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08-15 投稿


dehydrating 发音

英:[?di?ha??dre?t??]  美:[di??ha?dre?t??]

英:  美:

dehydrating 中文意思翻译




dehydrating 词性/词形变化,dehydrating变形


dehydrating 反义词


dehydrating 短语词组

1、oil dehydrating ─── [化] 油品脱水; 润滑乳胶脱水

2、dehydrating property ─── 脱水性能

3、dehydrating unit ─── 脱水装置

4、dehydrating agents ─── 脱水剂

5、dehydrating reaction ─── 脱水反应

6、dehydrating tower ─── 脱水塔

7、dehydrating breather ─── 吸湿器

8、dehydrating tomatoes ─── 脱水番茄

9、dehydrating mushrooms ─── 脱水蘑菇

10、dehydrating apples ─── 脱水苹果

11、dehydrating press ─── 脱水压机

12、dehydrating peppers ─── 脱水辣椒

13、dehydrating box ─── 脱水箱

14、dehydrating bananas ─── 脱水香蕉

15、dehydrating catalyst ─── 脱水催化剂

16、dehydrating walk ─── 脱水步行

17、dehydrating agent ─── [医] 去水剂, 脱水剂

18、electrical dehydrating ─── 电脱水

19、dehydrating of crude oil ─── 原油脱水

dehydrating 同义词

dry up | dry out | exsiccate | parch |desiccate

dehydrating 相似词语短语

1、dehydrogenating ─── vt.使脱氢

2、desiderating ─── v.渴望

3、decorating ─── v.装饰;粉刷;点缀;授给(某人)勋章(或奖章)(decorate的现在分词);n.(对房子进行的)油漆,裱糊

4、hydrating ─── adj.保湿的;吸水的;v.保湿;使成水合物(hydrate的现在分词)

5、deaerating ─── v.通风;排气(deaerate的ing形式)

6、deflorating ─── n.摘花,落花(deflorate进行式)

7、dehydration ─── n.脱水

8、dehorting ─── vt.劝阻;劝诫

9、rehydrating ─── 再水化;再水合(rehydrate的现在分词)

dehydrating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is an extremely powerful inorganic acid and a vigorous dehydrating agent. ─── 氢氟酸是一种极强的无机酸和强脱水剂。

2、So you can enjoy the one to two cups a day. You do not want to overdo it but, it is not dehydrating. ─── 所以你可以每天享用一到两杯。你不能多喝,但不是脱水的。

3、This machinery has several features including : elegant shape , reasonable sturcture ,high dehydrating rate ,small shocks ,high quality and competitive price ,not to harm fabrics ,etc . ─── 本机具有造型美观、结构合理、脱水率高、振动小、不损伤织物、质优价廉等特点。

4、Keywords tobacco leaves curing;dehydrating properties;model;curing technology; ─── 烟叶烘烤;失水特性;模型;烘烤工艺;

5、The affects of catalyst amount, molar ratio of phenylethyl alcohol and iso-valeric acid, reaction time and dehydrating agent amount were studied. ─── 研究了催化剂用量、载体二甲苯用量、醇酸比例以及反应时间对反应结果的影响。

6、When dehydrating the turbine oil, the vacuum purifiers will shut down frequently due to the aeration in the vacuum tower. ─── 真空滤油机在透平油处理中常会产生大量泡沫导致停机。

7、Oil sludge is produced in the process of raw oil dehydrating in oil field corporations and oily sewage disposal in the petrochemical industry factories. ─── 含油污泥主要产生于油田企业对原油脱水以及油田和炼油厂等石化行业的污水处理部门对含油污水的处理过程中。

8、Among them, horizontal swing of the coasting body is restricted by gyroscopic effect and fixed at an acceptable range.It will become weaker while clothes' dehydrating water is becoming less. ─── 其中,惯性体水平摆动(公转)因受陀螺效应的制约,被稳定在一个可接受的限度内,并随衣物脱水重量减轻而减弱。

