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08-15 投稿


Achilles 发音

英:[??k?li?z]  美:[??k?li?z]

英:  美:

Achilles 中文意思翻译



Achilles 词性/词形变化,Achilles变形


Achilles 常用词组

achilles tendon ─── 跟腱

achilles heel ─── 致命要害;薄弱环节

the heel of achilles ─── 唯一的致命弱点

Achilles 短语词组

Achilles' heel

1. 唯一的(致命)弱点

His Achilles' heel was his pride.


1、Achilles' heel ─── 唯一致命的弱点

2、Achilles tendon ─── [医] 跟腱

3、tendon of Achilles ─── [网络] 跟腱

4、Achilles heel ─── 致命要害;薄弱环节

5、Achilles bursa jerk ─── 阿喀琉斯·伯萨混蛋

6、Achilles- ─── 阿基里斯-

7、achilles and his gold ─── 阿基里斯和他的黄金

8、the heel of Achilles ─── 唯一的致命弱点

9、Achilles tendon reflex ─── [医] 跟腱反射, 踝反射

10、Achilles Fang ─── 阿基里斯·方

11、Achilles number ─── 阿喀琉斯数

12、the song of achilles ─── 阿基里斯之歌

13、achilles hill ─── 阿基里斯山

14、Achilles bursa ─── [医] 跟腱囊

15、Achilles jerk ─── [医] 踝反射

16、Achilles bursitis ─── [医] 跟腱粘液囊炎

17、defection of achilles ─── 跟腱缺损

18、Achilles' bursa ─── [医] 跟腱囊

19、Achilles and Patroclus ─── 阿基里斯和帕特洛克勒斯

Achilles 相似词语短语

1、rachillas ─── n.[植]小穗轴;[植]小花轴

2、achilleas ─── [植]蓍属

3、chiles ─── n.辣椒(chile的复数)

4、Schiller ─── n.席勒(姓氏,德国诗人及剧作家)

5、achieves ─── 实现

6、cailles ─── 石头

7、achillea ─── [植]蓍属

8、achiotes ─── n.胭脂树的种子;胭脂树

9、Achilles ─── n.阿基里斯

Achilles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his Achilles' heel. ─── 他本来会成为一名很好的飞行员,不过他的饮酒习惯却成了他的致命弱点。

2、Aurelio has been missing for six months since rupturing his Achilles tendon. ─── 奥雷里奥已经因为跟腱破裂而缺席了六个月的训练和比赛.

3、Henry: It's a big pity that Zhao severely injured his Achilles tendon last August! ─── 亨利:太遗憾了,赵宏博去年8月份跟腱严重受伤!

4、The idea has worked well for decades, but it's always contained an Achilles' heel: Damage the lens, and you lose or diminish the ability to see. ─── 几十年来,该原理运行得很好,但总是有一个致命的弱点:如果镜头损坏,就会失去或减弱摄像能力。

5、Cecilia is a very good dancer but she is too short. That's her Achilles' heel. ─── 塞西莉亚跳舞跳得很好,但她的弱点就是长得太矮。

6、Make sure that you don't do this, it can lead to a host of problems including Achilles tendonitis, ITB pain, and iliopsoas muscle pain. ─── 千万不要这样做,它将导致很多伤害,包括足腱,**髂胫束疼痛和髂腰肌疼痛。

7、The artful Odysseus had come to fetch the hero to Aulis,where Greek ships had been waiting for both a fair wind and Achilles. ─── 在奥里斯,希腊的战舰正在等待顺风和阿基里斯。

8、The son of Tithonus (of the Trojan royal house) and Eos (Dawn), he fought bravely for his uncle Priam against the Greeks, and was slain by Achilles. ─── 为提托诺斯(出身特洛伊王室)和厄俄斯(黎明女神)的儿子,曾同他的伯父普里阿摩斯一起英勇对抗希腊人,最后被阿基利斯杀死。

9、Stress experiment: A total of 32 Achilles tendon rupture models were involved in the result analysis. ─── 应力实验:32条跟腱模型均进入结果分析。

10、Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate. ─── 霍顿的致命弱点是他不肯放权。

11、Leppilahti J,Orava S. Total Achilles tendon rupture. Sports: Medicine, 1999 125(2):79. ─── 吴绍玺,王以进,李卷玲,等.肌腱内横向结扎缝合法修复肌腱的生物力学实验研究.中华创伤杂志,1996,12(6):371.

