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08-15 投稿


deign 发音

英:[de?n]  美:[de?n]

英:  美:

deign 中文意思翻译




deign 词性/词形变化,deign变形


deign 反义词

blaspheme |swear | curse

deign 同义词

glorify | consecrate | venerate | idolize | beatify | adore |dignify | exalt | worship

deign 短语词组

1、deign to work ─── 屈尊工作

2、deign definition ─── 设计定义

3、antiseismic deign ─── 抗震设计

4、deign to ─── 屈尊

5、deign condescend ─── 屈尊

6、not deign to do sth ─── 不屑做(某事)

deign 相似词语短语

1、deigned ─── vi.屈尊;vt.赐予

2、reign ─── n.君主统治时期;任期;(运动员)持荣誉头衔时期;主宰期;v.统治;成为最佳;盛行,支配

3、deigns ─── vi.屈尊;vt.赐予

4、deraign ─── vt.部署军队;解决争端

5、design ─── n.设计;构思;设计图样;装饰图案;打算;v.设计,构思;计划;制造,意欲;n.(Design)(巴、印、俄)迪赛(人名)

6、feign ─── vt.假装;装作;捏造;想象;vi.假装;装作;作假;佯作

7、sdeigne ─── 斯迪涅

8、sdeigns ─── 斯迪恩斯

9、sdeign ─── 设计

deign 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If God Exists...Deign Me Being Heartless As The Devil... ─── 如果有神...请赐予我魔鬼般的狠心...

2、And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it. ─── 一个使性的女人,就像一池受到搅动的泉水,混浊可憎,失去一切的美丽,无论怎样喉干吻渴的人,也不愿把它啜饮一口。

3、"And never forget that until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,--'Wait and hope.'" ─── "永远不要忘记,直至上帝揭露人的未来图景的那一天以前,人类的一切智慧就包含在这四个字里面:‘等待’和‘希望’。享受生命的快乐吧!"

4、He did not deign to an answer. ─── 他不屑置答。

5、to condescend to grant or bestow(a privilege,for example); deign ─── 屈就以授予或给予(如一个特权);惠赐

6、He doesn't deign to acknowledge his old friends ─── 他连老朋友也不理了。

7、Discussion about Deign of Post tensioned Partial Prestressed Frame Beam ─── 关于后张部分预应力框架梁设计的探讨

8、He saw in her a pretty and fresh young girl with whom he did not deign to unite his life permanently. ─── 他只看到她是一个好看的,娇艳的小姑娘,他不屑同她共命运。

9、Now that she' s jumped to one of the most famous vocalists, she doesn' t deign to visit her former friends. ─── 既然她一跃成为最著名的歌唱演员之一,便再也不愿屈尊去看望从前的朋友了。

10、He walk past me without even deign to look at me ─── 他从我身旁走过, 竟没有屈尊看我一眼

11、He would not deign to examine even the masterpieces of Elephanta, or the mysterious hypogea, concealed southeast from the docks, or those fine remains of Buddhist architecture, the Kanherian grottoes of the island of Salcette. ─── 他既不去欣赏象山的名胜,也不去访问那些深藏在盂买湾东南的神秘地窖;就连萨尔赛特岛上的冈艾里石窟这种巧夺天工的佛教建筑遗迹,他也不屑于去瞧一眼。

12、But few deign to explain how the construction of the millions of solar cells required to convert that energy into electricity would be financed. ─── 但将太阳能转换成电力先要铺设上百万块太阳能电池,他们当中很少有人屈尊解释,所需的安装费用从何而来。

13、Martin did not deign to offer excuses, but called for whiskey, filling his own glass brimming before he passed the bottle. ─── 马丁不屑于辩解,开口便叫威卜忌,给自己的杯子斟满之后把酒瓶递给了乔。

14、He did not deign to reply ─── 他不屑回答。

15、Research on Mechanism of Urban Environmental Deign Assessment ─── 城市环境设计评价机制研究

