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08-15 投稿


siphons 发音

英:[?sa?fnz]  美:[?sa?fnz]

英:  美:

siphons 中文意思翻译



siphons 词性/词形变化,siphons变形

动词过去式: siphoned |动词第三人称单数: siphons |形容词: siphonal |动词现在分词: siphoning |动词过去分词: siphoned |

siphons 相似词语短语

1、siphonets ─── 腹管

2、siphonet ─── 腹管

3、diphones ─── 双音

4、ciphony ─── n.[通信]密码电话学

5、siphonal ─── adj.虹吸的;水管的;虹吸作用的(等于siphonic)

6、siphonic ─── adj.水管的;虹吸管状的;虹吸作用的

7、siphon ─── n.虹吸管;vi.通过虹吸管;vt.用虹吸管吸出;抽取;n.(Siphon)人名;(老、柬)西蓬

8、syphons ─── 弯管

9、siphoned ─── n.虹吸管;vi.通过虹吸管;vt.用虹吸管吸出;抽取;n.(Siphon)人名;(老、柬)西蓬

siphons 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Difference of pressure makes a liquid flow through a siphon. ─── 压力差使得液体通过虹吸管。

2、But GM had been leaning towards RHJ, fearing that Magna and Sberbank could siphon off Opel technology for Russia's car industry. ─── 但通用汽车一直倾向于选择RHJ,因为它担心麦格纳和俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行可能窃取欧宝的技术,将其提供给俄罗斯汽车产业。

3、Open the cover of the machine after the machin stops to discharge the cake from the top manually or siphon it out of the machine. ─── 固相物截留在转鼓内,分离完毕,停机后启开机盖,由人工从上部卸料或虹吸管吸出机外。

4、Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co have grown to dominate the soft drink business by selling colas.To satisfy their appetites for growth, they want to siphon sales from Dr Pepper and Seven-Up. ─── 可口可乐公司和百事可乐公司通过销售可乐而统治者软饮料生意,为了满足他们发展的欲望,他们想夺取胡椒博士和七喜的销售市场。

5、On 97st. acroos the park. That Italian grocery store has everything you need. It sells bottles, caps,siphon tube and sealing device. ─── 在哪里可以买到给啤酒瓶封口(压盖)的工具?啤酒已经酿上了,周末就可以装瓶,但只有酒瓶和平盖,不知道需要什么工具才可以把瓶盖压上。

6、multiple pipe inverted siphon ─── 多管式倒虹吸管

7、Analysis on the lathe clamp for the thin siphon ─── 一种薄壁弯管的车床夹具

8、But many siphons are needed for each lake, so the cost of de-gassing is high. For the millions of people living near these lakes, the danger is still very real. ─── 但每个湖都需要大量的管道,这将耗资巨大。对于住在湖水附近的上千万人来说,眼下的危险仍旧十分现实。

9、The Russian insinuation is that Ukraine will siphon off gas meant for Western Europe. ─── 俄罗斯暗示乌克兰将吸走给西欧的天然气。

10、The big clubs siphon off all the best players. ─── 大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了。

11、A liquid is made to flow through a siphon. ─── 使液体通过虹吸管。

12、PvP macro: Scan current target for Siphon Life, cast it if it's not present, if it is, try to target another enemy. ─── PvP宏:分析目标目前是否适合使用生命虹吸,如果目标没有生命虹吸就对它使用,假如目标已经有了就选择另外一个敌人。

13、The Inverted Siphon Project of the Tang River is a large-scaled river-graff-cross building of South-to-North Water Transfer. ─── 唐河倒虹吸是南水北调工程中的一座大型河渠交叉建筑物。

14、We used to siphon quantities of cash out of bank balance sheets in booms, making them sterilised reserves at the Bank of England;and in downturns release the cash back. ─── 我们在经济繁荣时期从银行的资产负债表中取出大量现金,并使其变成英国银行健康的储备,在经济衰退时期就把他们发行出来。

15、Design of the Siphon Piping of the Ship Repairing-Building Dock ─── 修、造船坞虹吸灌水流道的设计方法

16、Agriculture siphons off more than 65 percent, half of which is lost in leaky pipes and ditches. ─── 农业用掉了65%,但是其中的一半白白损失在破烂的输水管和水渠中了。

17、To study the turbulence flow field and the hytrodynamic performance during the working process of the toilet, a type of water-saved toilet was obtained by optimizing the siphon output. ─── 为研究坐便器冲洗过程流态分布、流体动力学性能,优化虹吸管道而得到节水型坐便器。

