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08-15 投稿


furlough 发音

英:[?f??rlo?]  美:[?f??l??]

英:  美:

furlough 中文意思翻译




furlough 网络释义

n. 休假;暂时解雇;放假vt. 准假;暂时解雇

furlough 词性/词形变化,furlough变形


furlough 同义词

fold up | tie up |roll up | curl | curl up | roll | fold | wind up | wrap up | up

furlough 反义词


furlough 短语词组

1、furlough definition ─── 休假定义

2、furlough vs layoff ─── 休假与裁员

3、relationship furlough ─── 关系休假

4、furlough updates ─── 休假更新

5、furlough checklist ─── 休假检查表

6、furlough programs ─── 休假计划

7、furlough scheme ─── 休假计划

8、furlough meaning ─── 休假的意义

9、Furlough without Pay ─── 无报酬的逃亡

10、furlough extension ─── 休假延期

11、furlough dates ─── 休假日期

furlough 相似词语短语

1、furlong ─── n.弗隆(英国长度单位);n.(Furlong)人名;(英)弗朗;(西)富尔隆

2、sourdough ─── n.酵母;拓荒者

3、furlongs ─── n.弗隆(英国长度单位);n.(Furlong)人名;(英)弗朗;(西)富尔隆

4、turloughs ─── n.冬季湖

5、furloughs ─── n.休假;暂时解雇;放假;vt.准假;暂时解雇

6、furloughed ─── n.休假;暂时解雇;放假;vt.准假;暂时解雇

7、turlough ─── n.冬季湖

8、to furlough ─── 休假

9、furloughing ─── n.休假;暂时解雇;放假;vt.准假;暂时解雇

furlough 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's furlough Friday in California. To save money, the cash-strappedstate has closed government offices today and on two other Fridays amonth. Julie Small from member station KPCC has more. ─── 今天是加利福尼亚州无薪水星期五。为节省资金,资金短缺的加州已经关闭了政府机构办公室大门,并且此月内还关上两次,此后一月三次。姐妹电台KPCC记者朱莉为我们详细报道。

2、I suppose it was when he was here on furlough. ─── 我猜想那是他在这里休假的时候。

3、Rostov lived as before with Denisov, and the bond of friendship between them had become still closer since their furlough. ─── 罗斯托夫仍旧和杰尼索夫住在一起,自从这二人休假以来,他们的友谊关系变得更加密切了。

4、furlough system ─── 暂时离监制度

5、It's furlough Friday in California. ─── 今天是加利福尼亚州无薪水星期五。

6、furlough rate ─── 暂时离监率

7、3.His furlough expired on Tuesday. ─── 他的假期于星期二期满。

8、Some soldiers went on furlough for two weeks. ─── 有些士兵休假两周。

9、This week, those workers along with the 230 others at the plant are on mandatory unpaid furlough. ─── 本周,这些工人和另外230名工人又被强制无薪休假。

10、A survey by YouGov for The Economist this week found 5% of respondents had taken a furlough this year and 13% had taken a pay cut. ─── 民调机构YouGov为经济学人本期杂志所做调查显示5%的抽样调查者在今年中“享受”过无薪休假,并且有13%的调查者被减薪。

11、six months' furlough ─── 6个月的假期

12、CL: There were many household matters to settle before our furlough including packing and arranging for alternate accommodations.All those preparations were very draining. ─── 梁师母: 述职前,要将家事先处理好,加上执拾行李,安排住宿等,往往都令我很疲累。

13、Then don't try to entice me to overlook my furlough ─── 那就别劝我放弃自己的休假了。

14、The impacted workers may also be eligible for unemployment benefits, and the company will pay for medical and dental benefits during the furlough. ─── 美国从次贷案的影响至今,对于整个游艇市场的影响已经渐渐浮现,对于台湾的游艇制造业在明后年的订单上,也出现负成长的趋势。

15、The OECD says 22 out of 29 of its member countries have extended support for workers on furlough, and 16 have cut payroll taxes and other social contributions. ─── 经合组织称,其29个成员国中的22个国家把资助的范围延伸到了休假的工人,16个国家削减了工薪税和其他的社会收款。

