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08-15 投稿


eccentric 发音

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英:  美:

eccentric 中文意思翻译




eccentric 常用词组

eccentric wheel ─── 偏心轮

eccentric shaft ─── 偏心轴

eccentric load ─── 偏心载荷

eccentric 反义词

concentric | normal | general | common | ordinary

eccentric 词性/词形变化,eccentric变形

复数--eccentrics;比较级--more eccentric;最高级--most eccentric。

eccentric 短语词组

1、adjustable eccentric ─── [机] 可调整偏心轮

2、eccentric implantation ─── [医] 偏心植入(胚泡)

3、eccentric hypertrophy ─── [医] 离心性肥大, 扩张性肥大

4、angular advance of eccentric ─── [机] 偏心轮角进度

5、eccentric groove ─── [电] 离心槽

6、eccentric action ─── [机] 偏心动作, 偏心作用

7、eccentric atrophy ─── [医] 偏心性萎缩

8、eccentric disc ─── [机] 偏心盘

9、eccentric angle ─── [机] 偏心角

10、eccentric load ─── [化] 偏心载荷

11、eccentric cylinder rheometer ─── [化] 偏心圆筒式流变仪

12、eccentric bending moment ─── [化] 偏心弯矩

13、eccentric limitation ─── [医] 偏心性限度

14、eccentric gear ─── [化] 偏心轮; 偏心装置

15、eccentric conical shell ─── [化] 偏心锥形筒体

16、angle of advance of eccentric ─── [机] 偏心轮前进角

17、eccentric distance ─── [化] 偏心距离

18、eccentric cam ─── [化] 偏心凸轮

19、eccentric bushing ─── [机] 偏心套

eccentric 同义词

funny | erratic | flighty | type | abnormal | oddball |peculiar | outlandish | strange | character | unconventional | unusual | bizarre | off-the-wall | fanciful | flakey | spirit | geek | flaky | original | outre | odd | free | irregular | free spirit | colorful | off | freaky | weird | singular | zany | flake | nonconcentric | gonzo | crazy | quaint | oddity | curious | freakish | case | queer | aberrant

eccentric 相似词语短语

1、uneccentric ─── 不偏心

2、eccentrical ─── adj.古怪;n.行为古怪的人

3、geocentric ─── adj.以地球为中心的;由地心开始测量的

4、ecocentric ─── adj.生态为中心的

5、eccentrics ─── n.有怪癖的人;古怪的人(eccentric的复数形式)

6、exocentric ─── adj.外向的;离心的

7、egocentric ─── adj.[心理]自我中心的;利己主义的;n.利己主义者

8、acentric ─── adj.离心的;无中心的;[遗]无着丝粒的

9、-centric ─── adj.中心的;重要的;(硅藻)放射性对称的

eccentric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He has flirted with eccentric diversification plans. ─── 他已迅速转向了怪异的多元化计划。

2、He is eccentric, different from other kids since his childhood. ─── 他性格古怪,从小就和别的孩子不太一样。

3、His claims of quitting a serious drug habit on his own, however, is perhaps one of his least eccentric statements. ─── 然而,他对自己戒掉严重的吸毒习惯的言语,可能是他说的最正常点的一句话了。

4、I dare say you think me eccentric, or supersensitive, or something absurd. ─── 你当然要说我这是乖僻古怪,或者说过于敏感,或者说荒庭不经的了。

5、ISO 9628:1992 "Rolling bearings - Insert bearings and eccentric locking collars". ─── ISO 9628.1992“滚动轴承-带座轴承及偏心锁定环”

6、Worn or unbuffed top roller and eccentric top or bottom rollers. ─── 上罗拉破损、上下罗拉偏心。

7、Capriciously stubborn or eccentric;perverse. ─── 任性顽固的,怪癖的;执迷不悟的

8、You minglewith the eccentric guests and have yourfill of delicious home-made delicacies. ─── 你和衣着古怪的客人们交往,畅享自家烹饪的美味佳肴。

