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08-15 投稿


decoys 发音

英:[?di?k??z; d??k??z]  美:[d??k??z]

英:  美:

decoys 中文意思翻译




decoys 词性/词形变化,decoys变形

动词过去式: decoyed |名词: decoyer |动词现在分词: decoying |动词过去分词: decoyed |动词第三人称单数: decoys |

decoys 短语词组

1、decoys 2 watch ─── 诱饵2手表

2、decoys the movie ─── 诱骗电影

3、decoys restaurant suffolk va ─── 诱饵餐厅萨福克弗吉尼亚州

4、decoys restaurant ─── 诱饵餐厅

5、greenhead gear goose decoys ─── 绿头齿轮鹅诱饵

6、cackler decoys ─── 咯 ─── 咯笑诱饵

7、decoys family ─── 诱饵系列

8、decoys for sale on ebay ─── 易趣上出售的诱饵

9、bufflehead duck decoys ─── 鸭诱饵

decoys 相似词语短语

1、decors ─── 装饰;布置(decor的名词复数)

2、accoys ─── 会计

3、decays ─── v.衰退,衰减;衰败;腐烂,腐朽;n.衰退,衰减;衰败;腐烂,腐朽;n.(Decay)(法、美、意、英、希)德凯(人名)

4、decoyed ─── n.诱饵;诱骗;vt.诱骗;vi.被诱

5、decokes ─── v.使(内燃机)脱碳;n.(内燃机的)脱碳

6、decocts ─── vt.煎;熬

7、decoyer ─── n.诱饵;诱骗(decoy的变形)

8、decodes ─── 译(decode的第三人称单数);破解转换(decode的第三人称单数);解读(decode的第三人称单数)

9、decoy ─── n.诱饵;诱骗;vt.诱骗;vi.被诱

decoys 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、light decoys ─── 轻型诱铒

2、Decoys for hunting or fishing ─── 打猎或钓鱼用诱饵

3、To heighten the effect of camouflage, the Chinese made decoys using materials found at hand. ─── 为了提高伪装的效果,中国人用手头上的材料制造了许多圈套。

4、A plane was waiting at the airport with its engines running but this was just one of the decoys. ─── 一架飞机等在机场,引擎已发动,而这只是诱饵中的一个而已。

5、Acoustic Discrimination of Decoys ─── 假目标音响识别(装置)

6、the novel about ghetto life was true to life; true-to-life duck decoys. ─── 这部关于犹太人的小说很真实;真实的捕鸭网。

7、We should severely punish those people acting as decoys for doctors. ─── 我们一定要严厉打击医托儿。

8、The enemy chased the decoys down to the place of ambush. ─── 敌人将诱骗者一直追到伏兵所在地。

9、Weighing around 100 kg, these full-scale decoys can be easily transported and installed by small teams of soldiers in minutes. ─── 这些同尺寸武器模型重约100千克,只需少数士兵在数分钟内即可完成运输和组装。

10、Analysis of Free-flight Radar Decoys ─── 自由飞行式雷达诱饵分析

11、active decoys ─── 有源假目标

12、Filling their lives with an endless parade of decoys ─── 引诱性的炫耀

13、CONRAD: "Decoys"? What are those? ─── 康拉德:诱饵有哪些?

14、Research on the Countermeasures Against Towed Active Decoys Based on Data Fusion ─── 基于数据融合技术对抗有源诱饵研究

15、Study of Cooperative Operation Effectiveness for UAV with Escort Free-Flight Decoys ─── 伴飞诱饵支援条件下无人飞行器协同作战效能研究

16、Electro-Optical Countermeasures Decoys ─── 电对抗诱饵

17、And decoys can be fired to trick the missile's homing sensors and lure it away from the vessel under attack. ─── 还可以发射诱饵欺骗来袭导弹上自动寻的传感器,将其从目标舰只上诱开。

18、One strategy for protein structure prediction is to generate a large number of possible structures (decoys) and select the most fitting ones based on a scoring or energy function. ─── 摘要:蛋白质结构预测的方法中,一个可行的策略是产生大量可能的结构,再依据计分函式或能量函式从中挑选出最适当的结构。