9、JiangMen PengJiang Wealth Purifying Agent Co.,Ltd is a high-technology chemical company which is specialized in development、manufacture and marketing of purifying agents and sludge dehydrating agents. ─── 江门市蓬江区慧信净水材料有限公司是一家专门从事研究、生产、销售新型水处理药剂及污泥脱水剂的高科技实体。

10、XGQ series of automatic washing and dehydrating machine is computer-controlled,It can be widely used in hotels,restrants,hospitals,schools and laundries. ─── XGQ型系列全自动洗脱机,变频调速,电脑控制,悬浮减震,方便实用。广泛用于宾馆、大酒店、医院、院校、招待所等行业对衣物洗涤和脱水。

11、Power transformer and reactor fittings -- Part 5: Liquid level, pressure and flow indicators, pressure relief devices and dehydrating breathers ─── 功率变压器和扼流圈装置---第5部分:液体高度,压力流动指示计,压力释放装置和脱水器

12、Research and Application of Normal Temperature Dehydrating Antirust Oil ─── 常温脱水性防锈油的研究与应用

13、He added that it is a myth that coffee and tea are dehydrating. ─── 他表示咖啡和茶会使人脱水的说法只是虚构的。

14、Pervaporation(PV) or vapor permeation(VP) process was proved to be effective for removing the pollutant from industrial emission, dehydrating organic solvent and separating organic/organic mixtures. ─── 摘要在渗透汽化(PV)和蒸汽渗透(VP)膜分离过程,利用高分子膜材料对原料中不同组分的溶解度与扩散系数不同实现混合物分离。

15、Determining Mineral oil in Wastewater with Progressive dehydrating Method ─── 用逐步脱水法测定工业废水中矿物油

16、tar dehydrating still ─── 焦油脱水蒸馏釜

17、Accordingly, to eliminate cerebral oedema, can select dehydrating agent according to the illness. ─── 因此,为了消除脑水肿,可根据病情选择脱水剂。

18、Jim: This hike is 2)treacherous. I think I'm 3)dehydrating in this heat! ─── 吉姆:走这一趟真是危险。大热天里的,我好象在脱水了!

19、Like an oasis in the desert, condensed water dripping from the jar's lid can give a dehydrating microbe the relief it needs. ─── 如同沙漠中的绿洲一般,凝结的水滴从瓶盖上落下,便给正处脱水状态的细菌必要的喘息时机。

20、Operation hind still should use hormone, dehydrating agent and bacteriophage, happen in order to prevent adhesion once more. ─── 手术后还应使用激素、脱水剂及抗菌素,以防止粘连再度发生。

21、Keywords dimethyl ether;DME;methanol;dehydrating reaction;adiabatic reactor;simulation; ─── 二甲醚;甲醇;脱水反应;绝热反应器;模拟;


23、Auto Dehydrating for Organic Tissue ─── 生物组织脱水机

24、The experiments of the dehydrating process of half-thawed and non-thawed quick frozen white asparagus were carried out respectively in different temperature fields. ─── 模拟冻结物冷藏间稳定温度场和周期波动的非稳定温度场,在其中对半解冻和未解冻的速冻白芦笋分别进行脱水实验。

25、Transformer oil purifier applies for filtrating and dehydrating transformer oil, mutual conductor oil, switch oil and other kinds of insulation oils. ─── 变压器油净化器适用于过滤和脱水的变压器油,相互导体油,开关油和其他种类的绝缘油。

26、Methods Twelve patients (12 eyes) with traumatic optic neuropathy were treated with high-dose corticosteroids , dehydrating agent, dilating blood vessel and trophic optic nerve . ─── 方法 视神经间接损伤 12例,采用大剂量皮质类固醇、脱水剂、扩血管及视神经营养药物综合治疗。

27、The results showed that respiratory rate of yellow sun-cured tobacco leaves during curing was sensitive to dehydrating rate. ─── 研究失水率对晒黄烟调制过程中叶片光合作用、呼吸作用的影响。

28、Freeze drying A technique for dehydrating a specimen by the sublimation of ice under a vacuum. It avoids damage that would result from heating. ─── 冰冻干燥:一项冻干技术,指在真空条件下通过冰的升华使样品脱水的技术,避免了加热所造成的样本损坏。

