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08-15 投稿


effectually 发音

英:[??fekt?u?li]  美:[??fekt?u?li]

英:  美:

effectually 中文意思翻译



effectually 网络释义

adv. 有效地;全然;实质上

effectually 同义词

capably | usefully | successfully | efficiently |effectively | efficaciously

effectually 短语词组

1、effectually definition ─── 有效定义

2、effectually defined ─── 有效定义

effectually 词性/词形变化,effectually变形

名词: effectuality |副词: effectually |

effectually 反义词


effectually 相似词语短语

1、effectuate ─── vt.完成;实行;招致

2、effectuates ─── vt.完成;实行;招致

3、eventually ─── adv.最后,终于

4、factually ─── adv.真实地;确实地

5、effectual ─── adj.奏效的;会应验的;有法律效力的

6、effectuated ─── vt.完成;实行;招致

7、effectuality ─── 有效性

8、ineffectually ─── adv.无益地;无效地

9、effectively ─── adv.有效地,生效地;有力地;实际上

effectually 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results:The results have shown that YSN can obviously decrease their NK cellactivity;Conclusion: Abortion can be treated effectually by YSN. ─── 结果:优生宁能降低先兆流产病人NK细胞活性;

2、I felt my heels and coat-laps peculiar subjects of assault; and parrying off the larger combatants as effectually as I could with the poker, I was constrained to demand, aloud, assistance from some of the household in re-establishing peace. ─── 我觉得我的脚跟和衣边尤其是攻击的目标,就一面尽可能有效地用火钳来挡开较大的斗士,一面又不得不大声求援,请这家里的什么人来重建和平。

3、76. Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers, and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press. ─── 卑斯麦经常遭受更为自由的报纸的批评,他则通过颁布紧急情况政令给于回击,而这些仅仅情况政令都会很有效地堵住新闻机构的嘴。

4、He has extinguished my love effectually, and so I'm at my ease. ─── 他很有效地熄灭了我的爱情,所以我很安心。

5、Sincerely handle the exhibition and effectually attend the exhibition ─── 办展讲诚信参展有实效

6、The basic goal of the Computer Aided Conceptual Design (CACD) system lies in support-ing effectually the creative design of product. ─── 计算机辅助概念设计(Computer Aided Conceptual Design,CACD)系统的根本目的就在于能有效支持产品的创新设计。

7、It can break effectually through entry obstacle and reduce the venture of high technology industry. ─── 可以有效地突破各种进入障碍和降低高技术产业的风险。

8、Perfect oxidation stability , restrain effectually the oil from being thicker , keeps the good sense of driving . ─── 优良的氧化安定性,有效抑制油品的高温变稠,具有优良的动力感觉保持性。

9、Of yore we had sauntered and talked, and effectually put the world behind us;for he was pledged to no institution in it, freeborn, ingenuus. ─── 从前我们散步,我们谈天,很有效地把我们的世界遗弃在后边了,因为他不属于这世界的任何制度,生来自由,异常智巧。

10、At the end of the paper, we summarize the shortages of our design, in order to facilitate the practice of E_educational Knowledge Management can be carried out effectually and earnestly. ─── 最后,对全文进行了简要的总结,分析了论文中的一些不足之处,以期能促进信息化教育中切实、有效地开展知识管理活动。

11、Results The measures effectually prevent accidents and guarantee patients in using infusion pump. ─── 结果:通过落实事故防范措施,避免输液泵相关事故发生,确保了使用输液泵患者的安全。

12、The shortest and the best, if not the only way of mastering the doctrine effectually is by studying the cases in which it is embodied ─── 兰德尔判例方法,非仅学习法律法则

13、He had all along told me I was his wife, and I looked upon myself as effectually so as if the ceremony had passed. ─── 他一向总是说我是他的妻子,我自己也认为是他的夫人,好象我们举行过婚礼一样。

14、while Faria, restored by his alarm to a certain amount of activity, pushed the stone into place with his foot, and covered it with a mat in order the more effectually to avoid discovery. ─── 至于法利亚,他在惊惶之中倒恢复了一种活力,他用脚把那块石头推到原位,又拿一张草席盖在上面,使它不易被发现。

