹钟,以便按时叫醒你。贪睡和不守时,都将成为你工作和事业上的绊脚石,任何时候都 一样。

79、They are notoriously hypochondriac. ─── 他们是众所周知的忧郁症患者。

80、Pittsburgh supporters, though, are notoriously loyal and noisy, and as it is closer, they're here in the thousands... ─── 匹兹堡的支持者虽然以忠诚和吵闹著称,而随着比赛的临近,他们成群结队地来到这里...

81、Healthy foods notoriously cost more.But there are ways to eat nutritiously on a budget. ─── 健康食品当然要贵,但是也有一些方法让预算的食物一样吃出健康。

82、However, the Reebok is a notoriously tough venue in the Premier League and Sam Allardyce's men, buoyed by a victory over Arsenal that hoisted them to third in the table, will be up for the fight. ─── 但是,锐步球场在英超是出了名的魔鬼主场,阿莱戴斯的球队能够在这里战胜阿森纳并排名积分榜第三,他们已经预备好啦。

83、When cheap personal computers hit the world, universities were notoriously slow to adopt them. ─── 后来廉价的个人电脑开始风行于世,但在大学里要用上却是出了名的慢。

84、Notoriously hard to break, they are devilishly easy to resume, as many reformed smokers discover. ─── 改变坏习惯非常难,就像许多戒烟的人所发现的,它们还极其容易再犯。

85、"Games against Chelsea are notoriously tight and a bit of quality or a mistake is always going to be the thing that turns it one way or another. ─── “对阵切尔西是大家所关注的比赛,一点点的出色表现或者一个小小的失误会使比赛走向两个极端。”

86、Yet the country's official statistics are notoriously ropy. ─── 但国家统计数字是出了名的错综复杂。

87、The invasion of the human rights is notoriously illegal and is always condemned by the people. ─── 众所周知对人权的侵犯是非法的,也是为人民所唾弃的.

88、Compared with any other advanced nation we are veritable workaholics, putting in 350 more hours a year than the average European, more even than the notoriously industrious Japanese. ─── 与任何其它发达国家相比,我们都是名副其实的工作狂,每年比欧洲人多工作350个小时以上,甚至比以勤奋著称的日本人工作时间还长。

89、Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict. ─── 山地气候难以预料是人所共知的。

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