29、Keywords natural gas;supersonics;swirling separator;condensation;dehydrating; ─── 天然气;超声速;旋流分离器;凝析;脱水;

30、The method reported is not only environmental friend and ready operation, but also safety with the absence of chemical dehydrating reagents... ─── 此法不仅环境友好且操作安全,避免使用化学脱水剂。

31、Keywords recirculating drier;development;drying technology;dehydrating; ─── 内循环干燥设备;研制;干燥工艺;脱水;

32、Drier foods basically have a “dehydrating” effect on the body (increasing the need to drink fluids separately),while fruits and vegetables have a water-sparing or “rehydrating” effect. ─── 更干燥的食品基本上对身体(增加对液体的分别需要)有“脱水”的影响,而水果和蔬菜有相反的影响。

33、Keywords testing petroleum;dehydrating filter;matting thickness;testing result; ─── 矿物油测定;脱水过滤;铺垫厚度;测定结果;


35、Rosin and gaseous ammonia occurred the reaction of ammoniation by the catalyst of para-ammonium tungstate,and dehydrating action, which might produce the high-quality rosin nitrile. ─── 松香与气态氨在仲钨酸铵催化剂作用下发生氨化和脱水反应后,可生产出性能优良的松香腈产品.

36、Several high quality convenience foods of preserved actinidia chinensis have been processed by vacuum infusing and vacuum dehydrating at lower temperature. ─── 真空浸渍是通过负压作用和浸渍作用,改善材料性能或满足某种特定要求的工艺技术。

37、The preliminary results show that microwave radiation is an effective way of dehydrating sludge and has a good prospect of application. ─── 初步研究结果表明,微波辐照是污泥脱水干化的有效方法,具有良好的应用前景。

38、Method: 14 cases of tension vesicle due to lower limb closed fracture were treated with MEBO, associated with large doses of antibiotics and dehydrating drugs. ─── 方法:对14例下肢闭合性骨折引起的张力性水泡进行治疗。

39、oil dehydrating plant ─── 油品脱水装置

40、Like an oasis in the desert, condensed water dripping from the jar's lid can give a dehydrating microbe the relief it needs. ─── 就如同沙漠上的一块绿洲,从瓶口滴下来的浓缩的水分,会给一个正在脱水的微生物喘息的机会。

41、In essence, you are dehydrating yourself to lose weight. ─── 本质上,你使自己脱水以减轻体重。

42、PRESERVING: You’ll waste less and be able to enjoy your garden food throughout the year by home canning, dehydrating, freezing and knowing how to store your food. ─── 储存食物: 学会储存食物为你节约不少,通过自制的罐装、脱水、冰冻等方式你就可以一年四季享用你的种植成果。

43、decompression dehydrating ─── 减压脱水

44、ZJA series double-stage high vacuum transformer oil purifier applies for filtrating and dehydrating transformer oil, mutual conductor oil, switch oil and other kinds of insulation oils. ─── zja系列双级高真空变压器油净化器适用于过滤和脱水的变压器油,相互导体油,开关油和其他种类的绝缘油。

45、Keywords triethyl orthoformate;dehydrating agent;glycerol;orthogonal experiment; ─── 原甲酸三乙酯;脱水剂;丙三醇;正交实验;

46、Well, drinking alcohol doesn't mix with running because alcohol has a dehydrating effect. ─── 嗯,好吧,和含有酒精的饮品时不能与跑步同时进行因为酒精中含有脱水的效果。

47、This product series is optimized for washing,gradding and dehydrating in units that use sandstone,quartz sand,etc. ─── 本系列产品专为砂石、石英砂等用砂单位做洗选、分级,脱水而优化设计。

48、Keywords Xianglei honeysuckle;picking-up time;dehydrating method; ─── 湘蕾金银花;采收时间;干燥方法;

49、The higher vacuum degree was, the higher were the overheating degree and dehydrating efficiency on mushroom surface. ─── 真空度高,香菇表面干燥介质的过热度及去水效能越高。

