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08-15 投稿


barometer 发音

英:[b??rɑ?m?t?r]  美:[b??r?m?t?(r)]

英:  美:

barometer 中文意思翻译



barometer 网络释义

n. [气象] 气压计;睛雨表;显示变化的事物

barometer 短语词组

1、aneroid anerobic barometer ─── 无氧气压计

2、economic barometer ─── [经] 经济晴雨表, 经济预兆

3、barometer cistern ─── [机] 气压计杯

4、vessel barometer ─── [化] 球管气压计

5、air barometer ─── [医] 空气气压计

6、barometer pressure ─── 气压表压力

7、millibar-barometer n. ─── 毫巴气压表

8、aneroid barometer ─── [化] 无液气压计 ─── [医] 无液气压计

9、bulb barometer ─── [化] 球管气压计

10、barometer stock ─── [经] 标准股票, 有代表性的股票

11、barometer-makers' disease ─── [医] 气压计制造者病(慢性汞中毒)

12、mercury barometer ─── [化] 水银气压计

13、cistern barometer ─── [化] 槽式气压计

14、mercurial barometer ─── [电] 水银气压计

15、barometer/-tre n. ─── 晴雨表, 气压表

16、Fortin's barometer ─── [医] 福廷氏气压计

17、barometer height ─── 气压计的高度

18、barometer tube ─── [机] 气压计管

19、Fortin barometer ─── [化] 福丁气压计

barometer 词性/词形变化,barometer变形


barometer 相似词语短语

1、barometz ─── 巴洛梅兹

2、barometry ─── n.[气象]气压测定法

3、aerometer ─── n.[流]量气计

4、bathometer ─── n.水深测量计

5、biometer ─── n.[生物]生物计

6、areometer ─── n.液体比重计

7、barometers ─── n.[气象]气压计(barometer的复数);经济指标;[气象]气压表

8、variometer ─── n.[电]可变电感器;气压表;磁力偏差计

9、barometzes ─── 气压计

barometer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And in the 1970s, he said, the idea took hold that a company's stock price was the primary barometer of success, which changed the schools' concept of proper management techniques. ─── 他说,1970年代,企业股价是衡量成功主要指标的想法当道,这也改变了商学院对适切管理技巧的概念。

2、As you climb the stairs, you mark off the length of the barometer along the wall. ─── 你一边爬楼梯,一边沿着墙壁标出气压表的长度。

3、Sentiments are the eyes,registering like a barometer one's inmost world. ─── 情绪是人内心世界的“窗口”,是每个人内心世界的晴雨表。

4、Design of a portable barometer ─── 便携式气压计的电路与系统设计

5、For one thing, GDP is only one barometer of an economy, and not a satisfyingly accurate one at that. ─── 一方面,GDP只是反映经济发展情况的“晴雨表”,其准确度并不能令人满意。

6、The yen, a barometer of rising risk aversion, also rallied 3 per cent against the euro and the dollar. ─── 作为避险意识不断上升的晴雨表,日元兑欧元及美元汇率也上涨了3%。

7、I read the examination question: "Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer. " ─── 考试题是这样的:“说明如何用一个气压计测量一幢建筑物的高度。”

8、The hair is our healthy barometer, dander, lose one's hair, bifurcate, dry, give the hair issue such as oil, perplexing us constantly. ─── 头发是我们身体健康的晴雨表,头皮屑、脱发、分叉、干燥、出油等头发问题,时时困扰着我们。

9、The Design and Implementation of Digital Barometer Base on Single Chip Microcomputer. ─── 基于单片机控制的数字气压计设计与实现。

10、They are like the parakeet in the mine--- they are a good barometer of what's going on. ─── 他们就像矿区的长尾小鹦鹉,就像温度计反映出周围的变化。

11、The biannual event, also known as Canton Fair, is the barometer of China's external trade. ─── 中国进出口商品交易会又被称为“广交会”,是中国对外贸易的晴雨表,每年举行两次。

12、The loudest sucking sound has been in the market for initial public offerings, a crucial barometer of financial wellbeing. ─── 作为金融活力中心气压计的首次公开发行市场最为明显。

13、"office rents are up or down, from one side, Beijing is the economic barometer. ─── “写字楼的租金是涨还是跌,从某一方面来说,也是北京经济的晴雨表。”

14、Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio-economic conditions. ─── 婴儿死亡率能够充分反映社会经济状况。

15、He struck a match ,and held out the little flame towards the barometer. ─── 他擦亮火柴,把微小的火苗靠近气压表。

16、a reliable barometer of public feeling ─── 反映公众情绪的可靠的标志.