19、It should strengthen its bases and be able to disrupt Chinese attacks with decoys and by spreading aircraft and ships around the region. ─── 它应该强化基地,并通过诱敌术以及在该区域周边分布飞机和舰艇来瓦解中国的袭击。

20、The agenda of his cultural remedy thus incorporates a variety of paradoxes, warps and decoys and is pessimistic and incomplete. ─── 他的文化疗救宏图,也由此掺杂了种种悖谬、乖离和陷阱,因而是消极的和不彻底的。

21、RICK: Because we put decoys out. ─── 雷克:因为我们放了诱饵。

22、Each missile holds several nuclear warheads. Most of them also carry decoys--small false warheads--to confuse defense systems. ─── 每枚导弹带有数枚核弹头,有些带有假目标--假的小弹头以迷惑敌国防御系统。

23、It appeared so. Shortly after that, we stopped receiving letters with helpful intelligence, and after a few more such decoys, the letters stopped altogether. ─── 看上去是这样。在此之后,没多久,我们不再收到那些带有有助消息的信件了,然后那些假信又送了一阵儿,那些信就都不再来了。

24、FACT: The scare tactic stories are hosted by the VERY SAME USER as the 120+ decoys! ─── 论证:这些恐吓信息都是由同一个用户发出的!

25、Another countermeasure would be to load each ICBM with dozens of decoys designed to look just like the warhead. ─── 另一种反制装置则是在每一枚洲际弹道飞弹上安装数十枚诱标。

26、When saw to each one overseas return decoys, when serves ourmotherland with theirs knowledge, we profoundly realize the patrioticsentiment giant power. ─── 当看到一个个海外归来的游子们,用他们的知识报效我们祖国时,我们更深刻地认识到了爱国情操的巨大动力。

27、Fiber Optic Towed Decoys ─── 光纤牵引的诱骗物(假目标)

28、Further, the interceptor rocket could not be launched until the warhead enters the atmosphere, allowing the defense to distinguish between the heavy weapon and any light decoys accompanying it. ─── 另外,拦截火箭必须等到弹头进入大气层之后才发射,这时防御系统才能够区分出沉重的武器以及武器周遭较轻的诱标。

29、Looks like we were just a couple of decoys. ─── 看来我们只是鱼饵而已。

30、To construct his decoys, Paton inserted genes from two other bacteria types into the mild-mannered E. coli strain so that it would incorporate a chimeric molecule into its surface receptors. ─── 为了打造这种诱捕细菌,培顿将来自其他两种细菌的基因,植入温合的大肠杆菌株中,于是嵌合的分子便会纳入细菌表面的受体中。

31、An Algorithm of Infrared Small Targets and Decoys Recognition Based on Fuzzy Theory and D-S Evidence Theory ─── 一种基于模糊理论与D-S证据理论的红外小目标与诱饵识别算法

32、On the basis of the essential difference of the dynamic model between those active decoys and the real target,the concept of dynamic model match coefficient was proposed. ─── 利用自由段有源假目标与实体目标在动力学模型上的本质差异,提出了动力学模型匹配系数的概念,推导出理想条件下的动力学模型匹配系数的解析表达式。

33、Much police dog training is done with other police officers or other handlers doing the decoy work. If these dogs hated those decoys they could never be around them. ─── 不少警犬由警官或他们的助训做助训的工作。如果这些狗恨助训的话,这些人就不能与狗靠近了。

34、Our only chance is to use decoys. ─── 我们惟一的机会就是使用替身。

35、Detection of the decoys in the field of view (FOV) of the imaging-infrared seeker (IIR) is important for IIR to track the true target aircraft. ─── 在红外成像导引头视场中,及时检测出干扰弹是红外成像导引头实现抗干扰弹干扰的前提。

36、Stay away from officers in combat, they're clever decoys for noncoms. ─── 打仗的时候离长官远点,他们都像磁铁一样。

37、Progress has been uneven because of problems teaching computers the differences between decoys and the real thing. ─── 但这方面的进展并不大,因为教会计算机之别真与假的区别是很困难的。

38、If these dogs hated those decoys they could never be around them. ─── 如果这些狗恨助训的话,这些人就不能与狗靠近了。