15、We shall design some legislation institutions to promote scientific and procedural legislation, and to effectually advance the society transformation of China. ─── 而立法目的预设制度、压力集团机制、立法人员选任制度等将促使立法更加民主集中。

16、The LORD will give His Spirit;will give it plentifully, pouring it out;will give it effectually, so that it shall be a real and eternal blessing. ─── 上帝会赐下祂的灵,而且丰丰沛沛地浇灌下来,成为真正永远的祝福。

17、The foundation of forward modeling band together the geology modeling and seismic modeling organically, not only to distinguish the lithology, but also analysis hydrocarbon effectually. ─── 摘要正演模型的建立将地质模型和地震模型有机地结合起来,不仅能区分岩性,也能进行有效的烃类检测。

18、Functions: Effectually decompose alcohol in body, relieve the syndrome of headache, nausea, and vomit due to alcohol-overdrinking. ─── 强力分解酒精,有效缓解过度饮酒引起的头痛、呕吐、胃胀等症状。亦可作为日常护肝健胃品饮用。

19、But, in practical teaching, college teachers face the questions that time is cut down and teaching content is increase.How to effectually introduce nonlinear physical knowledge in physics education? ─── 现在大学物理教学提出了“既要强调基础,又要渗透前沿”的教育思想,而在实际教学中面临着课时减少,内容增加的问题。

20、Perfect oxidation stability, restrain effectually the oil from being thicker, keeps the good sense of driving. ─── 优良的氧化安定性,有效抑制油品的高温变稠,具有优良的动力感觉保持性。

21、However, at last, as I said, I made one to answer, and covered it with skins, the hair upwards, so that it cast off the rains like a penthouse, and kept off the sun so effectually, ─── 最后,正如我上面说的,总算做成了一把,尚能差强人意。我用毛皮做伞顶,毛翻在外面,可以像一座小茅屋似地把雨挡住,并能挡住强烈的阳光。

22、In order to describe epistemic modality in Japanese more effectually, this paper proposes the cognitive-psychological analytic model. ─── 摘要为了更好地描写日语认识情态,本文提出了认知心理分析模式,用这一模式描写了日语认识情态的主要表现形式。

23、It so happened, however, that a real estate deal on the part of the owner of the land arranged things even more effectually than ill-will could have schemed. ─── 然而,也真凑巧,这块地皮的主人做了一笔地产交易,把事情解决得比相互仇视所能谋划的更为有效。

24、In signal interpretation, wavelet analysis should be done firstly in order to eliminate sick signals, then window functions of different scales should be selected to interpret signals exactly and effectually. ─── 信号解译中首先应进行小波分析,剔除病态信号,再根据信号和勘测目的,选用不同尺度窗口函数,从而准确、有效地进行信号处理与解译。

25、Vertical and inclined upward oil-water two-phase flow patterns can be classified by the method of Multi-scale Entropy effectually. ─── 多尺度熵分析方法可以有效地区分垂直和倾斜上升管内油水两相流流型。

26、Answer: Redemption is certainly applied, and effectually communicated, to all those for whom Christ has purchased it; ─── 答:救赎是必然地、有效地分赐、传给所有基督买赎的人;

27、A cry more prolonged than the others and ending in a series of groans effectually roused me from my drowsy lethargy. ─── 最后的那一声喊叫拖得很长,后来就愈来愈弱,渐渐地变成了呻吟,这一声喊叫一下子把我从迷迷糊糊的昏睡状态中唤醒了。

28、I frequently engaged him in play, and contrived, with the gambler's usual art, to let him win considerable sums, the more effectually to entangle him in my snares. ─── 我常常怂恿他玩牌,还用赌棍的老一套诡计,让他赢得相当可观的一笔钱,手到擒来地引他上钩。

29、They are as the dew;for in a quiet, unobtrusive manner they refresh those around them.Silently but effectually they minister to the life, growth, and joy of those who dwell with them. ─── 他们要像露珠那样,以安静、不著痕迹的方式,悄悄地滋润他们周围的人,使其成长,得著生命的喜悦。

30、Could he, or the Lucases, have pitched on any man within the circle of our acquaintance, whose name would have given the lie more effectually to what they related?Mr. ─── 无论是柯林斯也好,是卢卡斯一家人也好,他们偏偏在我们的熟人中挑出这么一个人来撒谎,这不是太容易给人家揭穿了吗?

