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08-15 投稿


gazes 发音

英:[?ɡe?z?z]  美:[?ɡe?z?z]

英:  美:

gazes 中文意思翻译



gazes 短语词组

1、gazes katli ─── 宪报猫

2、gazes rs3 rs3 ─── 气体

3、gazes npi Pi ─── 气体

4、gazes yt ─── 你的汽油

5、gazes degli ─── 气体

gazes 词性/词形变化,gazes变形

动词过去分词: gazed |动词过去式: gazed |动词现在分词: gazing |动词第三人称单数: gazes |名词: gazer |

gazes 相似词语短语

1、gages ─── n.量规,标定测量头;[经]抵押品(gage的复数形式);v.以…做抵押(gage的三单形式)

2、gapes ─── n.家禽张口病;v.裂口(gape的第三人称单数形式)

3、glazes ─── n.[陶瓷]釉料(glaze的复数);釉彩;v.给(陶器等)上釉;给…上光(动词glaze的单数)

4、dazes ─── v.(尤指感情或身体所受的震撼)使眩晕;使茫然;使惊呆;(尤指因强光而)眼花缭乱;n.迷乱,眩晕;迷惑,迷茫;n.(Daze)(加拿大、美、英、尼、俄、波、马)代兹(人名)

5、games ─── n.游戏;比赛(game的复数形式);游戏程序;v.赌博(game的第三人称单数);n.(Games)人名;(英)盖姆斯

6、grazes ─── vt.啃食;放牲畜吃(graze的第三人称单数);vi.放牧(graze的第三人称单数)

7、gaes ─── abbr.肉芽肿性阿米巴脑炎(granulomatousamoebicencephalitis);裂隙;n.(Gae)人名;(罗)加埃

8、gales ─── n.盖尔斯(姓氏)

9、fazes ─── vt.打扰;使狼狈;折磨

gazes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She blushed hotly under Tu Wei-yueh's compelling gaze. ─── 在屠维岳那逼视的眼光下,她的脸涨成了紫红。

2、Rosalie weakened under his gaze. ─── 在他的凝视之下罗赛藜软化了。

3、John McCain's wife, Cindy, gazes adoringly at him on the stump but says little. ─── 做政治人物的配偶有两种方法。要么躲避闪烁的镁光灯,要么努力攫取公众的注意力。

4、Harry frowns and averts his gaze. ─── " Harry皱着眉,把目光移开了。

5、His piratical-looking wife gave him a heavy-lidded gaze. ─── 他那海盗模样的妻子意味深长的凝视着他。

6、O sweetheart of the gazes bright! ─── 啊目光炯炯有神的爱人!

7、We seldom misbehaved under the hawk-eyed gaze of our teacher. ─── 在老师目光税利如鹰的注视下,我们总是很规矩。

8、What would you most want to let your gaze rest upon? ─── 你最想要注视的东西是什么呢?

9、Eyes on fire, your spine is ablaze, felling any foe with my gaze. ─── 双眸烈焰烧,点燃脊梁,用我眼神仇视敌人。

10、He gaze ruefully in the mirror at his greying lock. ─── 他凝视著镜中自己日见花白的头发,感慨岁月不待人。

11、Surely mockers are with me, And my eye gazes on their provocation. ─── 伯17:2真有戏笑我的在我这里、眼常见他们惹动我。

12、He stares back at her, then shifts his gaze away. "A few," he says. ─── 他瞪着她,然后挪开了视线。“有一些,“他说。

13、Lying in his cell, Sucre gazes at a picture of him and Maricruz. ─── 躺在牢房床上,Sucre长久地注视着他和Maricruz的照片。

14、Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there? ─── 你是否望着台阶想着我?

15、He gazes up at Racquel and smiles.Pulls a six foot length of rope from under his pillow.Lets it uncoil to the floor. ─── 他盯着墙上的兰蔻微笑着,从枕头下拿出一根六英尺长的绳子,让它卷开,直到地板。

16、In the prison chapel, Lincoln gazes up at the chaplain. ─── 在监狱的教堂里,林肯凝视着牧师,倾听牧师的传教。

17、Her eyes fell before his steady gaze. ─── 在他的逼视下, 她双目低垂。

18、All mankind has seen it; men gaze on it from afar. ─── 他所行的,万人都看见;世人也从远处观看。

19、He found the youth with his cool, critical gaze fixed on his face. ─── 他发现这个小伙子品头评足的冷静眼光盯着他的脸。