12、A Greek warrior, the attendant and friend of Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War. ─── 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。

13、Anatomically-placed foam pods, an asymmetrical topline and a pronounced Achilles notch for enhanced cushioning, support and all-day comfort. ─── 鞋帮处的泡沫群、不对称背线和阿基里斯凹槽用于增强缓冲、支撑,提供全天的舒适感。

14、They have deftly played the role of saviour just when Western banks have been exposed as the Achilles heel of the global financial system. ─── 但是就银行而言,此次投入是引人注目的事情,当西方银行把全球金融系统的弱点和要害暴露出来时,他们很熟练地扮演了救世主的角色。

15、They may be suffering from hammer-toe, hallux valgus and Achilles tendon damage. ─── 她们可能患锤状趾、拇外翻及跟腱损坏。

16、His Achilles' heel was his pride. ─── 他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。

17、But he snatched Achilles' slave girl Briseis away in a masterful fashion. ─── 但他又强行将阿喀琉斯抓来的一个女孩抢走。

18、Liu XC,Zhao TY.Reconstruction of Achilles tendon by transfer of the soleus tendon flap.Chin J Orthop Trauma,2004,6:475-477. ─── [6]刘新成,赵天云.比目鱼肌腱瓣移位重建跟腱术.中华创伤骨科杂志,2004,6:475-477.

19、Laziness is his Achilles' heel. ─── 懒惰是他的唯一致命弱点

20、If you want her to like you, just talk about animals. That's her Achilles' heel. ─── 如果你想让她喜欢你,就和她谈谈动物,那是最能打动她的。

21、"The other general achilles tendon is a symptom of permanent damage," O'Neal said. ─── “另一普遍症状是跟腱永久受损,”奥尼尔说。

22、The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles in this team. ─── (这支球队的唯一致命弱点在于守门员.

23、Liu said the pain was "unbearable" and that he risked further injury to his Achilles tendon if he tried to finish Monday's race. ─── 刘翔说,他的疼痛“难以忍受”,如果他试图完成星期一的比赛,他面临跟腱拉伤加剧的风险。

24、He thinks small business is the Achilles heel of the French economy. ─── 他认为小型企业是法国经济发展中的致命伤。

25、If we were Achilles, this would be our heel. This would be the place of our tragedy. ─── 如果我们是阿咯琉斯,这就是我们致命的脚跟。这很可能成为我们悲剧的发源地。

26、When Achilles is an infant, his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river. ─── 当阿基里斯还是婴儿时,其母亲为了使他永生而在神秘河里为他洗澡。

27、Mila is embracing this path as the script of the savior is one of her "Achilles Heel's" in ascension. ─── Mila正在融入这条道路,因为拯救者的剧本是她提升中“阿喀琉斯之踵”(译注:指致命的薄弱点)的一个。

28、They claim to have found "a viral Achilles' heel" that could lead to the development of a flu vaccine. ─── 他们说发现了“病毒的一个致命弱点”,从而可以开发出一种禽流感疫苗。

29、Haneke E. Achilles foot-screening project: background, objectives and design[J]. ─── 中华医学会皮肤科分会.皮肤科就诊患者足病情况调查[J].中华皮肤科杂志,2000,33(1):55-56.