50、This paper also analysis the key links of dehydrating station's production.The correct control method for the industly sites are obtained. ─── 并对脱水站的重要生产环节进行研究分析,从而得出符合工业现场实际的控制办法。

51、lroner is maching usd for ironing the large flat fabrics(such as bed sheet,tablecloth...etc.)after washing and dehydrating. ─── 熨平机是熨平、烫干经洗涤脱水后的大型平面形状的纺织品(如:床单、窗帘、餐桌布等)的机器。

52、Keywords Glycerin triacetate;esterification;dehydrating agent;underpressure distillation; ─── 甘油三醋酸酯;酯化;脱水剂;减压精馏;


54、a glassy solid acid ((HPO3)n) often used as a dehydrating agent ─── 一种玻璃状的固体酸((HPO3)n),通常用作脱水剂

55、Keywords water-cooled centrifugally cast;coating of pipe model;refractory filler;suspending agent;adhesive;dehydrating agent;the amount of gas evolution;blowhole; ─── 水冷法离心铸造;管模涂料;耐火基料;悬浮剂;粘结剂;减水剂;发气量;气孔;

56、Different with the normal way,dehydration process adopt the way of combining the dehydrating system of coal tar with treatment system of wastewater burning. ─── 与常规炼焦焦油脱水不同,工艺采用焦油脱水系统及污水焚烧处理系统联动使焦油脱水。

57、The dehydrating characters of banana powder by cinctured continuous vacuum dryer were studied. ─── 对带式连续真空干燥条件下香蕉粉的失水特性进行研究。

58、All models of washing machines are working actomatically with the corresponding kind of dehydrating machine. ─── 各型水洗机分别同各型脱水机联用,自动化操作。

59、dehydrating value of sulfuric acid ─── 硫酸脱水值

60、The coupling mechanism of silane coupler and its use as endcapper, adhesion promoter and dehydrating agent in polyurethane sealant are discussed. ─── 摘要论述了硅烷偶联剂的偶联机理及其作为封端剂、粘接促进剂和干燥剂在聚氨酯密封胶中的应用。

61、Keywords Chaenomeles;Convenience food;Processing;Vacuum infusing;Vacuum dehydrating;Lower temperature; ─── 关键词木瓜;方便食品;工艺;真空糖渍;真空低温干燥;

62、oil dehydrating ─── 油品脱水

63、a glassy solid acid ([HPO3]n) often used as a dehydrating agent. ─── 一种玻璃状的固体酸(hpo;n),通常用作脱水剂。

64、Keywords natural gas purifying plant gathering and distributing system desulfurizing and dehydrating equipment system purging pressure testing process flow; ─── 天然气净化厂;集配气系统;脱硫脱水装置系统;吹扫;试压;工艺流程;

65、The speed of dehydrating of embryo was slower than of cotyledon of peanut seed,however,the speed of dehydrating of embryo and cotyledon was similar in soybean and mung bean seeds.It showed that... ─── 另外,花生种子的种胚脱水速率滞后于子叶的脱水速率,大豆和绿豆种子的种胚和子叶同步脱水,即种胚着生部位可能会对种子脱水产生一定影响。

66、This product series is optimized for washing, grading and dehydrating in units that use sandstone, quartz sand, etc. ─── 本系列产品专为砂石、石英沙等用砂单位作洗选、分级,脱水而优化设计。

67、The results of experiment showed that the demulsifier had character of high dehydrating rate and strong ability of water clarification. ─── 实验证明:此类清水型特(超)稠油破乳剂具有脱水率高和清水能力强的特点。

68、Because of incompetence of furfural content in wastewater discharged from the bottom of dehydrating tower in furfural refining unit, the dehydrating tower was reconstructed. ─── 由于润滑油糠醛精制装置的脱水塔底排放废水中糠醛含量超标,对脱水塔进行了相关改造。

69、The higher vacuum degree was, the higher were the overheating degree and dehydrating efficiency on mushroom surface. ─── 真空度高,香菇表面干燥介质的过热度及去水效能越高。