16、He doesn't deign to talk to unimportant people like me. ─── 他不肯屈尊和像我这样不重要的人说话。

17、Do not know to wife canal of tracheitis "(of how many " fathers) the husband, under the powerful weapon that rejects coital " in wife " namely, candidly admit defeat, deign with respect to volt. ─── 不知有多少"气管炎"(妻管严)丈夫,就是在妻子"拒绝性交"的有力武器 之下,甘拜下风,屈尊就伏的。

18、O how kind is Your spirit, Lord, Who in order to show Your sweetness toward Your children, deign to feed them with the sweetest of bread, bread come down from heaven! ─── 主!祢的心是多麽甘饴!为显出祢对祢儿女的慈爱来,竟使甘美之粮,从天下降,养育我们。

19、earthquake resistance deign ─── 抗震设计

20、Methods The programming and deign was performed according to the principles of "taking patients a center, clinic as basis, utility as goal, service as aim". ─── 方法:根据“以患者为中心、以临床为基础、以实用为目的、以服务为宗旨”的原则进行总体规划和设计。

21、Will you deign no answer? ─── 您不屑赐予回答吗?

22、1.And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. ─── 当终于有个售货员肯屈尊理你,那样子又让你感觉像是打扰了他?

23、Deign of Amplitude Quantizing DRFM Unit ─── 幅度量化数字射频存储器单元的设计

24、The Method of t-test of Experimental Result of Cross-over Deign with Two Treatments ─── 二个处理交叉试验结果分析的t检验法

25、If e'er you deign these lowly lines your eyes, ─── 如果你能让双眼屈就这段拙诗,

26、I think you may deign to marry me.I don't want to be an Adonis. ─── 你要屈尊下嫁,我可不想当小白脸儿。

27、wouldn't deign to greet the servant who opened the door.See Synonyms at stoop &+{1} ─── 不愿降低身份向开门的仆人打招呼参见

28、He did not deign to listen to our request. ─── 他不屑听我们的请求

29、And what's worse, you don't care. Because this place, where so many people would die to work you only deign to work. . ─── 更糟的是,妳不在乎,因为...这里虽然有很多人挤破头想进来,妳却只是来讨口饭吃。

30、deign to ask sb. below oneself ─── 屈尊下问

31、So the afflatus of clothing deign must be pursued from all-around and multiple directions. ─── 因此要从多角度、多层次、多方位去寻求服装设计的灵感。

32、If e'er you deign these lowly lines your eyes ─── 如果你能让双眼屈就这段拙诗

33、experiment deign ─── 实验设计

34、Deign of Inner Pneumatic Large Diameter Pipe Aligning Device with Copper Lining and Its Application Prospect ─── 大口径带铜衬气动内对口器的设计及前景展望

35、instructional deign ─── 教学设计

36、From now on, take the market as the guidance, promotes the characteristic stone material craft new product unceasingly, provides a higher quality service for the general customers, welcome to deign to inquire grants instruction. ─── 今后,将以市场为导向,不断推出特色石材工艺新品,为广大客户提供更优质的服务,欢迎垂询赐教。

37、Hermione did not deign to respond, but approached Harry. ─── 赫敏没有屈尊回答,而是走向了哈利。

38、They should change this bad habit and condescend/ deign to be pleased what is pleasing. ─── 他们应该改掉这个坏毛病,谦逊地去请教为人接受的方式.

39、You only deign to work. ─── 你只是被迫工作。

40、wouldn't deign to greet the servant who opened the door ─── 不愿降低身份向开门的仆人打招呼

41、Only too happy if she deign some times to cast a pitying look upon her slave , and to remember him in the hour of danger ! ─── 如果她能间或委身,对她的奴隶投去怜悯的目光,在危难中记得他,那就是他莫大的幸福!

42、Nor would we deign him burial of his men(Shakespeare) ─── 我们也不愿答允他埋没他的部下(莎士比亚)

43、Only too happey if she deign some times to cast a pitying look upon her slave, and to remember him in the hour of danger! ─── 如果她能间或委身,对她的奴隶投去怜悯的目光,在危难中记得他,那就是他莫大的幸福!

