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08-15 投稿


attired 发音

英:[??ta??rd]  美:[??ta??d]

英:  美:

attired 中文意思翻译




attired 词性/词形变化,attired变形

动词过去分词: attired |动词现在分词: attiring |动词过去式: attired |动词第三人称单数: attires |

attired 短语词组

1、attired insect ─── 穿衣服的昆虫

2、attired insects ─── 穿衣服的昆虫

3、showily attired crossword ─── 华而不实的填字游戏

4、showily attired ─── 华服

attired 相似词语短语

1、attrited ─── adj.磨损的;v.磨损;消耗(attrite的过去式和过去分词)

2、attained ─── vt.取得,得到,获得(attain的过去式)

3、antired ─── 安提雷德

4、-tired ─── adj.疲倦的;厌倦的,厌烦的;v.疲倦;对…腻烦(tire的过去分词形式)

5、unattired ─── 不疲倦的

6、attires ─── n.服装;盛装;vt.打扮;使穿衣

7、attorned ─── v.承让;转让,让与;承认新地主

8、attire ─── n.服装;盛装;vt.打扮;使穿衣

9、attuited ─── 急性

attired 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Here at Yale, when I use a toilet designated "women", I feel myself a queen and enjoy looking at myself in a large mirror to see if I am properly attired. ─── 而在耶鲁,当我使用标“women”的厕所时,真有点像当上了皇后的感觉,在休息室大镜子前面自我欣赏一番,整理二下自己的衣着。

2、He was faultlessly attired in black coat and striped trousers. ─── 他穿着黑色上衣和条纹裤子,简直无可挑剔。

3、Photographs of minimally attired women. ─── 裸照或半裸照穿得极少的女人照片

4、Behold me so attired, and with my little worldly all before me in a small trunk, sitting, a lone lorn child (as Mrs. ─── 小爱米丽和我就用一块旧包袱包把我俩包裹起来,披着它一直坐回家。

5、It is appropriate that everyone be suitably attired. ─── 人人穿戴得体是恰当的。

6、attired carbon ─── 活性炭

7、When McTeer and Coduri head back to England, Dalton eases his friend into death by administering his medication and hiring colorfully attired hookers to attend to him. ─── 当珍妮特和卡米尔终于返回英国,道尔顿也安抚着他的老朋友爱德华,允诺会料理他的药物治疗,还会雇上几个花枝招展的妓女来照顾他的起居,使他安心地走向了死亡。

8、She was attired in green ─── 她身穿绿装。

9、Shortly the elegantly attired Widow Ward, now Mrs. Moses Joy, came out, her smile radiant. ─── 不一会那位现已成为摩西·乔伊太太的华德寡妇盛装而出,春风满面。

10、Suggestive of or attired like a dandy; foppish. ─── 花花公子的,纨绔的显露出或打扮得像花花公子的;花花公子的

11、The Lords attired themselves in their dark ceremonial robes for the opening of Parliament. ─── 上院议员们皆着深色大礼服参加议会开幕式。

12、The Romanists, flushed with anticipated triumph, had come to Baden attired in their richest robes and glittering with jewels. ─── 罗马教的代表预期必定胜利,因而兴高采烈地来到巴登,他们穿着华丽的衣服,戴着耀目的装饰;

13、Girls attired themselves in gala spring apparel for outing. ─── 姑娘们穿上春日远足的盛装。

14、The Hamar are among the most elaborately attired of Ethiopia's ethnic groups. ─── 哈马族是埃塞俄比亚所有种族中最善于用鹿角制作首饰。

15、The queen was attired in blue for her birthday party. ─── 皇后身穿蓝色服装参加她的生日宴会。

16、When a mountain preacher came to call, he was surprised to find his parishioner attired in heavy mourning. ─── 当一个山上的布道者来拜访时,他惊讶看到一个他教区的人身穿严重的丧服。

17、Dolohov, attired by now in the grey overcoat of a private soldier, did not wait to be called up. ─── 多洛霍夫换上一件士兵的灰军大衣,焦急地等待有人召唤他。

18、The bride was attired in pink ─── 新娘穿着粉红色的服装。

19、Shortly the elegantly attired Widow Ward, now Mrs Moses Joy, came out, her smile radiant. ─── 不一会那位现已成为摩西·乔伊太太的华德寡妇盛装而出,春风满面。

20、When attired, she left her sister employed in household affairs. ─── 梳洗完毕,她留姐姐操持家务.