30、When Achilles was an infant, his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river. ─── 当阿基里斯还是婴儿时,其母亲为了使他永生而在神秘河里为他洗澡。

31、Achilles or Patroclus, or whoever is on his chariot, is driving. ─── 阿喀琉斯或普特洛克勒斯,或任何在他的马车上的人在驾驶。

32、But Appalachia could yet prove to be his Achilles heel. ─── 但阿巴拉契亚始终是他的阿喀流斯之踵。

33、Greek vase painter, named for an amphora decorated with a painting of Achilles and Briseis attributed to him. ─── 希腊陶瓶画家,名字来自于一个提献给他的双耳陶瓶,瓶上绘有阿基利斯和布里塞伊斯(Achilles and Briseis)。

34、He would Be an excellent candidate for the position. He has energy and knowledge. But he has got an achilles heel---his Bad temper. ─── 他本来可以成为这个职位的理想人选,他精力充沛,知识丰富。但他有一个致命的弱点--脾气很坏。

35、Alexander's obsession with the mythological Achilles pleases his mother, Queen Olympias. ─── 亚历山大对神话人物阿基里斯的着迷,令母亲欧琳皮娅皇后欣喜不已。

36、"You let this little walking turd get away with talking shit like this?" said Achilles. ─── “你让这小王八蛋在这里满嘴狗屎而不给他点颜色?”阿基里斯说。

37、Keywords: ultrasound, achilles tendon, mechanical properties, resonant frequency. ─── 关键词:超音波、阿基里斯腱、机械特性、共振频率。

38、"Honour the gods, Achilles; pity him. ─── “尊敬的神啊,阿基里斯;可怜他吧。

39、A Greek warrior, attendant, and friend to Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War. ─── 帕特罗克勒斯希腊一勇士,阿希莱斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克特耳杀死

40、But before he can begin his next conquest, disaster finds the indestructible Alexander's Achilles heel. ─── 但在他开始下一场征战之前,不可一世的亚历山大却遭受了致命一击。

41、Greek warrior, the attendant and friend of Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War. ─── 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。

42、The Achilles tendon that connects with soleus, gastrocnemius muscle and calcaneus behaves like a “three stings system”. ─── 基于阿基里斯腱在解剖学上同时连结了腓肠肌、比目鱼肌与跟骨,可将其视为一个三弦联结系统。

43、She had the misfortune to witness her daughter Polyxena, her sole consolation in bondage, sacrificed at the tomb of Achilles. ─── 可是,不幸的命运又使她看到了被冲到海边的儿子的尸体。

44、He had that great game against Arsenal, in the 4-1 win, but then his Achilles' tendon snapped. ─── 他曾在两个赛季以前那场4-1大胜阿森纳的比赛当中就向人们证明了这一点,但随后伤病终结了他的前进势头。

45、The pair had missed most of the 2005- 2006 season after Zhao Hongbo suffered a broken Achilles tendon August 2005. ─── 2005和2006年,由于赵宏博在2005年8月跟腱断裂,几乎全部未出赛。

46、"The Achilles' heel to the electric car industry has been energy storage. ─── “电力汽车的致命弱点曾经是能源存储问题。

47、Defender Ricardo Carvalho (Achilles) has also been ruled out of the match but may recover in time to face Birmingham City on New Year's Eve. ─── 后卫里卡多也不在本次球赛的出场队员之列,不过他将很快会痊愈投入到新年前夕与伯明翰市的一场球赛中.

48、Back shank is the extractive meat divided from the knee joint of back leg to achilles's tendon. ─── 修整时,必须去掉脂肪和暴露的筋腱,保持肉质新鲜,形态完整。

49、It may sound like an oxymoron but money has its Achilles' heel. ─── 听起来有点矛盾,但钱有它自己的阿基里斯定律。

50、Y.C Would you say that the love between Achilles and Patroclus is a corrupting one? ─── 你的意思是阿卡留斯和帕特克勒斯之间的爱情是堕落的?