17、The MSCI Asia excluding Japan index, a barometer of the region's stock markets, has fallen about 18 per cent this year. ─── 作为亚洲地区股市表现的衡量指标,摩根士丹利资本国际不包括日本的亚太指数今年已下跌约18%。

18、double tubing mercurial barometer ─── 双管水银气压表

19、Dealing with moochers is tricky even for etiquette experts like Lizzie Post, who keeps an eye on America's "civility barometer" at the Emily Post Institute in Vermont. ─── 即便是像波斯特一样的礼仪专家和贪便宜的人打交道也是要讲点小手段的。波斯特在佛蒙特州艾米丽波斯特研究院专注于美国的“礼仪气象计”。

20、In past presidential elections, Missouri has been a barometer of the rest of the country. ─── 在过去的总统大选中,密苏里州一直是该国其余各州的晴雨表。

21、We gracefully take care of the post-implementation service all the time since we realize it clearly that it is the barometer of a client's confidence. ─── 我们一向高度重视项目实施后续服务,因为我们清楚地认识到它是客户对我们信心的晴雨表。

22、The CAC 40 is the main industrical index on the Paris Stock Exchange. It is a barometer consisting of 40 stocks. ─── 巴黎证交所40支股票指数。此指数成分股包括:工业、金融、消费性、建筑、和资本材类股之最活跃个股。

23、English: 357. A mercurial barometer has a glass tube a little more than 30 inches long. ─── 中文:水银气压表有一长30英寸多一点的玻璃管。

24、Spatial distribution and spectral characteristics of the global Inverted Barometer (IB) response of sea level to variations of atmospheric pressure are studied by using TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) data. ─── 利用TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星测高数据来确定海平面对大气压变化全球响应(反变气压计响应 )的空间分布和频率特征 .

25、For it is growing more powerfully than any other big nation, and is an important barometer for the rest of the world. ─── 中国经济增长的力度超过其它任何一个大国,中国经济已成为全球其它地区经济的一个重要晴雨表。

26、The exhibition industry is modern science and technology and economic development barometer, which reflects a national, regional and even global science and technology and economic development process. ─── 展览业是现代科学技术与经济发展的晴雨表,它反映了一个国家、地区乃至全球科学技术和经济发展的历程。

27、Or if the sun is shining you could measure the height of the barometer, then set it on end and measure the length of its shadow. ─── 或者,如果天气晴朗,你可以测量气压计的高度,然后把它立于地面,再测量它的影子的长度。

28、fixed groove mercury barometer ─── 定槽水银气压表

29、The length of women's hair may no longer be seen as a result of the vagaries of fashion, but as an accurate barometer of the nation's wealth. ─── 女性头发的长度不再单单是彰显个性或者时尚的信号了,它也成为了国家经济的晴雨表。

30、The swap spread is seen as a barometer of risk appetite, and represents the premium investors' exposure to future interest rate fluctuations. ─── 互换价差被看作是风险承受力的指标,代表享有溢价的投资者承受未来利率水平波动的风险。

31、Yang Jiaxi,Hu Nenggao and Hu Jianmin.An amphibole-plagioclase-quartz geological barometer and its applications.Journal of Xi'an College of Geology,1992,14(3):24-29. ─── [19]杨家喜,胡能高,胡健民.角闪石-斜长石-石英地质压力计及其应用.绵阳地质学院学报,1992,14(3):24-29.

32、It means whoever nailed the barometer did a poor job. ─── 它说明把气压计钉上去的人没有钉牢它。

33、Analysis on measurement uncertainty of the second grade mercury barometer ─── 二等标准水银气压表的测量不确定度分析

34、Editing the verification certificate of KEW pattern barometer ─── 定槽水银气压表检定证的编制

35、People nevertheless use the stockmarket as a barometer of economic health. ─── 尽管如此,股市却被用作衡量经济健康的晴雨表。

36、While Rushton and Misery were looking over the house they discovered a large barometer hang on the wall behind the front door . ─── 在察看房子的时候,拉什顿和瘟神发现大门背后的墙上挂着一只很大的晴雨表。

37、moving cistern mercurial barometer ─── 动槽水银气压表

38、Advertising is the barometer of economic change, it is an epiphenomenon or herald the advent of the advertising industry a severe winter? ─── 广告是经济变化的晴雨表,这是一个偶然现象还是预示着广告业一个寒冬的来临?