21、be attired in school uniform ─── 穿校服

22、attired after the fashion of the Middle Ages, they bore upon their shoulders a splendid pair of wings ─── 他们穿着象中世纪英雄一样的服装,肩上装着两只华丽的假翅膀,但最特殊的地方是装在脸上的那根长鼻子。

23、Elegantly attired in an orange dress, Master received a very warm welcome as She stepped onto the stage. ─── 师父穿着橙色典雅的服饰走到台上时,受到大家热情的欢迎。

24、In the fight, the Australian kangaroo appears to reel backwards after receiving a right hook from its garishly attired opponent. ─── 在搏斗中,澳大利袋鼠在遭到盛装出场的对手的右勾拳后,似乎向后一个趔趄。

25、2 All students must be punctual for class and be suitably attired, i.e. no shorts, singlet, or slippers. ─── 学生必须在任何时候都遵守学校定下的条文.

26、Suggestive of or attired like a dandy;foppish. ─── 花花公子的,纨绔的显露出或打扮得像花花公子的;花花公子的

27、For more than five acres round the tents there were sitting or lying men stained with blood, and variously attired. ─── 在帐篷周围两俄亩的地方,一些穿着各种服装的、血渍斑班的人们或卧或坐或站。

28、Badgley said, pointing to a barfly in a patchwork of tattered winter gear and brown Nikes. (The woman with him was similarly attired. ─── 后者穿着破旧的冬装和一双棕色耐克。(与他同行的女人穿着类似的着装。)

29、She attired herself in silk. ─── 她穿着丝衣。

30、He was attired in a plain, mud-flecked uniform. ─── 他身穿一件朴素而沾有泥点的制服。

31、Photographs showed family and friends walking into the ballroom; some wore tuxedos and a few were attired in red traditional Chinese gowns. ─── 从现场的照片上可以看出,家人和朋友正走进舞厅,有些穿着晚礼服,有几个穿着传统的中国服装。

32、Smartly attired; dapper. ─── 打扮得漂亮的穿戴得很漂亮的,整洁的

33、'You're dressed better than I have ever dressed in my life, ' complained one member, a retiree attired in jeans and tattered T shirt. ─── “我一辈子都没有你今天穿得好,”其中一位身着牛仔裤和旧T恤的已经退休的面试官调侃道。

34、Not many days afterward, they received a visit from a gentleman attired in black. He was the height of courtesy and had a silver nose. ─── 没过几天,她们家里来了一位绅士,身着黑衣裤,衣冠楚楚的,长着一只银鼻子。

35、Elephants are attired as pandas to parade in Ayutthaya, north of Bangkok, Thailand, June 26. ─── 6月26日,泰国曼谷以北的大城府,被绘成熊猫模样的大象在街头行进。

36、Mrs. Wilson had changed her costume some time before, and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon, which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room. ─── 威尔逊太太不知什么时候又换了一套衣服,现在穿的是一件精致的奶油色雪纺绸的连衣裙,是下午做客穿的那种,她在屋子里转来转去的时候,衣裙就不断地沙沙作响。

37、The bride was attired in pink. ─── 新娘穿著粉红色的服装。

38、Attired in a handsome smoking-coat, he looked younger than at their first meeting. ─── 他穿着一件漂亮的吸烟服,比他们初次会面的时候更显得年轻。

39、They were attired as peasants of Albano, Velletri, Civita-Castellana, and sora ─── 他们都穿着农民的服装,代表阿尔巴诺,韦莱特里,契维塔卡斯特拉纳和索拉四处地方。

40、Not many days afterward, they received a visit from a gentleman attired in black. He was the height of courtesy and had a silver nose. ─── 没过几天,她们家里来了一位绅士,身着黑衣裤,衣冠楚楚的,长着一只银鼻子。

41、He shall put on the holy linen tunic, and linen trousers shall be upon his body, and he shall gird himself with the linen girdle and be attired with the linen turban; these are the holy garments. ─── 4他要穿上细麻布圣内袍,把细麻布裤子穿在身上,腰束细麻布带子,头戴细麻布顶冠;这些都是圣衣。