51、For John, to disclose his long-held privacy means to strike the heal of Achilles. ─── 对约翰来讲,泄露他长期保守秘密的隐私无异于击中了他的致命弱点。

52、The length of the lever of bone that the Achilles tendon pulls on also differed, being a quarter shorter in sprinters. ─── 同时,两个对照组在跟腱拉动时产生的骨骼杠杆长度也存在不同,短跑运动员要短出四分之一。

53、While playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon. ─── 打羽毛球的时候,我把跟腱撕裂了。

54、Patroclus A Greek warrior, the attendant and friend of Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War. ─── 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。

55、Liu Xiang's right foot Achilles tendon sores passed through various aspects expert's consultation. ─── 刘翔的右脚跟腱伤处已经过了各方面专家的会诊。

56、Rafa Benitez expects Fabio Aurelio to return for pre-season following a successful operation on his Achilles tendon. ─── 医生对奥雷里奥的肌腱成功地实施了手术之后,拉法表示奥雷里奥在下赛季的季前赛中即可复出。

57、Become Achilles, a semi God and the mighty general of the Greek army. ─── 变成阿基里斯、一个半神和希腊军队的能干将军,。

58、Last year, our rivals had a speed advantage and their Achilles heel was reliability. ─── 去年,我们的对手在速度上拥有优势,而要害则是在可靠性上。

59、Did Patroclus doubt Achilles when they stood side by side at the seat of Troy? ─── |当帕特洛克罗斯和阿喀琉斯在特洛伊并肩作战的时候, 有质疑过对方吗?

60、"Also there are little problems with Sol Campbell's groin, Patrick Vieira's knee and Robert Pires with his Achilles tendon. ─── “还有些小问题发生在坎贝尔(腹沟),维耶拉(膝部),和皮雷(脚裸)身上。

61、Achilles is then told to go see Agamemnon. ─── 之后,阿喀琉斯被叫去见阿伽门农。

62、During an attack on the walls of Troy,Achilles caught the sight of the beauty of Polyxena,daughter of Priam. ─── 当攻占特洛伊城墙时,阿基里斯看到了皮安姆之女波利希娜的美貌。

63、She saw withher own eyes her eldest born Hector killed and insulted by Achilles. ─── 她亲眼目睹了长子海克特被阿基里斯侮辱,尔后被杀害;

64、His Achilles' heel was his pride --- he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work. ─── 他致命的弱点就是骄傲,如果有人批评他的作品,他就会生气。

65、Campbell and Smith were receiving treatment at England's St Albans training base, for Achilles and knee problems respectively. ─── 坎贝尔和史密斯在国家队的圣奥尔本训练基地接受跟腱和膝盖的治疗。

66、But as Penn's memo implied, that's also his Achilles' heel. ─── 但是,正如彭恩在备忘录里写道,这也是他的唯一致命弱点。

67、Intimate relationship is my Achilles' heel. ─── 亲密关系是我的弱点。

68、So sad and desperate was Polyxena at Achilles' death she committed suicide in front of his magnificent tomb. ─── 在奥里斯,希腊的战舰正在等待顺风和阿基里斯。奥德修斯的努力并未白费。

69、In the treatment, Sun Haiping is more conservative therapy, "that would leave scars Achilles tendon, and features some of the impact. ─── 在治疗手段上,孙海平更倾向保守疗法,“那样会给跟腱留下伤疤,并影响部分功能。”

70、The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles in thisteam. ─── 守门员是这支球队的唯一薄弱环节。

71、When he met her mother, Clytemnestra, Odysseus pretended that Iphigenia would be given in marriage to Achilles. ─── 当他见到她的母亲,克吕泰涅斯特拉,奥德修斯假装伊菲将给予致命的婚姻。

72、Shehad the misfortune to witness her daughter Polyxena, her soleconsolation in bondage , sacrificed at the tomb of Achilles. ─── 她又不幸地看到了自己在奴役中的惟一安慰--女儿波里丝娜被血祭于阿基里斯的墓前。

73、The wise centaur who tutored Achilles, Hercules, and Asclepius. ─── 喀戎博多学智的半人半马怪物,曾是阿喀琉斯、赫耳墨斯和阿斯克勒庇俄斯的老师

74、The time between the injury and the operation was 9-76 days, and the time between the Achilles tendon expousure and the operation was 3-65 days. ─── 伤后至本次手术时间为9~76d,跟腱外露至本次手术修复的时间为3~65d。