39、"Or if the sun is shining you could measure the height of the barometer, then set it on end and measure the length of its shadow. ─── "或者,如果天气晴朗,你可以测量气压计的高度,然后把它立于地面,再测量它的影子的长度。

40、Hot show is the development of the industry and market demand of the "barometer", a time when China Security Industry rapid development stage. ─── 展会火爆是行业发展和市场需求的“晴雨表”,此时正值中国安防业迅猛发展阶段。

41、It is composed of speed odometer, engine electronic tachometer, fuelmeter, thermometer, barometer and twenty alarming indicating systems. ─── 它由电子车速里程表、发动机电子转速表、燃油表、水温表、气压表及20个报警指示系统组成。

42、In this method, one takes the barometer and begins to walk up the stairs. ─── 应用这种方法,一个人拿着气压计并开始爬楼梯。

43、Abstract: The corporate governance index number is a barometer for the condition of corporate governance. ─── 中文摘要:公司治理指数是公司治理状况的晴雨表。

44、The index is a key independent barometer of the cost of transporting dry bulk commodities including iron ore coal and grain by sea. ─── 干散货指数是干散货商品贸易包括铁矿石,煤炭和谷物海运的一个重要的,独立的风向标。

45、Such brinkmanship won't work if the southern village of Tungkang is any barometer. ─── 但是,这种危险策略在这个东港的小鱼村起不了什麽作用。

46、"Or if the skyscraper has an outside emergency staircase, it would be easier to walk up it and mark off the height of the skyscraper in barometer lengths, then add them up. ─── "或者如果摩天大楼有外置的紧急楼梯,那就更容易了,沿楼梯从下往上走,以气压计长度为单位标注摩天大楼有多少个气压计长度,然后再把这些数值加和起来。"

47、When the barometer indicates a rapid drop in air pressure, it means a storm is coming. ─── 当气压计显示气压迅速下降,意味着暴风雪的来临。

48、intermittently we questioned the barometer. ─── 我们有时怀疑这个气压计的准确性。

49、A man in camp took a barometer reading at half-hour intervals. ─── 营地里的一个人每半小时看一次气压计。

50、He lifted his eyes, and looked at the clock and the barometer on his right hand and on his left. ─── 他抬起眼皮来,看看左右的挂钟和风雨表。

51、Among the traveler's peregrinations , many can be named as adventures. His capability of observation may be the barometer of the traveler's foresight of perils and hazards lurking ahead. ─── 在那位旅游者的游历中,有许多可以被称作冒险。他的观察能力可能是他能够预见前方潜藏着的危险的指标。

52、A terrain navigation system independent of barometer information ─── 一种无气压高度信息辅助的地形导航系统

53、Understand that human beings have one emotional barometer. ─── 了解人们有一个情绪的晴雨表。

54、Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions. ─── 婴儿死亡率是社会经济状况的可靠指标。

55、If I were an economist, I'd study Barbie as a barometer of macroeconomic ups and downs. ─── 如果我是一个经济学家,我会把芭比当作宏观经济升降的气压计。

56、Use that painful reaction as a barometer of your own spiritual state. ─── 如果使用那痛苦的作用作为自己的精神状态的晴雨表。

57、It means whoever nailed the barometer to the wall did a poor job. ─── 意味着往墙上钉温度计那个人活干得太差劲了。

58、Cashmere enterprises at home and abroad, are the River as an important raw material bases, Qinghe has become a barometer of the world's cashmere industry. ─── 国内外羊绒企业,均把清河作为重要的原料基地,清河已成为世界羊绒业的晴雨表。

59、As such, I do not wish to see these people, these images, as a kind of moroseness of an age, as if these objects and heads are a barometer of the spiritual anxiety of an era. ─── 因此,我不愿意将这些人,将这些图像看做是某个时代的阴郁表达,似乎这些图像,这些脑袋,是这个时代的精神生活的焦虑征兆。

60、Application of I~2C-Bus-Based EEPROM in the Digital Barometer ─── 基于I~2C总线的EEPROM在数字气压计中的应用

61、Italian mathematician and physicist who invented the mercury barometer ─── 意大利数学家和物理学家,他发明了水银温度计

62、As long as you are healthy and equipped with a thirst barometer unimpaired by old age or mind-altering drugs, follow Verbalis's advice, "drink to your thirst.It's the best indicator. ─── 如果你身体健康,只要口渴了,你就喝吧,毕竟脱水也很难受的嘛。

63、The observed terrain elevation sequence is obtained from the barometer and the radar altimeter,but the low precision of the barometers limited their application on the aircrafts. ─── 实时测量的高程序列由惯导的高度通道和雷达高度表获得,首先对实测的和从电子地图中获得的地形高程序列分别进行零均值化处理,然后再运用相关法进行匹配。