39、Sugar mimics that act as decoys, binding to H. pylori or to the S. dysenteriae toxin in ways that prevent docking with cells, are showing promise in laboratory tests. ─── 以拟醣质作为诱敌的道具,先与幽门螺杆菌或痢疾杆菌的毒素接合,可防止它们与细胞上的醣质相接;这种做法已在实验室得到证实,前景可期。

40、Poston “the Chinatown” is building up from Chinese and the Asian regional decoys. ─── 波斯顿“中国城”集结着来自中国和亚洲各地的游子。

41、The attacker could also put heaters in the decoys to give them the same infrared signature as the warhead. ─── 攻击者也可在诱标内加装热源,使诱标的红外线迹讯与弹头的一样。

42、It's probably better, though, to use it before your units enter his sight: he will be fooled into thinking that he is facing a larger army, and also will waste time and shots firing at decoys. ─── 最好在你的部队进入敌人视野前使用,这样可以骗他认为他面对的是一支大部队,可以让他花费时间和火力在消灭诱饵部队上。

43、Now, they want to make some kind of natural landing area for the ducks, something for the decoys to float on. ─── 他们把车开到冰上,开始准备,他们想做一种自然的栖息点给鸭子,还有陷阱上面的东西。

44、RICK: We put a bunch of artificial ducks on the water. They're called decoys. ─── 雷克:我们放一些人造鸭在水上,那就是诱饵,

45、Bridesmaids were dressed in a similar way to the bride for the same reason as the origin of veil.The bridesmaids were thought to act as decoys to confuse evil spirits and thus protect the bride. ─── 伴娘伴娘的礼服类似于新娘,这和新娘的面纱作用相仿,一般来说,伴娘扮演一个迷惑魔鬼保护新娘的角色。

46、The Airfight Study for Opposing Airborne Towed Decoys Jamming ─── 反机载拖曳式诱饵干扰的作战研究

47、When sATR molecules are mixed into the medium surrounding cells, they serve as effective decoys, tricking protective antigen into binding to them instead of to its true receptor on cells. ─── 当sATR溶到细胞外面的液体时,它们成了有效的诱饵,会诱拐保护抗原结合过来,而不是结合到细胞表面它的真正受体。

48、In order to establish a feasible way to avoid the attacks from the acoustic mines, the decoys have to produce a similar ship's underwater sounds. ─── 若能产生有效干扰螺桨所发出之水中噪声,则可减少船舰遭受敌方之侦测及攻击,并提供海军从事相关训练、模拟、作战及欺敌等功用。

49、Regardless of whether it succeeds in its next one,serious questions remain about the system's ability to defend against real world threats in which an attack would be accompanied by countermeasures and decoys. ─── 不管预计中的第三次试验是否成功,该系统仍有严重的问题,即它是否有能力在现实世界中抵御配备有反截击对策和诱饵目标的攻击。

50、Witness how the polar bear uses pressure ridges between colliding ice packs to seek out prey,how smell is p primary sense and how seals set up decoys to out-wit their would-be assailant. ─── 看看北有熊怎样利用相撞增添块的压力去找猫物,嗅觉是这里最重要的感观,看看海豹怎样设陷阱对付敌人。

51、infrared decoys ─── 红外诱饵弹

52、These test "attacking" missiles also don't deploy accompanying decoys designed to confuse any interceptors. ─── 而且这些实验的“攻击”导弹也没有安装诱饵弹头来迷惑拦截导弹。

53、It executes the decoys, reads them, writes to them, and copies them: it manipulates them in as many ways as possible in an effort to draw out the virus and make it do its worst. ─── 它运行这些读它们,写它们,复制它们:尽可能使用多的操作去诱使病毒出现,然后将其破坏。

54、Progress has been uneven because of problems teaching computers the defferences between decoys and the resl thing. ─── 由于在引导计算机如何辨别真伪上的问题,进展一直起伏不定。

55、CONRAD: "Decoys"? What are those? ─── 康拉德:诱饵有哪些?

56、It was conducted amid boxes of ammunition, shotguns and duck decoys. ─── 于是,这次采访就在成箱的弹药、猎枪和捕鸭网中展开了。

57、still no luck with those decoys? ─── “即使这些假鸟也运气不好吗?”

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