70、Research on dehydrating and distribution of coal tar in the coking process of vertical furnace ─── 直立炉炼焦过程中焦油分布及脱水的研究

71、Intentionally dehydrating yourself might seem like a good idea, but dehydration increases fatigue and predisposes you to decompression sickness. ─── 故意让自己脱水似乎是一个好的主意,但脱水会让你疲劳而且容易得减压病。

72、dehydrating of crude oil ─── 原油脱水

73、Dehydrating Characters of Banana Powder by Cinctured Continuous Vacuum Dryer ─── 带式连续真空干燥香蕉粉的失水特性研究

74、A self-organized pellet which can be reversibly dispersed was produced by dehydrating the oxidized CNT solution. ─── 加热含经处理的碳纳米管的悬浮液,使之脱水,得到自组装的碳纳米管圆片,该圆片可直接分散。

75、Okay, first one. Coffee is dehydrating . -Okay. -Yes. -You're supposed to let me go first! ─── 好的,第一个。咖啡让人脱水。-好的。-是。-你应该让我先回答?

76、In the view of the overcooling of the condensate in the dehydrating column,the rise of pressure was not due to the insufficient condensate.The main reason of continuous blowdown from rectifing col... ─── 从脱水塔塔顶冷凝液过冷现象认为压力升高与冷凝能力无关,指出不凝气积聚是导致精馏塔持续放空的主要原因。

77、The new technics of producing p-tolunitrile by using p-tolunic acid,p-tolunitrile solvent and liquid ammonia through two dehydrating steps were researched. ─── 本文研究了对甲基苯甲酸在对甲基苯甲腈溶剂作用下,与液氨反应,两步脱水成腈的新工艺,收率达94.05%,且产品纯度好,反应全过程安全、清洁、环保。

78、Refind skin texture from dull, dryness and dehydrating skin.Improves firmness, moisture and soften to the skin. ─── 修护暗淡,干燥和缺水的肌肤组织.改善肤质,滋润与柔软肌肤.

79、The experimental results indicate that asphaltene influences the dehydrating efficiency of the demulsifiers most badly, followed by resin and naphtenic acid. ─── 实验结果表明,外加的天然乳化剂在一定程度上影响破乳剂的分水速度和脱水率,最终影响破乳效果。

80、Keywords Onion;Decompression dehydration;Dehydrating rate; ─── 洋葱;减压脱水;脱水速率;

81、The antirust and dehydration properties of the normal temperature dehydrating antirust oil were investigated through experiments of corrosion and water disp... ─── 常温脱水性防锈油具有优良的防锈效果和脱水性。

82、The technology of dehydrating wild rice stem using microwave energy in combination with hot air diying was investigated preliminarily. ─── 利用微波能结合热风干燥对茭白脱水的工艺进行了初步研究。

83、A Tetra-Component Combinational Demulsifier for Dehydrating Viscous Crude Oil of Heidimiao ─── 大庆黑帝庙稠油复合破乳剂的研究

84、Airplanes are dehydrating and if you're not getting enough fiber on top of that you can get constipated. ─── 飞机上的空气是干燥的,如果你没摄入足够的纤维,你就很可能会便秘。

85、Automatic dehydrating switch device. ─── 脱水自动切换装置。

86、This article approached the dehydrating and exhausting laws of wet-way hardboard in the hot-pressing course. ─── 本文探讨了湿法硬质纤维板在热压过程中的脱水排汽规律。

87、Cr removal and improving the settling and dehydrating capability from tannery sludge simultaneously through bioleaching approach ─── 制革污泥中铬的生物脱除及其对污泥的调理作用

88、Experimental study of dehydrating properties of pumpkin chips in vacuum drying ─── 南瓜片真空干燥过程失水特性的试验研究

89、Firstly,the six constituents such as resins,dehydrating catalyzer,carbonifier,vesicant,fillers and additives of intumescent flame-retardant coating were summarized. ─── 介绍了膨胀型防火涂料的六大基本组成以及其防火阻燃机理,概述了膨胀型防火涂料的国内外研究进展。

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