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08-15 投稿


hardy 发音

英:[?hɑ?rdi]  美:[?hɑ?di]

英:  美:

hardy 中文意思翻译




hardy 常用词组

thomas hardy ─── 托马斯·哈代(英国小说家)

ed hardy ─── 一个美国服装品牌

hardy 词性/词形变化,hardy变形


hardy 短语词组

1、half hardy ─── 半耐寒性的

2、Laurel and Hardy ─── [网络] 劳莱与哈台;劳莱和哈迪;劳莱与哈迪

3、Hardy Cross method ─── 弯矩分配法

4、half-hardy a. ─── 半耐寒性的

5、lotion Hardy's ─── [医] 阿迪氏洗液(含有升汞、硫酸锌、醋酸铅)

6、Schulze-Hardy rule ─── [化] 舒尔策-哈迪规则

7、Godfrey Harold Hardy ─── 戈弗雷·哈罗德·哈代

8、Hardy–Littlewood maximal function ─── 哈迪-小木最大函数

9、Behier-Hardy symptom ─── [医] 贝-哈二氏症状(早期肺坏疽的一种嗓音体征)

10、Hardy's lotion ─── [医] 阿迪氏洗液(含有升汞、硫酸锌、醋酸铅)

11、Oliver Hardy ─── [网络] 哈代;美国电影喜剧演员哈台;奥利弗哈代

12、Behier-Hardy sign ─── [医] 贝-哈二氏征(早期肺坏疽的一种嗓音体征)

13、Hardy-Schulz rule ─── [机] 哈迪-许尔茨规则

14、hardy breed ─── 耐苦品种

15、Ed Hardy ─── 哈迪;爱德 ─── 哈代;美国

16、hardy crop ─── 哈迪作物

17、hardy plant ─── 耐寒植物

18、Thomas Hardy ─── 托马斯·哈代(英国小说家)

19、Hardy-Weinberg law 【 ─── 生物学、遗传学】哈代—魏因贝格定律

hardy 相似词语短语

1、Hardy ─── n.哈迪(男子名)

2、hardly ─── adv.几乎不,简直不;刚刚

3、cardy ─── 卡迪(英格兰人姓氏)

4、bardy ─── 可食用的钻木虫;有反抗性的;巴尔迪

5、handy ─── adj.有用的;便利的;手边的;手巧的,灵活的;n.(Handy)(美、印、加)汉迪(人名)

6、harry ─── v.(不断)烦扰;不断袭击;n.(Harry)(英、瑞)哈里(人名)

7、hards ─── n.粗纤维和其他废弃麻绳

8、harpy ─── n.鸟身女妖;残酷贪婪的人

9、hard ─── adj.努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的;adv.努力地;困难地;辛苦地;接近地;猛烈地;牢固地;n.(Hard)人名;(英、芬、瑞典)哈德

hardy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、RAW 2008.09.01 Chavo Guerrero vs. Finlay vs. Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy vs. The Miz 的比赛!... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏五人赛!查看全文2008-09-1011:04:58

2、Hardy attempted to earn a living by painting animal pictures. ─── 哈代靠画动物图画辛苦谋生。

3、But still, there was no lack of hardy types who persisted in sunbathing in the scorching sun. ─── 但是还是有一帮勇敢分子顶着炎炎烈日做日光浴。

4、Only a hardy man should enter the auto race. ─── 只有胆大的人才能参加摩托赛。

5、BRL Hardy, in particular, was dragged into Southcorp's price war but its margins did not suffer as much as its rival's. ─── 哈代被南方集团拖进了价格战,但它的利润损失却比其竞争对手要小得多。

6、Hardy used his hometown, Dorset, in the South of England, as the background of his Wessex novels. ─── 在小说中,哈代以其故乡英格兰南部多塞特郡为背景,创作出了著名的“威塞克斯小说”系列。

7、Max Dvorak,The History of Art as the History of Ideas, trans. John Hardy, Routledge 1984. ─── 威廉狄尔泰.历史中的意义[M].艾彦等,译.北京:中国城市出版社,2002.

8、Some hardy plants such as junipers can be potted in June. ─── 六月份时,一些针叶科植物如杜松可进行盆栽。

9、Lupoff.Pref. by Henry Hardy Heins. ─── 作者声明: [by] Richard A.