9、Eccentric photorefraction (EPR) is a technique for measuring the refractive state of the human eye. ─── 偏心摄影验光(EPR)是测量人眼屈光状态的一种简便方法。

10、"Doubtless you wish to make me appear a very eccentric character. ─── “您当然希望我是一个非常怪僻的人物。

11、She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity. ─── 她非常古怪,算是个奇人。

12、He is an eccentric and always behaves oddly. ─── 他是个怪人,行动老是古古怪怪的。

13、The unaccustomed eccentric activities may lead to DOMS. ─── 不习惯的离心运动均可导致延迟性肌肉酸痛(DOMS)。

14、It is rarely uncommon to come across an eccentric in Broadway. ─── 在百老汇偶尔碰到一怪人并不罕见。

15、She is so eccentric that she is regarded AS a bit of a curiosity. ─── 她非常古怪,算是个奇人。

16、But the humans win the top prizes for the most eccentric interruptions. ─── 但最为怪异的“入侵”还是来自人类自身。

17、Dry due to King Zhou, after khaki framed dug heart death, later than was that after the death of frank, careless, so do not eccentric bias. ─── 比干因中谏纣王,后被妲己陷害挖心致死,后人认为比干生前耿直,死后无心,故而做事不会偏心偏袒。

18、The motors and drive units on these two types of polisher's oscillate in an eccentric circular motion. ─── 发动机和转速单位在这两种抛光机上的振蒎是一个偏圆心的运动。

19、Aquarian wish to be accepted for the eccentric genius it is. ─── “水瓶”的生日愿望是希望他们非凡才能能被大家接受。

20、The same can be said for Frankel who displays not just rare sincerity but his eccentric side as well. ─── 同样的Frankel 演奏的不仅仅有罕见的真诚同时也有电子乐的一面。

21、After a hard contest with that eccentric action of thought which had last perplexed him, he had got the better of it. ─── 在跟刚才困扰着他的那些奇怪的思想活动狠狠地斗争了一番之后,他终于控制了它们。

22、The eccentric may be part of the camshaft itself or may bolt to it. ─── 偏心轮可能与凸轮轴是一体的,也可能是通过螺钉连接的。

23、Eccentric BHA is a new deflection controlling tool. ─── 偏轴防斜钻具是一种新型的防斜钻具。

24、He takes along an eccentric tie and a loud plaid jacket to illustrate the "wrong" way to dress for business. ─── 他随身带着一条怪里怪气的领带和一件大花格的夹克衫,用来说明这种穿着方式对于商业人士来说是“错误”的。

25、Is Calcification in Primary Bronchogenic Carcinoma always Distributed in a Eccentric Pattern? ─── 原发性支气管肺癌的钙化多为偏心性分布吗?

26、Explore 12 original Montreal locations and meet fascinating and eccentric people that make it a city to discover. ─── 12探索符合原来的位置和迷人的蒙特利尔和偏心的人,使其成为一个城市去发现。

27、Aquarius' aren't eccentric; they just love to be different. ─── 别说水瓶座古怪,他们是爱现一派。

28、In all of them his thinking was widely regarded at the outset as eccentric or worse. ─── 几乎在这些涉及的领域,起初他的想法都被看作古怪的或说是糟糕的思想。

29、A foolish, eccentric, or senile person. ─── 傻瓜一个愚蠢、古怪或衰老的人

30、He had the name of an eccentric. ─── 他有怪人之称。

31、The eccentric diameter tolerance which is h9. ─── 偏心直径公差为h9。

32、Most people considered him a harmless eccentric. ─── 多数人都认为他是一个无伤大雅的怪人。

33、She is an eccentric old lady. ─── 她是个古怪的老太太。

34、Don't conceal the poverty of thought by the eccentric diction. ─── 不要用这些怪僻的词藻来掩饰思想的贫乏。