18、The siphon of a bivalve mollusk,such as a clam. ─── 双壳软体动物的吸管,如蛤。

19、The main facilities of CAP include aqueducts, pumping plants, siphons, tunnels, dams and so on. ─── 工程主要建筑物包括渠道、泵站、倒虹吸、隧洞和大坝等。

20、A right carotid angiogram revealed delayed filling of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries associated with extreme narrowing of the carotid siphon and the internal carotid artery throughout its length. ─── 右颈动脉血管造影显示,前、中脑动脉充盈延迟,此与其颈动脉虹吸部和整个颈内动脉的极端狭窄有关。

21、City employees were accused of fabricating companies to siphon taxpayer money. ─── 城市工人被控告用假公司来骗取纳税人的钱。

22、Position limits could also siphon liquidity away from American energy exchanges. ─── 头寸的限制还有可能降低美国能源交易所的流通性。

23、Appling this scheme to all inverted siphon works with gate way like structure the anticipated technical and economic requirements can be achieved. ─── 并将此方案推广至所有城门洞型现浇倒虹管的施工中,达到了施工方案的技术经济要求。

24、The big club s siphon off all the best players. ─── 大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了.

25、Chinese architectural associations Nguyen into that siphon type pans to squat to sit there, after frequent changing and jumping will not plug the net. ─── 中国建筑装饰协会的阮福成表示,虹吸式坐便器就不适合蹲改坐,换装后常常出现堵塞和冲便不净的问题。

26、Crews will slowly ramp up how much it siphons over the next few days. ─── 在接下来的几天中,船员们将逐渐增加虹吸的量。

27、Design Amelioration of Two-tank and Siphon SBR Water Decanter ─── 双槽虹吸式SBR滗水器的设计改进

28、Exposing its mantle and inhalant siphon, a giant clam (Tridacna gigas) is in the ideal position for a diver's examination in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland, Australia. ─── 意译:巨大的海洋生物图片。暴露它的斗篷和进水管,一只巨大的蛤蚌是在理想的位置给一位潜水员的考试在澳大利亚,昆士兰州的珊瑚海海面上。

29、Basically lend the siphon that rinses water to be formed in catchment path place eduction of action general contamination implement. When rinsing, pressing use to cooperating since blowdown. ─── 主要借冲洗水在排水道所形成的虹吸作用将污物排出的便器。冲洗时正压对排污起配合作用。

30、On97 st. acroos the park. That Italian grocery store has everything you need. It sells bottles, caps, siphon tube and sealing device. ─── 在哪里可以买到给啤酒瓶封口(盖)工具?啤酒已经酿上了,周末就可以装瓶,但只有酒瓶和平盖,不知道需要什么工具才可以把瓶盖压上。

31、Optimal Deadlock Prevention Policy in FMS Using Siphons ─── 基于信标的柔性制造系统的优化死锁预防策略

32、Most have put out snout-like siphons to feed, or rather to purge what impurities they had ingested in their adolescence on the city's tideflats. ─── 大多数的软体动物伸出口吻状的虹吸管吃东西,虹吸管可以在它们幼年时就过滤出在潮坪上吃进去的杂质。

33、The siphon of a bivalve mollusk, such as a clam. ─── 吸管双壳软体动物的吸管,如蛤

34、Never one to pass up a free meal, the giant clams also filter feed on plankton using their siphons. . . ─── 没人会错过免费午餐的,巨蚌也会用吸管过滤浮游生物进食…

35、convey, draw off, or empty by or as if by a siphon. ─── 像用吸水管传递提取或抽干水。

36、Micro-injection method used in automatic cycle peristaltic pump sampling methods, using automatic siphon pump into the kind of cycle ways to meet the different needs of customers testing. ─── 微量进样方式,采用蠕动泵的全自动循环进样方式,采用虹吸泵自动循环进样方式,满足不同客户的测试需求。

37、This method has a drawback in that the inverted siphon is constantly full of water and often silted up as a result. Other methods do, however, have more serious disadvantages. ─── 但这种方法的缺点是虹吸管内经常积水,结果常常会导致淤沉积。但其它方法存在更多的缺点。

38、Over the last 15 years MOSA has developed and perfected the production of its own CO2 and N2O chargers, Cream Whippers and Soda Siphons. ─── 台湾元翎精密股份有限公司在高压气甁(N2O、CO2)和奶油发泡器及苏打枪的制造与发展上已超过15年的历史。

39、By inserting long tubes down to the lake bottom, the gas-filled water siphons up to the surface, venting the dangerous gas. ─── 通过把长长的管子插入湖底,充满气体的湖水就能被吸到水面,喷出危险的气体。