10、Nancy has a childhood handicap, which gives her a hardy spirit, but also makes her overly sensitive in many situations. ─── 南茜自小有残疾,这养成她吃苦耐劳的精神,但也使她在很多情况下过分敏感。

11、Lost Films Of Laurel And Hardy Vol. ─── 劳雷尔和哈迪系列卷。

12、A few hardy people swam in the icy water. ─── 一些强壮的人在冰冷的水中游泳。

13、With one to four leaves arranged in a rosette, from a distance, the plant looks a bit like a hardy piece of kale. ─── 一个莲座叶丛生长着一到四片叶子,从远处看,这种植物有点像一片耐寒的甘蓝。

14、Dr Hardy was a founder member of the club. ─── 哈迪博士是俱乐部的创始会员之一。

15、Teak was used because of its inherently hardy properties and its resistance to moisture and decay. ─── 劳斯莱斯开发了特殊的木工工艺,可以使木料保持未经处理的自然外观,从而使柚木装饰尽可能保持木材原有特色。

16、"I suppose not, " said Archibald Kane genially , as if the report were a compliment to his own hardy condition. ─── “我也这么想,”甘老先生蔼然的说,仿佛儿子的报告就是对于自己依然康强的一种恭维。

17、Anyone out there successfully running Autoroute Express in Wine (Ideally under Ubuntu Hardy)? ─── 任何有成功运行高速公路快速葡萄酒(下Ubuntu的理想哈) ?

18、There is no significant deviation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium for COMT genotypes in all groups. ─── COMTVal15 8Met基因型在患者组和男女亚组的分布频率均符合Hardy Weinberg定律 ;

19、Hi, I am the chief purchasing officer.I serve with Haar corporation and Hardy food corporation. ─── 1我是哈尔公司及哈迪食品公司的首席采购员.

20、A ferocious predator, the Ichthyosaur can ravage even the most hardy prey in seconds. ─── 作为一种凶残的食肉动物,鱼龙可以在几秒内蹂躏最强悍的猎物。

21、A hardy hunt terrier-honorable scars from fair wear and tear are acceptable. ─── 在工作和狩猎中留下的疤痕是荣誉的标志,可以接受。

22、Matt Hardy, Finlay & Hornswoggle vs.The Miz & John Morrison & Chavo Guerrero 14ne. ─── com 影视呢,最全最新最快最干净的高清免费在线影院,常来看看喔。

23、A few hardy men broke the ice on the pond and had a swim. ─── 一些大胆的人打破池塘的冰而游泳。

24、Maybe that's why I couldn't find it,all the information on the Hardy's account is filed under the letter "H". ─── 也许这就是我找不到的原因,哈第先生的所有资料都放在“H”字母栏下。

25、Hardy working dog is developed in Belgium for herding sheep. ─── 在比利时培育用于牧羊艰苦工作的狗。

26、Moreover, the hardy vermin breathe through spiracles, or little holes in each body segment. ─── 另外,蟑螂以呼吸孔(spiracle,各体节的小洞)呼吸。

27、Their children are remarkably hardy. ─── 他们的孩子非常能吃苦耐劳。

28、Like Frank Greer and me, they were part of an endangered but hardy political species, white southern Democrats. ─── 与我和弗兰克.格里尔一样,他们俩属于濒危但生存能力很强的政治人种,南方的白人民主党人。

29、However, Coons are very hardy, healthy, and resilient animals who can live to be over 20 years old. ─── 不过不管怎麽说,缅因猫是一种身体非常结实、健康,再累也只要睡一觉就能回复的猫,而且20岁的缅因猫瑞比比皆是,大有猫在。

30、Artic Dwarves are squat and hardy, with blocky bodies, pinched faces and stubby legs. ─── 北地矮人矮小强壮,拥有短而粗的身躯,紧绷的脸以及短而粗的腿。

31、Plants raised in hothouses are unlikely to be hardy. ─── 在温室里培养出来的东西,不会有强大的生命力。

32、A strong and hardy, as well as independent people, the Nords are renowned for their innate martial talents. ─── 作为一个强壮、果敢和独立的民族,诺德还以他们与生具来的战争天赋闻名于世。

33、Halver J. E., Hardy R. W., 2002. Fish Nutrition (3rd edition). Amsterdam: Academic Press, pp.88. ─── 倪达书,汪建国.草鱼生物学与疾病。北京:科学出版社.1999,278.