35、The jig can be used in the machining of eccentric shaft or eccentric muff. ─── 一种利用蜗杆蜗轮传动无级调节偏心的双偏心轮定位夹具。

36、Eccentric structure Of impeller and pump casing applied. ─── 叶轮与泵壳偏心布置。

37、You could experience unusual circumstances and meet eccentric inpiduals. ─── 天蝎座:本周天蝎会经历不寻常的情况,遇到古怪的人。

38、An asteroid with an eccentric orbit approaching within 30 million kilometers(19 million miles) of the sun. ─── 伊卡鲁斯一个具有离心轨道的小行星,它在离太阳三千万公里(一千九百万英里)的范围内接近太阳

39、An asteroid with an eccentric orbit approaching within30 million kilometers(19 million miles) of the sun. ─── 伊卡鲁斯一个具有离心轨道的小行星,它在离太阳三千万公里(一千九百万英里)的范围内接近太阳

40、Capriciously stubborn or eccentric; perverse. ─── "任性顽固的,怪癖的;执迷不悟的"

41、If you go to the palace in tennis shoes, they will think you are eccentric. ─── 如果你穿着网球鞋进入皇宫,他们会认为你古里古怪。

42、The 'Top Chain' requires no tensioner pulley due to the eccentric Bottom Bracket. ─── 在'顶链'不要求拉紧滑轮由于偏心中轴。

43、The sensor shall be located at nacelle height, eccentric to the tower axis. ─── 传感器必须处于机舱高度,并偏离塔架轴线。

44、But he resented being considered an eccentric. ─── 可是如果人家说他行为怪僻他就很气恼。

45、You'll be considered eccentric if you go to the banquet in your tennis shoes. ─── 如果穿着网球鞋去参加宴会,别人会认为你很古怪。

46、Amusingly eccentric or unconventional. ─── 古怪的或不合常规的

47、The quality of being eccentric. ─── 古怪古怪的特性

48、At Timothy's it was whispered sadly that poor Roger had always been eccentric about his digestion. ─── 在悌摩西家里,就有人悲哀地低声说:罗杰在饮食上一直就是放任自己。

49、Askew used several names, and had a reputation as an eccentric. ─── 艾斯丘用过几个名字,并以“怪人”著称。

50、She can't just be written off as an eccentric recluse. ─── 不能仅仅把她当成一个古怪的隐居者。

51、Vardalos' good-natured and eccentric family encouraged the youngster' s creativity. ─── 她温厚而又古怪的家人对她的创造力给予了鼓励。

52、An impulsive, often eccentric turn of mind; a notion. ─── 一时冲动的,通常奇怪的想法;想法

53、Her fey charm and eccentric ways were legendary. ─── 她让人捉摸不定的魅力和无厘头的作风是个传奇。

54、He is eccentric by disposition. ─── 他秉性古怪。

55、He was very dependent on the whims and financial circumstances of his eccentric father. ─── 他身不由己,在很大程度上被他那脾气古怪的父亲的奇思异想和经济状况左右着。

56、By field testing of eccentric inclining prevention technique in 7 wells of Jianghan Oilfield,g... ─── 在江汉3个区块7口井进行现场试验,取得良好的社会和经济效益。

57、As to the rest, well, the rich and powerful have always been eccentric, have they not? ─── 另外,嗯,富有而有权力的家伙总有点怪,难道不是吗?

58、Fine tension adjustment with eccentric gear. ─── 偏心齿轮式张力微调。

59、In some cases, eccentric religious beliefs and practices are shown by this aspect. ─── 在某些例子中,这相位还显示出了古怪的宗教信仰及实践。

60、Scorpene inherited a bottle of this eccentric bad temper. ─── 天蝎继承了水瓶这个古怪的坏脾气。

61、Several painters try to match the shade,dofus kamas but none comes close enough to satisfy the eccentric woman. ─── 双方都应努力落实两国领导人达成的共识,多做有益于双边关系发展的事情。”

62、She cant just be written off as an eccentric recluse. ─── 中文:不能仅仅把她当成一个古怪的隐居者。

63、The distance between the center of an eccentric and its axis. ─── 偏心距偏心圆的中心与圆轴间的距离

64、Is your appearance or behavior considered "eccentric" by other people? ─── 你的行为或外表常给人古怪的印象吗?