40、Casella's siphon rainfall recorder ─── 卡塞拉虹吸雨量记录仪

41、Repair the Siphon Rainfall Recorder Floater ─── 巧修虹吸雨量计浮子

42、Design of big sized inverse siphon line ─── 大型倒虹吸管道设计探讨

43、The predominant energy on this planet siphons your belief systems according to its own will. ─── 行星上占支配地位的能量按照它的意志吮吸你的信仰系统。

44、The characteristic and work principle of siphon water decanter is introduced. Design steps and calculation methods are presented. ─── 介绍了虹吸式滗水器的特点及工作原理,提出了虹吸式滗水器的设计要点、设计步骤及计算方法,推导出了计算关系式。

45、The results provide scientific basis for the safety assessment of the filling process in the inverted siphons . ─── 计算结果可为大型倒虹吸管充水过程的安全评估提供科学依据。

46、Siphon Mana tooltip updated to show that it does not work on allies after all. ─── 吸魔的描述增加“不能对盟友使用”的描述。

47、Wang Changsheng.Character of the suction pressure in the hump of the siphon covered way of the dry dock[J].HydroScience and Engineering,1985(10):75-87(in Chinese). ─── [5]王常生.干船坞虹吸式输水廊道驼峰负压的特性[J].水运工程,1985(10):75-87.

48、When Markus shined a flashlight through the tinted glass where a security camera should be, he discovered a PC installed to siphon data. ─── 当马库斯将手电筒打开并透过一块有色玻璃将光束照射到应该是一个安保摄像头放置的地方时,他发现了那儿还安装了一台传送数据的电脑。

49、If you're short of petrol you can siphon off a gallon from my tank. ─── 如果汽油不够,你可以从我的油箱中用虹吸管吸一加仑去。

50、Now there's a battle involving MMOs going on in the real world, as gamemakers attempt to challenge, or at least siphon off some of the success of, wow gold. ─── 客服管理 包括客服权限的分配、客服分组、客服监控等功能,强大的客服管理功能,使在线客服能胜任更高要求级别的高端用户。

51、multi-level series-wound siphon drainage ─── 多级串联虹吸排水

52、convey,draw off,or empty by or as if by a siphon ─── 像用吸水管传递提取或抽干水

53、We had expected to siphon gas from my big IMS tank for the XT225, but the smaller bike did the whole WRT, over 150 miles, on one tank... ─── 我们曾预计虹吸天然气从我大的IMS坦克的XT225,但规模较小的自行车没有整个WRT,超过150公里,一箱...

54、minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body with siphons through which water enters and leaves. ─── 微小的不移栖的海洋无脊椎动物,它们的身体呈囊状并带有可吸进和吐出水的虹吸管。

55、A siphon pot has two stacked glass globes. First, water is placed in the bottom globe and heated with a halogen lamp. ─── 一个虹吸壶有两个上下堆放的玻璃球容器,首先,水倒入下玻璃球容器,用卤素灯加热。

56、Claude siphon off a little petrol from his father's car. ─── 克劳德从他父亲的车里吸了点汽油出来。

57、In the paper,the CFD software is used to numerically simulate the flow of the mixture of water and air in toilet,and the structural shortage of toilet s siphon is also been analyzed and improved. ─── 利用CFD软件对座便器内部水和空气混合物的流动情况进行数值模拟,分析了某型号座便器虹吸管的结构缺陷,并据此进行改进设计。

58、modification of siphon sludge collector ─── 吸泥机改造

59、In fact, although its operating principle with the same siphon coffee, but it is very simple! ─── 其实它的操作原理虽然与虹吸式咖啡相同,但是却十分简单!

60、Opposition parties have cooperated to limit the number of candidates so as not to siphon off votes. ─── 反对党已经同意限制候选人的数量,这样不会分散选票。

61、Calculation method of tower skit height in erect hot siphon and calculation formula are introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了立置热虹吸式再沸器精馏装置中精馏塔裙座高度的计算方法,并推导了计算公式。

62、The circuit siphons off most of the current through RLS to ground as the collector current of Q1. ─── 这个电路吸收大部分由RLS到地的电流作为Q1的集电极电流。

63、Among them siphon type is through rushing at the same time water has siphon effect at the same time, contamination rapid eduction. ─── 其中虹吸式是通过一边冲水一边有虹吸作用,将污物迅速排出。

64、An instrument or a device, such as a tube or siphon, for taking samples of wine, for example. ─── 取样管一种取样(如葡萄酒取样)的仪器或装置,如管或弯管

65、Instead, these ascidians, or sea squirts, are filter-feeding animals with one siphon to pull in water and another to discharge it. ─── 代替,这些海鞘,或海鞘(动物学名),是过滤---摄取食物的动物用一根虹吸管抽出水和另一个解除它。