31、The painful catastrophe he had just witnessed appeared effectually to have rent away the veil which the intoxication of the evening before had raised between himself and his memory. ─── 他现在目击的这场突如其来的横祸已揭去了他昨天醉酒时蒙在记忆上的那层薄纱。

32、Provision of intellectualized services for effectually achieving the three major objects of project ─── 提供智能化服务有效控制项目三大目标

33、It can break effectually through entry obstacle and reduce the venture of high technology industry. ─── 可以有效地突破各种进入障碍和降低高技术产业的风险。

34、Results The measures prevente effectually accidents and guarantee patients with mechanical ventilation safe. ─── 结果通过落实事故防范措施,无呼吸机相关事故发生,确保了机械通气病人的安全。

35、This product contains the surfactant and anticorrosion, which can protect the paint and plastic not to be eroded and water solubility can remove the solid greasy dirt effectually. ─── 产品描述:本品内含有表面活性剂,防腐剂等成份,不腐蚀漆面和塑胶件,良好的水溶性,不产生高泡,能有效去除附着固态的油污及油??。

36、She practised her part ruefully, feeling that she was effectually shelved. ─── 她懊丧地排练着自己的角色,觉得自己实际上是被闲置在一边。

37、He is always present, effectually present, sympathetically present, altogether present. ─── 有时候,我们自己还会迷糊,不清楚状况;

38、Mutiny was effectually laid to rest for the moment. ─── 叛乱总算暂时平定了下来。

39、No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear. ─── 没有其他感情像恐惧那样,剥夺我们行动和思考的能力。

40、Lipidic component in the lipopeptide vaccine could improve the immunogenicity of Peptide-based vaccines and generate effectually humoral and cellular immunity responses, without the use of adjuvants. ─── 脂肽疫苗中的脂质部分能够提高肽苗的免疫原性,在无佐剂的条件下即能有效地激发体内抗原特异性的体液和细胞免疫反应。

41、Thoughts about advancing effectually independence director system ─── 有效推行独立董事制度的若干思考

42、I kept them always so cut, that they might spread and grow thick and wild, and make the more agreeable shade, which they did effectually to my mind. ─── 我经常加以修剪,使它们长得生机勃勃,枝繁叶茂,绿树成荫,合我心意。

43、He would have given anything, it seemed to him, to have the complication ended--to have Carrie acquiesce to an arrangement which would dispose of Drouet effectually and forever. ─── 在他看来,只要能结束这种三角局面,只要嘉莉肯接受一项安排以便永久有效地摆脱掉杜洛埃,要他付出什么代价他都愿意。

44、Abstract: In this paper we analyse some predictation approaches of random time series and by using ARMA model we predict effectually the weighted aggregative indexes of securities market in Shanghai and Shenzhen. ─── 文摘:分析了随机时间序列的统计预测方法,并利用ARMA模型对深沪市未来短期指数进行了有效预报。

45、The pool itself, muddy and discolored from the sluice boxes, effectually hid what it contained, and it contained John Thornton; ─── 池水被矿槽弄得很浑浊,完全遮掩了里面的东西。

46、Furthermore, DWC strategy effectually balances control delay from pipeline control unit to pipeline stages. ─── 而且,DWC策略还有效地均衡了流水控制单元对各个流水级的控制延时,控制信号延时的方差仅为0.1145。

47、The results of this study can effectually and quickly provide a method of association and creation with regard to product form by using symbolic images. ─── 本研究结果将可提供设计师在设计产品时能透过符号意象之设计规范,有效提供设计师在设计产品造形时,快速地利用符号意象做联想和创意。

48、No passion so effectually roBs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear ─── 没有一种感情能象恐惧一样可剥夺头脑的所有行为和思考能力

49、If spiritual life can die out, it is manifestly not eternal life, and that effectually shuts out the possibility of an end. ─── 上帝、天堂、地狱都是无始无终的,这属灵的生命,是永远而非暂时的,它是没有休止符。