16、Our furlough ended in April 1, and we returned to South Korea on this day. ─── 四月一日我们结束了述职期,正式回到韩国。

17、Pray that I will have time to make arrangement for my furlough in September. ─── 求主赐我时间安静下来编排九月述职的事宜 求主祝福台山堂的三位刚接受水礼的肢体在灵里继续茁壮成长。

18、Aloha Friday, where people go to work in aloha shirts and muumuus, is going to be Furlough Friday, where they stay home in pajamas and look for jobs on the Internet. ─── 欢迎的星期五,在这里人们都穿着夏威夷衬衫和穆穆袍去工作,现在却将成为休假的星期五,他们呆在家里,穿着睡衣裤,在网上寻找着工作。

19、A handful of states have sacked workers;many more have frozen hiring or are asking workers to take furlough (compulsory unpaid leave). ─── 一小部分州裁减了部分工人,更多的单位则是停止招聘,或是让工人休假(强制性无工资休假)。

20、The basic task of city public traffic is providing the condition of safty, convenience, rapid, furlough, comfort for the passenger. ─── 城市公共交通企业的基本任务是以运营服务为中心,努力为乘客提供安全、迅速、方便、准点、舒适的乘车条件。

21、"I meant those thousands on furlough who forgot to rejoin their regiments and those who have been over their wounds for six months but who remain at home, going about their usual business or doing the spring plowing." ─── "我指的是那些回来休假忘记归队,还有那些养好了伤半年以上,但是还待在家里准备干日常工作或进行春耕的人。

22、As Lan Bin is on furlough, I therefore seeking your help to coordinate this training for the office. ─── 因为蓝斌在休假,所以我想请你们帮助协调这次的培训事宜。

23、And they are going to furlough ─── 暂时休假

24、The company will impose a mandatory five-day furlough on all employees. ─── : 公司将强制所有员工休五天无薪假。

25、The whole hospital must have turned out, at least everybody who could walk, and all the men on furlough and sick leave and all the railroad and mail service and hospital and commissary departments between here and Macon. ─── 整个医院的人,至少每个能行走的人,一定全都来了,还有全部休假和请病假的以及本市与梅肯之间所有的铁路、邮政、医疗、军需各个部门的职工也都来了。

26、be on furlough ─── 在休假中

27、But, all the same, he was her beau after you turned him down, because when he come home on his last furlough they got engaged. ─── 但是,这不要紧,他被你拒绝以后便成了她的情人,因为他最后一次回家休假时他们就订婚了。

28、More than 200,000 California State workers took an unpaid day off Friday as the state began its Friday furlough program. ─── 加州超过200,000名工人因为该州开始实行周五休假计划而可以在周五休息.紧跟着国家预算危机产生,州长A.

29、seaside resort when they were on furlough. ─── 社会名流休假时住在海滨的别墅里。

30、relationship furlough ─── 关系暂时离监

31、2.August in France is national vacation, during which it is impossible to do any business with them, because people in every walk of life go away on furlough. ─── 在法国八月是度假的季节,僵下下,各行各业的职员都休假,这时候你想做生意是徒劳的。

32、have a furlough every five years ─── 每五年休假一次

33、The 12% pay cut consists of an 8% cut in pay rates plus 11 furlough days. ─── 12%的减薪包括了8%的薪酬率和11天的无薪假期。

34、Patrice, home on furlough, lapped warm milk with me in the bar MacMahon ─── 回家度假的帕特里克在麦克马洪酒吧跟我一道暖热牛奶。

35、to go home on furlough ─── 回国休假

36、A handful of states have sacked workers; many more have frozen hiring or are asking workers to take furlough (compulsory unpaid leave). ─── 一小部分州裁减了部分工人,更多的单位则是停止招聘,或是让工人休假(强制性无工资休假)。

37、You might be better off using those furlough days to look for a more stable full-time gig. ─── 若你用那几天的假期找一份更稳定的全职工作没准会更好。