66、According to discharges water system all, the cent of strong water means of closestool falls to rush type, siphon type. ─── 依照排水系统,马桶的冲水方式分为冲落式、虹吸式。

67、Siphon off public funds into private pockets ─── 侵吞公款以饱私囊

68、But many siphons are needed for each lake, so the cost of de-gassing is high. ─── 但是每一个湖都需要很多吸管,所以分解气体的花费是很高的。

69、These results have set up the basis in designing and running the thermal siphon pump.Finally, the enhanced heat transfer mechanism of the thermal siphon tubes with lunate channel is analyzed. ─── 得出了对应于不同的加热负荷,浓溶液的提升量、蒸汽发生量、浓溶液最大提升高度及稀溶液最小浸没高度的关系曲线,为该类型热虹吸泵的设计和运行提供了依据。

70、An organ, such as the siphon of a clam, that is used for exhalation. ─── 发散管用于蒸发或发散的器官,如蛤的发散水管

71、A deadlock prevention policy for FMS using elementary siphons ─── 一种利用基本信标的柔性制造系统死锁控制器设计方法

72、In fact, not a diameter the better, because the diameter is too large, will affect the siphon effect, and noise, waste water. ─── 其实管径也不是越大越好,因为管径过大的话,会影响虹吸效果,而且噪音大,浪费水。

73、Sit implement divide again from working principle fall to rush type and siphon type, and siphon type fractionize falls to rush siphon type, eject siphon type and vortical siphon type. ─── 坐便器从工作原理上又分为冲落式和虹吸式,而虹吸式又细分为冲落虹吸式、喷射虹吸式和旋涡虹吸式。

74、Tapeworms attach to the human intestinal tract, acting as a parasite that siphons off nutrients from the food you eat. ─── 绦虫附着在人体肠道内,作为一种寄生虫从你吃的食物中吸取营养物质。

75、Company's main products include: "Hang rotary card" rotary joint, metal hose, expansion joints, Siphon, rapid mechanical seals, and other joints. ─── 公司主要产品有:“恒旋牌”旋转接头,金属软管,膨胀节,虹吸器,快速接头等机械密封件。

76、But many siphons are needed for each lake, so the cost of de-gassing is high. ─── 但是每个湖泊需要很多的虹吸管,因此提取这些气体的费用很高。

77、siphon off some water for tests ─── 吸取一些水作试验

78、When the body gets too little water, it siphons what it needs from internal sources. ─── 当身体的水分不够时,便会从体内其他器官吸取水分。结肠便是身体的主要吸取水分来源。

79、Design of clamp for poly-angle siphon elements ─── 多角度弯管零件夹具的设计

80、New Technique for Strengthening-Application of Clay Carbon Fibre Cloth in Dangerous Releasing and Strengthening Project for Weishui Inverted Siphon. ─── 加固新技术-粘碳纤维布在韦水倒虹除险改建工程中的应用。

81、An organ,such as the siphon of a clam,that is used for exhalation. ─── 发散管用于蒸发或发散的器官,如蛤的发散水管。

82、Calculation method of rectification tower skit height in erect hot siphon reboiler and calculation formula were introduced in this paper. main factors of this formula were analyzed. ─── 介绍了立置热虹吸式再沸器精馏装置中精馏塔裙座高度的计算方法,并推导了计算公式,分析了影响该公式的主要因素,对相类似的塔设备裙座高度计算具有指导作用。

83、the inverted siphon of the Tanghe River ─── 唐河倒虹吸

84、On February 16th, 2009, Wen drew away all the siphons from Hu and laid on her body to prevent doctors from saving her, which led to death at last. ─── 2009年2月16日,文裕章将胡菁身上的呼吸管等医疗设备全部拔掉,并一直趴在胡菁身上阻止医生抢救,最后导致她死亡。

85、Linkam can also supply a special dewar siphon for long cooling experiments requiring a 25L dewar (cooling rates will be impaired). ─── Linkam也可以提供长时间冷却实验使用的25升液氮罐及附件(冷却速率有消弱)

86、High flow velocity was found in some patients accompany stenosis of the siphon. ─── 合并虹吸段狭窄时血流速度增高频谱紊乱。

87、In 1840, the British marine engineer invented Naber Siphon coffee heater. ─── 1840年,英国海洋工程师纳贝尔发明了虹吸式咖啡加热器。

88、She siphon off profit from the business into her account ─── 她把企业的赢利转到了自己的帐户上

89、She siphon off profit from the business into her account. ─── 她把企业的赢利转到了自己的帐户上。

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