50、It has super penetrating effect, nourish skin deeply and has white effectually, it also can Astringent pore ,and make skin tightening and elasticity all days. ─── 具有极好的渗透力及补水能力,调节油脂分泌,收缩粗大毛孔,并有强效的美白作用,增强肌肤的紧实度,令肌肤光滑有弹性,拥有全天候的莹润欲滴。

51、Conclusion The system resolves the problem of charge evasion effectually and increases the income of the hospital. ─── 结论:该系统能够有效地控制漏费问题,降低了医疗设备成本,增加了医院收益。

52、She had aided me substantially and effectually by a loan of five thousand pounds. ─── 她以一笔五千磅借款,具体而有效地帮助了我。

53、This paper sum up the predecessors’ research achievements, and talk about how to effectually introduce nonlinear physical knowledge in college physics teaching. ─── 本课题在总结现有的非线性物理学教学成果的基础上,对如何在大学物理课程中渗透非线性物理知识的教学做了思考、设计和实践。

54、So client can acquire effectually product cost estimation while product requirement is expressing. ─── 在保证客户产品需求表达的同时,能及时、有效地获取产品的成本估计值。

55、He-Ne laser can be effectually used in herpes zoster, it may help to make the crusts generating, falling cut and ache going away, which can reduce the days of illness. ─── 结论:氦氖激光可以明显加快疱疹结痂及痂皮脱落的时间,并帮助止痛,从而缩短带状疱疹的病程。

56、It can be effectually identified that whether a reservoir only produces oil through the cross plot of water saturation and irreducible water saturation. ─── 根据储层含水饱和度与束缚水饱和度的交会图版可以有效地判定高束缚水饱和度低阻储层的性质。

57、By the Babylonish captivity the Israelites were effectually cured of the worship of graven images. ─── 在巴比伦作囚奴的生活,根治了以色列人拜偶像的恶习。

58、Conclusion So the theory of the correlation of spleen and kidney can effectually guide the treatment on MND. ─── 结论中医脾肾相关理论对运动神经元疾病的诊疗有较高的指导价值。

59、Owing to the low yield strength and high deformation capacity of mild steel, mild steel flexural energy dissipation braces can effectually reduce the structure responses to earthquake. ─── 利用软钢的屈服强度低、变形能力强的特点制作的受弯屈服型耗能支撑,具有显著的耗能特性,可以有效地减小结构物的地震反应。

60、But this counsel effectually decided Mademoiselle Danglars never to commit herself by being seen in public with one destined for a theatrical life ─── 据说有一位鼎鼎大名的作曲家对在此提到的这位青年女子抱有一种几乎近于慈父般的关切,他鼓励她要勤勉地学习,希望她可以凭她的嗓子致富。

61、He will regard us as though we had never sinned.The great atonement so effectually removed all sin that it is to the mind of God no more in existence. ─── 祂说祂会的,而且祂说到做到,祂视我们如同未曾犯过罪。

62、No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear(Edmund Burke. ─── 没有一种感情能象恐惧一样可剥夺头脑的所有行为和思考能力(埃德蒙 伯克)。

63、I looked back upon my father's prophetic discourse to me that I should be miserable, and have none to relieve me, which I thought was now so effectually brought to pass that it could not be worse. ─── 我回想到我父亲的预言,说我一定要受罪,谁也救不了我,觉得他的话果然应验,现在我的处境实在再糟也没有了。

64、By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. ─── 他追求自己的利益,往往使他能比在真正出于本意的情况下更有效地促进社会的利益。

65、Control overvoltage in IGBT module application effectually ─── 有效抑制IGBT模块应用中的过电压

66、Therefore, in order to analyze thedynamical characteristics of this kind of multi-degree-of-freedom systemcompletely and effectually, it is essential to try to provide an effective method. ─── 因此为全面有效地研究此类多自由度系统的动力学特性、建立一个行之有效的求解方法是十分必要的。

67、"She had a chic way of tossing her head to one side, and holding her arms as if for action -- not listlessly. In front of the line this showed up even more effectually." ─── 她那把头甩向一侧,摆好双臂像是要做动作的姿势非常潇洒,显得精神十足。站在队伍的前头,这种姿势得到更加充分的表现。

68、Answer: All the elect, and they only, are effectually called; ─── 答:所有的选民,而且惟独他们,才能得蒙有效的恩召;

