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08-15 投稿


smithy 发音

英:[?sm?θi]  美:[?sm??i]

英:  美:

smithy 中文意思翻译



smithy 网络释义

n. 铁匠铺;铁匠;锻冶场

smithy 短语词组

1、smithy cast iron cookware ─── 铁匠铸 ─── 铁炊具

2、smithy lathe ─── 铁匠车床

3、smithy dallas ─── 达拉斯史密斯

4、smithy 3in1 ─── 史密斯3in1

5、smithy tools ─── 铁匠工具

6、smithy studio ─── 史密斯工作室

7、smithy recipes ─── 史密斯食谱

smithy 词性/词形变化,smithy变形


smithy 相似词语短语

1、lithy ─── adj.易弯的;柔软的

2、mythy ─── 神话

3、samithi ─── 单位

4、smiths ─── n.铁匠;制作者;[机]锻工(smith的复数);v.锻制;当锻工(smith的三单形式)

5、mothy ─── adj.虫蛀的;凹凸不平的

6、smoothy ─── n.举止优雅的人;善于讨好女人的男子;油嘴滑舌的人;奶昔

7、smith ─── n.铁匠;锻工;制作者;vt.锻制;vi.锻打金属;当锻工

8、stithy ─── n.铁砧;打铁店;vt.锻冶

9、smithery ─── n.铁匠铺;锻冶工作;锻冶技术

smithy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In one shop, bound with chains and prompted by three well-armed drow, a dwarf smithy grudgingly repaired fine weapons and jewelry for his captors. ─── 在一个店铺中,被锁链铐住的一个矮人正在三名全副武装的卓尔催促下,为他的主人修理着高级的武器和珠宝。

2、Used for creating weapon. Stand near a smithy and press Use button to start crafting. ─── 铸造武器。靠近打铁设备后按下使用键开始。

3、Used for creating metal armor pieces. Stand near a smithy and press Use button to start crafting. ─── 铸造护甲。靠近打铁设备后按下使用键开始。

4、Jesus did not say what to horseshoe up their passing through town to the smithy for a three-penny, but also used the money to buy a cherry 18. ─── 耶稣没说什么,自己捡起来马蹄铁,路过城镇时到铁匠铺换了三文钱,又用这钱买了18颗樱桃。

5、Jack: Smith or Smithy, if you like. ─── 杰克:史密斯,或者……史密西,随便。

6、To work at a forge or smithy . ─── 在铁匠铺或铁匠店工作。

7、The smithy of arhat old person left profound impression to me however.A few individual plant. ─── 罗汉老人的铁匠铺却给我下了极深的印象。

8、The operation is similar to that in the smithy;except on a grand scale. ─── 其实,操作流程和古代的铁匠铺里的操作相似,只是规模巨大而已。

9、"Two years ago Smithy Bridge Library was under threat of closure. ─── 大家努力工作,通过组织此类活动才让借阅者增多不少,图书馆重获生机。”

10、A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought; a smithy . ─── 一种熔炉或熔床,金属可在其上高温加热并锻打成形。

11、the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy. ─── 是乡村铁匠铺里铁砧上锤子的叮当声。

12、To work at a forge or smithy. ─── 在铁匠铺或铁匠店工作

13、Centuries, minutes later, one might ask How the hilt of a sword wandered so far from the smithy. ─── 几百年,几分钟过后,也许有人会问 这剑柄怎会流落到铁匠铺外如此遥远的地方。

14、Even so, that hardly proves "good old Smithy" right, any more than Mr Mugabe's tyranny diminishes Mr Smith's. ─── 即使是这样,那也几乎无法证明“老好的史密斯”权力至上,只是后来穆加贝的暴君统治才让人们感到史密斯好的一面。

15、Jillian runs one of the finest Armor Smithy's in the area. It's definitely worth going to his shop if you are looking for quality armor. ─── 吉利安经营着一家很不错的护甲店,如果你想要选几件高品质的护甲,那里确实值得一去。

16、As the patron god of weapon smithing, a sanctuary to Perkunas will have a moderately sized weapon smithy nearby. ─── 由于佩尔孔纳同时亦是武器工匠的守护神,其圣所能明显提高城邑中装备制造水平。

17、Journey with the Smithy's sons (dysfunctional families) to find their true destiny. ─── 怎么结束美国资本集团玩弄世界经济和无偿掠夺世界财富的局面?

18、Legend has it that the ancient street, the home smithy. ─── 相传古代这条街上,有家铁匠铺。

19、His breathing gave the sound of the bellows of a smithy. ─── 吐舌,其呼吸声如铁工之火具音。

20、This results in a large increase in public health and, as befitting the stature of the temple, a significant weapon smithy is attached. ─── 由于佩尔孔纳同时亦是工匠守护神,圣殿附近还将设立高级武器工坊。

21、The shop, the barn, the scullery, and the smithy become temples when men and women do all to the glory of God! ─── 服事上帝不是某些时候或某些地方的事,乃是全部生命在主面前成为圣洁。

22、How the hilt of a sword wandered so far from the smithy. ─── 这剑柄怎会流落到铁匠铺外如此遥远的地方。

23、There is also found a neighbourhood named Gan'Jiang'Fang or Ganjiang Smithy where reputedly the couple had cast swords. ─── 还有一座干将坊,人们说是当年干将铸剑的作坊。

24、A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought; a smithy. ─── 锻铁炉一种熔炉或熔床,金属可在其上高温加热并锻打成形

25、As a result the town has become the source of the finest arrows, atypically, the town smithy works exclusively on these arms. ─── 因此本镇成为了最优质箭矢的出产地,本镇的铁匠铺特异地专门生产这类武器。

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