42、The affable Keefe, a friendly smile on his cherubic countenance, was attired in a checked sports jacket and gabardine slacks ─── 基夫圆脸庞,笑容可掬,穿着格子纹的运动衫和华达呢便裤。

43、elegantly attired; in elegant attire ─── 服饰华丽

44、"I mean, Mercds, that you are thus harsh and cruel with me, because you are expecting some one who is thus attired ─── “我的意思是,美塞苔丝,你之所以对我如此冷酷无情,都是因为你在等一个人,他就是这样一身打扮。

45、Teresa saw herself rich, superbly attired, and attended by a train of liveried domestics ─── 德丽莎则看到自己发了财,穿戴得非常华丽,有许多穿制服的仆人侍候着他。

46、All persons shall be properly attired at all times during their stay within the Hall. ─── 进入宿舍或使用宿舍设施之人仕,均须穿著适当之服装。

47、The referees, similarly attired, also wear white gloves with which to replace the balls upon the table. ─── 裁判员也不例外,用来换球的手套是白色的;

48、Attired in robes of silk and fur ─── 穿着丝织的和毛皮的长袍.

49、Wilson had changed her costume some time before, and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon, which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room. ─── 只看见一辆汽车,一部盖满灰尘、破旧不堪的福特车,蹲在阴暗的角落里。

50、These people who had been regarded by their fathers as "Mister" attired fairly decent, except that some individuals were in the rustic clothing as that of their parents. ─── 除过个把人的衣装和他们的农民家长一样土气外,这些已被自己的父辈看作是"先生"的人,穿戴都还算体面。

51、“They” are women without prominent sex character, very neuter, attired in gloomy colors. ─── “她们”是女性,却性征不突出,非常中性,周身没有鲜亮的色彩。

52、He is neatly attired. ─── 他衣着整齐。

53、richly attired and heavily made-up ─── 浓妆艳抹

54、The elegantly attired gentleman. ─── 衣着华丽的绅士。

55、Brezhnev, similarly attired, collected me in a jeep driven, I was grateful to notice, by a game warden. ─── 勃列日涅夫穿着类似的装束,接我上了吉普车。我注意到,吉普车是由一名猎场管理员驾驶的。

56、Here at Yale, when I use a toilet designated “women”, I feel myself a queen and enjoy looking at myself in a large mirror to see if I am properly attired. ─── 而在耶鲁,当我使用女厕所时,真有点像当上了皇后的感觉,在休息室的大镜子前面自我欣赏一番,整理二下自己的衣着。

57、Since early morning, she had been busy ordering her own small affairs; and now, attired in her new black frock--poor thing! ─── 从一清早起,她就忙着吩咐她自己的琐细事情;现在又穿上她新的黑衣服——可怜的东西!

58、21 On an appointed day, Herod, attired in royal robes, (and) seated on the rostrum, addressed them publicly. ─── 黑落德在约定的日子,披戴君王的礼服,坐在宝座上向他们演讲。

59、7.In exile he was frequently pictured on horseback, casually attired in his poncho, fighting for various insurgencies. ─── 在逃亡过程中他频频被通缉,于是时不时穿上雨布衣,于各种各样的叛乱作斗争。

60、In Hyde Park, elegantly attired riders centered on Rotten Row. ─── 海德公园里,服饰华丽的骑手们站着林荫道策马慢跑。

61、Youre dressed better than I have ever dressed in my life, complained one member, a retiree attired in jeans and tattered T shirt. ─── “我一辈子都没有你今天穿得好,”其中一位身着牛仔裤和旧T恤的已经退休的面试官调侃道。

62、Photographs showed family and friends walking into the ballroom; some wore tuxedos and a few were attired in red traditional Chinese gowns. ─── 从现场的照片上可以看出,家人和朋友正走进舞厅,有些穿着晚礼服,有几个穿着传统的中国服装。

63、He shall put on the holy linen tunic, and linen trousers shall be upon his body, and he shall gird himself with the linen girdle and be attired with the linen turban; ─── 4他要穿上细麻布圣内袍,把细麻布裤子穿在身上,腰束细麻布带子,头戴细麻布顶冠;

64、The bride was attired in white. ─── 新娘穿一身洁白的礼服。

65、Needless to say, the sight of this incongruously attired trio walking at such a time and in such a place attracted a certain amount of attention ─── 在这地点,这时间,又加以是服装不相调和的三个青年,不用说,就有点惹人注目。

66、trimly attired ─── 穿着整洁

67、crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes , how curious you are to me ! ─── 你们这一群男女,身着日常的服饰,在我眼里是多么地新奇!

