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08-15 投稿


hazardous 发音

英:['h?z?d?s]  美:['h?z?d?s]

英:  美:

hazardous 中文意思翻译



hazardous 词性/词形变化,hazardous变形

副词: hazardously |名词: hazardousness |

hazardous 反义词

security | safety

hazardous 同义词

take chances | exposure | wager | shot | proffer |risk | venture | fortune | dare | jeopardy | suggest | possibility | endangerment | gamble | jeopardize | bet | stake | run a risk | guess | adventure | luck | propose | threat | menace | pretend | put forward | take a chance | chance | danger | deathtrap | peril | endanger

hazardous 短语词组

1、hazardous chemicals ─── [化] 危险化学品

2、Potentially hazardous object ─── 可能有危险的物体

3、hazardous enterprise ─── [经] 冒险的企业

4、non-hazardous ─── 无危险的,安全的

5、hazardous material ─── [化] 危险品; 有害物质

6、hazardous diamond ─── 危险的钻石

7、hazardous goods ─── [经] 危险货物, 危险品

8、hazardous fluids ─── [化] 危险物料

9、non-hazardous area ─── [化] 安全区; 非危险区

10、hazardous transition ─── [计] 冒险变换

11、Hazardous Material Cost Trade off Analysis Tool ─── 危险材料成本交易分析工具

12、hazardous substance ─── [法] 危险物品

13、hazardous location ─── [化] 危险区; 危险场地

14、hazardous tool ─── 危险工具

15、hazardous act ─── 危险行为

16、hazardous article ─── [化] 危险品 ─── [经] 危险品

17、hazardous spill ─── 危险泄漏

18、hazardous occupation ─── [经] 具有危险性的职业

19、hazardous area ─── [化] 危险区; 危险场地

hazardous 相似词语短语

1、unhazardous ─── 不愉快的

2、czardoms ─── n.独裁国家;独裁力量

3、biohazardous ─── adj.生物危害性的;生物研究造成危害的

4、hazardousness ─── 危险

5、hazardously ─── 危险地

6、Lazarus ─── n.穷人;圣经中的麻疯乞丐;拉扎勒斯(男子名)

7、nonhazardous ─── adj.非危险的;无毒害

8、hazards ─── n.危害;[安全]危险;障碍(hazard的复数);v.使冒危险;赌(hazard的三单形式)

9、hazarders ─── 危险者

hazardous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are particularly hazardous to Salmonella control. ─── 他们对沙门氏菌的控制特别不利。

2、In this area arable farming is a hazardous practice. ─── 在这个地区,可耕种的作物完全是碰运气的。

3、Surface conditions will always be a hazard in quantitative work. ─── 地表条件在定量测定中也是个困难。

4、Bone-dry leaves are a fire hazard. ─── 干枯的叶子很容易引发火灾。

5、He climbed into the car at the hazard of his life. ─── 他冒着生命危险进了汽车。

6、Do you engage in any hazardous sports or activities? ─── 您是否参与任何危险运动或活动?

7、He shied away from such a hazardous venture. ─── 他不想冒险去干这种有风险的事。

8、Can react with strong oxidizer,water ,moisture can arose hazardous smog. ─── 可与强氧化剂发生反应,水,湿气可引起危害性气雾的形成。

9、A Division 1 area, is or might be hazardous under normal conditions. ─── 子类别1区域,通常是危险的。

10、Uncertain as to outcome; risky; hazardous. ─── 冒险的结果不确定的;冒险的;有危险的

11、I don't know where he is but I could hazard a guess. ─── 我不知道他在那里,但我可以猜猜看。

12、Even their escape might have been hazardous. ─── 即使能够脱逃,亦是颇为危险的。

13、Involving risk or danger; hazardous. ─── 冒险的;危险的涉及冒险或危险的;有危险的

14、Even if the genes themselves are not initially hazardous, you do not know how they are going to evolve. ─── 即使基因本身起初是没有危险的,但你不知道它们将如何演化。

15、Noise is less dangerous than, say being brought up in an orphanage- which really is a mental health hazard. ─── 噪音的危险性,比方说吧,比在孤儿院抚育成长要小一些,而孤儿院才确实是精神健康的危害。

16、Vacuum location outside hazardous area or clean room. ─── 吸尘装置可安置于危险区域以外。

17、Are hazardous &combustible material stored securely in well ventilated areas? ─── 危险及易燃品是否储存在安全及通风的地方?