20、She turned her head away, feeling too ashamed to meet his gaze. ─── 因为害羞而不敢和他凝视的目光相遇,她把头扭开了。

21、His gaze settled on her face. ─── 他的目光落在她脸上。

22、He released her from his gaze. ─── 他紧盯着她的目光移开了。

23、Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care. ─── 友谊是当有人凝视你的双眼时,你知道那代表关怀。

24、On the right, a woman gazes at her reflection in a lacquered panel, absorbed in an illusion while she inhabits a world of illusion herself. ─── 画面右方,一位妇女对着漆制面板端详着自己的妆容,仿佛沉静在幻想的世界中。

25、He looked out of the window in the direction of the woodman's gaze. ─── 他顺着樵夫那专注的目光向窗外看去。

26、His gaze goes back to the bungalow. ─── 他再次盯住了那间小屋。

27、His gaze was rigidly fixed ahead. ─── 他死死地盯着前方。

28、Charter flights no longer bring tourists to gaze at the dunes. ─── 包机所带来的不再是想要观赏沙丘的游客。

29、His gaze fell upon a small party of men moving up the hillside. ─── 他突然看到一小群人向山坡上走去。

30、He met her gaze(= looked at her while she looked at him). ─── 他与她凝视的目光相遇。

31、He gazes at the tiny infant losing the battle to live. ─── 他盯着这个就要失去生命的小婴儿开始唱歌。

32、A beautiful girl gazes from the jacket of this book. ─── 一位漂亮的女孩从这本书的护封里凝视过来。

33、They continued to gaze at each other. ─── 他们继续互相凝视着。

34、Under Yale's penetrating gaze, he wished he hadn't mentioned it. ─── 在耶尔敏锐的目光注视之下,他真后悔不该提起这件事。

35、Jump off, and you'll stand and gaze. ─── 一旦跳下车,你会站在那里发呆。

36、His gaze fastened on the jewels. ─── 他的目光盯在宝石上。

37、An urchin who had frequently seen him before, stopped to gaze. ─── 一个以前常在那里看见他的顽童,停下来观望着。

38、He sat down, purposely avoiding her gaze. ─── 他坐了下来,有意避开她的目光。

39、He shifted his gaze from the child to her. ─── 他把目光从孩子身上移到她身上。

40、I am like the tree that, at the end of the flowering summer, gazes at the sky with its lifted branches bare of their blossoms. ─── 百花竞奇斗妍的夏日即将逝去,树儿将花朵凋谢的树枝举起,凝视着苍穹,我就像这株大树。

41、He had an extraordinarily penetrating gaze. ─── 他的目光有股异乎寻常的洞察力。

42、His gaze raked the class, killing the sound in each face. ─── 他的目光扫视着全班,学生们一个个都不敢作声了。

43、His reproachful gaze speared into my heart. ─── 他那谴责的目光直刺我的心。

44、He met her gaze coolly. "Go ahead, curse me! ─── 他冷峻地迎着她的目光,“你骂吧!

45、He looked at them with a fearless gaze. ─── 他用无惧的目光看著他们。

46、He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. ─── 他好奇地盯着那个怪异的女人看。

47、He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders. ─── 他零零地躺在路边,旁观的人都投以怜悯的目光。

48、Where should she gaze to find her dear? ─── 何处是归程?

49、As the old woman keeps my gaze, I fold my hands in a 22)namaste. ─── 专注地看着那位老婆婆,我双手合十致谢。

50、Under his intense gaze she felt uncomfortable. ─── 他目不转睛地看著她,使她觉得很不自在。

51、Their gazes are fixed optimistically on the horizon, as if ready to confront any challenge. ─── 三人的目光乐观地望向远方的地平线,似乎已经准备迎接各种挑战。

52、Thus the activities of the astronomer vary with the stars at which he gazes or about which he calculates. ─── 因而,天文学家的活动跟着他所凝视或计算的星星而变异。

53、He looked at me with a fearless gaze. ─── 他不畏怯地注视着我。

54、He paused to gaze at the squat moose-hide sack. ─── 可是,卷了一会,他又停下手,盯着那个鹿皮口袋。

55、Why did Jeanne gaze at you with swimming eyes? ─── 为什么珍妮含泪注视着你?