44、He would deign us no reply. ─── 他不答复我们

45、5 He denied it all, and accused Senate Democrats of carrying out “a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves. ─── ” 托马斯全盘否认指控,并指责参议院的民主党听证是 “对敢于有一点点自我思考的黑人执行的一场高科技刑罚”。

46、Now that she's jumped to one of the most famous vocalists,she doesn't deign to visit her former friends. ─── 既然她一跃成为最著名的歌唱演员之一,便再也不愿屈尊去看望从前的朋友了。

47、Computational method of flow quantity per second for housing service pipe deign ─── 住宅给水管道设计秒流量计算方法

48、"If the marquise will deign to repeat the words I but imperfectly caught, I shall be delighted to answer," said M. de Villefort ─── “如果侯爵夫人愿意把刚才的话再说一遍,我是非常乐于答复。”福尔维先生说。

49、By using and practice, it is proved that the deign is reasonable, the manufacturing is good, the controlling is precision and the uniformity of furnace temperature is very well. ─── 介绍一种新型铝材时效炉的特点和实用性,通过运用和实践证明,该设备设计合理、制作优良、控制精确、炉温均匀性高。

50、"See what this man says: 'If you will only deign to grant me one half-hour,'" she repeated, with an imitation of languor. ─── “你来看看吧,”她对萝拉说,“看看这个人说的话,‘倘若你能给我半个小时,’”她重复了一遍,装出可怜巴巴有气无力的口气。

51、"Do look here," she remarked to Lola. "See what this man says: 'If you will only deign to grant me one half-hour,'" she repeated, with an imitation of languor. ─── “你来看看吧,"她对萝拉说,"看看这个人说的话,'倘若你能给我半个小时,'"她重复了一遍,装出可怜巴巴有气无力的口气。

52、Post-reading: 1. Show some fashionable clothing and school uniform designed by other students, then ask them to deign their uniform by themselves and share the design with others. ─── 展示时尚的生活装和校服让学生了解时装流行趋势,开阔他们的眼界,有助于更好地设计他们满意的校服。

53、also tell me how much revisions you will provide, once you complete deign how many time i can ask to make changes in that design. ─── 还告诉我,你多少会提供修改,一旦你完成屈尊多少时间我可以要求作出的设计变更。

54、3.We are in the position to accept orders against customer's samples specified deign ,speciation and packaging requirements. ─── 我们也是可以接受又客人提供样品,客人的规格和包装要求的定单;

55、S. president should deign to talk to. ─── 在这次竞选中对这一问题一直争论不休。

56、Introdction of Deign Method for High Frequency Transformer in SMPS with Example ─── 实例讲解电源高频变压器的设计方法

57、They would never deign to notice me. ─── 他们决不会屈尊来注意我。

58、Keywords spline hob with tooth side and bottom tolerance tooth Profile deign; ─── 关键词留磨花键滚刀;齿形设计;

59、At times he might even deign to speak to them. ─── 有些时候,他也以恩赐的神情同他们谈谈话。

60、She would not deign to speak to us. ─── 她认为她不值得和我们说话。

61、deign to examine ─── 俯察

62、It is said that Wang Anshi did not deign to argue with him but banished him to Huangzhou. ─── 王安石未与他争论菊花是否落瓣,只是贬他去黄州。

63、And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. ─── 当终于有个售货员肯屈尊理你那样子又让你感觉像是打扰了他。

64、"Monsieur le Baron, deign to listen to me.There is in America, in a district near Panama, a village called la Joya. ─── “男爵先生,请听我说,在美洲巴拿马那边一个地区,有一个村子叫若耶,这村子只有一所房子。

65、A Study on the Deign Method of ARM Based Embedded System ─── 基于ARM的嵌入式系统设计方法研究

66、"Nor would we deign him burial of his men" (Shakespeare) ─── “我们也不愿答允他埋没他的部下”(莎士比亚)