18、He had put his own life in hazard . ─── 他是在拿自己的生命来冒险。

19、They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce. ─── 他们没法处理那些由他们制造出来的危害性废弃物。

20、To engage in hazardous activities; take risks. ─── 冒险参加冒险性活动;担风险

21、Quick judgements are hazardous. ─── 匆忙作出判断是危险的。

22、Dry-cleaners deal with many hazardous chemicals. ─── 干洗工要跟很多危险的化学品打交道。

23、He put his life in hazard to save me. ─── 他为了救我而使生命遭受危险。

24、Optional EExd microswitch for hazardous areas. ─── 任择EExd microswitch的危险地区。

25、Does the hazardous situation occur in the absence of a failure? ─── 危害处境是否在没有失效的情况下发生?

26、Such a project would be far too technically challenging and hazardous, Winterberg insisted, even for most doctoral candidates. ─── 温特伯格坚持认为,即便对于很多博士研究生来说,这样一个工程的技术难度和危险性都显得太大了。

27、It can be completely sterile and is not hazardous to health. ─── 它可以完全处于无菌状态,不危害人的健康。

28、Breathing asbestos-laden air may be hazardous to health. ─── 呼吸充满了石棉的空气可能对健康有害。

29、Construction is a high hazard occupation. ─── 建筑业是一个高危害的职业。

30、Smoking is a serious health hazard . ─── 吸烟严重危及健康.

31、Switch on hazard warning lights. ─── 亮起危险警告灯。

32、Is the health hazard from cell phones real? ─── 使用手机对健康有害吗?

33、Our interests were at hazard. ─── 我们的利益受到了威胁。

34、Pepperl+Fuchs is the market leader for intrinsic safety interfaces and hazardous location equipment. ─── 倍加福公司是内在安全界面和危险区域设备市场的领导厂商。

35、Introduce the Hazardous Chemicals Control Bill into the Legislative Council. ─── 将有毒化学品管制条例草案提交立法会。

36、A hazard is the potential for harm. ─── 对损伤而言,危害是潜在的。

37、Hazardous Materials Management and Waste Tech. ─── 危险材料和废物管理技术。

38、An alarm sounds if hazardous levels of radiation are found. ─── 如果辐射达到危险水平警笛就响。

39、As this product is hazardous in nature,the relative L/C should allow"on deck" shipment. ─── 因这批货物属危险品,故有关信用证应允许甲板装运。

40、The problems of hazardous waste disposal may well persist as an issue for many years. ─── 危险废物处理问题作为一种争端可能会持续多年。

41、Secondhand smoke is a big health hazard. ─── 吸二手烟对健康的危害很大。

42、Special Hazardous Materials regulations may apply to its use. ─── 其使用受到特别危险物品条例管制。

43、I'll hazard a dollar on the bingo game. ─── 我在这局宾果游戏上赌一元钱。

44、Extreme winter cold is the main hazard in this area. ─── 冬季极端低温是本区主要的危险。

45、An All Risks policy covers every sort of hazard,doesn't it? ─── 一份综合险保单保所有的险,是吗?

46、That's how to run a hazardous operation. ─── 实施一项有风险的行动计划就得这么办。

47、Hazard Time added to Deathmatch. ─── 向死亡模式中加入了冒险时间。

48、Don't hazard your reputation by supporting that crook. ─── 不要冒败坏你名声的危险去支持那个坏蛋。

49、They were incinerating hazardous waste without a licence. ─── 他们没有许可就把危险废弃物烧成灰烬。

50、I have studied them for over three decades and I find them to be scientifically fascinating, and a few are potentially hazardous to Earth. ─── 我已经研究它们(近地天体)超过30年我发现它们在科学上很吸引人,而且其中一些可能对地球造成潜在的伤害。

51、Is radiofrequency radiation hazardous to health? ─── 射频辐射对人体健康有害吗?