38、I have a furlough every three years. ─── 我每三年休假一次。

39、governor has even agreed to furlough himself. ─── 州长甚至同意自己休假。

40、Maybelle Merriwether was to marry her little Zouave when he got his next furlough, and she cried every time she thought of it, for she had set her heart on marrying in a white satin dress and there was no white satin in the Confederacy. ─── 梅贝尔 - 梅里韦瑟准备在那位小个儿义勇兵下次休假时同他结婚,她一想起这件事就哭鼻子,因为她下定决心要穿一件白缎子衣服结婚,可是在南部联盟境内找不到白缎子。

41、“All this week I've talked lies, like all men talk when they're on furlough. ─── “是的,关心她,照顾她一下。

42、Give me at least a furlough from this constant warfare. ─── 它所有的目标是你的恒守。

43、Furlough of QQs result in ordinary heart. ─── 查字典总结了这么一句呵。

44、Maybe Tommy Williams could be shut up by nothing more than a cushy furlough programme, but I wasn't entirely sure. ─── 或许他们只不过多给汤米一些休假,就让他封口,我并不确定。

45、go home on furlough ─── 休假回家

46、Furlough without Pay ─── 无津贴假期

47、To see his mother. It's called compassionate furlough. ─── 去见他妈妈这叫人文关怀休假

48、a six-week furlough ─── 六周的假期

49、work furlough ─── 工作离监

50、Rostov lived as before with Denisov, and the bond of friendship between them had become still closer since their furlough. ─── 罗斯托夫仍旧和杰尼索夫住在一起,自从这二人休假以来,他们的友谊关系变得更加密切了。

51、The troubled airline plans to furlough between 140 and 180 pilots. ─── 陷入困境的航空公司准备暂时解雇140到180名飞行员。

52、This could mean a massive furlough of government workers. ─── 这会意味着政府工作人员的一次大规模停职。

53、going home on furlough ─── 休假回国.

54、If the latter, the governor has even agreed to furlough himself. ─── 州长甚至同意自己休假。

55、work furlough program ─── 工作休假计划

56、Eric had his second furlough in 1939, he went to Canada.But he didn't like coziness life, so his family returned to China after 5 months. ─── 埃里克1939年去加拿大探亲,但他也不愿安逸地享受生活,5个月后他们全家毅然返津。

57、Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles's mayor, is seeking 1,200 city worker layoffs and 26 furlough days to close his $529m deficit. ─── 在洛杉矶,市长AntonioVillaraigosa正计划解雇1,200名市政工人并安排26天的无薪假期,以弥补5.29亿美元的预算赤字。

58、But people start worrying that the abrogation of National Day Holiday shall predicate the losing of furlough for the common people. ─── 但有人担心“十一”长假的取消意味着百姓将失去休假的权利。

59、be on leave [furlough] ─── 休假

60、You might be better off using those furlough days to look for a more stable full-time gig. ─── 若你用那几天的假期找一份更稳定的全职工作没准会更好。

61、”(Matthew26:41b Today’s English Version) I really want to keep you informed, but my flesh is too weak.Since I resumed my ministry in Macau after my furlough, I have been extremely busy. ─── (太廿六41下)我实在很想将事奉的情况告诉你们,只是我的肉体太软弱了!




音标:['θ??t? e?t]



Lesson Thirty-eight 第三十八课

Chapter thirty-eight 绑架

Thirty-eight girls 三十八个女生

Thirty-Eight Witnesses 名目击者珍诺维斯命案


1、I’m thirty-eight.


2、LAURA SECOR: And yet international groups have documented thirty-eight journalists in prison in Iran and eighteen more on temporary furlough.


3、In nineteen eighty-one, at the age of thirty-eight, he died in a car crash on his way to a performance.


4、Thirty-eight percent of the children whose families have benefited from the Oportunidadesprogram in Mexico and have gone on to higher education.


5、About thirty-eight percent of the people in Chicago are white. Thirty-five percent are black.


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