69、It can remove aging cuticle and dirt effectually, control melanin forming, prevent oxidation, moisten skin and make skin white and smooth. ─── 清爽质地,能有效清除皮肤表面死皮细胞及不洁杂质,抑制皮肤有害色素沉积,防止氧化的产生,同时保持肌肤滋润,令肌肤美白舒爽,晶莹剔透。

70、Twenty steps would effectually bury her in the forest. ─── 她只要跑上二十多步,就可消失在大森林中。

71、She was effectually prevented, but she wasn't on speaking terms with her family for several weeks. ─── 家里人有效地阻止了她,可是事后她有好几个星期不跟家里人讲话。

72、As Edmund Burke wrote in England twenty years before the American Revolution, "No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear. ─── 正如埃德蒙伯克在美国革命二十年前就在英国写道:“较之其他强烈的情绪,恐惧可以更有效地使人们的心智丧失所有行动和推理之能力。”

73、When things have to be brought from a distance, the same person cannot effectually superintend both the making and the retailing of them; ─── 物品必须从远处运来时,同一个人便无法有效地对制造和销售两者进行监督;

74、The method that the gold concentrate adding sodium sulfide is roasted could effectually raised the recoveries of gold, silver and copper. ─── 该方法是将金精矿加入硫化钠后进行焙烧预处理,可有效地提高金、银、铜的回收率。

75、"No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear" (Edmund Burke). ─── “没有一种感情能象恐惧一样可剥夺头脑的所有行为和思考能力” (埃德蒙·伯克)。

76、We can degrade the incidence rate of hospital infection effectually in this way. ─── 只有这样才能有效地降低医院感染的发病率。

77、But preparing the 12th time to go on board, I found the wind begin to rise; however at low water I went on board, and tho' I thought I had rumag'd the cabin so effectually, as that nothing more could be found, ─── 当我正准备第十二次上船时,开始刮起了大风,但我还是在退潮时上了船,尽管我以为我已搜遍了全船,不可能再找到什么有用的东西了

78、By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. ─── 在一般的情形下,一个人为求私利而无心对社会作出贡献,其对社会的贡献远比有意图作出的大。

79、The new model can reserve the object information effectually, eliminate the noise, augment image gradient, and pose stronger constringency effect. ─── 新模型能有效地保留目标信息,消除噪音,增大图像梯度值,具有更强的收敛效果。

80、The original relation between education and time has not been talked effectually though there are many philosophical thoughts about education. ─── 摘要在有关教育的各种哲学思考中,对教育与时间的本源关系还鲜有人深入论述过。

81、The experiment result show that the acid degree of the dried red sea buckthorns fruit wine can be reduced effectually by using K_2CO_3 with KC_4H_5O_6. ─── 实验结果表明 ,联合使用K2 CO3 与KC4H5O6两种试剂可以有效地降低干红沙棘果酒的酸度。

82、Therefore, the systems employing GO sequences as spreading codes can eliminate MI and MAI effectually. ─── 因此,采用广义正交序列作为扩频码,可以有效消除多径干扰和多址接入干扰。

83、It can reduce residual stress effectually and lead the distribute of residual stress more uniformity. ─── 它能有效地降低焊接残余应力,并使残余应力分布更加均匀。

84、She was effectually prevented, but she wasn't on speaking terms with her family for several weeks. ─── 家里人有效地阻止了她,可是事后她有好几个星期不跟家里人讲话。

85、" He alone can deal effectually with our heart and take away its carnality and pollution. ─── 对上帝的爱慕是被拣选的族类应有的记号;

86、He had all along told me I was his wife, and I looked upon myself as effectually so as if the ceremony had passed. ─── 他一向总是说我是他的妻子,我自己也认为是他的夫人,好象我们举行过婚礼一样。

87、A map is the set of finite layers effectually. ─── 任何地图实质上是有限个图层的集合。

88、Policy Measurement of Protect against Credit Risk Effectually ─── 有效防范信用风险的政策措施

89、The result indicates delay erode impregnant can delay erode of gas field effectually,has good worth of application and generalization. ─── 结果表明,缓蚀剂能有效的减缓气田腐蚀,具有应用推广价值。

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