52、The young man saved the girl's life at the hazard of his own life. ─── 年轻人冒着生命危险救了那女孩的命。

53、Workers did not look at the hazard of the task. ─── 工人没有意识到工作的危险性。

54、An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature. ─── 冒险活动,冒险经历具有冒险性的任务或计划

55、Give regular body check-ups to workers engaging in hazardous jobs. ─── 对从事有职业危害作业的劳动者应当定期进行健康检查。

56、Examples of hazardous work restricted to 18-year-olds or over are listed in Schedule A hereto. ─── 关于仅限于18岁或以上的人员从事危害性工作的例子列于下表A。

57、If a fork lift truck is not used in a safe manner, it might be very hazardous. ─── 不安全使用叉车,会有很大的危险。

58、Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake. ─── 危险化学物质的泄露也是一个值得关注的危险。

59、The journey ahead of him was, to say the least, hazardous. ─── 前面的道路无疑是艰险的。

60、Africa would certainly be traversed some day, and in a less hazardous way. ─── 总有一天,总有什么人会用比这更安全的方法,横过整个非洲的。

61、The hazardous waste provisions of the Act are contained in subtitle C of RCRA, as amended in 1984 and 1986. ─── 《资源保护和恢复法》于1984年和1986年先后两次修正,有关危险废物的条款包含在小标题C中。

62、Would you like to hazard a guess? ─── 你想猜猜看吗?

63、Job Hazard Analysis and hazard identification. ─── 工作风险分析和风险识别。

64、Drinking alcohol is a health hazard. ─── 喝酒对健康有害。

65、For professional footballers, injuries are an occupational hazard. ─── 对于职业足球运动员来说,受伤是职业本身带来的危险。

66、Balloon ascents overcome this hazard with ease. ─── 升空的气球能轻而易举地克服这一困难。

67、Warning labels at the point of hazard? ─── 在产品危险部位标示警告事项?

68、As to the author of the book,I will hazard a guess. ─── 关于这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。

69、The coolant helps to keep down dust and reduce the fire hazard. ─── 冷却剂有功于降尘并减少火情。

70、We had made the immense, delicate, and hazardous transition from peace to war. ─── 我们完成了由和平时期转入战时的这个重大的,微妙的和危险的过渡阶段。

71、Runing the hazard is the friend of accidents. ─── 冒险是事故之友!

72、But it can also be hazardous for the unwary. ─── 但是对那些心思呢并不缜密的人来说,这个网站可能是弊大于利。

73、A strict management system for hazardous waste will be developed to realize 100% safe treatment and disposal. ─── 建立严格的危险废物管理制度,实现危险废物全部安全处理处置。

74、The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste. ─── 这篇报道呼吁禁止危险废弃物的进口。

75、Smoking is a serious health hazard. ─── 吸烟严重危及健康。

76、RHS ban on hazardous materials confirmed as July 1, 2006. ─── 关于危险材料的RHS禁令已确认在2006年7月1日生效。

77、They also contain mercury and must be disposed of as hazardous waste. ─── 它们还含有汞以及其他必须加以处置的危险废物。

78、Its principal purpose is the cleanup of leaking hazardous waste disposal sites. ─── 它的主要目的是清理危险性废物处置场地的渗漏。

79、But landfills still pose a widespread pollution hazard. ─── 但是,垃圾掩埋仍然面临着普遍的污染危害。

80、He had a life full of hazard. ─── 他一生充满了冒险。

81、The answer he gave at hazard turned out to be correct. ─── 他胡乱做出的答案竟然是对的。

82、His whole fortune was on the hazard. ─── 他的全部家当都岌岌可危了。

83、if it proves hazardous , engineers may have to cancel out the field within the living quarters using an opposing electromagnet. ─── 如果结果显示强磁场有害人体,工程师可能就得利用相反方向的磁场来抵消船舱内的磁场。

84、He was trying to make safe surface coatings for food containers using chemicals less hazardous than those found in household cleaners. ─── 他想使用比家庭清洁剂危险还小的化学制剂给食品容器做安全的表面涂层。

85、Wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus,the nomad life is rough and hazardous. ─── 充满了热沙和仙人掌的荒芜的国土,游牧生活艰苦又危险。

86、"It's hazardous to speak up in a very pragmatic sense. If it becomes known that it was you, who's going to be the first to go? " he says. ─── 尤西姆认同这种看法,他说“从现实的角度看,告状是一件很危险的事情。如果大家知道是你做的,那么谁会先离开公司还不知道呢。”

87、Improper Dress Code is a Hazard to You! ─── 不适当的衣着,只会使您受到伤害!

88、As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess. ─── 关於这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。

89、Everybody said that it was a hazardous investment. ─── 大家都说那是一次危险的投资。

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