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08-15 投稿


stipe 发音

英:[sta?p]  美:[sta?p]

英:  美:

stipe 中文意思翻译



stipe 网络释义

n. 柄;菌柄;[植] 叶柄n. (Stipe)人名;(英)斯蒂普;(塞)斯蒂佩

stipe 短语词组

1、stipe scar ─── [医] 叶柄痕

2、francis ngannou vs stipe ─── 法语反对语言支持

3、stipe miocic ─── 小鼠型

stipe 词性/词形变化,stipe变形

过去分词:stiped 名词复数形式:stipes

stipe 相似词语短语

1、stipo ─── 装饰华丽的高大写字台;n.(STIPO)人格组织的结构访谈(Structuredinterviewofpersonalityorganization)

2、stipel ─── n.[植]小托叶

3、sipe ─── n.轮胎沟槽

4、stime ─── n.少量,少许;进程启动时间;置系统日期和时间

5、stile ─── n.阶梯;n.(Stile)人名;(意)斯蒂莱

6、stipes ─── n.叶柄;甲壳类及昆虫的第一对足的第二节

7、slipe ─── 狭长地带

8、snipe ─── n.狙击;[鸟]鹬;香烟屁股;被开玩笑的人物;vi.狙击;[军]伏击;抨击;猎鸟;诽谤;vt.狙击

9、stipa ─── 针茅属

stipe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Female flower: gland adaxial, rectangular, shorter than stipe; ─── 雌花正面,矩形的腺体,短于柄;

2、epicalyx segments elliptic, nearly equaling sepals, abaxially usually white tomentose and pilose, base sometimes with very short stipe, apex obtuse or acute. ─── 省略的副萼片,近等长萼片,背面通常白色被绒毛和具柔毛,有时基础有非常短柄,先端钝或锐尖。

3、Aggregate fruit spicate, 10 cm long, stipe 2 cm long; ─── 聚合果穗状,长约10厘米,柄长约2厘米;

4、2. Stipe 1. In the more highly differentiated Phaeophyta (brown algae), such as wracks and kelps, the stalk between the holdfast and the blade. ─── 柄:在高度分化的褐藻门植物如角藻、巨藻等海藻中,连结基足和叶状体之间的茎状物。

5、Leaves 1--3, linear to orbicular-ovate, base usually narrowed into a petiole; ovary base often constricted into a short stipe; ovules 1 per locule. ─── 叶1--3,卵形线形的到圆形,基部通常缩小成为叶柄;子房基部通常缢缩的成为一短柄;胚珠1每室。(2

6、Petals 5, yellow, as long as sepals, apex obtuse, with broad stipe. ─── 花瓣5,黄,等长于萼片,先端钝,具宽的果柄。

7、Bracts narrowly elliptic or obovate-lanceolate, (20-)25-26 mm, constricted into a stipe at base; female inflorescence loosely racemose. ─── 狭椭圆形或倒卵形披针形的苞片,(20-)25-26毫米,缢缩成为一在基部;松弛的雌花序总状。

8、Stipe attended yesterday's news conference to lend his support. ─── 斯蒂普出席了昨天的新闻发布会以示支持。

9、Lamina(abaxial view);4.A narrowly lanceolate scale from stipe; ─── 4.叶柄上的狭披针形鳞片;

10、Gone are the raging rants cartoonish antics and anthropological musings about the punk scene replaced by an introspection that brings to mind Michael Stipe and Bono. ─── 这张专辑在发行之后以15万6千张的销量名列排行榜的第四位,销量再次突破百万张。

11、Synandria subglobose, stipe 0.5-1 mm; ─── 聚药雄蕊近球形的,柄0.5-1毫米;

12、Aggregate fruit spicate, 10 cm long, stipe 2 cm long; follicles ellipsoid or ovoid, 1.2-1.5 cm long, apex with short and curved tip, outside inconspicuously sparsely lenticeled. ─── 聚合果穗状,长约10厘米,柄长约2厘米;??长圆形或卵形,长1.2-1.5厘米,顶端具短而弯的尖头,表面具不显著的稀疏皮孔。

13、Capsules clavate or narrowly obovoid, 4-12 mm, valves angled or weakly winged, attenuate to slender sterile stipe (pedicel) 5-20 mm. ─── 蒴果棍棒状或者狭倒卵球形,4-12毫米,裂爿角或弱的翅,渐狭到纤细不育柄(花梗)5-20毫米。

14、stipe scar ─── [医] 叶柄痕

15、Cyathium stipe 2-3 mm; ─── 杯状聚伞花序柄2-3毫米;

16、Fruit follicles reddish brown, ca. 5 mm in diam. , base attenuate into a 1-2 mm stipe, oil glands numerous and slightly protruding. ─── 果蓇葖果红棕色,直径约5毫米,基部渐狭至形成1-2毫米的柄,油腺体多数,稍突出。