34、The same is true of citrus hardi ness. ─── 其中电导法是一项既简便又快速鉴定柑桔抗寒性的方法。

35、Only hardy plants will survive the severe cold in the Arctic area. ─── 只有强壮的植物才能忍受北极地区的酷寒而生存下来。

36、Searle and Hardy, however, are not ones to shirk a challenge. ─── 塞尔和哈代,但没有推卸的一个挑战。

37、Genotype distribution of Tf and Pa followed Hardy weinberg law. ─── Tf和Pa两个基因座基因型分布均符合Hardy weinberg定律 ;

38、Be sure to choose hardy plants, preferably native plants, which can tolerate living in close proximity to the rocks. ─── 一定要选择耐寒植物,最好是乡土植物,能容忍居住在邻近的岩石。

39、Tillandsia bergeri This hardy Argentinean species has delicate blue and white flowers with gently twisting petals. ─── 原产阿根庭,生长强健的空凤。纤细的蓝和白色花。

40、I need one volume to complete my set of Hardy. ─── 只要再一册,我的哈代全集就齐全了。

41、Additionally, Hardy got Rubin to fire off a bit of a hit on Google's other OS, Chrome. ─── 另外,在同哈迪的谈话中,鲁宾对谷歌的另一款操作系统——Chrome“略有微词”。

42、Therefore, I only grow flowers and plants that are hardy and enjoy a high survival rate. ─── 因此,我只养些好种易活、自己会奋斗的花草。

43、Only Mars seems likely to provide a few environments where extreamely hardy, simple living things could survive. ─── 似乎只要在火星上才有可能提供少许条件,使适应力极强的低等生物得以生存。

44、Designed by Christian Audigier, the Ed Hardy designs truly match the people who wear Ed Hardy clothes. ─── 一方面缓解家里的经济压力,更重要的有机会了解当地社会的文化,积累宝贵的国外工作经验。

45、Most of the herbs which can be grown from seed are hardy and can be sown outdoors in temperate climates. ─── 大多数由种子成长起来的药草生命力很强,可以在户外适宜的温度下播种。

46、Often very annoying weeds,goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests. ─── 人们通常讨厌秋麒麟草属植物,因为它排挤其它不那么坚强的植物,且招来很多害虫。

47、Clothes-order compay can offer many different kinds of Hoody:bape,bbc,LRG,clh,ed hardy,GG... ─── 发布者:鞋子订购所在地:福建莆田市行业:服装职位:外销员工作年限:

48、In Asia, the hardy kiwi grows well in the shade. ─── 在亚洲,猕猴桃在荫蔽条件下能生长得很好。

49、Hardy played the fiddle at local dances. ─── 哈迪在当地的舞会上拉了小提琴。

50、Hardy picked up a livelihood by hawking fruit. ─── 哈迪靠叫卖水果谋生。

51、As one member of the colonizing country, Thomas Hardy shows thoughts usually held by imperialist countries. ─── 作者作为帝国的成员在小说中仍有意无意流露出惯有的帝国思想。

52、By the end of the seventeenth century, hardy English settlers had established permanent colonies along the Atlantic seaboard. ─── 十七世纪结束之前,刻苦耐劳的英国殖民者在美国的大西洋岸建立了永久殖民地。

53、As a result Nocturne's people were hardy and practical, with little time for rest or leisure. ─── 因此那克土恩的人民不得不整日劳作和警惕,得不到一点空闲。

54、Hardy is often regarded as a transitional writer. ─── 哈代常被认为是一位承前启后的作家。

55、Lately the brand seems fixated on expanding into new markets, case in point, the Ed Hardy hand sanitizer. ─── 多档位榨汁机适合对操作灵活性有很高要求的人士使用。

56、John Morrison & The Miz ,Jack Swagger vs.CM Punk, Kofi Kingston & Ricky Ortiz Matt Hardy vs.Chavo Guerrero Finlay vs. ─── The Incredible Hulk(无敌浩克):影片名应该叫当野兽遇到美女,比起李安的版本,感觉这部Hulk更富人情味,特别是有爱德华诺顿。

57、Two hardy last names, and Schuyler is impossible. ─── 叫他的姓太正式了。

58、He was vigorous, hardy, intelligent and straightforward. ─── 他有活力,能刻苦,睿智而正直。

59、Cold weather did not kill the hardy plants. ─── 寒冷的天气并没有冻死耐力很强的植物。

60、Get up early, grind out hardy, gain on success. ─── 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。

61、So over the next six months CEO Roger Hardy and his senior team called customers each week to see whether they had any ideas. ─── 因此,接下来的六个月,首席执行官罗杰?哈迪和其高管层每周都给客户打电话,看看他们有何想法。

62、Hardy LandsdownePersonnel Dept. ─── 人事部哈代·朗兹道恩

63、Hey Christian Audigier Thanks for ruining America is how my new favorite song , F**k Ed Hardy, by Dirt Nasty ... ─── 上一篇:东阳 医院专 家告诉你早泄的原因、治疗. 下一篇:没有了. 收藏. 挑错. 推荐 ...