75、He says: “In the scan we found a little tear in a tendon between the calf and he Achilles tendon. ─── 他说:“在扫描中我们发现德尔小腿和跟腱之间的肌腱有撕裂的情况。”

76、As a team they're strong on attack but they have a weak defence that might prove to be their Achilles' heel. ─── 作为一支球队,他们的攻击力很强,但薄弱的防守也许是他们的要害。

77、Of course, even adaptive strategies have their Achilles' heel. ─── 当然,即使是适应性策略也还是有其弱点。

78、The England star's agent said he had undergone a successful operation on his achilles tendon and is expected to make a full recovery. ─── 这位英格兰巨星的经纪人称,小贝的跟腱手术做得很,他有望完全康复。

79、Before then, Liu Xiang's recoverable training had not interrupted, right foot Achilles tendon place recreation also well. ─── 在此之前,刘翔的恢复性训练一直都没有中断过,右脚跟腱处休养得也不错。

80、Cecilia is a very good dancer but she is too short.That's her Achilles' heel. ─── 彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。

81、Today The Times highlights the abuses under the old regime, described by the Immigration Minister as the Achilles' heel of the system. ─── 今日,泰晤士报强调了旧机制的弊端,移民部长把此弊端称为系统的阿喀琉斯的脚后跟(指系统机制的致命点)。

82、Be that as it may, the current hectic pace of military engagements may ultimately prove to be the achilles' heel of american power. ─── 尽管如此,现在紧张的交战节奏可能最终被证明是美国权力的弱点(阿基里斯的脚跟)。

83、There's veins on the feet, and then my heel's, like, pink, you know, and my Achilles' tendon -- that moves a little bit. ─── 脚上甚至还有静脉血管,而我的脚跟是粉色的,像你看到的,而我的阿基里斯腱--它还能微微地动弹。

84、Holding onto Achilles' heel, Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons. ─── 她双手紧抓著阿基里斯的脚跟,将儿子的身体浸泡在冥河之中,好让他全身刀枪不入。

85、When Achilles was still a baby,Thetis was shocked by a prophecy that her son would die in war. ─── 当阿基里斯还是个婴儿的时候,忒提斯听到一种预言:儿子会在战争中死去,她大为震惊。

86、When fighters all over Greece flew to arms against Troy,a prophet foretold that Achilles was sure not to return from the war. ─── 当希腊的全体战士拿起武器进攻特洛伊城时,一位先知说:阿基里斯肯定不会从战争中生还。

87、But it can also be their Achilles heel. ─── 但是这也可能成为他们的致命伤。

88、However, an Achilles' heel can usually be found that allows the headhunter to persuade them that they are, in fact, wanting to change. ─── 但是,猎头公司总有办法找到他们的致命弱点,并利用来说服他们,使他们相信自己实际上是有改变现状的想法。

89、We were a bit speechless because you never find any problems with Achilles and the pain is still there. ─── 我们对这个问题是有些无语的,因为你从来都不会发现阿基里斯有任何问题的,疼痛从未离去。



1,Achilles’ heel,直译过来是“阿格硫斯的脚后跟”,可是如果对西方历史不了解,是无法体会出真是含义是“致命的弱点”。阿格硫斯特别英勇,他唯一的弱点就是他的脚后跟。

2,Juda’s kiss,直译过来是“犹大之吻”。来自于耶稣门徒犹大的故事,犹大出卖了耶稣,所以他的吻不是“爱”,而是“口蜜腹剑”。

3,Victoria girl,直译过来是“维多利亚女孩”,但其实指的是“思想保守的女性”,这是因为维多利亚时期英国比较守旧,所以用女王的名字来指代思想保守的女性。

4,white elephant,这个可能是翻译时老师最喜欢讲的一个例子,直译过来是“白象”,其实指的是“华而不实的东西”。据说源自于印度故事,印度国王把非常难养的白象交给大臣饲养,结果害的大臣破产。








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