17、His Croatian counterpart, Stipe Mesic (right), responded approvingly. ─── 克罗地亚总统斯杰潘梅西奇对此做出积极回应。

18、stipe prominent. ─── 柄突出。

19、A half-century ago we lost Camus and gained Stipe. ─── 半个世纪前,我们失去了加缪却得到了斯蒂普。

20、Berry turbinate, clavate, or pyriform, base narrow or often attenuate into stipe, exocarp leathery, pubescent or glabrous. ─── 浆果陀螺状,棍棒状,梨形的或,基部狭窄或通常渐狭窄成为,革质的外果皮,被短柔毛或无毛。

21、funicle and placenta developing into a seed stipe when mature. ─── 珠柄和胎盘成熟时发展成为一种子柄。

22、stipe usually absent but sometimes to 3 mm; ─── 通常的柄缺席但是有时对3毫米;

23、Endogenesis Hormone Change in Different Developmental Stage Stipe of Volvariella volvacea ─── 草菇菌柄不同发育时期内源激素变化研究

24、wing gradually narrowed at base into stipe, shortly 2-lobed at apex with sinus stigmatic; ─── 翅在基部逐渐地变窄成柄,在先端短2裂,有凹果皮薄革质。

25、The activity levels were the lowest at the cap, high at the top of stipe, higher at the middle of stipe, and the highest at the bottom of stipe. ─── 菌盖的酶活性最低,菌柄上部酶活性稍高,菌柄中部较高,菌柄下部活性最高。

26、basidial stipe ─── 担子柄

27、Drupe pear-shaped, 3-5 cm, base narrowed into robust stipe, apex nearly truncate, slightly sunken in young fruits, persistent perianth and disk enlarging to more than 5 mm in diam. ─── 核果的梨形,3-5厘米,基部狭窄成为粗壮的柄的,胚乳油性。

28、Ask Bono or Michael Stipe who inspired them to do what they do and they'll point to Patti without a moment's hesitation. ─── 问问波诺或迈克尔·斯蒂普,是谁给了他们灵感,促使他们实现现在的成就,他们会毫不犹豫地说是帕蒂。

29、Fruit stipe 6-8 cm. ─── 果柄6-8厘米。

30、fronds arranged on the top of stem, tripinnatifid, 1.5-2 m long, the stipe green.Sacles yellow to golden yellow on leaf buds and stipe bases; ─── 叶丛生于顶端,三回羽状复叶,叶片可达1.5至2公尺长,叶柄绿色,其基部和叶芽有鳞片,呈黄色自金黄色;

31、1. A tropical and subtropical edible mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) having a white cap and a long stipe with a swollen base. ─── 草菇:一种产于热带和亚热带的食用菇(草菇草菇属),顶盖为白色,有膨大的基部的长柄

32、The results showed that the content of soluble protein in mycelium was the highest among the samples and the color of its electrophoresis bands was also the darkest, followed by that of the cap and the stipe. ─── 结果表明. 菌丝的可溶性蛋白含量最高,其电泳带颜色也较深,菌盖次之.

33、G. japonicum similar to the former, but deep purple in colour, stipe laterally or mesially located. ─── 紫芝与灵芝相似,但呈深紫色、菌柄有中竹扛及侧生。

34、An edible eastern Asian mushroom (Lentinus edodes) having an aromatic, fleshy, golden or dark brown to blackish cap and an inedible, tough stipe. ─── 什塔克菇一种可食的产于东亚的蘑菇(香菇香菇属),有芳香的,肉质菌盖,颜色为金色或深棕色到浅黑色,不能食用菌柄坚硬,

35、The lowest enzyme activity appeared in gill and higher activities in pileus and stipe. ─── 子实体的不同部位中,菌褶中三种酶的活性均为最低,而菌肉和菌柄中酶活性相对较高。

36、Sturdy long stipe dust color Pileus ─── 柄粗壮,长棒状,盖灰褐色

37、filaments connate into staminal tube, completely adnate to ovary stipe to form androgynophore, upper part of staminal tube enlarged and urceolate, enclosing pistil; ─── 花丝合生成为雄蕊管,完全地贴生于子房柄形成雌雄蕊柄,上半部分雄蕊管扩大和瓶形的,包围雌蕊;

38、This experiment was obtained two tubes of Mortierella vinacea Dixon-Stewart from the base of stipe. ─── 本试验从菌柄基部分离得到2支葡酒色被包霉。

39、The content of Cd, Hg and As in cap was 3.75, 2.75, 2.27 times, respectively than in stipe. ─── 菌盖中Cd、Hg和As含量分别是菌柄的3.75、2.75和2.27倍;