68、It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit. ─── 穿著泳衣时在公共场所唱歌是违法的。

69、He was attired as he had been on the previous evening, and waved his pocket-handkerchief to his guest in token of adieu. Franz returned the salute by shaking his handkerchief as an exchange of signals. ─── 他还是穿着昨天晚上的那套衣服,正舞着他的手帕向客人告别,弗兰兹也同样地挥舞着他的手回答他的敬意。

70、Madame Olenska, heedless of tradition, was attired in a long robe of red velvet ─── 奥兰斯卡夫人无视这种习俗,她穿的是红色天鹅绒晨衣。

71、Her servants were similarly, if less ostentatiously attired. ─── 她的仆人们穿着相似,只是没那么华丽耀眼。

72、The Heavenly Chariot, brightly attired with its brilliant yellow star Capella, starts the journey in the northeast at dusk, rides overhead at midnight and finishes up in the northwest at dawn. ─── 天国的战车,由亮黄星五车二伴在左右,黄昏时刻从东北方升起,开始整个旅程,在午夜时分升到正上方,于黎明时分在西北部天空中结束此次旅程。

73、On the evening of the ball Teresa was attired in her best, her most brilliant ornaments in her hair, and gayest glass beads,--she was in the costume of the women of Frascati. ─── 舞会的那天晚上,德丽莎尽可能把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的戴上她那最灿烂的发饰和最华丽的玻璃珠链;她穿着弗拉斯卡蒂妇女的时兴的服装。

74、The girl was attired in pink ─── 这女孩一身粉红色打扮。

75、He was attired in blue. ─── 他穿着蓝色衣服。

76、This auctioneer had attenuate hair and audacious eyes.he attired strangely and showed a funny attitude to attract her attention. ─── 拍卖商有着稀薄的头发和放肆的眼睛。他打扮奇怪并展示好笑的姿势来吸引她的注意。

77、the elegantly attired gentleman; neatly dressed workers; monks garbed in hooded robes; went about oddly garmented; professors robed in crimson; tuxedo-attired gentlemen; crimson-robed Harvard professors. ─── 衣着华丽的绅士;衣着整洁的工人;穿着罩衫的僧侣;穿着奇怪的衣服;穿着深红色衣服的教授;穿着晚礼服的绅士;穿着深红色衣服的哈佛教授。

78、At the top end of the clearing, a group of similarly attired men is joined by shy, grass-skirted women, and they begin a weird, chanting, stomping chorus that will go on all day. ─── 在空地的高处,一群同样装束的男人等来了身着草裙的羞涩女人;他们开始了一种古怪的合唱:他们边吟唱、边跺脚,一直持续一整天。

79、nanometer attired carbon ─── 纳米炭

80、All four were attired in party-coloured robes, half yellow, half white, differing from one another only in material; ─── 他们四个人都穿着半身黄半身白的袍子,不同的只是质料而已。

81、Shortly the elegantly attired Widow Ward, now Mrs. Moses Joy, came out, her smile radiant ─── 不一会那位现已成为摩西?乔伊太太的华德寡妇盛装而出,春风满面。

82、She was attired as a man. ─── 她装扮成男人。

83、In Hyde Park, elegantly attired riders centered on Rotten Row ─── 海德公园里,服饰华丽的骑手们站在罗敦小路中央。

84、The King was attired in a splendid purple dress with many jewels, made specially for the ceremony. ─── 国王身着专为此次典礼而制作的华丽的紫色服装,上面缀有许多珠宝。

85、The Queen attired in magnificent robes, ascended the throne. ─── 女王穿着华丽的礼服登上了御座。

86、Why art thou thus attired in discontent? ─── 为什么你要披上这伤心惨目的衣裘?

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