67、he would undertake a long journey and humble himself before the prophet, who did not even deign to come out and see him. ─── 他不辞劳苦、长途跋踄,谦卑自己向先知求医治,即使那先知并不想见他。

68、do not deign to ─── 不屑

69、Pursued from the time she was very young by suitors she did not even deign to notice, she decided, and for the rest of her life, on the first one who looked all right to her. ─── 从很小时起她就被人追求,但那些人她看都懒得看一眼。她认准了第一个看着顺眼的人,托付终身,一生无悔。

70、And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. ─── 当终于有个售货员肯屈尊理你,那样子又让你感觉像是打扰了他?

71、The use of Programmable Logic Device (PLD) is more and more general in recent years, and the procedure of circuit deign is fast and elastic. ─── 和其它的演化和族群智慧演算法比较,而它们的结合被实施用来证实所提出方法的性能。

72、Deign problems of fire cooling spray device in storage tank area ─── 储罐区消防冷却喷淋装置设计问题的探讨

73、Now that she is rich and famous, she does not deign to visit her former friends. ─── 既然她现在又有钱又出名,便再也不愿屈尊去看望从前的朋友了。

74、not deign to do sth ─── 不屑做(某事)

75、He denied it all, and accused Senate Democrats of carrying out “a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves. ─── 托马斯断然否认指控,并指责参议院的民主党听证是“对敢于有一点点自我思考的黑人执行的一场高科技私刑”。

76、A dim form appeared at his side, and a voice said, "Wilt deign to deliver thy commands?" ─── 一个模模糊糊的人影出现在他身边,一个声音说:“你肯屈尊下达命令吗?”

77、She has not told me that-and Lavinia didn't deign. ─── 她没有对我说起这件事,拉维尼亚也不哼一声。

78、"If the marquise will deign to repeat the words I but imperfectly caught, I shall be delighted to answer, " said M. de Villefort. ─── “如果侯爵夫人愿意把刚才的话再说一遍,我是非常乐于答复。”福尔维先生说。

79、They don’t move a user towards his goal; they are overhead that the applications demand before they deign to assist that person. ─── 在其设计成为协助用户之前,程序的要求是一种额外开支。

80、engineering deign graphics (EDG) ─── 工程图学

81、The company receives "the good faith, is practical, the innovation,surmounting" the idea, by the high quality product and the perfectservice, welcome the domestic and foreign customers to deign toinquire, your help or friendship. ─── 公司秉承“诚信、务实、创新、超越”的理念,以优质的产品和完美的服务,欢迎国内外客户垂询、惠顾。

82、I would not deign to comment on such behaviour. ─── 这种行为不屑我置评。

83、multidisciplinary deign optimization ─── 多学科设计优化

84、Benevolent Man: If you deign to accompany my daughter, you will behold a misserable calamity, and I will show you my certificates. ─── 善人:假使您不见弃,肯陪着我的女儿,您将看见一种穷苦的灾难,我也可以把我的证件送给您看。

85、Analysis and Deign of High Speed LDO Circuits ─── 低压高速LDO电路系统的分析与设计

86、He passed the castle in the heart of the forest, but didnt deign to look up at the princesss window. ─── 他从那个森林中的城堡下经过的时候,连看都没往公主的窗口那边看。

87、The Deign of The Measuring Software of A Main Transformer of Cool System Intelligent Control Equipment ─── 主变冷却系统智能控制装置的测试软件设计

88、I fear my Julia will not deign my lines ─── 我担心我的朱莉亚不会欣然接受我的书信。

89、3. In compensation trade payment is made by goods and not by for deign exchange. ─── 在补偿贸易中,付款以货物而不是用外汇进行。


ego design的中文翻译  ego design  自我设计  双语例句  

1  I am an interior design and have strong ego style a design ability!  我是一位室内设计者,有强烈的自我风格设计能力!  

2  The ego design of morals life and plan are prepared to carry out oneself to create to livinged by one ' s own.  道德生命的自我设计和自我筹划实现自身的创生。

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