40、Cyathium usually reddish purple, stipe 3-7 mm; ─── 杯状聚伞花序通常带红色的紫色,柄3-7毫米;

41、Cyathium subsessile, or stipe 1-3 mm; ─── 杯状聚伞花序近无柄,或者1-3毫米的柄;

42、Stipe Pletikosa ─── 斯蒂佩·普莱蒂科萨,克罗地亚足球运动员,司职门将

43、Fruit stipe 6-12 mm. ─── 果柄6-12毫米。

44、Zagreb district court ruled Thursday that Croatian President Stipe Mesic should pay about $12800 in damages to Ivan Jurasinovic ,a lawyer he insulted. ─── 克罗地亚首都萨格勒布一地区法院23日作出判决,要求总统梅西奇向遭其侮辱的律师尤拉斯诺维奇支付约合1.28万美元赔偿金。

45、primary stipe ─── 原始枝

46、Cyathium stipe 3-5 mm, slender; ─── 杯状聚伞花序柄3-5毫米,纤细;

47、Reproductive branches 10-30 cm long, with several to many spathes; spathaceous stipe flat, 1-2.5 cm long; spathaceous sheath 1-2 cm long, apical leaf blade 3-7 cm long, as wide as vegetative leaves or slightly narrower. ─── 生殖枝长10-30厘米,具佛焰苞数枚至多枚,佛焰苞梗扁平,长1-2.5厘米;佛焰苞鞘长1-2厘米,顶端叶片长3-7厘米,与营养叶等宽或稍狭。

48、Ovary constricted at base into a stipe, without concave nectaries at base. ─── 子房缢缩的在基部成为一柄,没有凹陷蜜穴在基部。

49、The use of stipe characters in fern taxonomy. ─── 叶柄性状在蕨类分类学上的应用.

50、fructiferous stipe and fruit stipe glabrous, often with elliptic lenticels. ─── 具果的柄和果柄无毛,经常有椭圆形的皮孔。

51、Capsule on ca. 2 cm stipe, oblong-pyriform, 5-angular, ca. 3 cm, puberulent. ─── 蒴果果柄约2厘米,长圆形梨形,具5角,约3厘米,被微柔毛。

52、Capsule narrowly ellipsoid, ca. 8 cm, base tapering into 1-2 cm stipe, apex acute. ─── 蒴果狭椭圆形,约8厘米,基部渐狭成1-2厘米的果柄,先端锐尖。

53、stipe","stipes,it is,m"," ─── 柄,盘柄"

54、Cyathium stipe ca. 3 mm; ─── 杯状聚伞花序柄长约3毫米;

55、funicle and placenta developing into a seed stipe when mature. ─── 珠柄和胎盘成熟时发展成为一种子柄。

56、Fruiting stipe ca. 2 cm; ─── 果柄约2厘米;

57、Petiole compressed, at least distally, capsule with a longer, slender stipe. ─── 上部至少,压扁的叶柄,蒴果具长,纤细。(18

58、1.Reproductive branches 10-30 cm long, with several to many spathes;spathaceous stipe flat, 1-2.5 cm long; ─── 生殖枝长10-30厘米,具佛焰苞数枚至多枚,佛焰苞梗扁平,长1-2.5厘米;

59、Capsule solitary or racemelike, axillary, stipe 2-4.5 cm, densely hirsute with yellow hairs. ─── 总状花序状,蒴果单生或腋生的,果柄2-4.5厘米,密被长硬毛具黄毛。

60、filaments fused to ovary stipe to form androgynophore, upper part widening to enclose ovary; ─── 花丝愈合到子房果柄形成雌雄蕊柄,上半部分加宽成包围子房;

61、"Its Body, which has a large rootlike holdfast, a hollow stipe, and Branching Blades with hollow gas Bladders, resembles that of higher plants." ─── 它的主体部分有个大的根状固着器固着于海底、一个中空的柄以及有中空气囊的分支出去的叶片,很像是更高等的植物。

62、The concentration of GA3 and ZR corresponded with stipe growth rate in different development stage. ─── GA3、ZR的浓度决定着菌柄在不同发育时期的生长率.

63、support stipe ─── 菌柄

64、Stipe rust ─── 条锈病

65、There were no different content of Pb in cap and stipe. ─── 而Pb在菌盖和菌柄中含量则无差别;

66、North American fern with a blackish lustrous stipe. ─── 带有光亮叶柄的一种北美蕨类。

67、The stipe of the mushroom and the thallus of red algae (e.g.Porphyra) are pseudoparenchymatous tissues. ─── 蘑菇的菌柄与红藻的叶状体(紫菜属)是典型的拟薄壁组织。

68、North American fern with a blackish lustrous stipe . ─── 带有光亮叶柄的一种北美蕨类。

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