64、But bad luck on the barometer. ─── 但气压计只好报废了。

65、The market became a highly visible barometer ofthe Panic of 2008,fueling the crisis that ultimately prompted thegovernment to intervene. ─── 市场成为“2008年大恐慌”显而易见的晴雨表,引发了最终促使政府出手干预的这场危机。

66、Turnout is always very low in special elections, so it will be difficult for either party to use the outcome as a barometer of the public mood. ─── 在这种缺补选举中出席人数一向很少,因此任何一党用此次结果作为民意检测都是有难度的。

67、In intelligent instrument domain, we ownata logger for temperature and humidity ,numerical barometer with high accuracy, transducer, the CO2 density measures instrument,Gyroscope,the GPS terminal etc. ─── 在智能仪器领域,我们拥有自主产权的温湿度仪表、变送器、记录仪,高精度数字气压表、变送器,CO2浓度测量仪,电子陀螺仪,GPS终端等等智能仪器。

68、The contemporary university students are living in the Chinese transformative period.And their value orientation, to a certain extent, has already become a barometer of social changes. ─── 处于中国转型期的当代大学生,其价值取向在一定程度上已成为社会变迁的晴雨表。

69、And a man who sells wooden walking sticks and rolling pins may not seem to be a good global economic barometer. ─── 这名以销售木质手杖和擀面杖为主要业务的男子似乎不可能被看作全球经济的晴雨表。

70、He lifted his eyes, and looked at the clock and the barometer on his right hand and on his left. ─── 他抬起眼皮来,看看左右的挂钟和风雨表。

71、Conor Clarke: What I am trying to do is sort of apply a barometer to modern macroeconomics and see where the profession is, because I am sort of confused by a lot of things. ─── 克拉克[问]:我想做的,差不多,就是要给现代经济学家加一个标准,看看这个专业处于什么位置,因为我在很多事上被搞得摸不着头脑了。

72、East Asia Barometer: A Comparative Survey of Democratization and Value Change ─── 东亚民主化与价值变迁:比较调查研究

73、We observed the barometer fall. [The barometer was observed to fall.] ─── 我们看见晴雨表下降。

74、The principle of the mercury barometer is illustrated in the following figure. ─── 下图显示水银气压表的运作原理。

75、People visiting the studio often comment on how much we laugh. Since I've become aware of this, I use it as a barometer of how comfortably we are expressing ourselves. ─── 参观我们工作室的人经常会觉得我们笑太多,自从我发现它,就将它作为我们表达自己舒适的气压计。

76、"Lianbang software sales list" was also a high degree of social concern, as the software market "barometer. ─── “连邦软件销售排行榜”也受到了社会的高度关注,成为软件市场的“晴雨表”。

77、"Firstly, you could take the barometer up to the roof of the skyscraper, drop it over the edge, and measure the time it takes to reach the ground. ─── "首先,你可以把气压计带到摩天大楼的屋顶,沿着屋沿往下扔,并记下到达地面所花费的时间。

78、The barometer is rising today. ─── 今天气压计上升.

79、When I last spoke to you the economic barometer seemed to be set fair. But in the nest year it began to fall. ─── 我上次与你谈话时,经济状态似乎持续稳定,但第二年便开始滑坡了。

80、As China's well-known Chinese herbal medicines distribution center and one of the main producing areas, Anguo has been a change in the Chinese market "barometer. ─── 作为中国著名的中药材集散地和主产区之一,安国也一直是全国中药市场变化的“晴雨表”。

81、The vote of the General Assembly is therefore an accurate barometer of world opinion. ─── 因此,大会的投票准确地反映了世界舆论。

82、The market is a barometer of human emotion. ─── 市场是人们情绪的晴雨表。

83、The Milan Furniture Fair remains the most reliable international barometer, and the readings it gave did not differ markedly form those of 1991. ─── 意大利米兰家具市场仍然是最可靠的国际“气压计”,而它给出的读数从1991年以来就一直没有显著变化了。

84、As he climbs the stairs, he marks off the length of the barometer along the wall. ─── 当他爬楼梯的时候,拿气压计的长度在墙上做记号。

85、The stock market is a barometer of national economy. ─── 小翻译:股市是国民经济的晴雨表.

86、As baRometer of HongKong's ecomomy, the stock and real estate market.are enjoying dynamic growth! ─── 作为香港经济的晴雨表,股市和地产目前发展势头强劲。

87、Italian physicist who invented the mercury barometer. ─── 发明水银气压计的意大利物理学家。

88、Hair is a barometer of your general health. ─── 头发是你基本健康状况的晴雨表。

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