64、If you rise with your ace, Hardy has to drop. ─── 如果你用a 牌来对付,哈代就会被击落一张大牌。

65、They do a pretty good job of impersonating Laurel and Hardy. ─── 他们扮演劳莱和哈代很成功。

66、The'razor blade in the apple'story is a hardy perennial. ─── “苹果里藏刀片”的故事屡见不鲜。

67、Hardy Groeger is a Senior Software Engineer in the Lotus Workplace Application Tools development team. ─── Hardy Groeger是Lotus Workplace Application Tools开发团队的一名资深软件工程师。

68、A few hardy men broke the ice on the lake and had a swim. ─── 几个硬汉打破了湖上的冰去游泳。

69、Hardy (P), a temporary employee of LaBelle’s (D), was asked by another employee to tour the store. ─── Hardy (原告)是LaBelle(被告)的一名临时雇员, Hardy (原告)被其它员工要求在商店中到处走走,熟悉环境。

70、This new variety has many good characteristics, such as hardy, high quality, storable and red skin. ─── 它具有抗寒、优质、耐贮、红皮等优点,在公主岭地区9月下旬成熟。

71、Ms. Hardy, come here and see Rong's pictures! ─── 叫了过来看我的照片!

72、Evan Bourne Jack Swagger vs.Josh Daniels Matt Hardy &Finlay vs. ─── 主要演员:未知 影片剧情详细介绍:John Morrison vs.

73、They do a pretty good job of impersonating Laurel and Hardy. ─── 他们扮演劳莱和哈代很成功。

74、"Happiness was but the occasional episode in a general drama of pain" (Thomas Hardy). ─── “欢乐不过是普遍的苦痛过程中的一个小插曲” (托马斯·哈代)。

75、In it is revealed Hardy's superb power of depicting nature as symbolic background for his characters, an organic part of the action of his story. ─── 从这篇小说可以看到哈代的非凡才能,他把对自然的描写作为他的人物的象征性的背景,成为他的故事情节的有机部分。

76、Edelweiss - Produces early ripening amber fruit similar to that of its parent, Ontario, but the wine is much more winter hardy. ─── 雪绒花-生成琥珀早熟水果相似,其母公司,安大略省,这不过是酒的冬天更耐用。

77、This early flowering gladiolus is not very hardy. ─── 这株开花早的剑兰不是很耐寒。

78、Did Thomas Hardy and Greek Tragedians Share the Same Notion of Fate? ─── 哈代认同古希腊悲剧的命运观念吗?

79、Thomas Hardy is a novelist,and a poet as well. ─── 哈代是一位小说家,也是一位诗人。

80、For all those seeking the fashionable life in Ed Hardy and Christian Audigier gear, this theme is perfect for you. ─── 云南是世界茶树原生地,全国、全世界各种各样茶叶的根源都在云南的普洱茶产区。

81、At first, there were only a few such hardy (some would say foolhardy) souls. ─── 一开始,他们只是几个极有勇气(也有人说他们有勇无谋)的人。

82、I confess that I was a huge fan of the Hardy Boys, and then used them to entice my own kids into becoming avid readers as well. ─── 我承认我是《哈代兄弟》的书迷,我用它们也引诱我的孩子成为充满热情的阅读者。

83、If you rise with your ace, hardy have to drop. ─── 如果你用A牌来对付,哈代就会被击落一张大牌。

84、He admired Canadians as a hardy and determined race. ─── 他敬佩加拿大人,因为他们是勇敢坚定的民族。

85、Dozens of new and exciting story-driven quests and content for the hardy adventurer. ─── 大量的新故事和新任务。

86、As a result, Thomas Hardy's Polyphonic novels are composed of those clues, voice parts and ideas together. ─── 他小说中的多条线索、多个声部和多种思想,则形成了小说的复调结构。

87、As a big suppiler of China , we specilize in exporting apparel such as bape , coogi, ed hardy , evis... ─── 发布者:付雪莹所在地:湖北仙桃市行业:服装职位:外销员工作年限:

88、They were all kindred and similar peoples, hardy herdsmen who had taken to plunder. ─── 他们都是有着血缘关系的相似民族,是一些喜欢劫掠的剽悍牧民。

89、Old-fashioned roses, under-planted with hardy geraniums still perfume the air and delight visitors. ─── 古典的玫瑰下边杂以硬戳的天竺葵更是让空气芬芳,游客愉悦。

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