65、In type VI complex solid and cystic masses, eccentric cystic foci can be caused by duct dilatation, acini, or necrosis. ─── 在TypeVI复杂实囊性团块中,偏心的囊性灶可由导管扩张、腺泡、或坏死。

66、She put him down as an eccentric person. ─── 她认为他是个行为古怪的人。

67、To attract public attention and new investors, he now cultivated the image of an eccentric genius. ─── 为了吸引民众的注意以及投资者的目光,他刻意制造天才怪人的形象。

68、To behave in an eccentric, bizarre manner. ─── 古怪,异常:以古怪,异常的方式行动

69、This femur has a large eccentric tumor mass arising in the metaphyseal region. ─── 可见股骨骺板处有一体积很大的偏心性肿物。

70、"To say that the Frenchman concerned was amazingly eccentric would be an understatement" wrote one contemporary diarist. ─── 同时代的一个日记作者曾写道:“要说这个法国人行为古怪令人好奇,那或许有些保守。”

71、The madman had been a surgeon, they said, and a noted one, but eccentric for some time, and recently violent. ─── 他们说,这个疯子曾经是个医生,而且是个有名的医生,但一段时间以来行为古怪,近期更变得狂躁。

72、Austin, the capital city , about 164 miles northwest of Houston , has been called everything from quirky to eccentric. ─── 奥斯丁是一个(州)省会,在休斯顿西北面164英里,它一直以来被称之为离奇古怪之地。

73、They were at once set down as eccentric individuals. ─── 他们曾被认为是行为怪异之人。

74、Canadians have long revered SaltSpring as a pristine refuge for the eccentric and creative. ─── 加拿大人一直以来都将盐泉岛敬为古怪的人和创造力的原始的庇护所。

75、Eccentric Fox-Trot in C for Bassoon Quartet. ─── 亨利:C大调古怪的狐步舞曲(为大管四重奏).

76、Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric. ─── 不要为自己持独特看法而感到害怕,因为我们现在所接受的常识都曾是独特看法;

77、A peculiar or eccentric idea or action. ─── 奇特想法,古怪的行为

78、How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing! ─── 他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!

79、Three days later, the eccentric Midwesterner was still at it, completing chapter after chapter, seemingly of his own free will. ─── 阅读开始三天后,这个来自中西部的怪小伙儿仍未放弃。他一章接一章的啃着,似乎心甘情愿。

80、Eccentric licker-in surface. ─── 刺辊表面偏心。

81、The modified ACOM is a feasible method for quantifying eccentric MR. ─── ACOM改进法是对偏心性二尖瓣反流进行定量的有效方法。

82、Yet so eccentric that all marvel at her. ─── 天生成孤癖人皆罕.

83、The eccentric mass type vibration generators are bolted to the platform. ─── 偏心量型式的振动发生器锚固在台身上。

84、Bottom rollers eccentric and vibrating, and lapping on rollers. ─── 下罗拉偏心和振动、罗拉间搭接不良。

85、On the basis of concentric annular fluctUation pressure model, approximate solution of eccentric annular was soluted. ─── 在建立同心环空波动压力的精确模式基础上,求解了偏心环空稳态波动压力的近似解。

86、He sold an eccentric millionaire such an unspeakable suit as that! ─── 他把那么一套不象样子的衣服卖给一位脾气特别的百万富翁。

87、An eccentric middle-aged man wearing a raincoat at the height of summer. ─── 一个年过半百的男子,却偏在夏天穿著畏寒的风衣。

88、Fastened on the crankshaft is an eccentric (off center) disk. ─── 固定在曲轴上面的是一只偏心盘。

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