56、But under the steady gaze of the Lord he followed his instruction. ─── 但是在主凝视的目光之下,他听从了主的指示。

57、In a train I like to sit and gaze out of the window. ─── 在火车上我喜欢坐着凝视窗外。

58、There is no better place for your flock to gaze in than hereabouts. ─── 你在这附近放牧是再合适不过的了。

59、Gaze down with selfish lives and sweet. ─── 俯瞰着,带着自私的生命和甜蜜。

60、He met my gaze without flinching. ─── 他毫不畏缩,跟我对视着。

61、A young woman, so confused she appeared to be blind, gazes in incomprehension around a field strewn with debris and fallen branches. ─── 在遍地废墟、布满断裂树枝的野地里,一位年轻女子茫然不解地瞪着双眼,脸上困惑的表情让她看起来像个盲人。

62、His gaze raked over the room . ─── 他向屋内四下张望。

63、He listened sullenly, with averted gaze. ─── 他闷闷不乐地听着,两眼凝视着别处。

64、Gazes at in her vision from elder brother,She knew he has likes oneself. ─── 从哥哥注视她的目光里,她知道他有多么喜欢自己。

65、Henrietta looked disappointed, and her steady gaze betrayed it. ─── 亨利艾塔有些失望,她那炯炯逼人的目光泄露了这一点。

66、Then Blondeau gazes at me, with the gentleness of a tiger, and says to me: `lf you are Pontmercy, you are not Laigle. ─── 这下,勃隆多用老虎的那种温柔神气望着我,笑容可掬地对我说:‘您如果是彭眉胥,您就不会是赖格尔。’

67、Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable. ─── 你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。

68、He turned his gaze to the new comer. ─── 他把目光移到新来的人身上。

69、He fixed his miserable gaze on her. ─── 他用可怜巴巴的目光盯着她。

70、Every eye sank under his gaze. ─── 他一瞪眼,每个人都把眼睛垂下了。

71、His intent gaze unnerves her. "You never said anything. ─── 他那专注的目光让她胆怯了。“你什么也没说过。

72、Her cheeks grew hot beneath the gaze of so many eyes. ─── 在众目睽睽之下, 她的脸红了。

73、So he sat, with a steadfastly vacant gaze, pausing in his work. ─── 他就像这样坐着,停止了工作,直勾勾地瞪着眼。

74、An owl forced to the gaze of an eagle. ─── 一只猫头鹰被迫强作雄鹰的俯瞰。

75、His gaze rested on a strange object. ─── 他的目光滞留在一个奇怪的物体上。

76、There was a look of contempt in the steady searching gaze. ─── 在坚定而有探索性的目光里含着轻蔑。

77、Sometimes she goes out into the garden and gazes up at the stars. ─── 她有时走到花园里去凝视天上的星星。

78、He raised his people's gaze. ─── 他打开了人们的眼界。

79、He fastened his gaze on her face. ─── 他盯着她的脸。

80、Unarguably beautiful, she gazes sadly, longingly, out of the pictures. ─── 在这些照片里,她无可辩驳的漂亮,悲哀,渴望地凝视着。

81、Kevin caught her gaze, then waited for her signal. ─── 凯文看她在凝视,然后等着她的信号。

82、Would you mind if I gaze at you for few seconds? ─── 不辛苦,心甜。因为你问,我又有一些新发现。

83、He watched me with a calm, scientific gaze. ─── 他用一种沉着的、严谨的眼光注视着我。

84、He examined the man with a penetrating gaze. ─── 他以锐利的目光仔细观察了那个人。

85、A polar bear coated in hard-to-rinse-off algae gazes at gawking visitors to the Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens. ─── 一只在海藻生长过度的池塘里游过泳的北极熊,身上被海藻染成了绿色,很难清洗掉了。

86、The poor mole gazes at it, which is once all of his dream. It still grows. ─── 可怜的小鼹鼠呆呆地望着它,这曾经是自己全部理想的土豆,它还在成长。

87、He put on his glasses, and began to gaze fixedly at the person. ─── 他戴上眼镜,定睛看着那个人。

88、HASAN ALAM gazes oer the cold, motionless body of a pig lying on a stainless steel table before him. ─── HASAN ALAM凝视着一只冰冷,一动不动的猪平躺在他眼前一张不锈钢桌面上。

89、The crowd seemed to have stood silently at gaze. ─── 众人似乎都站在那里愕然凝视,一言不发。

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